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shayla ennis Jul 2014
the ground lies bare
(lanc i dalaf)

as death moves in fading light
(bad gurth vi ngalad firiel)

my heart sings to see thee
(cormamin lindue ele lle)

i will follow thee to deaths door and beyond
(amin khiluva lla a gurtha ar thar)

may the leaves of your tree that is life never turn brown
(Aa lasser en lle coia ornn omenta gurtha)

sweet tears of water and light till next we meet
(lissen ar maska tenna lye omentuva)

with laughter to guide us
(yassen lalaith a' "guide" lye)

till land and sun consume us
("till" ndor ar' anar "consume" lye)

when heaven turns crimson flames
(iire Arvandor "turns" agaru "flames")

the sea bares the moon
(i' ear "bares" i' ithil)

valiant blades seeped in blood forged
(astald "blades" "seeped" e' agar "forged")

by black rose
date: July 7,2014
aragon who is a character in this movie his name means elfstone. arwen who is a character in this movie her name means evenstar. by this i got my title. This poem was made do to the  research and watching of the movies called, "Lord of the Rings Trilogy".
the words in a maker are elven, it is a translation of the English words above. the words may be slightly incorrect or different. i did my best to get as close as i could to the true meaning. this is the sight i used for the translations.
emil hernried Mar 2018
Hej jag heter Kalle, jag är 17 vårar

jag är trött på att tårar faller ner från min kind.
Det hände senast i torsdags morgon i klassrummet när nina skapat ett
instagram konto
som hette kalle balle kalle balle är ful.

Jag tyckte det var töntigt för vi är sjutton år,
men alla andra skrattade så vad ska man göra då ?
Läraren sa inget fast han allting såg
han bara twittra på om något som jag ej kommer ihåg.

Även om dem flesta mobiler är på surr
så hör jag allt twitter som pågår i detta ***.
och jag vet att det mesta inte är om mig
och jag vet att man inte borde bry sig men
jag bryr mig.

och det känns så motsägelsefull
för jag har alltid hört att det är någonting fint i att bry sig
att bry sig,
men nu när jag är större är det som att världen har växt med mig
och nu finns det för mycket att bry sig,
att bry sig om.

Hej jag heter Kalle och jag mår inte bra,
jag får notiser om att det är så ungdomar ska ha det.
Jag sitter i min plats längst bak i klassrummet till vänster,
när jag plötsligt ser en bild,  
jag tror jag ser ett mönster.
här uppifrån som utanför vårt fönster.

för vi är ett *** fullt av instängda fåglar,

det finns svanar som alla anar kommer växa och bli kända som alla vill vara
det finns kråkor som är stolta över att ta andras lycka/ det andra har , och det finns hackspettar
och duvor
och jag

och jag är rädd att jag är en pingvin eller en struts
jag vet inte om ni vet men av alla 10000 fåglar är just dem de ända som inte kan flyga
och jag tror jag är en pingvin
men kanske är det bra för jag är jag.
a swedish one ...
Even if you are filthy rich, please don't waste electricity and water,
they don't belong to you, they belong to Mother Earth;
and you have no reason to pollute Her.

Help me this depression, pain and frustration fight

Grant me patience and that much needed correct  insight

Let down I feel n forsaken too; feel I, a heaviness in my chest, tight

I know I need to control my feelings; letting negativity go off, like a kite

Smothered I feel, the wound n intensity too deep are; show me a ray bright

All you dear ones from the Heavens, please quickly help me set things right.

Dearest darling  Dad

Wishing you a Happy Father's Day; ADM Big hug n a thank you, I wish to say

I never ever thought Mum n you would be right besides me, through my crisis; all the way.

Messages I have received many times, through dreams or as ideas into me planted;

Thank Ahura I sincerely do, for this wonderful security He has to me granted.

Thank you both for enveloping me in your love, safe n secured keeping me;

When mercilessly thrown I was by destiny, into a deep dark roaring sea.

Parents, their children love beyond life, this I believe n very well know;

You both with me, spiritually present n protective are, feel I that cosmic flow

Keep us always under your spiritual protection, the way you do, night n day;

May you both n our dear ones to higher realms progress; for this, I daily pray.

