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N Sep 2018
waiting for death...

the empty bottle of pills layed on my bedside table,
so much pressure in my head it feels like it's going to explode.
my chest with a pain so indescribable,
my head starting to get foggy,

first few minutes...

laying in the back of my fathers car,
my head in my sisters lap with my face wet from her tears,
rushing to the ER,
everybody terrified yet i was at peace,

i felt like i could finally be free,
from all the pain and heartaches.
I felt relaxed, undisturbed, ready for death.

first few hours...

laying in the hospital bed,

i stare at the ceiling with a blank expression,
ignoring all doctors, nurses, therapists, and social workers
that try to talk to me or ask questions.
i barely spoke a word.

they inspected my wrists for cuts,
faint scars, unfound fresh cuts on my hips.
this was never addressed or even commented on by my parents.

my sister held my hand constantly,
sat in that chair with no intentions of leaving,
to comfort me.

first day back...
i had not been at school for afew days,
rumors had gone around,
friends who knew how unstable i was had been talking,
people would approach me and ask what happened,
i got weird looks and stares,
i got so many questions.

first week...
i sat in my chair in the classroom in a shocked silence,
i didn't speak a word at school for a whole week.
a blank stare on my face all day,
constantly wishing that i was never brought into that hospital,
wishing they didn't save me.

first month...
i slept so much yet never felt rested
my sister felt like the only person giving me the support and love that i needed,
the only person to text me throughout the day,
the only person to keep me company,
the only person to get me to speak about how i was feeling,
the only person to remind me every single day how much she loved me.

second month...
i hold back my tears in english.
as we watch a movie about a girl that commited suicide.

third month...
i let small things get to me while locked in my room,
feeling so numb that i slit my skin so i can feel something,
so i can see if i'm still alive or not.

fourth month...
i want to give up again

fifth month...
i get prescribed medications for depression

people don't understand what it's like
to awake every morning,
and all they can wonder is
why they had even awoken

to pick up all of their pieces,
and put them back together
but still feel like they're broken

to say all that they can say,
and still feel like there's more
yet every word has been spoken,

slowly becoming immune to my emotions,
with my lungs incapable of letting air out,
with the pain buried within and unable to turn into tears.

to go to sleep every night,
and the only hope they have
is that their eyes will not open.


i am still healing, on my way to recovery
i am reminded of all the pain i've endured through the years
it used to be etched into my body

i regret it yet also embrace it
because i am strong,
and i will survive.
eileen mcgreevy Nov 2010
A normal couple during the week,
But when the weekend comes,
They cancel all that bores them both,
And to passion they succumb,
She bathes in water full of roses,
Soaking up the essence,
While he chills out,
Afew quick drinks then unwraps his **** present,
Thet meet at home, the kitchen sink,
Their first of many meetings,
Then living room, where he comes first,
Her mouth licks up his greeting,
Theback yard table plays the host to we, hot loving passion,
Where she comes next, then to their room,
She models **** fashion,
They warp themselves around eachother,sweat just makes it better,
They probe their bodies, grinding down,
The scent makes her get wetter,
Before they know it, Monday's here,
And in comes that routine,
They kiss goodbye, head off to work, and crave next Friday,s meeting :)
Sonia Mar 2010
A deadbeat father
Is not just the one that up and leaves
Its the one that allows his woman to have an abortion
And never takes a moment to grieve
Its the one that
Comes around once a year claiming he cant afford child support
It doesnt cost a dime to 'support your child'
Its priceless to make them smile
You'd know that if you stuck around for a little while
Its the one that stays in their children's life
Yet allows their seeds
To watch him strike his wife 'til she bleeds
Its the one that
Punches his daughter in the face
Then expects a gift and a smile
On father's day
Its the one that
Forms a search party when he realizes his child has gone missing
But he's been slowly killing her on the 'inside' so
Do you really think he cares if her 'outside' is breathing
Its the one that
Kicked out his 15 year old daughter for coming home 2 minutes too late
Now her period is afew days late
So changed are her life and her babies fate
Its the one that
Snooped through all the rooms in the house and found a gun
Then instead of asking
Made assumptions and punched his son
So violence plus violence equals silence
For the next few years
Til Mr. Father hears the doorbell and brought to life are his greatest fears
Each detail that started years ago in darkness is brought to light
On how his son was brutally murdered in an 'unnecessary fight'
See the definition of father is
A man that 'raises' a child
Not one that brings them 'down'
Im speaking real truth here
Its time you started acting more like fathers and less like clowns
Pong Panugao Feb 2012
I am no warrior nor an adventurer
Never dreamt of touching the sun
the mere rays satify me
I am easy to please but easier to cease

