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 Nov 2013 WM
L Smida
 Nov 2013 WM
L Smida
Stick to your guns
If you don't
You're ******
 Nov 2013 WM
Because the world that I see
The lines that I perceive
Are just so different from you
From your sky.
Your eyes must be shaped differently than

Where do you stand?
How can I believe.

In whatever exists.
That we may change
Any moment to another
While breaths determine our steps
Looking back
I don't see
Or maybe just cannot perceive
Where this forked
And became.
While the other one dies,
We are only unaware.
Of less than exists.

Yet every one
So incomplete, still.
And though we may be opposing sides,
Does it even matter?
If in each one,
We are both still so small.

So look down on me
While she looks up at you.
And let's both miss the truth
The big picture.
And we 'll never leave
Our little worlds of perception.
Except you're there with the others,
And I'm all alone.

We never will transcend,
this atmosphere,
Will we?
 Nov 2013 WM
Nat Lipstadt
Took the bus home.
Paid my $2.50,
no special discount.

Spent my day selling my wares,
But did not sell enough to
Pay the daily rent,
Hell, to even pay for lunch.

Gave up my seat for sweet,
Baby-child laughed at my
Gallantry, I think,
For his exclamations were
Of the shrieking pleasurable variety.

Saw Macbeth last night,
In the end, he dies,
Same as when I saw it
Last year.

Le plus ca change
The Frenchies say,
Wonder if they still wear berets
And say "Le Weekend?"

In the winter,
The buses are overheated,
So winter coats become furnaces.
I am rendered,
Ash and smoke.
Nothing new there too.

Missed my stop
Writing this,
Happened before,
Hope it happens again.

Came  home to the customary
What's new,
So I said
Not too much
Somebody decided that ole
Poem I wrote two years on,
Should be the
Poem of the Day.

That's sweet, my love ,
You surely will be
Insufferably happy and
Impossible to live with
for at least the next
five minutes.

So take the trash out,
Before we leave,
Then pick a place to dine,
For not a thing in the fridge to eat.

So to the compactor,
I strode, thinking Shakespeare
Didn't have to do this, I'll bet,
But started smiling,
Ear to ear,
A ***** eating
Big ole

The question is,
How does it feel,
This poem of the day
The answer,
of course!

It feels, like,
I am,

**I am just like {you, man}
The funniest thing I know is me when I get up on a high horse,
only to fall down
and laugh at myself.
 Nov 2013 WM
Dear God,
If there is a god
Why aren't you listening?
I'm not going to sit here and question "why me?"
No, I've accepted my life for what it is.
But I'd like to know why them?
Why are you going to let my best friends die?
If you're so great and powerful,
Then why don't you save them?
show some pity and give them something?
Some reason, some sort of hope to keep going.
I'm trying.
I'm trying harder than you can imagine.
Trying to do what they say your job is.
They need a light, a reason to live, and they
Can't find it.
I'm doing all that I can.
But it isn't enough.
They still want to die, still see no point in living,
But I hope you know that if they go I'll be soon to follow
They're my life, besides my family, Hell they are family.
I don't sit here and wonder "why me?"
Instead I break the silence with screams of
Why NOT me?
Why do they have to suffer and I have things going well?
Why take them? What did they do to deserve this?
I'm the sinner. The one who should die, not them
God how can you take them and
Leave me here to die anyways?
Why not take me and spare them the sorrow?
I hope you know you're taking three lives with you that night.
Tonight I learned that my second best friend wants to die. Now both of my best friends are suicidal and who knows how long they have. I wrote this through a breakdown. I am not religious and I don't really believe in a "God" but this is what came naturally to vent.  I can't understand why this is happening so I guess that leads to questioning the "higher power". I know that if they die, I will not make it very long. I guess life likes to leave the undeserving sinners in our hell of a life longer than the better ones who actually deserve a life and happiness.
Typed almost identically to the hand-written vent.
 Nov 2013 WM
Sound Of Rain
The two words that automatically come to
my mind when I see you: Imperfectly Perfect.
The way your eyes light up when you're excited,
the way you smile like a 5 year old when you're happy,
the way you roll your eyes and then secretly smile when I tease you,
the way you try to act annoyed with me but end up laughing,
the way you dance when you're hyper,
the way you show me the peace sign at random times,
the way you talk, some times like a tantrum throwing little 6 year old,
the way you're so stubborn,
the way you order me around.
the way you understand me so perfectly,
the way you hug me,
the way you add a "Maybe" after thanking someone,
and the way you do so many other things.

It's adorable how you're shy at the most unneeded times,
and how you're careful about the decisions you make,
and how you and I have a similar perspective,
it's like you know exactly what you want, and how you want it.

Standing over here and looking back, I feel so blessed.
Having you as my best friend is something I never thought was possible.
If only you saw yourself through my eyes,
you'd realize just how amazing you are.
Thank you for being there for me and pulling me through hard times,
I'll always be here for you, the same way you've always been there for me.
Dedicated to my amazing Best friend. You're amazing. And though this poem isn't very (can't find the right word) nice or anything(?) yeah. It's for you. :)
 Nov 2013 WM
Robert Frost
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

— The End —