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Zach Mooney May 2013
**' brethren
**' hounds of thine dwelling
**' men of rhyme
**' men of crime

Thine Fellowship dost proclaim
a size larger than mine own name
but woe to ye, tis mine to claime fame

To slander your Mother - your mistress
Without qualm - without distress
To the ladies of god I do impress
No matter your efforts I do protest

I am the duke, you a mere governess

to ye I ask
dost thou even hoist?
To carry 10 to 12 boys before mine pits moist

My morals, my appeal
are none to be contended with
always greater than yer' zeal
Mine own rhymes wicked from bark to pith

I dost ask ye to attempt mine own game
But prepare to be shamed.
Dennis Scherle Jan 2014
These words casted into iron rings, loops meant to suficate everything
sharpened by the grind everyone claimes to hold
but the only thing to grow is the dark and cold
it doesnt matter how old one day we will all be forced to fold to the devil
so don't claime to be on some unreachable level
when it come to the sands of time
or even the white sand some form into a line
rolled bills held tight with a peice of tape
one hit up the nose eyes close and you finally reach fate
some survive the first, second, or hundreds of hits
but one day because of the drug and your dessisions you will sease to exsist
So as i plead and beg for you to stop
this war is held against me with fists
Mom please its not worth it to constently take this ****
oxycotton and perks to be washed down with kush
then a shot of self loathing cleaned with the blood of your arm
as the crimson sheet flows silently
you cant die mommy
inside i scream
.      .
.           .
.         .
.     .
Edward S Jun 2013
It was raining, thats all I knew,
I was heading home to see my baby boo.

It was stroming as I walked up the drive,
Thats when I saw her and another man begining to look alive.

I stopped and began to smoke,
It hurt so much I began to choke.

They decided to go out for the night,
I headed toward them, maybe she would see me and we would reunite.

It was a mistake,
Him and I began to fight, I was as swift as a snake.

When other guy was down, I went to claime my prize,
When I faced her there was only fear laying within her deep blue eyes.

I ran off in a rage, feeling hurt and sick,
She helped the other guy walk as he leaned on a wall made of brick.

I ran into an alley and broke down,
The rain becoming an overwelming sound.

The other guy went to search for me,
He rounded a corner and saw me, his face went grim.

I faced the other guy, and was suddenly slapped,
The snake was now trapped.

The other guy beat me senseless,
He didnt know that her and I shared a connection, and that he was hitting her aswell.. she was defenceless.

I thought of her,
All the memories of her and I began to reoccur.

The other guy kicked me once more,
He then walked away and didn't care anymore.

I lay there short of breath, the rain feeling as cold as death,
That was when I took my last breath.
This poem is about a song. This isnt a personal account
Mona Sep 2015
Utter desire
To make her mine
Lonely heart
nongenetic part
Skinny fist
Wants, grip of
Unfortunate soul
Desperate, be
Utter desire
To make her mine
Utter desire
To claime her mine
No need to crave for love, if you really doesn't need it; be yourself.

— The End —