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Larry B Apr 2010
Sorrow only hangs her head
While walking to the floor
Pride wants all the attention
While Greed keeps seeking more

Shame hides behind the curtains
While Anger demands his way
Fear is too afraid to dance
Impatience just wouldn't stay

Joy was dancing all over the place
While Lust's heart began to burn
Love just watched with stars in her eyes
While Patience was waiting his turn

Confusion didn't know what to do
While Surprise was doing the twist
Shock was so appaled of it all
While Temptation just couldn't resist

The Broken Hearts just sit and cried
While Doubt didn't believe it was real
Now you've seen the dance of emotions
So tell me, how do you feel?
All I know these days is fear.
Anxiety nags at me.
A woeful sigh escapes from my lips as i wistfully recall the moment of tranquillity that I didn't appreciate for its actual worth.
I am not smitten by love, rather made petulant by it.
I am not drawn towards emotion, rather appaled by it.
I feel too much and think even more.
I need to cool off and sleep some more.
Finally understanding insomnia, gripped by tears and ripped by pity I am smoldered by my inability to cope.
Complacency would have been bliss but I chose curiosity.
When everyone said up, I chose to dig down; went left when the crowd pointed to right.
I dared and i dread.
I complied and then complained.
I consoled and then cried.
And while the world slept, I stayed up and questioned.
When they answered, I refused to understand.
When they chose arrogance, I followed chaos.
And when things turned worse, I could do nothing but curse.
And curse I will, for miserable or happy, I've come too far to be yappy and turn back.
Viktor Gado Sep 2024
When the light dies and in creaps the dark whelm,
the door is revealed under the Moons guise.
Speak Friend and enter into the realm
of an empire domed by granite skies.

Behold, visitor! The majestic halls
that echo the clanging of hammers still
a whole age later after these walls
first bore marks of our patience and skill

woven together into an endless grid,
with caverns and roads stretching far and wide,
once richly adorned and brightly lit,
meriting to our mastery and pride.

Every day and night our smelters gorged
upon the hills of a precious ore.
The blunt pounding of our mighty Forge
through these passages that we bored

never ceased. The domain breathed with its draft,
that fed fires hotter than veins of Earth,
and in generations of labor in this craft
amassed riches of a boundless worth:

Silver, jewels, iron and mithril too,
all freed from the crampy grasp of stone -
as our picks slowly razed their way through
the Mountain towards the old and unknown.

There was no such thing as a well too deep
... untill there was. And in our greed and vain
we suddenly woke from it's lengthy sleep
the herald of our doom. The Durins bane.

Silent now stands the greatest of all
Dwarwen kingdoms. It's heirs deceased.
Defiled by vermin. Plundered. Appaled
from the enduring presence of the Beast.

But it's foretold that we will return
once that the Fiend is bested and slain.
The rekindled forge will again burn
and breathe life into the Mines again.

— The End —