Your ever loving daughter
Brother Dearest,

Happy Raksha Bandhan

Tiny beads n delicate strings, yet very strong is the bond.

Tells a sister to her Bro. With this, " of you, I am very fond".

With good wishes beautiful n many, she ties it on his wrist.

Kumkum, rice, flowers, feeding a sweet, indeed long is the list.

A beautiful gesture of appreciation n love,  festival is.

It's practice centuries old, rather thousands of years old is.

May all my brothers alwaysssss very happy stay

Wish you all I do, happy Raksha Bandhan Day.

Your Ever Loving Sis

Armin Dutia Motashaw

On a train journey you are,  passing through different terrains

Through  Sunshine and shadows, through fog, mist or rains

Fields, jungles, bridges over rivers, n caves n tunnels in the mountains

Through jungles deep n dense, or through orchards or gardens with fountains

The train sometimes has to pass through  deserts dry n burning hot

In our lives too, face we circumstances varied n in difficulties get caught

Scared do not get, my little heart; with anxiety do not like a butterfly flutter

Or whilst challenges facing, with nervousness do not stutter;

Ruthless, selfish and indifferent this world is, n always shall be so

But till your journey lasts n that destination final comes, please don't feel low

Remember Anar, once you are on board the train, once begins your journey of life;

Constant stress and strain face you
will have to; learn Anar, to deal with strife.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

"Anar", very often, ignorant we are, but zest if we have to seek;

With all our heart, try we must; it shouldn't be an attempt weak;

Endeavour to achieve this, we got to; constantly, bit by bit, week after week.

O seeker, go ahead full fledgedly, dive deep, only then find you will that pearl, you seek.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

On this day auspicious, send you my love n wishes best.
May you with flying colours, pass life's test.
May life for you, over all, be one big fest.

Send you I, my love and wishes warm.
May life always keep you in good shape n form.
Think of all the fun we had, not the storm.

With lots of love and all good wishes.
Your Sis

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Today we need relationships like this, for the sake of our future generations


Jer, o my Jer, you are my true Jer,  my wealth

That's why,  very close to you,  I always felt

In contact yours, any heart could very easily melt

My Masi-Sasu, you supposed to be were; but actually, my Ma you were

My friend, philosopher n guide, all in one you truly were.

In me, feelings of love, dedication n affection you did stir

You my darling, all 3 of us adore; you indeed are my soul mate

Vispi, Shez n I were really lucky that you were our guardian angel albeit

Vispi must be again enveloped in your loving arms; I am awaiting my date.

Happy Birthday darling Ma, Shez n I, wish you all the very best

Your ever loving daughter
(Roh Mahrespand Mah Tir)

Thank you for the wonderful hubby that you have always been.
For supporting me through the rough times I've seen.
Thank you for always being by my side, through thick and thin.

Life with Jer Mum, Shez and you, mostly cushy has been.
Except for the many mishaps n illness that have been.
If it were not for you and Mom's support, miserable I would have been.

Thank you for everything. Lucky I am to have you as my Hubby.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
We in our over enthusiasm are harming Nature and ourselves...
Sorry, cute little birdies, we humans, so callous and selfish are;


Also short sighted we are, cannot preserve or see ahead, short sighted; we can't see far !

Destroy we many species, continue to do so; you are one such, why go far !

Harming  creation, has a fashion become; endangered tigers, vultures n others too, are

Hope we help all of you to bounce back n multiply; for in the skies, there are many stars.

"Anar", built has cardboard nests some; come in, n chirp on their swing bar.

Machines have to be regularly used, so also our bodies.

Some time or the other, a machine wears out, so does our body

A machine needs regular maintainance, so also does our body.

Remember this is a must; be it a Maruti, an Audi or our body.

On Roj Anneran  Mah Amardad, proceeded you towards your Heavenly home.

Disappearing just like a bubble, as if you were made of foam.

It is 15 long years since, yet seems as if it's just days few.

