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Vampyre Kato May 2016
I Am The Sunshine
Upon This Land
I Am The Pure Love
Of Woman & Man
Creatures Of Sea
Creature Of Sand
Creatures Obove Trees
I Am Sunshine
Im Feeling The Heat
I Am Sunshine
Love Shining In Me
Through My Eyes
Timeless Sweets
I Am Purity
Healing All That Need
A Calling Of Leap
The Falling Of Leaves
That Tracends To Beauty When
Waters Affection Harvest The Neat
Harvest The Trees
Harvest The Fruits & Vegetables
For All Us To Eat
God Were Sunshine
I Am You & You Are Me
Realms Of Angels
Elves Mermaid Reefs
Illumniated With A Sphere In Me
Its Clear To See
I'm Near The Sea
Abundance Prosperity
Inside Manifested Through Charity
Expand Consious Clairty
Increase Awarness
Perception Cherry Trees
Beautiful Judgment Free
Free To Be We So Let's Just Breathe
I Love You , You Love Me
Meditation Vibratatin At The Peak Of My Frequency
Elvish Whispers In The Breeze
Angels Untangle The Tangled
I Angle Dreams
The Frequency Of Jesus
Is Needed
Let It Seep Through
You May Not See Him
But He Sees You
Bianry Ritual 3 Help Darknes Nailed
I'm From An Elvish Realm
Where Fairy's Bleed Blue
Its Easy To Relate
Escape The Hate With Aatral Gates
Be True
Be You Sunshine Light Bright
Right Through Ooh
I Feel It In My Soul
From Outer Space
Down My Face Waist & Shoes
Normal Is So Distant
Weird Is JDifferent
& Difrent  Is Just So Cool
Sune Shine Amazon Fine
Island Side
Frequency High
Twin Soul Flame Is Feeling My Vibe
Pure Dear Come Here
Feel The Kundalini Rise
Eye To Eye
Hands On Back Of Thighs
Hearts Hugging So Tight
Protected By The Eye
Private Meeting Souls Singing Ocean Side
Stars Cry Body's Weaving Greeting
Gentle Screaming Oh My
Dna Embedded With Electric Healing Rhymes
Were Amazing Gazeing Sunshine
Breathe Release The Beast
No Need To Find
All Is Within So Grin Ya Chin
Your In Ya Win
Sunshine Sunshine Fill My Fins
Swimming Through
Realms Of Elevish Kin
Affection Covers My Skin
I Am Sunshine
Sing It Again
Claudia Ramirez Apr 2013
People come in and out
Some to never be seen again  
Asado rojo
People come in and out
Asking if their food is done
Yelling at you because the wanted cheese
Some are nice
Other are greedy
Not always leaving a tip
People come in and out
Some to never be seen again
Time goes by and food keeps coming out
Here so many difrent people
Who come and go
Just leaving their face engraved in your mind
To some night be seen again in your dreams
Vladimir s Krebs Jul 2018
My mind is full of endless possibilities ideas that shin bright like the stars and bright like the son. Why dose it all see like day by day i see the same people but they difrent faces. Where am i going. I cant tell you bc idk where i am heading. Stop have bon fire watch the night sky dance away with emptyness and a heart filled with curiosity. Weathers its love *** or pasion or romance at the end the everyday i am always lost. All my thoughts stop i feel cometly empty play a song it gets stuck in my head and i have to play it on repeat forevery bc i cant listen to another song or it will makethings get worse.

Everyday i see the same people but they all have difrent faces at the end of the day
Paul Hardwick Jan 2013
I want out
and touch you mind
but i find i canr't
for it's on a difrent leval to mine.
Grace Echols Dec 2016
It makes you feel joyful
You can listen to any kind of beat
sing along
Music is like you you are difrent from everey one else
country music makes me feel like i am with my grandma sheryl who just recently passd

— The End —