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At the party,
I saw faces
    painted passionately
In  smiles and laughter;

Eyes sparkling
          like Crystal
In every hue of inebriation;

Hands clapping
     Extended waves
Of cheerful celebration;

Lips smearing
      lavish layers of
Love on captive ears;

Friends toasting
   The Life
With Ciroc, Moët and beer;

Hollywood wannabes rocking
     Bootlegged Ray-bans
In the dark;

Buzzed ex-lovers
         waging battles
Of the heart;

15's smashed
      into 10's,
Flashing rolls of flesh;

Uncle Johnny
    in his Walkin' glory
Stumbling way past 'when';

'83 Hustlers
         in furs and fedoras
Feasting on free treats;

Soul Train rejects
On two left feet;

iPhones and Samsungs
     Making memories
For the curious web;

   in the smoky loo
Getting bloodshot red;

At the party,
  The  living colors
   of life
Piqued my creative core...

   I saw
      in motion...

~ P
Poignant prose chucked out and recycled by morning.
Turned out trick repeated til boring.
The local band just started touring.
Sonnet's blasted until the ladies are 'whooring'.


Roxy Music dropped David Byrne.
For Ellie Goulding and a remix of burn.
Robert Johnson's been reworked.
Ratatat rap as interest is perked.

Dylan picked up the silent game.
Making ambient noises which all sound the same.
The Rolling Stones joined the church.
After buying some of Hoosier's merch.

Nicki Minaj claps her ****
Laying down a tribute for Terry Fox's stump.
Benefit concert soon to be run.
By the played out Glee Club composing Fun.

Beach Boys dragged in with the tide.
...And Stars Collide.
NOFX has gone clean
Fat Mike's gone and become a dean.

Tom Waits stomps out to Kendrick Lamar.
Hacking up bits of blunt induced tar.
Bumping out in Steve Ellison's car.
To Captain Murphy's karaoke bootlegged from a bar.


Less than 10 good tapes a year
Even fewer if referring to those others actually hear.
Jack White's gone third eye blind
Getting over run by his drug free mind.
i’m going to steal you….

In the middle of the night

I’m going to steal you

Like an expensive piece of art

I’m gonna steal you

Like the rain steals the dryness

Of the dessert i cry on

I’m gonna steal you

As you sleep

As you dream

As you mourn

While you eat cookies con leche

While you watch a random movie

As you iron a wrinkled old shirt

As you cook huevos rancheros

I’m gonna steal you

Voy a robarte

A la antigua

A la buena, a la mala

Between sombra y resolana,

I will carry you in my canana

As a bullet for revolution

I’m gonna steal you

While worlds wage war against each other

As the  corn goddess watches over

Little children of a poor neighborhood

In Vegas

Voy a robarte

Y llevarte entre las piernas

Like bootlegged tequila

During the prohibition

I’m going to steal your superstitions

And show you

That words carry such a strong action

So strong

That we seldom belong in our own realities

The realities imposed

By every single law of attraction

I’m gonna steal you

Like la Llorona

El calzonudo

El Diablo blanco

Los gitanos

Or el viejo del costal

As you rest your feet on the floor

Ponderously looking at the sky

In your search for a perfect star

In july’s cielos…

I’m going to steal you…
Dylan B Dec 2012
The only thing I want for Christmas this year
Is an idea, one that doesn’t crack under pressure
Or insist on its originality, like 50 Shades to an era
Raised on bootlegged copies of the Old Testament.

Holidays are overrated but just this once, Santa,
Bring me a body more intangible than yourself
That can stir up the kind of emotion that adults
Would lie to their children for. It’s torture, the way
Few words sound before they join the tongue,

The way some names should never be spoken.
You can wrap a gift in a hundred different skins but
If it’s still fragile enough to swallow, snort or smoke,
Then Santa, I insist you hold onto it this year.
Anna Lo Apr 2014
is not mine
but a fruit that I chew upon
slowly at first
nippling the bud at the tip
******* the juice from the tip

a little bite
creating trenches
in skin, tiny crooked marks,
the footprints of the biter,
the mark of treasure hidden.