Time flies, they say, it heals too but your absence,  I still rue.

Oh my sweet heart Jer, my Mum, I simply can't forget you at any rate.

For others you were my  Masi Sasu; but for me my darling,  you were my soul mate.

Wherever thou art in  Heaven, progress well n happy may you there stay.

Bless me always from there, n when it's my turn, come to fetch me on that day.

Your Anar,  who adores you.
Happpppinezz unto you Jeru Jaan

"हम आप के है कौन "; perhaps applies to our relationship;

So very close to my heart, yet difficult for others to it accept.

Vispi's Masi, yet you soon became, my everloving Mom;

Darling in words express my love or feelings, I just cannot.

Indeed lucky I was, to get this unconditional love from you, darling Mom.

Remember you several times every day we, after 13 years of your departure;

That itself speaks volumes about you, my sweet heart.

Of our existence, you are an inseparable part.

All I request Ahura is, to hold you lovingly in His loving arms.

To keep you happy for ever n ever; n in my life to grant you again.

Wherever you are, stay blessed; n plenty of happiness gain.

Your children, who love and adore you; who pray for a reunion.

Vispi, Anar, Shez

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Plant a seed or a sapling and enjoy watching it grow into a tree

If rich, you may buy a huge properly,  an island or a mall;

Or a grave illness, perhaps try to stall;

But a smile on a sad face you can't install


Here is wishing you good health and lots n lots of happiness.

May you, with His choicest blessings,  Ahura alwayssssss bless.

Pray we all, that  good health be yours; and go away sooooon will all your stress.

At the moment you are fragile,  but  soooooon may you feel agile n fress(h).

Looking forward we are to see your quick recovery and  progress.

Lots of love,  all good wishes and a big  Ahura bless.

Yours Ever,
Anar, Shez, Phil, Freyu n Zoi

Forget after death, people don't bother about you even when you are alive; if you are of no use to them.

Unbearable is your silence grave; n really too long

Help me please to recoup, recover n trudge along

It's months ten, you are gone, n I haven't even crossed a forlong

This is not a game fair, you cannot stay away so long

In my dreams or my subconscious mind, you can come along

Lonely n lost feel I; express this I cannot in my poem or song

Once again I sincerely request you to come; don't take too long


Armin Dutia Motashaw
It's been 13 years, you closed your eyes, forever today.

Just when I left you for minutes two, after an entire night's stay.

Consoled me, many people, that's usually the way.

One leaves this world, whilst the dearest one is away.

Your presence forget we cannot, in our hearts you lovingly stay.

Our home, your memories hold, at every nook n corner; in the clay.

Life goes on, but there's a vacuum somewhere; though I don't say.

May you always be happy. For your eternal progress I daily pray.

From Heaven, send us your blessings, every moment, every day.

Your children who love you most dearly,
Vispi, Anar, Shez

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Sad it is, that hardly a person poor, who is innocent, justice gets

Normally he or she dejectedly goes back with a tearful face, all wet

Even gone is the money, they have taken at high interest, as debt.

Rotten has become this  system divine, with false wittnesses easily, all set

Dead is the voice of conscience, of most of our advocates; as on money, the rich bet.

Apt it is, that the so called Goddess of justice, blind folded is; no visibility she does get

Sadly she is deaf n blind to the plea of the innocent victims, who entangled get

Be it this miserably failed legal system, or even in daily life; justice to the innocent is hardly met.

Prays "Anar" to You Ahura, don't an innocent man's faith in your goodness die; please don't this forget.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Happiest Happy birthday my angel divine.

Accept our love, prayers and Wishes combine (d).

Surely my soulmate you must be, darling Mother;

I certainly know, like you, there cannot be another.

Though now, gone away from us, you have very far;

Your loving memories, forever, filled in my heart are.

After death, confirm this cannot any religious text;

But pray Ahura I do, to reunite us soon, in our incarnation next.

Please be my loving caring Mother again and again.

If happens this, immense joy, I will surely gain.


