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Hands Jan 2013
Spheres floating in the chilly dark,
white and fluffy,
vain and uncorrupted.
They act as the air
being both here and never
they act as the heavens,
little shining points floating
in a sea of black.
Islands so pure
floating in a nightmare sea--
how I abhorr their isolation,
their pure and careless
though I, too, am alone.
Adrift in a sea of
introspective mutterings and
the utterings of a mind entrapped,
I sail the dark and simpering seas
of the Universe.
My vessel is a snowflake,
a crystalline craft carrying me
through the synapses and
nervous connections
of the thinking brain.
How infinite is the mind,
how wondrous is the world,
an immensity unto itself and
yet so tiny and contained.
I have never seen the ruins of China,
the fallen columns of the Romans nor
the ancient halls of the Al-Hambra.
I shall never see the samurai in bloom,
arranging flowers and painting
pictures of naked women
haunting their snowflake mind.
I shall never construct the
anonymous clockwork of Archimedes
but rather be trapped in the mechanisms
of the modern machine.
my confusion,
my blind anger and hatred of fate and
the gravity that pulls the snowflake ever closer to the ground
is pure vanity and self illusion.
Do the archways of Troy or
the mathematics of India
make us any larger in size
when compared to the Universe?
How can a snowflake
measure infinity?
What Universes exist
within the frozen ice of a snowflake,
what wars and great romances have played out
within the crystals;
what gods have been erected,
what nations have coalesced from the ashes
within the molecules and atoms
crafted by the cold
and the senseless flow of water?
The myriad explorers,
geniuses lost to the ages
have mapped out the physical
while still being blind to the
finite world around them.
They sailed the Universe's
inky oceans of unknown,
their mind's sails billowing white,
puffy and hopeful
as they drifted off the edge of the known.
How they wriggled and rolled
so miraculously through the dark,
snowflakes floating carelessly
creating the world out of necessity
and pure ingenuity.
What white specters might exist
in the libraries of old,
in the halls of Alexandria or
the melting *** of Baghdad?
Do they wish to leave me a message,
the snow that saunters down,
to build a city in my mind
and a home in my soul.
What thoughts were caught
by the ancient genius
floating carelessly
like snow falling
in the anonymous black
of night?
Like islands they stood
for the men sailing the unknown waters
to rest and read and
for just a few moments longer.
Swallowed by the darkness,
layered on the ground,
the knowledge is lost
among the infinitely white expanse
and the all-consuming darkness
of the night.
I am lost
like a snowflake falling too fast
I am buried beneath
layers of snow.
Aery Nov 2009
Dear you. Calm down
Take the drama lay it down
Sit yourself find the truth
Find out what’s wrong with you
I’m pretty sure that its not me
But hey who can be sure these days?
I take it back you’re being crazy
Cause just maybe … maybe …
Its you that’s causing problems
Think your smart with all your quandaries
Philosophies and history
Or maybe your just repeating
The facts with hyper-meaning
Cause if you say it nice and boldly
Suddenly its new and golden?
You talk around in circles
When you stop you leave me hurdles
Should I respond? Is it rhetorical?
A silence meant for an oracle.
Cause if I say and disagree
Suddenly the tricks on me
If I lie and say your right …
I think I’d rather fight
Cause either way I lose respect for you
But If I lie I lose respect for me
I love you (god knows why)
But I just can’t tell a lie.

I think I’m stuck. I didn’t want to say it.
After years I can’t speak truth to you
I’m crying. What’s it worth to you?
Cause you say that you love me.
And that you want to know whats on my mind.
Oh If only you knew what you’d find.
Well it doesn’t seem you’d care …

If only you’d stop time like you used to do
Open up to whats confusing you.
These days nothing is confusing you
What true human lives that way?
Cause if everything so black and white
That means that you have solved this life.
And if you’re done then why do you need
The comfort of another.
You have no space for new life it seems.
I do not expect everyone to live like me
But I thought you understood
That no day starts with the doors all closed.
I’m trying to find simplicity
You seemed to me to disagree
And (of course!) I’m fine with that.
No humans are the same until they are dead
Soulmates are two, not attached at the head
I do not want to argue whats clear to me.
Stop now please before we bleed.

I mourn the loss of loosened seams.
Ready for the world to tighten.
Or relaxed to blow and live unfrightened.
I’m alone again, stuck in my head
Perhaps to loose to live unsaid
Without you the wind is lifting
And we our separate ways, thoughts adrifting
Michael Marchese Nov 2019
Eternal the struggle
Of dispossessed rebels
I finished God’s work
Now I’m doin’ the Devil’s
Duplicitous, shiftiest,
Dirtiest deeds
To the landless,
The peasants,
The outcasted breeds
An outsider
Ghost writer
Adrifting through town
And unleashing my unbounded
Hellhound around
My cause lost
To the cost
Of a hole in the ground
That I sought to make common
Man’s claim
All the same
But to do so
The gentrified’s bane
By the slain
They defined me
A murderous ****
And insane they confined me
To mind-numbing drugs
They prescribed me
Attempts to revive
The reptile
The coldest-blood guile,
Service with a smile,
Reviled exile
This side of the Nile
And in a submissive state
Made me a slave
To the for-prophet
People enchained
To a system
I swore to destroy
As a boy
With his head in the clouds
In the muses’ employ
Where continuing still
Is that struggle
But these days
It just rages on
In this journal
Michael Marchese Aug 2017
What is home anymore
To the dust in the wind
How can I come back
From the places I've been
I tumble through deserts
And cross empty streets
As they carry my streams
To a sea of deceits
I'm adrifting in time
As I thirst to learn how
I can distance myself
From the one I am now
Just some kid on a quest
To be more than a man
At the dead end of job
And retirement plan
But what destination
Could finally free
My spirit imprisoned
In reality
Spider spider, apple cider
Bench on old worn dusty paths
Crawling, sprawling and appalling
Inch closer to the whole and halfs

Peter Peter or and either
Both trees overlook the gloom
Ready steady toss the eddies
A week is weaker or too soon

Giver giver, baby critters
days adrifting off the web
Laughter after, doesn't matter
Eight long and prickly little legs
I love words

— The End —