And you look so tangerine sour,
baby, doesn't matter
it's a dream of my own
mine only
and i'll watch as
salvia lingers off your skin
slathering upon the constellations on that that is lanky and pure
and the hairy forestation of your past discretions
stretching wide from fingertip to fingertop

see x marks the spot
that bitemark there--
is the foible my strength.
bootlegged and stolen through
a many tear ago.
just hoping to find
moon craters and lagan lollies
once again.
S E T Aug 2016
By S E T

Those Shelter Island nights,
When the air hung sweet and salty
and the shell-laced, pebbly sand
still felt jagged against your toughened feet,
Inviting and profound
You walked with your best guy friend,
Tawny, and burnished from the summer  
side jobs, gap tooth and lightly nasal
desperately wanting not to hear his yearning
paens to your best, most glamorous friend
lamenting her leaving
Who'd been up for half the month,
She of the glittering auburn hair
and TV roles, and heartthrob drummer brother,
and even then, deep, throaty laugh,
Wondering if she'd go for hick, Long Island him,
Instead, to feel his teen-age muscled lips
bear down on yours, even if you fidgeted
with desire and uncertainty, half-longing to bolt
Never letting on that second fiddle
was not your instrument of choice
Crossing the warm road to (pinch yourself)
board Chuck's yacht
The only one you knew who had a yacht,
not a grand affair, with modest galley and monk-like sleeper
but a yacht no less,
And drink the bootlegged verboten
beer delicious, slightly acrid,
Stealing away, out the kitchen door
after the small stones clattered against your sleeping window,
Your signal to renounce the troubled house
for a midnight ride down paradise cove.
Isabel Jul 2017
There is a wall between me and forever.
Blocks of silence encapsulate what I thought I could be,
Leaving me sweating in this heat.
The chill echoes throughout my bones,
I'm too tired to chip at the frost.
Warmed by self annihilation,
Self medicated, to keep my body temperature above death.
Self worth, value slips under
The waves of internal youth.
I dream of sun-kissed light,
Drawing my stomach into itself.
I've got a bootlegged life,
Long overdue.
A noose around my ring finger
Diamonds around my neck
Visible to none,
Seen by all.
Quiet, the loudest concert I've ever been to
Keep it up, you're being recorded
Your epitaph a video,
Looped on replay
For eternity
An exhibition
A dedication
For the Ice Age.
Lucas May 2017
Ya gave this old cynic hope
real. authentic hope that
courses through your veins
patiently pulsing a potent potion of purpose
perplexing passers-by repeatedly

'cause the heart finally matched my mask
my smirk splitting stygian skies so starlessness simply seemed inconsequential
'cause there was a light a the end of the tunnel
roaming blackness became romantic ambience
inside darkness finally reaching a shred of light, deafening death's call
budding blossoms began bringing ambition back to the barren soul in me

And then you took it all away.

As quickly as it came, you were gone.
and I pretended to be strong,
to not care, and to understand
because it happens; sometimes you just lose feelings for someone

And yet, I can't justify the radio-silence
the horror movie-esqe once there, once gone of your voice
telling me we were fine, and that I was fine
a single hand bringing boatloads of bootlegged peace
yet it was all just hormonal infatuated affection
affecting affably and offering alliance when I needed it most

So no thanks for the stab in the back
I'm doing fine, thanks for pretending to care
(as the boiling bathtub of blood blemishes floorboards below)
Niesha Radovanic Feb 2018
the girl after will be
a bootlegged version
of me
she will never taste
like me and
i hope she writes
you poetry but we all know
her metaphors will never
erase the ones
i left stained on your lips
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
The Beatles
with their Staple
Abbey road and Apple
Took the world by storm
Listening to them became a norm

Allman brothers
With or without Duanne
Greatest guitarist of all time
Second In that line
Every chord and riff
Rock music bliss

Jethrotull farmers name
Century later adopted the same
Progressive rock band
From England
Worldwide name and fame

Grateful dead a lifestyle
Following them a matter of pride
Defenition of Counterculture
Ken Kesey and Acid trips
Different music  at different gigs
Live concerts filled the year
From the Vaults into the Hearts

Every fans first doorway
Plant and Page gifted
Song of the century
Rendered with no hurry
The Stairway to heaven
Rock music destination
Nine Albums of Led Zeppelin

Music band called
Themselves The Band
Cover of Time Magazine
Represented  of the Rock Scene
Last Waltz on Thanksgiving
Their Music still ringing

Santana name and Band
Guitar his magic wand
Black magic woman
The world fell for that one
Added the Mexican blend
Helped create A legend

John Mayall ear for music
Matched ear for talent
Godfather of future legends
In his line up at the same time

Walt Becker and Donald Fagen
Rock and Jazz band
Steely Dan
Used Sessions musicians
A  musical revolution
Antiheroes of the Seventies
Christened by the Rolling stone magazine
Two against nature
Album of the year
Grammy in Order

Slow hand and Eric Clapton
Names dont go hand in hand
Greatest guitarist of the generation
Clapton is God
Phrase invented
Headlined many a group
Blind Faith Cream to name a few

Traffic Quatret
Band dissolved
Music evolved
Break up in line up
No low in music flow
Winwood and Capaldi in tow

