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Ksjpari Aug 2017
A man rightly called an Oxymoron
Now is angry, now sad, now happy on
The same thing – he takes piton
To handle us – later I knew ******.
Anurag is my principal, a true merman
Treats all equally – good or bad of John.
Tried to understand when called upon.
Talking to him is like dealing with silicon.
Full of respect and encouragement shown
For anybody if needed; angry on python
Trying hit him at back. Never confused on
Any topic, asks if not notified – an Amazon
Of Maths flows from him – my Hero, my trigon.
I am developing a new style of writing poetry where ending words of a line rhyme with one another, at least in last sound. I named it Pari Style. Hope readers will like it. Thanks to those invisible hands and fingers which supported and inspired me to continue my efforts in my new, creative, artistic and innovative “Pari” style. Thanks for your inspiring, kind, soft fingers.
anurag mishra Dec 2015
I should be happy,
but as much as I try...
i cant be.
I try to sleep but i cant,
smiling just happens now,
whether im happy, or sad.
Today was a sad day.
And I dont know why.
I dont understand why i want to die.
I want to leave.
be all alone,
with no one but myself.
I have "friends", "family"
and thats the problem.
My family and friends are really figments of imagination.
Ive got that girl,
that I adore.
I want her forever.
But I for some reason dont believe that,
she will miss me when im gone..
why is it like this?
Must be because of my past,
all the times i've been lied to..
all the times ive been hurt.
Its killed me inside,
I cant trust..
I dont know how.
My friend says im an angel,
she can never be mad at me,
its this just to keep my happy?
She could be lying just like the rest,
waiting for me to crash,
ready to laugh when I cry.
I tell her everything,
hoping she wont spread it.
Im afraid everynight that something will get out.
So as I die.
I leave nothing behind.
Because life is my un trusting friend.
Anurag Sharma Jun 2014
Something calm
Something soothing
Vigorous dark
Surrounds smoothing.

Tonight in evil clutches
There caged my sense,
Like pigeon’s first flight
My swift and dense delight.

All stars having their query
Twinkles like murmuring together
As if they recall my past hours
Fairy Venus twinkles to me some more.

You are not a bard in conscience,
You were never fair in Love remarks
Reckon follies of your worthy mind,
Find your heart in flames and sparks .

Fair Moon chide me not,
No guilty am I but that love knot
That early lost the strength
I lost there my lot in affections.

Here lay I, in torturing sea shore
In slopes of tough pebbles,
Frequent thoughts or blustering bubbles!

I glared you constant Venus
Constant with swollen eye *****
In Midnight flow of sea or tears!

Until you fade away from my sight
Until its orange sun light
Until that chirping diverges my mind.

*-Anurag A. Sharma
Anurag Sharma Jun 2014
We die embracing
If the injustice throws
One of us engraved.
We die each other facing
Your eyes and long brows
My painful moments would be saved.
Though this is unworthy killing
There might some honor
Heaven's angles seek
Perhaps after decades our relics
May find on earth some honor
In temples chime
And in every flight of dove
There may shelter
Our Love happy happy Love.

Anurag Sharma Jun 2014
Mute Nature
But I hear you,
Your smooth silence
Mute Nature.

When a mass of dews from a leaf
Awakens your calm and vast surface,
I do listen your naughty ripples
Walk around to the banks of lake.

When a lover in beloved’s praise
Hail you loud in mountain ways,
I do stay there waiting
To listen your every echo whenever raises.

When warm air gets your leaf
To lose its withered root,
Though its falling sounds very mute
I do hear there her separation grief.

I hear all fish locking their lips
And swans in pond waving thin throats,
I found a place of deep peace sips
Soothing to my eyes where snowy couple floats.

Oh when you rain,
My homeland covers a blissful layer
Of fragrant soil and water’s blend
Then you adds your chilling winds
That touch and pass through my nostrils
Like I just feel your real incense.

You are mute, Nature
But I hear you,
Your smooth silence
Mute Nature.

*-Anurag Sharma
Anurag Apr 2020
There is a silence in the air, it will never be the same before
People are scared getting out to meet their loved ones
Learned a lesson today, reality far more scary than the shows
I lament for those who died the day before

Towers left deserted calling out to their fellows
No one is listening, when we were together
There was music in procession when everyone was around
I were once important now I am none

Astronauts would think, is this the home which they left?
People dream more and watch more shows
Some left alone without any jobs

The Sky is now blue with the birds chirping
World has changed yet there is hope
It's just the new beginning to a better self
Humanity has lived we are prepared for more

- Anurag

— The End —