I envy Icarus despite judgements
Because many have dreamt but afew pursued
I am one of those who chose to subdue
Cant seem teach myself to start anew

Like how false angels flew
Daring to be foolish is what i dream to do
Filling my heart with nothing but crude
Now comes the time I must pay my loo

For so long I have kept my piece within
Ever anxious for what the future awaits
Now,Im in need of sails beneath me
To push me forward out of these depths

In need of Icarus's lead
To help me express my greed
May Apollo's warmth bless me
For me to fight for what i need
Matt Jursin Dec 2009
Once one opens their mind...

So many endless ideas encircle and fly.
These thoughts are vultures in the sky...
Pure lust for poetry and prose...
landing heavy on the nose...
picking on the bones...
of the dead...
'til they're dry...

I dont even have to try.

From the start its been a cartoon.
This...heart's been grazed by afew harpoons.
"Im bleeding" hung in quotations.
These ******' words flow so fluently from my foundation.
Reciting these writings that fall from my rib cage...
Almost 40 and still dont know how to act my age.

Frontal lobe speaks animation to the rest of my brain...
Secret whispers to myself.

Open up, say "Mind"...

My many meanings become less tranquil with time.
Times forgotten fortitude forged these strait lines.
This steel structure sunk securely in solid sediment...
This blood blotted into letters is all I represent.

This head of mine, this mind...stays deep in the mines.
Badly broken and bent on this dangerous descent.
Jude kyrie Sep 2016
You write poetry ?
she almost cackles in disdain.
Followed by an incredulous eyeroll
Who the **** reads poetry anymore.

She continued that's pointless
And unattractive.
How do hope to get a girl.
As though getting bedded
was the reason I write.

She introduced me to her sister
I wrote poems for her
Poems that spilled my soul
onto the paper.
She read them
and said she loved them.
She saved them
in a collection book.

Afew weeks later
She invited me to her bed.
A place where I still love
To read my poetry for her.
So many many years later.
Lona kadir Nov 2019
I’m 22
And already broken twice
Afew days left to be 23
I’m afraid I couldn’t make it thrice

I’ve heard second chances would relieve you from the pain
Once you let go, another chance would come in
But what if the second one itself fails you even more!?
The heart burns all of the scents of belief and starts to tore
words that were once too fragile to pass the door
Now it fractures the bone once they hear it more
Ending it with a cracked foundation Of a disabled core.
I believe it’s unfinished but I wanted to share it with you all anyway.
Deep into the depth of the night, sprawled on my bed.

   Drifting off seems so impossible; the night wouldn't let me tell my goodbyes

   The silence made me disconcerted. I cowered to my bed for some relief.

   I could hear the crickets chirp; the croaking frogs are hard to miss.They served as a pastime from the fear trying to set in.

   Frustration took over me so I took to my feet and ventured towards my window to catch some air but something caught me instead.

   Since old have i not seen the moon this big, bold and bright. For the night, it's form was noteworthy.

   A wow it stole from me; a smile it gave in return.I stared unbroken till I felt tears came to my eyes.

   For a moment, as though a whisper, I heard the dark blue void call to me as the fresh breeze caresses my face.

   A yawn escaped through my oral fissure accompanied with afew more teardrops. A firm refusal to the invite.

   I could feel the world resting on my feeble lids. I withdrew back into the cozy company of my bed and drew the sheet over myself

   Tada!! Tada!! blared my alarm. It reads 11:59. I landed a thud on it as i drift off..

topacio Aug 2022
My Fathers Office
sat with with
indentured servants
of paper stacks, crawling
towards the ceiling,
mildew man
in a metal bin can

old German phrases
lingered in the air,  
and my shallow
net unable to catch
a meaning,

of your ich bins
and your ein kleines,
your Nachtmusik of
revved engines,
cigar suitcases and
old turn of the *****,
in replace of an
I love you.

Don't matter to me,
I can spell out any
words with candles afew,
blow them out too
and eat the cake soon.

Some of them
do not do, you do not
do not to,

Where were you
when the night
turned blue?

but of intentions

you carry secrets you
dont know the words to,

a revved engine, cigar
suitcase and boots
Semihten5 Dec 2020
broken pens
on the world of table
shadows are far away
afew dreams comes only
with the tides

— The End —