Emerson lake and Palmer
Formerly of The Nice King Crimson and Atomic Rooster
Isle of Wight
Showcased their might
Together for the decade
Their albums  the most bootlegged

No Record collection devoid
The Albums of Pink Floyd
Every Studio Albums sold
Multiple platinum to behold
Live Concerts and Lighting
Divine in music and vision
Most popular in Music history
Their position in the charts
Tells the story
Made their date with history
Berlin wall a sign of division
Their song the Anthem of Unification
Popularity and longevity
A very few can hope
Change of tastes in
Generations fewer can cope

Creedence clearwater revival
John Fogerty and his brother
Joined hands with two other
War in Vietnam
Protesting in Album form
Words mightier than Swords
Lyrics heightened Crisis
Washington's biggest
Musical nemesis

Crosby Stills Nash and Young
All star team of talents
That sung
Dallas Taylor on the Drums
Dream team of Music
Created Classics

Justin Hayward and his Flute
Together formed the Moody blues
Anyone in love and suffering
Found their feelings expressed in
Nights in white Satin
Played in every household
Across the Globe

Best Drummer seated
Difference between two beats
The fastest
Keith Moon and The Who
Loudest Band in history
Equipment destroyed after
A new legacy
Greatest singer in Daltery
Greatest Bassist in Entwhistle
Lost Moon lost their muscle

Rainbow theater Concert
Earned them the Guinness record
Globes loudest band
Psychedelic and Progressive
For decades active
100 million records worldwide
Gods of heavy metal
The pride for any record label
The music of Deep Purple

The power trio
Formed in Ontario
Rush the band
Complex and fantasy
Hand in hand
Every member A winner
Every poll on Every Book
Proficient with Instrument
Volume of their talent
Topped the charts
Captured hearts
Active for  years
Till tragedy stuck Peart

Jefferson Airplane
Before name change
Summer of love
Defined by
Surrealistic Pillow
Headlined Woodstock
And Montery pop
Every list by Rolling Stone magazine
Names carved for eternity

Uriah Heep
Fictional in Copperfield
Written by Dickens
Real in music
Formed in England
5 decades and 24 Albums
Strived for originality
Showcased their capability
Arena sized stadiums
Still filled to capacity
45 million records
Enduring popularity

Eagles from California
Critical and Commercial
Success in their formula
Top of the Charts and Grammy Awards
Back to back
Very few can hope for

Drummer and Bassist
Names combined
To name the band
Fleetwood Mac
Albums and Singles
Topped the Charts
Both sides of the Atlantic
Covers of their songs
Made many Superstars
Performed together on the occasion
Of the inauguration of
President Bill Clinton

Jim Morrison the lizard king
freedom for humanity his dream
Voice and rendition a class apart
Every song an anthem
Kindred spirit at the very core
With Ray Robbie and John formed The Doors
quaffing caustic acidic ale, a prankster did stage
analogous to raging figurative fire of rage
within my belly – riven asper spinal binding
   ripped from every book marked page

caw zing quite an ache – fiercely teas sing
   (the fire cat) curative panaceas sans
   almond sunset, chamomile, osage
tea, yukon try grabbing with all your might,

   even enlisting Strain gauge
   in tandem
   with a bunch of bootlegged banshees
   freed from their cage

as last resort drafting electric eels,
   shocking quite astute
accompanied by
   Jack and the Giant
beanstalk golems to boot

or tiger (perhaps named Tony,
   mean to the bone, but...oh so cute
who dwells in a tony neighborhood),
   swishing  tail (Nike like),

   and held up ala playing the flute
an unseen hellacious, ferocious,
   or outlandishly jowly, egregious beast,
   who expells offal asphyixiating

   from a moon unit sized Glute
yea, I could also allude
   to some Monty Python flying dragon,
   who gives nada hoot,

somehow remotely controlling to ram into ewe,
   these high speed U-Haul trucks
combine all the above scenario,
   aye know really *****
which gagging induces
   the worst instance of reflux
the sum total would,

   only feebly meet Karma
   credit rating as de luxe
   approximate the onset
   of red hot enflamed ducks
(my apologies to PETA, Paul, Luke...),

   they madly flap wings, yawping beaks,
   vis  a vis on par
   with orange iz the new black
   Wu Tang clan iz the new blacj hush
   que clucks clan –
   Whew...only then

