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Susan Hunt Jun 2010
CAR CRASH  04-20-10

I swerve instinctively
As I see the red brake lights in front of me
Too bad, he didn’t see
in time to stop more instantly.

He is dead now.
The front of his Corolla is
Untimely married.
To an 18 wheeler’s back end.
Sorry, friend.

I don’t even know you.
I’m just glad I’m not you.
A human is now turned to ****** goo.
God, I’m glad that was not me, but you.

Wow. That could have been me
One or two seconds, that would’ve been me.
I careen around the grotesque site.
I almost hit a car in the lane to the right.

Why, when my life flashes before my eyes
Is the very same instant I beg not to die?
I’m feeding myself an incredible lie.

My usual mantra is “I want to die!”
“God, please take me, I want to die!
“I hate my life, I want to die!”

But it wasn’t me
It was someone else’s turn to be free.
Free? Of what? Of Life?
Since when did I disvalue my life?

Since when did I start to like my life?
I don’t know, and I’m not sure that’s a true statement
I dream of crashing into side rails all the time.
Go ahead, and just get over this strife called my life.

I look back in my rear view mirror.
Death could not be seen any clearer.

Man, I must rethink who I am
I must take a look at my cavalier stance
To life.
I appreciate life more than I can appreciate
The acceptance of my own.
(©Written by sjhunt-bloodworth 04-19-10)
M Apr 2014
one of the reasons I'm avoiding you is because
you're ******* toxic
and you bulldoze through other people's feelings
using your logic and intelligence
as an excuse to disvalue those around you
because to you, they're pawns for a purpose
and if they are irrelevant or not serving their purpose,
then they aren't even worthy humans
and you surely won't waste your attention on them
you think that everything is worth sacrificing
for a clear-cut, objective view of things
and what you've done is destroyed everything around you
Oh Father God, deliver us from pride
May we put such disvalue aside
Oh Lord Jesus, rescue us who are like Pharaoh
Grant us the example of a humble hero
Oh Holy Spirit, rescue us when we feel proud
Be our neutralizer when we are getting loud
This we ask in our Almighty God. Amen.

*Gideons Prayer Poems Against Life’s Problems
My Poem No. 464
Non-bachelor (batch chiller)
"FAKE" horror thriller
available Netflix starring
ghost of Phyllis Diller
stand up comedienne killer
brought down haunted house
witch sea hunt accompanied

theme song referencing Argonaut tiller
Greenwich Village location Barney Miller
lite precinct brewed fare of corpse
unearthed dead comedy duo Meara and Stiller
with surreal stalking candy corn canes
as bon appétit gnashing
gobbledygook filler.

Ice scream aghast with
blood curdling shriek,
the dearth of satisfactory
FIOS shows bleak
readying jump into polluted creek
thus, I bury alive yours truly
except his sharp pointed beak

exhuming him after rotted
flesh doth reek
perfectly tricked out
for Halloween treat
masks long haired
pencil necked geek
October thirty first when freak

alias Gadshill gadabout
poetaster doth sneak
feigning antonym anthem of meek
oh my dog, I lyft hind
uber leg to take leak
hoop fully haint nobody dares peak
urinate kidding ma bladder weak.

I long since waved
channel surfing adieu
much prefer silence
meditating under blue
skies peering into
infinite space nary a clue
intellectual conversation many disvalue

perched edge of seat and hunched over
how riveting story doth ensue
ah... time for commercial break
culinary wizard abracadabra
whips up fondue
easy as pie (are squared)
with consistency of glue

methinks Elmer stole patent,
cuz secret formula Hebrew
what with identical hue
as aforementioned adhesive liquid
doubling up to keep igloo
air tight even against
global warming, anyway would Jew...

aye betcha already knew
yes believe Yahweh endowed Semites
like me with high ike kue
of course after dumping
a load (reed) I feel sue
per ream intelligence dumbed down
(mine), especially after using loo
naturally decrease smarts

stings like poisonous
scorpion size of Eee moue,
which aforementioned papa's
poetic poppycock nonissue
saturating plethora home entertainment
most people overvalue
linkedin - shoot all stemming from
"idiot box" I rarely view.
and despite remote chance
to channel small medium at large
metamorphosis I may witness
analogous to caterpillar
will transform me into a butterfly
otherwise Norwegian bachelor (batch chiller)
farmer will simply plow along
taking a stab writing "FAKE" horror thriller
airing available on Netflix starring
ghost of Phyllis Diller
stand up comedienne killer
brought down haunted/crowded house

witch sea hunt accompanied
theme song referencing Argonaut tiller
Greenwich Village location Barney Miller
lite precinct brewed fare of corpse
unearthed dead comedy duo Meara and Stiller
with surreal stalking candy corn canes
resilient blades of  rototiller
as bon appétit gnashing
gobbledygook filler
masterpiece yours truly created verisimilar
to literary endeavor of poet laureate.

Ice scream aghast with
hair raising blood curdling shriek,
cuz the dearth of satisfactory
****** FIOS shows bleak
willingly readying doppelganger
of mine to jump into polluted creek,
thus as death defying stunt,
I bury alive yours truly
except his sharp pointed beak
exhuming him after rotted

flesh doth reek
perfectly tricked out
for Halloween treat
masking trademark matted long haired
strongly resembling pencil necked geek
October thirty first when freak
most often makes his appearance
every other time of year
adopting nom de plume
alias Gadshill name of kid sister's

Bend, Oregon abode
(In Shakespeare's Henry IV
the scene of Falstaff's robberies) gadabout
versus me qualified poetaster
hood doth sneak
feigning antonym anthem of meek
oh my dog, I lyft hind
uber leg to take leak
hoop fully haint nobody dares peak
urinate kidding ma bladder weak.

I long since waved
channel surfing adieu
much prefer silence
meditating under blue
skies peering into
infinite space nary a clue
intellectual conversation many disvalue
perched edge of seat and hunched over
how riveting story doth ensue
ah... time for commercial break

culinary wizard abracadabra
whips up fondue
easy as pie (are squared)
with consistency of glue
methinks Elmer stole patent,
cuz secret formula Hebrew
what with identical hue
as aforementioned adhesive liquid
doubling up to keep igloo
air tight even against

global warming, anyway would Jew...
aye betcha already knew
yes believe Yahweh endowed Semites
like me with high ike kue
of course after dumping
a load (reed) I feel sue
per ream intelligence dumbed down
(mine), especially after using loo
naturally decrease smarts
stings like poisonous

scorpion size of Eee mouse,
which aforementioned papa's
poetic poppycock non issue
saturating plethora home entertainment
most people overvalue
linkedin - shoot all stemming from
"idiot box" I rarely view
even when supposed
best picture show over yours truly
silently exhales whew!
There was a sloth that was a little different than his fellow sloths
He was bouncing like a wild kangaroo
The others said: he goes strange paths
So he felt himselfe disvalue

Just a little time ago, he had an argue
In this moment he was impulsive and aggressive
He tried to jump the queue
He wasn't compransive

He was very hypersensitive and empathic
But still he hasn't many friends
He was for the most too much, too hyperactive
In a social Isolation it ends

To his appointments he often came late
he had a dysfunctional time management
He always Said: sorry that I let you wait
he was accused of showing little commitment

At school he wasn't good at reading long texts or mathematics
he had difficulty with concentration
he couldn't understand some systematics
He liked drawing illustration

— The End —