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Maddii Lloyd Sep 2016
Dear Faith,
i just wanted to say i love you
and i hope you get better.

i have so many questions i want to ask you
like why?
why didn't you tell me?
let me know you were feeling like this?
i wish i could of helped you, and it didn't have
to end up like this.

i love you more then anything
you mean the world to me, you are my best friend
my rock, my saviour.
but im sorry you were feeling the way you were,
but please things will get better i promise you!
im always here for you and that
will never change i promise you! and thats one promise i defiantly
know i wont break

for all those times you said you were a bad mum,
you arent
for all the times you said you were ugly
baby you are beautiful

i need to finish this but im crying
i just want you to know how much you mean to me
and how much it would destroy me if you
were to leave...

and how about Caden? your beautiful
baby boy! how would he feel not growing up without his mum?
knowing how beautiful she is
how amazing and kind she is...
Because no one can compare to you
Aunty Maddii cant live up to those expectations

so Faith, my darling i love you so much,
we can get through this together!
i promise i will save up all the money in the world
to come and see you one day, and it will just be the three
of us
You, Caden and Aunty Maddii

I love you Faith x
Mariam Elgarhy Jan 2018
The couple were happy, said the wedding pictures
in every corner of the house;
just a married couple too, said the still glittering wedding dress and suit
displayed in their shared bedroom; and Christian people,
said the crosses around the new house
with new furniture, the smell of pureness in the air;
but not people for organizing, said the house
packed with equipment everywhere.

The wife loved to cook, said the kitchen equipment
crowded into the large fancy kitchen
covered with bright happy colors in every corner.
They were expecting a baby, said the chew toys
and baby bottles sprawled around the house.
It was a boy, said the baby’s blue bedroom walls
and the crib with the name Caden engraved in it.
They were going to be a family, said the heartwarming card in the crib.

Something went wrong, said the gathering dust
in the abandoned house. The divorce documents
said the man left; the mirrors in the house
said the woman walked out of the door with tears in her eyes.
And the baby? His engraved name was cracked,
like a broken heart that refuses to mend.
Their love was lost, said the ripped wedding pictures,
separating the lost couple from each other. Something went wrong, they said.
"When something goes wrong, it's more important to decide who is going to fix it than who's going to blame." ~unknown

— The End —