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John B Apr 2014
Pardon me miss I was just siting in the wing

Observing how you tend to check your phone when one rings

Now I'm no expert on that, at least what I mean

Is if I was the one comeing id not stop for anything
The door as well, A real shame...
dennis gunsteen Sep 2010
ginger snap an
apple pie an mistoe
on this christmas eve.
share the joy of happyness.
on this christmas eve
have a glass of egg nog
egg nog
egg nog
on this christmas eve.
an walnut bread.
an yammy
an yammy
an coco nut
cream pie
on this christmas eve.
joy joy
feel the love feel the joy .
on this christmas eve.
joy to the world too
all the little boys an girls
santa is comeing with toys
of joy an happyness.
on this christmas eve
merry christmas every one .
share love joy an happyness.
Anna Wolnik Sep 2014
I was so confused by the beatings:
was it that I missed HIM, or was it the passion love we used to make
He never complained untill he moved past me

I know I ******* complain, but sheesh, you should've seen this comeing
I told that to myself all the time
untill I mistankenly took the last blood of my pulse out of my body

All it took from him was to act so agressive, beatings and makeing me curse to promises
Letting people down took my troll of pills, knives, and scissors
Couldn't take the last drop, just had to hear from him that he actually cared or "I LOVE YOU"

My life was shaken, and taken away by someone so beautiful, but yet mysterious
My pure beating blood, took it's place as a last withdraw of poker and cards
I couldn't and didn't gamble my feelings towards how I felt, but how I saw things through my own eyes with Him
If you ever feel lonely because of passive beatings that are cruel, and if a guy beats you up, leave, don't look back... Never be afraid to speak up, don't **** yourself, it's not worth it because auseing woman and girls at a young age starting at nine, don't ave to feel a lone... Even guys with abusive familys that start with the step parents... I'm here for all of you! :)
Sarah Jane Sep 2011
Blackness. is all I feel
Silance. is all I touch
Bleakness. is all I hear
For I went looking for what couldn't be found
and then the rain came falling down.
Do not search for me now
for your choice is clear
For I won't search for you
treat me as I treat you
another love not meant to be
so I'll go find it somewhere else
for I am all by my self
and you, have her.

Why didn't I see it comeing?
Sophiea Oct 2011
And this is love, and we will last forever.
These wings so harshly broken, spread again.
Lift up my heart and take me home to paradise,
And carry me with you upon the wind.

I looked up from my writing in the forest.
I heard the chime of bells from far away.
My world was interrupted by your rustling;
Your wings comeing to bring me a new day.

You chanced upon this place within yur travels.
My heart was closed and still to your advance.
But you broke through the walls and left me startled.
I had no choice but to give you a chance.

My heart inside me trembled at your first touch.
It shook when your lips met mine with a kiss.
You took my hand and led me into your arms,
And I found what I'd thought my life had missed.

You took the sorrows that seemed neverending,
And transposed them until I couldn't see,
Because of light so transformed by the darkness.
You opened up the better part of me.

These thoughts of you are flying round my dream world.
These feelings soaring through my open sky.
You came to me from far beyond the rainbow,
And I swear I will love you till I die.
Dakota Pompt Jan 2014
I dont want to hate you
I dont want to scream

Theres something inside me
That wont let me be

It feeds on my soul
Grows biger each day

The outside of me looks friendly
Come wont you play?

It looks fun at first
This game has a twist

Its comeing to get you
Surely wont miss

All you must do is say you will play
Come join us

They wont miss you anyway
Anyone can lie

Here we feed off your cries
Any last goodbyes?

As the hate builds up
you cant push it away

Soon it will be part of you
To battle each day

The life you thought you knew
All withers away

The demons inside you
Become the demons you are

So come my child
Join us

There allready on there way
They are inside you

Theres no getting away
So there is nothing left to say

Life is a game
Come wont you play?
jeswin jaison Jun 2014
And n and you love me so much
comeing  up
u may fall down
parents are there for you

keep ur parents till they die
love ur friends till they leave you
there will be an happy ending for you
coz god is with you                                                      
                                                                          JESWIN JAISON
Ryan Flanagan Jun 2020
What's this feeling comeing over me
Draining pulling burrying me
Thoughts of dread swimming around my head
Thoughts of pain my life is circling the drain
Life is tough I just know I'm not strong enough
Nightmares of demons is a scary thing
But knowing deep in you ones existing
That my friend that is frightening
So what's this feeling comeing over me
I guess you call it anxiety

— The End —