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f Jul 2015
I ' m croo ked like
I ' m croo ked like
I am croo ked like
I am crooked like
Grass under your foot
Cayó una hoja
y dos
y tres.
Por la luna nadaba un pez.
El agua duerme una hora
y el mar blanco duerme cien.
La dama
estaba muerta en la rama.
La monja
cantaba dentro de la toronja.
La niña
iba por el pino a la piña.
Y el pino
buscaba la plumilla del trino.
Pero el ruiseñor
lloraba sus heridas alrededor.
Y yo también
porque cayó una hoja
y dos
y tres.
Y una cabeza de cristal
y un violín de papel
y la nieve podría con el mundo
si la nieve durmiera un mes,
y las ramas luchaban con el mundo
una a una,
dos a dos,
y tres a tres.
¡Oh duro marfil de carnes invisibles!
¡Oh golfo sin hormigas del amanecer!
Con el muuu de las ramas,
con el ay de las damas,
con el croo de las ranas,
y el gloo amarillo de la miel.
Llegará un torso de sombra
coronado de laurel.
Será el cielo para el viento
duro como una pared
y las ramas desgajadas
se irán bailando con él.
Una a una
alrededor de la luna,
dos a dos
alrededor del sol,
y tres a tres
para que los marfiles se duerman bien.
Rich Hues Mar 2021
That broken gait,                
That croo-
       Ked spine,
The insanity
We seek in rhyme
Is no poetic quest,                
          No Holy Grail
But a Quasimodic
               Fairy tale
And freedom from                     
The *******'s curse:
The ugly form
That is...
Blank verse.
A ditty about the dotty.
My daddy used to say to my mum
How are you going plip
And also called her mooey
And called me boo or booey
And called my brother croo
Or crust or crustophagus
He said those names in a very
Friendly nice voice
Hi plip hi plip
Mooey is around
I miss dad I know he is in his next life
But I miss him none the less
In these terrible times of the coronavirus
I need dads nice voice calling me boo
Or calling mum plip or mooey
But I don’t want to hear it in my head
I loved my dad
I miss my dad
He would’ve hated these times
Because he liked going to coffee shops to have coffee
Now he is stuck at his east Sydney home as Betty Campbell
Doing things to entertain his new family
Dad would hate those fools
Who steal 500 pkts of toilet rolls
Dad was nice
I miss him
I wish dad was still my dad
As opposed to being in his next life
Because our family is a loving family
And dad made it more lovely
With his cute names he gave us
Boo booey mooey plip croo crustophergus
You might not understand me
But dad was a very nice dad
He helped me have a good entertainment system and computer system
I don’t know much about computers much back then
But now I do thanks to my loving father
He was a great provider
And he was a loving father
Those names he called us was
Close to our names
It showed that my family is a loving family
He hated me being ******* by spirits
And he tried to keep me with the families
As I heard his voice which was in my head of dad saying
Stay with the families Brian
And dad put voices in my head making kids say
Stay with the kids Brian
Because the kids and families
Are the safe shelter for everyone
And a sign that I shouldn’t get into
Fights because dad showed me
To never ever fight anyone
Dad would cope with all the lockdowns with coronavirus
And dad would now break the law
Dad was great
I love my dad
I will stay with the families and the kids because it is a nice atmosphere for me
Dad was nice
Brie Williams Jan 2024
Crinchy cratch crows
Crinchy cratch graw graw grows
Crinchy crinchy
Cratchy cratch
Cratch croo
Cratchy you

— The End —