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Mateuš Conrad Apr 2017
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<*** id="poem1929573" class="poem poem-left " data-align="left" data-url="" data-text="ālláh by Máteùš Izydor" seepoem="/poem/see/1929573/">
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      <a href="/polaroid-scrabble/" class="nocolor poem-poet-name popover-profile" data-url="/popover/profile/662176/">Máteùš Izydor</a> <span class="poem-added s" title="Poem added 5 minutes ago">5m</span>

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      <a href="/poem/1929573/allah/" class="nocolor">ālláh</a>

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      <p>it's so good to feel, something, anything;<br>   perhaps even crying while singing along to<br>       fiddler on the roof's <em>if i were a rich man</em> -<br>breaking into tears at the point where the song<br>breaks into... simply             syllables...<br>    oh what sweetness can be derived from <em>crying</em>,<br>from <em>feeling</em>... from engaging in the world<br> as must be necessary...<br>         in the evolution of theology,<br> working from polytheism...<br>                      yhwh      (the tetragrammaton)<br>is the reason, i.e. the god of thought...<br>                     ālláh?       the god of emotion...<br>        the god of song, the god of praise,<br>   so why would muslims need to respect<br>       the third schism, that's manifest in <em>wahhabism</em>?<br>        wahhabism doesn't respect music, yet<br>                 there's the song on a <em>minaret</em> to the count<br>of five times a day... unlike the church bell...<br>          there's a song in the minaret, fives times a day<br>    does the uvula vibrate from a song being echoed...<br>                    of the three? <em>sh'i'ah</em>.<br>but who then is?          the god of libido?<br>                             15/5/1986?              chernobyll?<br>that's really ******* audacious of me,<br>         i wonder if it's also towing behind that assumption<br>a second assumption, of: being auspicious -<br>               then i'll do my dance, pseudo-blind<br>  as in: dancing with my eyes closed...<br>                             then i'll also be found tickling<br>a candle flame, and do what i have done since being<br>a child... "twirling" my index against the thumb,<br>call it a massage for all i care;<br>      but what a glorious feeling... to simply <em>feel</em>!<br>to be able to cry, and compensate <br>                with out-of-the-body-like-experience of laughter!<br>oh? you want an explanation of the diacritics?<br>   well, since you asked... islam has been benevolent <br>to <em>poland</em> from what i gather...<br>         the <em>ottomans</em> have become neutralised,<br> the former enemy has reversed and subsequently become <em>buffer</em>....<br>i'll celebrate that word, in all it's glory like i would,<br>constantly thinking about the tetragrammaton...<br>                           so<br>                            ālláh:<br>    macron over the first ah      prolongs the vowel:<br>            aa      <br>                              and the acute on the second a? á?<br>              that sharpens the concept of the breath (soul), <br>                  that's borrowed from yhwh - with the clasp of the H...<br>for H                     and H              are god's hands.</p>


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Mateuš Conrad Apr 2017
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<*** id="poem1929646" class="poem poem-left " data-align="left" data-url="" data-text="monotheistic agony by Máteùš Izydor" seepoem="/poem/see/1929646/">
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      <a href="/polaroid-scrabble/" class="nocolor poem-poet-name popover-profile" data-url="/popover/profile/662176/">Máteùš Izydor</a> <span class="poem-added s" title="Poem added 3 minutes ago">3m</span>

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      <a href="/poem/1929646/monotheistic-agony/" class="nocolor">monotheistic agony</a>

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      <p>you know what <br>              urinating with<br>               a ******* feels like?<br><br>next thing you know:<br>they'll be tearing off their niqabs<br>       and implying<br>              staples to the fake <em>kippahs</em><br> of the popes.<br><br>         and then tribalism from <em>brazil</em>.<br><br>           toes are a real agony...<br> fingers are slightly better,,,<br>               but do you know alcoholism is<br>such a burden?<br>              it's ******* exhausting...<br>                  once you get to the stage of <br>a litre of whiskey, in between 2 days<br>you're wondering....<br>                  i'm not being lazy about this....<br>this is the <em>fantastic 4</em> making an entrance...<br>there's  mr. fantastic / spastic  trying to samba fully<br>                                       extended;<br>   <em>limp ****</em> ever come across your mind?<br>            i'm thinking <em>squid</em>, or at least something<br>wobbly, or able to juggle, or with limbs <br>that have the consistency of a brain, i.e. fat;<br>   then all the bones are in their mouths and could<br>nibble on you twice-over - or <em>ridley scott</em> talking.<br><br>p.s. definite article            indefinite article<br>                              pluralism (simply...      es);<br>                           a very serious english complex.</p>


