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Skylar Peek Aug 2014
I was just an old lady, I didn't know what to do.
Then my cat passed away, with out a helpful clue.
But then came a spirit to watch over me.
"I think its my cat!"  ... They all called me crazy.
But i knew the real truth, so i constently asked,
"Dear God, won't you please raise all the dead cats?"
Ill edit it later, this is just a rough draft, or a sudden thought.
Dennis Scherle Jan 2014
These words casted into iron rings, loops meant to suficate everything
sharpened by the grind everyone claimes to hold
but the only thing to grow is the dark and cold
it doesnt matter how old one day we will all be forced to fold to the devil
so don't claime to be on some unreachable level
when it come to the sands of time
or even the white sand some form into a line
rolled bills held tight with a peice of tape
one hit up the nose eyes close and you finally reach fate
some survive the first, second, or hundreds of hits
but one day because of the drug and your dessisions you will sease to exsist
So as i plead and beg for you to stop
this war is held against me with fists
Mom please its not worth it to constently take this ****
oxycotton and perks to be washed down with kush
then a shot of self loathing cleaned with the blood of your arm
as the crimson sheet flows silently
you cant die mommy
inside i scream
.      .
.           .
.         .
.     .
Theres a war going on in my mind
A battle of blood and anger
Constently forcing one side down

Theres a war in my mind
But you'll never know
Too busy with your own life

Theres a war in my mind
and I don't think it'll ever end
Too many thoughts like soldiers
But they never stop coming
A constant stream of
And men
Ready for a fight

Theres a war in my mind
And the battle field is busy
men falling left, right and centre

Maybe one day this could be a historic site
But for now
Its a war in my mind
why do people constently try to be something they are not ?
i used to try to !
then i realised this is stupid why i want people to like me for me not someone else ?
being yourself is the best person u could ever be ?

— The End —