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Ariana Apr 2017
Tonight I decided that I love the way that he looks
at me.
With eyes softer than infinite rolling clouds,
they make the finite
nature of my haphazard existence feel appreciably less
This is old, but ******* he's more beautiful than ever.
Perig3e Feb 2011
Each time I thought of you
the mountains grew noticeably higher,
the trees stood appreciably straighter,
the rivers were a bit broader,
the lakes a little clearer,
my love, the mere thought of you,
is a force through nature.
All rights reserved by the author
ohNoe May 2014
in the movement of a moment you met her,
  the mayhap of a magic that just might matter.
your pulse pounds in your pupils,
  pulls & pours perfect purple pearls
    of a never-known intricate history,
      an instant intimate mystery.

from the view point
         the true point
         the view to poignant
Cherry Apple Blossoms
  carry Ample Awesome.
silken sailors on a sultry wind
  blowing between their lotus friends,
wander within the waterfall
  & ride it upwards after all.

mere moments from making memories
  melding mighty might-be's,
your morbid mockingbird returns
  melting maybes into more burns.

the water appears pure
  & your scars need cure,
but it won't wash away the intense,
  can't convince me to release and rinse.
Blood bound to my soaked sleeve,
  saturated with the grieve
    of the heart worn stark there,
      the heart i can't spark or spare.
failing falling farther further
  faster into fractured forever.

from WOAH to WOE
  and WOW to OW,
one more maybe something
  dies another nothing

yeah, i know,
  you been all about NO,
    flushed in a negative flow

As Lucid As Hell

i keep seeing your fleeings
  from deep suffering feelings,
    crushed beyond breathing.

refueled and refeeled are the doubts,
  rabid to wreak the shrieks of their shouts.
happy only happening
  from external stimulation,
misery the missing of my own motivation.
even music is up down all-around,
  sometimes just sound.
how much more tired
  can you grow of uninspired?

But what the **** Dude?
  whence went your Attitude?
the epitome of optimal optimism
  within every wish or whim!
intense immense confidence,
  invincible invulnerable arrogance.
remember the relentless effortless course
  of your subconscious primal source?
the intimate emotional intelligence
  to whom all made sense.

Have you ever felt overflowing
                         been effervescent
                         knew you were undousable?

Are you aware of self-fulfilling prophecies
  that refueling never needs?

Perhaps possibly that personality is not deceased,
  and not even appreciably decreased.
If the power imbuing the flower
  simply slipped sleeping into hibernation,
then there just needs to be a shower
  to rinse in the reinCarnation.

is belief in being almost cute
  with soul-voice articulate.
a writer friends & family call poet
  who rides rhythm & rhyme
    along imagination's music,
      the inner bliss
        which inspires a kiss
witty charming stunned
  sweet smart overcum
suave swan not gone,
  just sleeping til the right dawn.

maybe it's back to the breeze,
  re-friending the days it brought teaching.
information gathered from seas & trees
  transferred to me from miles of reaching.

even then my arrogance knew reverence
  when we would watch the wind
    somehow know how much we did not know
      and wonder how different we'd be once we did...
hey, look...almost kinda positive :)
Gowtham Ganni Dec 2017
exceedingly onerous
appreciably disparaged
carls extant
Megha Agarwalla Jul 2014
I can't undo anything
I can't un-ring the bell now
I can't mould how I feel now
I feel it with all my soul
And all my energy
I can't push it in now
They appreciably increase somehow
The circumstance don't explain
How I feel
But now I just sense every bit of it
And it is coincided with every cell inside me
Maybe they are echt
Maybe they just fill the void
But I can't let them go now
I can't unring the bell now
And never will I be able to,
Understand when they erupted and how?
The eruption has penetrated deep concern
And care for you
And now I can't **** it out
The oblivion distance slides in
We try to hoodwink the distance
With the long expressed concern and love
But now it just won't work
Now distant
Might be away someday
But the feelings,
They won't fade away.
They'll stay
And it is happy that way
I can't undo anything now
Feelings are so strong
The question is why and how?
Onoma Nov 2019
caught my beloved bird

preying, red tail hawk.

the rich olive green

underbelly of the Whitestone

Bridge offered up a glimpse

of a twofer.

redtail with a pigeon in toe--

a solitary feather whirled down

from the appreciably wide


no more feathers fell down--

only that redtail going in.

watching it dip up and down ,

somewhere along the line

learning to dismember its prey

within that obscuring crossbeam.

from other birds of prey.
Paul Glottaman May 2022
Thousands of years from
right ******* now
they'll find us decorated
in the 21st century version
of hundreds of fox teeth
strung together on lines of
hair and they'll speculate
our importance to the tribe.
They won't know our
sharing of posts about
out of state listings for
our jobs making more money
with more paid time off.
They won't care that we
often got home the afternoon
of the day following the
morning we left for work
and in this way they'll resemble
best from our point of view
the folks who employ us.
Will crypts be discovered
hewn deep into the living rock
of our dying Earth or will we
have to find our dead through
the thousands of lines of
scrolling text that we
leave behind us when we go?
And if so...
What is the value of human life?
The price point, as econ 101
would have asked me to
specify, to be immaculate in my
words. Allow for this
question to haunt us all:
How much?
How many crumpled
peices of cloth infused paper
with numbers printed on them
for the sanctity missing?
In dollars, what is the cost
of a human soul?
Sure, once in the past, it was invaluable
but late stage capitalism
has taught us some
new lessons and I'll bet
it's got a value now.
I'll bet its dropped already.

— The End —