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Mar 2014 · 188
Hold Up the World
One alone cannot hold up the world
but if we all use our strength together,
we can hold it up for generations to come.
Mar 2014 · 196
You Are
You are the gloria
to my hallelujah.

You are the letters
to my language.

You are the melody
to my song.

You are the blood
to my body which
courses through me
and sustains me.
Notes (optional)
Mar 2014 · 574
When You Reach Me
Opens book
When you reach me,
I will love you
beyond comprehension.
Our love will be brilliant novel
from start to finish.
It will include epic poems,
romances and even puns.
Half of the book will be written
in your native language because it is
as sacred as mine.
Sparks, spontaneity and serendipity
will accompany our senses of adventure.
Who knows?
There might even be a few children in the future!
*The end.
Mar 2014 · 442
We're Just Friends
We're just friends.*

The scorpion sting.
The fatal blow.
The final breath.

The friend zone.
Mar 2014 · 306
A Voice
Is it okay if I just
listened to your voice
*one more time?
Mar 2014 · 779
Rage ripples through my veins
like cheese on top of a pizza
ready to be taken out of the oven.

*"Be careful. I'm hot to the touch."
Mar 2014 · 878
That Kind of Love
We all want that
kind of love.
A love that lasts a lifetime.
Mar 2014 · 413
Un Mar (A Sea)
Imagina un mar de estrellas
estirado por todas direcciones.
Te conoceré allá
abajo el cielo de agua.

Imagine a sea of stars
stretched in all directions.
I will meet you there
underneath the sky of water.
If my Spanish grammar is off, please tell me. Si este poema no tiene gramática correcta, por favor dime.
Mar 2014 · 245
Food Relations
Have one bite.
No, maybe two or three
and let food tonight
be your only company.
I have always loved food. Although what I eat hangs on my body as excess fat, the joy of eating is hard to surpass.
Mar 2014 · 243
Like a Cookie (10 word)
Right when I reach the
peak of perfection,
I *crumble.
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Come on in;
It's freezing out there!
Set your luggage at your feet
for I'll tend to every parcel in a heartbeat.

Then come and sit at the dinnertable
with my friends and me,
for we would thoroughly enjoy
your new and peculiar company.

Wait! (Said I) Have I seen you before?
This must be some kind of trick!
For I also tended to your luggage
when you were weak and sick.
Some people more than others like to vent out their feelings to people. I love when people come to me with their problems because I find that I have a knack for giving advice and solving them.
Mar 2014 · 676
I Claim Who?
It's irksome how we claim
people like landmasses.
"He's mine."
"She's mine."

Now all you need is a
"Private Property" sign!
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
If you think questioning the world around you
is bad,
try **ignorance.
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Poignant Phrase
Mar 2014 · 275
I worship maps
like conservatives worship the Bible.

The rivers tell of stories and
the borders tell of wars.
The capitals tell of grandeur and
the cemetaries of horrors.
Mar 2014 · 526
An Ode to the Busy Teenager
My sweet teenager,
life makes you grow up so fast.
There are so many things
that you have yet to learn.
Rest your head on your desk presently.
For right now,
the world rests on you.
Mar 2014 · 544
The Coffee Stain
The coffee stain on the table mocks me.
Your absence replays our memories
as blood drips from my quaking lips.
I raise my head to the sky and
the blood trickles down my scratchy throat
coating it with a vague, metallic comfort.
Mar 2014 · 291
The Ocean of You
My eyes scan your horizon
hoping that maybe
you'll stare right back.
Mar 2014 · 629
You Got It All Wrong
Your eyes
unbutton every button
unzip every zipper
unfasten every clasp
and tear through my soul
like a ravaging bull
hungry for a meal.

I'm sorry,
but I'm not meant to be
Mar 2014 · 272
Who is to Blame?
I am I the monster
or is society?

**I'm confused.
Mar 2014 · 642
The vile poison
that spills out of your mouth
is **appalling.
Mar 2014 · 219
And in that silence
the blossom shimmered of hope.
Mar 2014 · 453
Haves and Have-Nots
People that have it all think that
two halves make a whole
but I beg to differ.
I believe that
two haves make a hole.
Those that have it all
don't realize what they lack therefore
they have a hole.
One more sickly-sweet smile
and a sugarcoated
"everything will be okay"
will send me flying off a cliff.
Mar 2014 · 2.9k
Someday I will
drown in my tea
fade  into nothingness.

Mar 2014 · 539
Peer into a mirror.
Stop and stare intently at
your *beauty.
Mar 2014 · 274
Use your words cautiously
for they make people drift away too soon.
Mar 2014 · 363
Pray for those who
**** us
on the inside.
Mar 2014 · 201
Your Name
Why do my eyes
cloud up when I hear
your name?
Mar 2014 · 519
I am Fire
I am fire.
The passion within me
sizzles and pops.
while I stay
calm and collected
on the outside.

I'm heated and feisty.
Nobody wins my arguments
except me.
Lava flows through my fingertips.

I am warm.
Hug me tender and long.
My heat is rejuvenating, my dear.
Just don't anger me.
Nobody likes a charred soul.
This is me. I am filled with glee because this is me.
Mar 2014 · 173
And if I happen to land in your arms
after I fall for your quirks and charms
I thank you first for doing me no harms.

But if you drop me, I must confess
I will love you a tiny bit less.
And if you drop me on a bed,
I might be entirely and mildly mislead
to do things before I don't think with my head.
Mar 2014 · 205
Through it All
Strip me bare
of all impurities.

Find me there
in your embrace.

(Don't haste
to attach me to your waist.)