   (after lpaying yee a million bucks
please keep on the que tee i.e. hush)
regarding this soupy poetic fabrication
   bravely bursting buttucks amucks,

thus haint wise to mess wit me
lest cha wanna split high knee
a fate worse than death
   with hen whoops ipsy
daisy excuse em moi
   faux zee pas impairment via this Gypsy.
Apollo 11 lunar module named “Eagle”
prediction defied naysayers ain't no boon
dog gull announced successful landing
while voice of Ole Blue eyes did croon

in Sea of Tranquility on moon
sometime about high noon
halting advancing armies
from one after another platoon
set down pontoon

bridges across the river Kwai (dune
axe why, the spatial event
July 20, 1969 witnessed great withered
figureheads regaled American dignitaries
even many an centenarian old prune,

plus lovely bones as skeletal rune
none other than remains formerly
Robert Hutchings Goddard exhumed
subsequently astronaut Neil Armstrong

uttered "That's one small step for man,
one giant leap for mankind,"
though skeptics good n plenti
claimed hue moon phase
would never become crater!

Three astronauts gravitated,
celebrated accomplished fete
instrumental proffering accolades
glock o' spiel trumpeted didgeridoo
courtesy King of rock and Queen

arduous encapsulated endeavor
spurred ravenous appetite
they got the moon cheese
lunar than later nibbled moonpie
washed down with spot of tea.

Heroes welcome greeted
podcast linkedin crew
upon their successful
accomplished impossible mission
returned to umble Earth
bootlegged moonshine stowed
within light saddle

sore ring hearts skipped beat
felt over the moon,
nonetheless by George underwent
thoroughly good medical examination
afflicted with minor malady,
not deemed more serious
than cardiovascular lunar tick.

Fast forward Fifty Earth orbitz chock
full of journeys light years distant pock
marked little uninhabited rock
quite quaint outer limits mostly schlock
of twilight zone by Spock,
he of Starship Enterprise.

No hint what prospects doth lie ahead
for future generations, centuries after
present madding crowd long since dead
yes, the space travel science fiction
authors flesh out today
will arrive within blink, whereby
fantasy with reality will wed.
This is Spinal tap
bamboozling, binding, bleeding, bombing...
ripped from every dog eared
and book marked page
recounting latest ill fated fiasco,
now peppering my life and hard times
causing quite an ache – fiercely teasing
(the fire cat) curative panaceas  
sans almond sunset, chamomile,
Osage Tea for the Tillerman.

I tell myself Yukon try
grabbing at straws
with all your might to no avail
even enlisting Strain gauge
in tandem donning
common cents equipage
with a bunch of bootlegged banshees
freed from their cage
and as last ditch resort
drafting electric eels.

Yours truly as shock absorber quite astute
accompanied by Jack and the Giant
beanstalk golems to boot
or lion eye zing tiger
(perhaps named Tony,
mean to the bone, but...oh so cute,
who dwells in a tony neighborhood),
swishing (Nike like) tail,
and held up ala playing the flute
an unseen hellacious, ferocious, atrocious

or outlandishly jowly, egregious beast,
who expelled offal asphyxiating
noxious, odious, pernicious, et cetra odor
from a moon unit sized Glute
yea, I could also allude
to some Monty Python flying dragon,
who gives nada hoot,
somehow remotely controlling
any errant cyber wayfaring day tripper
simultaneously while droning
sheepishly not to ram into ewe.

These high speed U-Haul trucks
combine all the above scenario,
to glean mental state of mine
aye know really *****,
which gagging induces
the worst instance of reflux
making little rheum for ordinarily
phlegmatic ** hum (what me worry
Alfred E. Neuman
persona non grata) guy.

Sum total of available funds
(since being defrauded to the hilt)
to qualify for credit card,
would only feebly meet Karma
credit rating as risky business
approximating the quacking
of red hot inflamed ducks
(my apologies to PETA, Paul, Luke...),
they madly flap wings, yawping beaks,
visa vis masterfully discovered on par
with orange iz the new black
evidenced courtesy Wu Tang clan  
in no way, shape, nor form
unrelated to que clucks clan.

Whew...only then
(after reviewing the situation)
panoply of mystical elements of breath aired
per millennia times two resonated
veritable pantheon of superstitions
fired imagination as catalyst
viz **** sapiens forehead
tugging simian beard,
whence bygone agents provocateurs
fueled tens of previous generations
bred Manichaeism credo,
a nebulous ethos sans early humanity
vetted dual chaired

spirit world wide web populated
with ******* Roman sol invictus
wrought fiery brimstone who dared
assert antiestablishmentarian dogma
got hounded to whit; the bowels
of hellish firmament most
and/or many feared,
they would be pitched headlong
into said purported fiendish furnace,
thus particular obeisance payed
to morays; any voracious
marine coastal eel of the family Muraenidae,
esp Muraena helena, marked
with brilliant patterns and colours.

— The End —