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Oct 2014 · 463
Is it worth ...
Nessa Oct 2014
Is it worth starting over
not from the middle but from the very beginning  
Learning things over, and being vulnerable to the teacher
Is it worth losing friends & maybe even family, fighting a cause they don't or can't even understand at all
Is it worth losing sleep, tears, energy, and pieces of yourself
Is it worth changing, starting as one person, and possibly ending as another
For better or for worse I can't say, but different is a guarantee
Is it worth being powerless
Is it worth the possibility of being a villain, doing all those things you promised yourself you wouldn't do
Watching your morals, and your values be defeated by anger, greed, and jealousy
Is it worth dragging other people into a fire you both created
Flames don't die with words, with apologies, or ignorance
Flames don't die with both parties being naive or passing blame
If you're afraid to lose it all, are you really even considering the fact that I may not be worth it
Don't live in fantasy when the reality is
As much as you claim to love or want me
You haven't even asked yourself
Is it worth it at all?

— The End —