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Rayos Feb 2011
8yrs young
thick  shiny  blue  black  hair
Air Force Papa wanted a Wash N Wear
He wanted mija* with Dorthy Hamill hair

So I was ordered to March down the street
to Emilias Holy Carport
Emilia La Bautista Mexicana
She knew no english but she knew Jesus
She'd cut your hair and save your soul

That day i requested un "Dori Hamel" Cut
She smiled and charismaticly said Amen! Te vas a ver muy bonita

Her holy * tijeras snipped
my hair glided to the cement floor like feathers off angels wings

She made me look right
she made me look left
and when i looked up...

my tears came down
because of my Dukes of Hazzard crown
and I marched home to Dixie
mija-spanish for daughter
La Bautista-The  Mexican baptist
tevas ver bonita-you will look very pretty
Erase the definition of quit from your mind
Replace it with will and perseverance  
This is your journey
Don't let others define it

(C) Tiffanie Noel Dori
judy smith Oct 2016
Designer Mandira Wirk gave actress Nimrat Kaur a regal look when she showcased her New Royals collection at Amazon India Fashion Week on Saturday.

Wirk showed 20 ensembles, including Kaur’s ivory drape concept sari with just a zipper, panelled gown with mother of pearls and dori work paired with a sheer cape.

“Her collection is so pretty and feminine,” said Kaur. “I love her clothes. This collection is called the New Royals... it’s bringing pretty back, beautifully enhancing the female body form. It makes you feel so light and pretty.”

Panelled anarkalis, jackets and capes, crop tops, jumpsuits and tapered trousers appeared alongside designer’s signature drape saris and dhoti pants.

Wirk, in a beautiful off-shoulder powder pink dress, said: “I wanted to get pretty back to the runway. It is pretty feminine, wearable and an extremely versatile collection.

“I have done lots of pastels...lot of capes, sleeves. So basically a very feminine and romantic collection.”

The range saw a heavy use modern details like wide pockets and deep waistbands paired with layers of French knots.Read more at: |
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2016
we made our society so menial,
a citation about a city being eternal;
we made our menial tasks into
doubly menial that
due to this doubling of menial
activity we spawned an endless
populace of artistry to equilibrate
the lost mechanisation -
i can understand physical and menial,
but i just can't seem to understand
mental and menial...
hence this exponential tsunami
of everyone becoming artistic;
**** sakes! artists everywhere!
the great punching bag has come to nurture
more than was intended as edible...
menial cognitive tasks missing
menial physicality will make
anyone into an artist -
chow chow mein did a restoration
project for pedestrians in an art gallery
with porcelain pistachios...
guess what... crushed ivory
extracted a green stink of chlorine,
and then as Dori said: just keep sniffin',
just keep sniffin'... pooh yah!
Star BG Mar 2018
We are dancers upon this earthly stage.
Moving, to the music of our hearts.
Steps of intent carry us on our journeys.

Our Dori-like shoes point with style and grace
adding pirouettes at any moment.

Our romantic ballet unfolds in charming light
turning and jeteing with balance.

We Grand pas with others
inside orchestration of divine timing.

Music plays to lift our spirits.
Tears fall to ignite passions.

The battement of feet move
as suns merge with wind elegantly.

A saute carries self to heights
unimaginable with spirits guidance.

Care to dance
in a Ballet d'action?

With arms I reach.
Yellow Sticky Notes
No Forgetting

  Ultrasound to see alien in J's womb.
  Pick up Bailey at 3 from daycare.
  Take Bailey to shrink for anxiety.
  Walk Bailey down her wedding aisle.
  Pick up Bailey's son from daycare.
  Drop off the **** to the cleaners.
  Take your blood pressure meds.
  Mom and Dad 50th anniversary Dec. 12.
  Pick K and S up at the orphanage for w/e.
  Dinner at Robin and James Saturday.
  Mike and Kim at the Keg Tuesday at 5.
  Pack L and me lunch for tomorrow.
  Dori for drinks at pub friday.
  Tennis w/ Fuji sunday 10.
  Katie and Sean this w/e in Columbus.
  Xcountry skiing lesson w/ Dori.
  Lunch w/ Marc at Crossroads food court.
  Mojave desert sandstorm with L.
  T and I wed at JP at noon Wednesday.
A life out of sequence
Vă zâmbesc
Fiindcă-mi doresc?

Sau vă zâmbesc

Fiindca trăiesc
Frica mea asta de om

A ideii de abandon?

Oare cine-aş putea fi
Daca nu aș mai vorbi
De dragul dragului de-a fi

Înconjurat de oameni vii?

Costul ascuns nu doar doboară
Respectul meu da-mi şi omoară
Imaginea de cine sunt.

Dacă aş glumi doar cand
Nu o fac de la vreun gând
De a ține lumea aproape
Câte maini ar zice "poate
Mi-e mai bine fără tine?"

Măcar aș mai dori vreun om
Să-mi fie-n preajmă când nu dorm?

Cine sunt eu pe Pământ

Când nu mai sunt alți ochi în jur?

Încerc să aflu vreau să cred.

Nu mai ştiu de ce zâmbesc
Şi este confuz să trăiesc
În felul acesta până când
Înțeleg iar cine sunt
Eu cel cu mine.


— The End —