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Zavier Allen Jan 2015
It shakes hareder then anything you ever felt
It awakens the soul
When it happens you'll know
Losing all control
Becarful letting go
It will take do more then take control
Never letting you go
Youll want more
always wondering what it has in store
All it knows is gore
Takin more and more
Leaving nothing but a rotten core
It never gets bored
So cruel

You can try to lock the door
You can try to hide
It will never say goobye
Belive me I tried
This monster is eating me alive
As I die it strives
Eating everything in its sight
Praying it don't come tonight
If i make till the moring ill be alright
I havent slept in nights
I still see its face

But no one comes
I try to run
But the mirrors cant hide the monster
Not when its inside
Inside of me.
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2013
with an all seening Eye...cuz for that green **** we all die...One... we aint one...were infested with legions...of demons...they call sin.. living with reasons...and a dollar will make her work...a penny would really hurt...comparing it with water while you pay to make it rain...cuz they compared it to water, you cant live with out your brain...trapped you in the circle to laugh and watch you die...nobody shot them in the head they only have but one eye...One there mission...and One dollar is the of the nation and no sgins of capital hill..just refreance to thier Origin what they feell is real...becarful how you fold it dont mess up the Great Seal... Cuz for people who hated Color Why would you use a Pyrimid...Cuz they found a secret when they vandilized the sphinx's head...dont get confused by my god...Cuz it might not be my god my god we all turst in god...Cuz a dollars says we do...cuz we couldn't trust in silver, in gold or in You...but we turst in little bills...with pyrimids in great seals...cuz once any thing is buried it can see it all...So they buried the truth so you wont know at all...
She loves pork
**** man
I hope she don’t like **** as much
She is close to my address/
She might just be the one
**** she loves pork
My man
Like she loves my ****

Its nigrish I am speaking

He loves guccie
Sings praises for another man’s drink
He got paid he says
I say
He got had
I would love his babies though
They might cut the nouse

The ones with an invisible spear
Lets wish them
They might just arrive for us

Our love is no love
But mere rhetoric
I am your man
I am your woman
we wear white to our wedding day
and still spit vernom to our own confusion
We hate you white man
Me and my baby we hate you
You took all that was us and made it yours

She loves pork
He loves gucci
Becarful of these reckless lovers
They mean business
Debt incurred
Is debt to be paid by you
and  your future seedlings

She loves pork
I love guns
Guns for pigs

— The End —