Your children
Vispi, Anar n Shez
ભાઈ બીજ

વાવ્યા છે મેં, મારા પ્રેમાળ ભાઈઓ માટે અસીમ પ્રેમ થી આં કિંમતી બીજ

કહે છે "અનાર", બંને તરફથી, પ્રેમથી, નઝાકતથી, પ્રયત્ન કરી એને સિંચ

પ્રેમના ખાદ્ય-પાણીથી આં રિશ્તાની પર્વરીશ કરી, એને બનાવ મજબૂત અને ઘીચ.

મોટા ભાઈઓ ને નમસ્કાર, નાનાઓને આશિષ.

With lots of Love n all good wishes
Anar (અનાર).
Happy Ram Navmi

R... Ram lives within n us and so does Ravan, says Anar;

A...Alongside both dwell; but depends on you, whom will you encourage?

M...Manthras alone won't help; but along with it, our good mentality definitely does.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Wishes For Vispi....
Happy wala  Birthday  dearest  Hubby.

May you always stay happy  n bubbly.

May you be, an ace winner in life's derby.

But slow down you must n be not a grubby;

Nor become anxious or grumpy;

Life never same remains; it is at times slumpy at times  bumpy.

Pray we, may you sooooooon become agile n jumpy.

Live may you long, healthy,  happy n bubbly.

We love you most dearly.

Anar, Shez, Phil, Freyu n Zoi
Happpppinezzzz unto you, darling Mother of mine.

Without you my Jaan, things just cannot be fine.

Love never dies, will be the Title of my book next

It's you, darling Ma, who will have to dictate the text.

Ma, you live in my heart; and will always do so.

But please tell me do I ? Does love exist after you to Heaven go?

I wish you happpppinezzzz, wherever you are

Please do tell me this, even if you are from me, very far.

Lovingly yours.
Relationships true are those, during a crisis, which forward come;

For you, a shoulder to cry on, a solid support become.

Thank you Mother,  my friend philosopher n guide.
On your principles n ethics, try I will always, to abide.
Miss you, I do tremendously n crave to meet you.
If hear me you can, you too fervently try to, so do.

Cherish I, those wonderful moments, that together, spent we.
Cross words, scrabble, embroidery, knitting, whatever it be ;
Your encouraging me to write ; it's result, today I see.
How lonely today would I be ; if persuade you wouldn't me.

Love you, I will always n hope to in Heaven, you soon meet.
If possible, next to you, request Ahura, to spare a seat.
Await eagerly I do, to snuggle in your loving arms, once more.
So,  when it's my time to come, help me through that door.
Your loving daughter

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Wondering b worried I am, is something really wrong with me ?

Is something wrong with my thinking; can I things clearly see ?

Into depression am I slipping; then really careful I got to be

Sensitive I was always, is that why, the world I clealy do see

Or has hypersensitivity got the better of me?

People are busy, but can't I expect their min or two for me ?

Is it a bit too much, if expect this I from relatives n friends for me?

Tell me frankly please, am I slipping into self-pity ?

Where am I going wrong; can you please check n tell me.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
तेरी अनार की सुनी कलाइयां

तेरी दी हुई असंख्य चूड़ियों के बिना, कलाइयां पड़ गई है सुनी और लगने लगी है श्याम;

तेरे प्यार बिना, तेरी हस्ती बिना, हैयाती बिना, यही तो होना था इनका अंजाम

पैमाना छलकते हुए लगता है दिलकश; बेजान लगता है जब नही होती है उसमे जाम ।

अब सुनी और बेजान इन कलाईयों का नहीं कोई दाम, नहीं कोई काम ।

इन सुनी कलाईयों को क्या दु मैं नाम, अब तो दर्द भरी आहें और आँसूंओ के साथ गुज़रती है हर शाम

Dearest Vispi,

Time flies, years pass, it's our 41st Roj anniversary today.

We have now turned fat, roly-poly, ugly and grey.

Now the spark in our eyes, dim Is becoming, day by day.

Happen what may, but our friendship n love is here to stay.

Thank you I do, for being a wonderful husband, what else do I say !

May we through thick and thin, good n bad, always together stay.


Yours Anar.


