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i smoke a little bud because i am drowning
take a shot of liquor because i am drowning
face it i aint sober because im drowning
everyone needs little relief to save them from drowning
i am drowning

government eats while the people are bleeding so they're drowning
system is shady wont compensate for the drowning
all alone with nothing to eat because we're drowning
the world is full of hatred so bitter we drown in it
we drowning

feed the homeless people because they drowning
where's our human rights because Africa is drowning
resuscitate all Africa because she is drowning

we don't deserve the sanctions because we are drowning
maintaining your pollution so we drown in it
we can't stop drowning

we crave stability because we're drowning
still fighting for equality because we're drowning
give me back my identity and prevent me from drowning
diminishing the role of an African Queen to watch her drowning

stand up for ubuntu because abantu is drowning
They said baby come home,
Worried and anxious about how you living alone,
I said i'd lost patience sick and tired of waiting for your dreams to come along,
And so i packed my bags, wrote a note and i was gone!

what does it feel like to be me?
When you stare at my reflection what'd you see?
A smudged painting, ripped canvas that's all i could be
An error in your work of art
You forgot i chose my life
I am glad i let go because now i can breathe

They said baby come home,
Although It's not the same, people ambushed, still put to shame
Killed for sport, life cut short used as the governments pawn,
I heard a baby wail, a mother cry gunshots that have left a wound that will take 5 generations to heal,
An orphaned child grown but immature to fulfil his fathers will
Hate, revenge and melancholy is all the heart can feel
Numb to love , peace, joy because he was raised in a warzone
Homes become barracks
Relatives become comrades
Friends become foes
Prying over deep rooted pains feeding off people's ignorance so long noone knows
But i know,
The soil bleeds me, when night time comes i listen to the moon console the land beneath me
I transform into a Goddess, strong and ready for battle,
The lines on my face and the past i carry is fatal
Remember abantu!!!
Remember abantu!!!
We can no longer fight for what rightfully belongs to us, that time is past

To continued.

Done by Gabriella Kundiona (Afrikka)
Ngiqale kuphi
Ngibambhe maphi
Amazwi aswabile
Ubuhle buhambhile
Abantu bafile.
Ngiyabuyela ngiyomkhalisa
Ishwa leli
Isizwe esasisihle kanje
Sesaba nje.
Lafa elihle.
Lemizamo kudala ndiyi zama-zama
Ndihamba ndibetheka
Ndagoduka ndiqhwalela
Abantu becing'ba ndiyabhampa kanti ndizikhot'amanxeba
Bambi besithi ndizenza kleva kanti ngamava
Abanye bendibona ndiphakamile(ukuphakama) kanti ndikhulile(kukukhula)
Ndayintswela kanti ndiyintswela kuqonda
Imibuzo endizibuza yona ibasinda nabadala
Sikwempa-kwempa iintloko sade saphuma iimpandla
Ndithi ndihamba-hamba ndizibone ndiqubeka ndisiwa , ndizibone ndivuka ndiqond'ba mandisoske ndiqhubeleke
Ndithi ndiyazama kanti ndiyabhatyaza
Ndithi ndiyakha kanti ndiyadiliza
Andiboni kwasisombululo ngathi ndisebumnyameni
Andiboni qu noMdali andithethi ngamaThongo
Nangona nje ndisazi ukuba bakhona, ndiziva ndinesizungu
Ndizohlala ndiyilindele inguqu
Ndihlale ndifudumale luThando neNkolo
Mandibengumnyamezeli ndinga nikezeli
Umvuzo ukhona kwabanomonde
Ekugqibeleni ndiyazi ndizophumelela kuzokhanya
Black dawn
odd doom
Kumnyama embusweni wenkawu
inkawu ayiboni lutho.

Ko ko ko
Bathi ithi come in
Mina ngithi round
Ngoba abekho abantu abadala.
Shiya umlayezo.

Yaqhum' iphasela
Ugogo engekho
Kwachitheka ubuchopho.
Basabalala ensimini
Kwamila ubulongwe
kwasha ubontshisi.
Sasala silambhile silembhethe.

Cozi Cozi yaphela
It's green time drop the envy plant a seed and wait your turn under the sun. It's a season of green please don't be mean. I mean you too can
reap so use your eyes to saw hhayi
ukuwela umfula ugcwele.
Don't wait for lemini iyeza nakuwe
lemini ila. Do something new for you
today, no not a pair of new shoes or any of that consumer sort I mean something that can grow and help,
that can help you, your family your people, hhey they are still there, as much as many have given in to fast cars and street lights many more are
there waiting for your hand. Abantu
basesekhona kumele bacingane, babambhane ngoba isizwe siyaphela.
We need black south african survivors, to hold up the flag of who we once where - and pray that our efforts will be rewarded when our actions inspire a rebirth in a time yet to come. A time we will not see. We are still due our rennaisance.

— The End —