Glance again at me
for I will look back joyfully

I see your chest rise and fall
and I know you'll be there for me
*through it all.
Mar 2014 · 15.2k
As we climb great heights
we forget the grounds below.

Much like mountainclimbers,
people earning more money
than their friends tend to be
greedier, selfish, ignorant and egotistical.

CEOs, for example,
tend to forget those on foodstamps.
In fact, their salaries are 484 times that
of the average worker.
Helloooo 20 vacation homes!

Inequality is rising in this country
at an alarming rate.

The top 1% owns about 80%
of the wealth in our country.

What can I say?
Those few mountainclimbers
can't even look past their noses.
Mar 2014 · 619
Societal Rant
We all end up chasing the clouds
that look like the shape of our ancestors.
We thrive upon the notion that
we all have an equal shot of attaining
"The American Dream" as if
nobody is born into a hollowed-out family that's
chugging one beer after another
As if our parents can afford tutor after tutor
to spark some sense into our miserable existence
in which starving ourselves is the only way to achieve success
not to mention sleeping with the boss.
What foundation does skin foundation play in our lives?
Are we supposed to look like geishas being chosen by a matchmaker
or is it our society that wants to wrap its knarly hand
around every girl's thigh?
How can Unilever pose to beautify women when they
create ads that degrade women's status in society to
"**** me and I'm yours."
Mascara, eyeshadow and every other beauty product known to man cannot hide insecurity.
"Become the circus clown that everyone wants you to be," they said.

What if all girls were skinny?
What IS "skinny?"
We all have skin, so in a way we are ALL skinny.
Think that way and we will have a happier society.
How can companies justify using computers to edit models?
Can't we just see people for who they truly are?
I don't know about you, but I'd rather see a happy person gracing the cover of a magazine in a modest dress with no augmentations.
THAT, my dear, is natural beauty.
No makeup, no excess skin showing,
just **beauty.
Mar 2014 · 321
I'll Sing
I'll sing for you and
I'll sing for me.
I'll sing underneath every tree.
I'll sing in the darkness of an alley
and I'll sing in every crook, nook and valley.
If you don't like it, I won't be sad
because somewhere, someplace someone is glad
to hear my song
as I travel along
through lonely corridors
and bustling throngs.
Waiting to open up my mouth again,
I'll sing
I'll sing
I'll sing.
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
So Little
I feel cheap.
Some people have
so few possessions but
so much more.

I feel like I have
too many possessions
yet so *little.
Mar 2014 · 434
To get good at something,
we need experience
but to truly love something,
we need experiences.
Mar 2014 · 427
The tap has run dry.
Now it leaves just you and I.
Where visions in the mind appear,
we don't say them for fear
of hurting the other.

Life being just another
person in the web of love.
When you look up at the stars above
think of me
as I do think of thee.
Old poem about love :)
Mar 2014 · 819
Education Schmeducation
Our educational system
is so pitiful that
I learn more from
a page in my novel
than a whole day of schooling.
Mar 2014 · 496
Cell of Thought
Staring out the window
completely lost in thought.
This is something nobody
inparticular can be taught.

Such a feeling of autonomy
only exists in the mind
and even then we know
how much we are confined

to our little cell of thought.
Mar 2014 · 480
I fear the day when culture
is *lost.
Mar 2014 · 564
Shoes for a Day
Could I slip into your shoes one day
and just observe how people treat you?
That would solve so many problems
if we just let people in on our journeys
and burdens by carrying them in our shoes.
Then we are never alone.
Mar 2014 · 431
Right now, it's raining in a silent place
where the sun peaks through the cracks
of the hazy forest.
A place where your breath appears
as a roar of a lion and your sneeze
a tornado.
At dawn, your heart echoes the sigh
of the forest and the lament of the
babbling brook.
The brook babbles, yet doesn't say a thing.
Soon it will succumb to the hush
of the lush and shady forest
where the sun bleeds
its first hello and last goodbye.
Mar 2014 · 502
Cup of Tea
I guess some people aren't
my cup of tea.
We could never have deep
conversations or inside jokes.
You know I like inside jokes.

We would never see anything
but ourselves, lonely and afraid
of hurting the other person.
I can't be afraid of you.

We would never have that spark.
There would always be a
grand pause where the fortissimo
should have been.

I guess some people aren't
my cup of tea.
I'm also glad that those people
stay that way.
Mar 2014 · 475
Love Transcends
When will age and distance
become useless numbers?

Love should transcend all borders
in the mind, in the heart and on the Earth.
Mar 2014 · 639
If not him,
then who?

If not here,
then where?

If not now,
then when?

My mind is buzzing with the impatience
of a hummingbird jumping from flower to flower.

*I need a new compass. Mine is broken.
Mar 2014 · 957
*Sigh of Relief*
I am glad that such professions
I have made didn't touch your heart.
I also wouldn't blame you
if you didn't want to dive.
It's much too dangerous.

Although your explanation
is lengthy enough, I am puzzled.
What do you mean by heartstrings tangled?

Love hits people so differently
and mine is apparently leading me
to a dead end.
For MN
Mar 2014 · 379
My Invitation to You
You may not be a knight on a horse
but your poetry speaks volumes.
I may not know you very well,
but I will use this poem as a formal invitation
to dive into my profound and bafflingly complex soul.
Mar 2014 · 2.4k
Prince Charming?
My dear,
prince charming is a broad term
for a gentleman who truly
respects me for who I am,
what I do, and how I look.

He must tolerate my quirks
most importantly,
our demons must be compatible
so they silence each other.

If you did ride horse,
I would be impressed but
I'm more concerned about
character than some fantasy.
Mar 2014 · 346
The song's end is near
while I'm waiting here
for the song to begin.
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