Oh so scared I was, of how a MIL would be; & that too, after hearing stories weird, so many!

But our beautiful bond till you left for heaven, was so sweet, out of this world, rather uncanny!

Not just for Shez, even for Kayu, Shaunlet, Burj, Yazu n Burzee you were a wonderful Granny.

Your love so tender n genuine was; that even without saying, understood me, you !

Mom, here you were an angel without wings; but now a pair, surely, most definitely, have you;

Only thing is, now in them, I cannot see you; but you know, miss you immensely, I do !

May you to higher realms progress; n now that Vispi is there, you will be looking after him too.

Miss you all very much, I do; & awaiting I am eagerly, to join all of you.

When someone towards you, shows hate;

For his/her deed, you may leave him/her to fate;

But to flash a kind smile upon them, don't be late.


જેમ પતંગ સાથે, હંમેશા ડોર તો જોઈયે જ,

તેમ માનવ ને બિ સારો સંગાથ જોઈયે જ.

પતંગ ને ઊંચાઈ પર પહોચવા, સરખો પવન જોઇયે;

તેમ માનવને પણપવા, ફુલવા, એક સાચા ગુરુ જોઇયે.

LOVE gives,
LOVE shares,
LOVE cares.

LOVE is not being selfish or demanding, it is never hurtful; it is understanding the person you LOVE.

मुस्कुराने जाऊ तो आंसु टपक जाते है;

फिर इन्हें पोंछ कर, मुस्कुरा देती हूं;

अब तक, यह सिलसिला जारी है।

Grant me O Ahura, that desperately needed peace within.

This mind, bitter n sceptical has become, today it's a negative dustbin !

Such a happy go lucky person I was; always smiling, always happy with my kith n kin

Experiences have a bitter truth now revealed; I wonder why people are so selfish, indifferent n mean !

Anyway, help me, O my Mazda, to look within n peace derive, in this endeavour, your "Anar" needs to win.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
ઐ દિલ,
પહેલાં ધકતું હતું તું, પ્રીતમના દર્શન થતાં;
હવે જોર જોર થી ધડકે છે, જ્યારે કષ્ટ થાય ત્યારે,
તું એટલું બધું કેમ્ બદલાઈ ગયું ???


Sunshine friends one easily gets, when things are gay.

Ma, you were my Sunflower on a cloudy day.

In happiness or sorrow, your shoulder n lap, I could anytime borrow.

Now find  cannot I someone who can share my loneliness or sorrow.

In weather bad, you took me protectively under your wings.

Depend on you I could, for just about any thing.

For me, you were always there, to count on.

Helpless n lonely I feel, after you have gone.

My darling Sunflower, happy always may you, in heaven remain.

Until we in Heaven meet; from up there, help me to bear the pain.

Your loving daughter

Armin Dutia Motashaw


I remember gifting  you a soft  baby pink sari, on your birthday in 1978, the first one, after I got married and came to Ahmedabad.  You were everyone's Jer Masi; but I couldn't stop myself from calling you Mummy. From that moment,  you were and will always be,  my dearest darling Jer Mummy.
You meant a world to all 3 of us.  You were the Sun and we, your planets.
Wherever you are, we love you,  and send this divine love to you.  Vispi is perhaps lucky enough to be able to reach you and wish you in person. Though far away, (in fact, don't even know really where!!!) But you are in our hearts.  Miss you very much, I DO, my friend, philosopher and guide,  my angel divine, who fills my heart with her unconditional love. Who took a frightened little girl in her loving arms and kept her there forever.
Love you  Ma n miss you.
Waiting to unite.

Happy Birthday my angel divine, as always, I wish you all the very best.

On this Earth underwent you many a trial, tribulation and test,

Send you I, lots n lots of love; wish you I peace, progress n even some rest.

Ma, your love n strong support I very much miss; but glad I am, undergo you didn't, this pain

Afraid I am, bearing it would wound your heart n soul; making you insane.

Trying my best I am, to brave become, n my composure regain

Happy n blessed may you always stay, til we meet.

Your ever loving daughter,

— The End —