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Mateuš Conrad Apr 2017
message "<i>wysrałem si(ę) the ogonek is optional, hence encapsulated with bracket(s)</i> saved successfully"
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<*** id="poem1929634" class="poem poem-left " data-align="left" data-url="­ts/" data-text="wysrałem si(ę) the ogonek is optional, hence encapsulated with bracket(s) by Máteùš Izydor" seepoem="/poem/see/1929634/">
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      <a href="/polaroid-scrabble/" class="nocolor poem-poet-name popover-profile" data-url="/popover/profile/662176/">Máteùš Izydor</a> <span class="poem-added s" title="Poem added 4 minutes ago">4m</span>

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      <a href="/poem/1929634/wysraem-sie-the-ogonek-is-optional-hence-encapsulated-with-bracke­ts/" class="nocolor">wysrałem si(ę) the ogonek is optional, hence encapsulated with bracket(s)</a>

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      <p><em>the title? it just means i took a ****.... and it felt as good as ultra<br>homosexuality via transgender... or... whatever.</em><br><br>   <strong>why is         ęś      easier to pronounce than           eś...<br>                  or                      ęs?           in bracket?<br>         well... it had to be kept in bracket...<br>                                    the counter optional was simply e.</strong><br><br>the main point of this poem?<br>    i really don't know...<br>           i just like the way the word sounds /<br>                                 <em>sings</em>, to encounter <br>  my appreciation for it having a relevant counter<br>                                expression.<br>             i can't believe i just wrote: i took a ****<br>                                   in the most eloquent way possible...<br>seriously... it was a fudge hard expression of ****...<br>                    i think i started sneezing, or coughing<br>   while <em>liberating</em> this piece of ****...<br>            it probably resembled something akin to *******;<br>it's like i wanted some, and then said:<br>                        why is taking a **** so pleasurable?!<br>can i hasve some more?<br>       in all honesty?<br> the russians can't beat the expression -<br>                                                   <em>wysrałem się</em> -<br>i.e.: i just took a ****.<br>           at this point, the russian language is pompom...<br>boring...<br>                                             ­     it's just...            <em>dangling</em>...<br>                        like a yoyo...<br>                                                        t­ong... tong... tong...<br>i can't believe i found a source of <em>infectious</em> laughter...<br>    hence i know my <em>muse</em>... and her cat's name?<br>                   <em>kickers</em>...<br>                                           i know my muse....<br>   i knew my muse since she was 14 / 13 / 12...<br>             i.e. i don't really remember the day it was: love at first sight.<br>and that was in the year 2004...<br>                                 she's still a secret to most if not all people,<br>and will remain so... <br>                             but not to her elder sister...<br>                    hmm...<br>                            ­                       what a gratifying thought:<br>it's like memorising certain things in my life<br>                      as if in a crucible of pretence: that they didn't.</p>


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Mateuš Conrad Aug 2018
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Jack R Fehlmann Sep 2018
My half-hearted finger motions
As the lonely 'others' scroll passed
                                                         Out of sight.

To be replaced
Over and over
By countless 'others'

Still, down
On and on and on
There is no end
        No bottom

Attention failing
with my hopes fading
Set to search again

        Another day...
   An unbelievably attractive smile
Perfect, brilliant eyes
Stealing my own
Owning my full attention

Timidly my finger does touch


She is the entirety of my vantage
All about Her
All she feels she wants me to know
Is taken in with such ease

She smiles up at me
Like heaven is real
Braile as each word i feel
They are humble and sincere

I feel my way
She seems so...
Exactly as...

My thoughts racing
Entertaining my own qualities
Checking off her wants
As hers my own

Dare I?
She truly is so
So so so


No.  I remind myself
My 'less than' sides
Insecurities and defenses
End those fantasies.

She is above

                 Far above

Out of my league.

Pwr btn... Goodbye.

— The End —