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Vivian May 2014
paint on callused fingertips,
paint dyeing German beer,
paint flickering fluttering trembling
across bare canvas skin as you
finesse, ink and watercolor at your
whim while you work. you are no
Caravaggio, much more a Gentileschi,
but Michelangelo himself would be
awed by your radiance, the subtle
art of your face and
brushstrokes of your curves,
spine sinuous undulating while you
dance for him.

I've been begging for you
to tell me something new for
months upon months, to tell me
that you are not the same,
that you cannot stand me,
that "I love you" was the Great Lie;
but you will not no never
you're too good for something so
base as hate or someone so
base as me but
you're still here and I
love you
and hate myself for it.
10 months or to 10 years,
It, sometimes, all ends up with/in tears.
I wish you well, over the next years,
and I hope, that this pain washes away, all, you're fears.
Just around the corner, when you're ready, your new love usually will appear,
When the timing is right for you, you will be enjoying in the 'now' right here. :)

© By HF-Whisper
31/5/2021 14:22PM
Poem dedicated thinking about Annika's poem from here.
Scott Jurewicz Jul 2020
"See that up there?"

"Up where, Daddy?"

"Right there," he said, pointing at the moon that had

risen high above the silhouetted trees.

"That's the moon," said the little girl.

The chilly, early autumn night was such a warm welcome

from an endless summer of tropical, stiflingly humid New

England heat.

"That moon," he said, as he put his arm around her,

and drew her close to him, "belongs to everybody

in the world. Everyone, as soon as they're born,

gets a piece of that moon."

"It's very pretty," she said.

"Well, here's the thing, my darling sweet Daughter. I'm

giving you my piece."


He smiled, and told her, "If I give you my piece,

the moon will be yours."

"How can that be?"

"Because you'll own two pieces of the moon, and

that's more than anyone else has."

"But what if someone else gives their piece away?"

He laughed, kissed her on the cheek, and

said, "That's impossible. Everyone loves their

piece of the moon so much that they would never

give it away...unless they love someone as much

as I love you...and so...that's impossible."

The moon shone brightly in the autumn sky, as

brightly as it ever, and always will.

"It belongs to you."
winter Aug 2019
I expected the relapse
but still there is a warmth
One year ago, on this day
Two years ago, on this day
I never should have left you,
my dearest friend
I never knew how cruelly
our time would be taken for granted
This was never the end
I'll be seeing you
winter Nov 2019
I was always the main character in my narrative
until I met you
I had never felt that I was living with such purpose
as when I lived with you
I loved you as I love my mother
You are gone, and the purpose is lost
I feel empty, now you are gone
If I've upset you again
there is no greater failure
and my prevalence holds no truth
Quatum Parker was a native American math **** . Born in the Blackboard Mountains of Oklahoma to Boris and Annika Schvartsberg who were pre-holocaust survivors who migrated to the U.S. prior to the infamous invasion of  fire ants in 1918 . At an early age Quantum
showed a proclivity at dealing with numbers which he picked up by watching Crows count in a mysterious beek and claw adaptation of the hood system of physically applied pressure points . Or as it is known today
as the fast break and dump system . Unfortunately Quantum had the misfortune one day of running into Little Bear legally coming down the mountain which so startled him he slipped and fell to his death . But we can all thank Quantum for leaving us a legacy of calculus of how many bounces it takes to **** a number .
winter Oct 2020
Days of you saying "I'll go there for you"
and we waited so long
they won't be waiting for us

These days girls have started calling me
their best friend
While I sit here alone
It feels just as it was before


What has become of us
How have you made it so far away and
why are we alone

Ex-lover, premature,
daydreams of whispering in her ear
Dreams of her again being mine
(but I know I'm only) longing for an old companion

Even if it'll always be you
Afton Magenta
Even if it is only you

— The End —