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Derek Miller Feb 2013
Happy-hearted but not all there
His awkward smile lingers through my mind
             Yet Unforunate
That staggering physique & that waddling
            walk & that dauntful dance & that
            unstable eye: a precise entailment
            of his persona,  
                       though never ******
                                   never vacant
                                   never violent

                      ...UNTIL NOW

when the demon of his soul prevails
       no mercy
                     no mercy
                                    no mercy
Not even for a loving mother; a loving
     mother who provided a comforting
     home & the essential care & three
     daily dishes of food & the one thing
     a loving mother provides best:
              Unconditional Love
He is now ripped of a warm heart; will
he ever find salvation?

I hope so.

His possessed actions are ample
punishment and will eventually
tear the boy to shreds:

Those memories of an unreasonable death;
            a death that spilt blood into every
            crevice of his character
Those memories of innocent bloodshed;
             the blood of his own race...the
          same blood that stirs in his viens
Those memories of pure insanity;
    an insanity that taught anger
    the ways of mutilation
Those memories of his murdered mother;
         a "horrendous" scene that plays on
         constant repeat in his head
...and those future memories of remorse;
                    remorse for his ***** deeds
                     of spontaneous psychosis  

his awkward smile
still lingers through
my mind;=a.298260023622904.72189.100003167250519&type;=1&theater;

"There is without a doubt that this kid has something possessing him... I believe it wasn't him who killed the mother he loved with all his heart, how can such a kindhearted loving teenager change in less than two months and ****** the woman who loved him the most and who he loved. This teenager has a demon inside him.... look at the pictures ya'll.... on the right is him less than six months ago. He doesn't even look the same...."
A flinty gaze made me lose my poise so easily.
Never in life had I been such a dauntful gentleman when it came to approaching a lady I had eyes for.
I asked God for a blessing before I made a move.
She was spruced up in a Cinderella dress.
And wafts of her perfume made the romantics play in every corner of my head.
She was a fairy that blew my mind away.A lily among thorns when placed together with other ladies,one every hasty man would fall for . Suddenly the "mission impossible"track gave me that chimera of love.
I was only words away from asking her to be mine,when the sound of a bullet killed the silence.She fell laying on the floor.I screamed out loud.
Opened my eyes and it was only a nightmare.
Natalie Dinges Oct 2015
I want o be lost in awakeness
I want to forget the dauntful creeping of the clock
I want to stumble through my own mind
to revel in what I discover
to be led by the hand
guided by the unknown intuition we call our soul
I want to be wrapped and engrossed by the unseen
to dance and tackle with the deepest caverns
dive deep into them, unsure of my return
and in my final moments when reality seems to look over my shoulder
I find yet another path further down my subconscious
and then, again, I feel my soul expanding to fill the caverns
consuming and dancing
nurturing and growing
I am happy here
Here, in the caverns of my soul

— The End —