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Nevertheless Aug 2015
Here I am.
Standing at the very edge of the cliff.
Perplexed. Torn. Lost.
These azure skies surrounds me
I don't know what to do

My heart has been chafed
By someone who betrayed me
Yet my soul craves for a name
Name that will never come back

I took a deep breath
As I glimpsed this endless valley
My heart raced and pounded
Then I jumped recklessly

I felt my heart in my throat
It felt like I'm dying
Hoping you'll catch me
Mind my worth even once more

This silence stabbed my heart
Gravity falls me down
I felt the cold land
Bloodsoaked, life's done
Lysander Gray Mar 2012
She is silver-nitrate and coal.
An Egon Schiele painting
stretched on dream
and sullen sparking glances
tipped in gold.

It is starlight, burnt through a velvet field
that chains me here.
It is honey and hot wine
that haunts my sleep,
by the onomatopoeia
of obsession.

With a lunar caustic kiss
she hexed me.
Woven in her six-sided circle
those rubies in the
hollow of her neck
and fingers that shimmer
like ice.

The Sphinx of Eros.

That heathen curl.
Smoke to hide the ivory!
Spoke to lock the memory!
Caught in click clack shutters
by the silver foaming pond.
Froth from the chambers of
ebony rough hewn hearts.

O starlight!
That raptures me hungry
for bloodsoaked lips
red as fury!

And I sang;
O lord & commoner, I sang!
To the weepings of a sombre, sudden,
stinging violin,
in empty vinyl crackle
from music soaked in paint,
with a voice
like burning velvet.
paul hope Jun 2014
darkness can come over us at any time, when we least expect it
turns our day into night, my darkness hides monsters, they are faceless
and yet each one,has my face, a face of mistakes
each bloodsoaked line, tells its own story
a grain of sand in a lifetime, of blood guts, and glory
a page in a book, a look into someones life
a good read, or a reason to hide, float away on the tide

i watch people, not people like me, there arnt any
just regular mr and mrs smith
i watch them shop, chat, buy, sell, argue,
i watch them watch me, i wonder do we all just watch each other
do sisters watch brothers, sons and daughters,
fathers and mothers, we all watch the clock, tick tock
time running out, death getting closer,life going out
people rush to get somewhere, rush to get back
sit for 5 mins and think about rushing, for this and that
not taking time to chat, laugh, or nap
no time to rest, just headless chickins
searching for slim pickings, life has to offer

sheep that bleet, waiting to be meat, on some fat ******* table
stuffing it in, relaying some useless fable
to guests that have requests, to be entertained
wine and dine, pass the time, like fat swines
feeding and breeding, living to eat, to consume
we are nothing, nothing that matters anyway
we just eat, bulshit, die, and fade away
we are here for a short stay, in this coffin life
living in stone tombs, for a price
noyone cares, noyone is nice, we are all rats and mice

kids and a wife
a sharp knife, to cut my own throat
bleed me dry, make me cry
leave this life, its not nice,
daytime fading, darkness waiting, life escaping
i dont care, nothing left here for me anymore
i am sick of being life,s *****
cant do it , feel sick, cant look in the mirror, to face myself
i am a blank expression,
eyes cloud over, time has run out, i am free, dont cry for me
i am finally where i need to be,
alone, in the ground, not a sound,
cold, old, no more storys to be told
just darknesss
Creepstar Jun 2016
Bang the drums of war!
Tonight we battle on the field of bloodsoaked heartbreak.
We take no prisoners.
We give no compassion.

The kingdom lays in ruins,fire lighting the bellowing smoke in a night sky.
The smell of blood,eyes roll back,there is no pain relief on the battleground,droves of dead bodies hard to navigate underfoot.
Cries of the dying and for the dead.

**open eyes,for it is all a war in my head
Socally Picter Dec 2013
The idea of eternity seems so savagely mundane.
"In the end we'll all just be stories."
Stories hidden away in immortality.
But hey even Gods die and fade.

Carry on my broken smiling diamonds.
Can't be proud of such bloodsoaked glasses.
I'll let us crack away our borrowed souls.
Let justice fall on our drunkedness.  

Put the dark back in the patchwork of my "Me".
Bleed the day please.
Stand with me in this emptiness.
Dance with our shared silence.
There's a deafning silence in this place
One which creeps like death as frost permeates the landscape
Freezing nothern gales redifine my knowledge of pain
As roots are assaulted with upheaval, the forest whispers my name
The wailing stars up above, and sleeping stones below
In this land of agony ruled by tyrants of snow

Sorrow unending, crests with the moon
A revelry of grief, a portent of doom
The howls of wolves cut through the air like a knives
Grim reminders of our past and better lives
Only a war-torn remainder, plagued with a bloodsoaked mirth
Testament to when heathens ruled the earth

Ravens circle overhead in the blood red sky
Awaiting spiritual carrion as our souls slowly die
There is no golden radiance here
The sun finds no place, only hides in fear
Amongst the pillars we are relinquished
Before a pantheon of oak and birch
Where on thrones of fire, gods perch
Lightening strikes not once, but twice
Honoring us in our glorious fight

To the realm of spirits we ride
One by one swelling with pride
To see our ancestors again
We never in life, feared the end
The constellations call us home
And so we depart, leaving only our bones
Among the sleeping stones and blackened oak
Remus Cynclair Jun 2014
I'm on top of him.
I hear screams behind me.
I keep punching.
His nose finally breaks,
Blood covering my hands with subsquent hits.

His lips say stop
I slam his head down, dazing him
I start choking him until he quits struggling.

I lift him by the hair
He coughs blood on me.
I take his head, slam it into the wall.
Once. Twice. Thrice.
I keep going until he goes limp.
I throw him aside, then look at my bloodsoaked hands.

I can't remember being happy.
This isn't happy.

I kick him over and look at his face.
He's unrecognizable.
I've ended him.

Or so i thought.

He gets up
Looks at me
And smiles.

"It doesn't work that way" he mouths
I try to turn and walk away.
He latches on my wrist.
Hes back in my head.

"Even if you try, You can't **** us all."
IPM Feb 2020
I'm a wounded animal
dragging its fur across the ground,
through all my bloodsoaked battles
I wait to be put down.
Pricers Jul 2019
10 diamonds was the price to fall for her your life to keep her bloodsoaked clothes was on our garments but reeked of blossomed loved only to vanish inside your soul to hender it's ways as her own until it was too late for you falter the day when asked what was it to be under wishful pretenses
Travis Green Aug 2021
You knew I would be
In the torturous storm
Searching for you
You knew I was crazy about you
All the memories we had
Kept me wishing for the impossible
That all the oxygen I was carrying
Within me for you
Was a waste of time
You wandered away from me
Took all your belongings
Left in hurriedness
Left my soul sliced
With a bloodsoaked knife
Shattered my smoke-darkened heart
Made me see perpetual red
Feeling dead, unsaid sensations
Disgusted diction, distorted nonfiction
As failed memories trickled like ghost tears
Down my lifeless face
Greg Oct 2018
Every day I see my neighbor
Running down the street
An older man who never stops
It's really quite the feat

But today I thought
Maybe he's not just running to be healthy
I think he might be running away from something.

Maybe in his age he's seen a war or two
Awful and scary
Traumatizing to the highest degree
So he runs from the memories
Of bloodsoaked swamps and boots
Or his friends without their heads.

Or possibly he seeks a goal
To rise to the peak
To impress his colleagues
Who rest in stagnant heaps
And be the best him he can see.
The man talked about in this people is real, he's about 80 and runs at least a 5k every morning. He's insane.

— The End —