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Mar 2014 · 5.1k
Melancholic Chopin
Such passion flows from fingers
that scale the controlled embellishments
of Chopin.
The melodies swirl in your brain
as you try to imagine caressing
the ivories with every female voice
that Chopin encountered.
Expressing profoundly the experience
of Chopin's work cannot be described
on paper.
It must be felt.
Only then will you find passion in its raw form.
Mar 2014 · 176
Run to Me
Just shout your name out loud;
I'll be right there
and if you don't know where I am
I'll run to you, I swear.
I need you more than a life-preserver
drowning in the Arctic Sea,
but one question more,
Would you run to me?

In the life that I lead
all I want is to succeed.
A's and B's
for my parents to be pleased
but no!
I know that you like me.
That we were always meant to be.
I open up my mind
hoping to somehow find
you in the crowd.

2nd Verse**
I know we have doubts
and mistakes, many more
but pause and think a bit
about what we're fighting for.
I'm sorry about what I said,
the big and the small,
and if you'd jump off a cliff
I would surely break your fall.
Another old song.
Mar 2014 · 200
Feelings Never Die
You can't deny
the urge to want to fly
away from time and space
as though you won't feel out of place
and though there may be times you want
to hide away and cry
your feelings of me never seem to die
never seem to die.

Put me in a chokehold
or maybe in a trance
but I will always be able to see
your quick but subtle glance.
Shoot me with an arrow.
Pierce me with a *****
and even that won't keep
me from missing you.

2nd Verse**
Capture my attention
or on second thought maybe not
and if I try to get yours
I might as well get shot.
Curiosity killed the cat.
That's what they always say.
It sure does keep you and me
in deep dismay.
I found this song in one of my drawers. I guess I did write poetry when I was younger!
Mar 2014 · 640
Time gives you and me a chance.
Not just time to speak or
to share a passing glance.
This is time to kiss and to live our lives
but, without you, will I thrive?

*Will I thrive?
Mar 2014 · 199
Too Late
I try to keep my head on straight.
The topics run, but things just don't relate.
It's not just me, but you also hesitate.
Please, don't let our chances be too late.
An old poem.
Mar 2014 · 725
Reality (by Ellen Ryder)
What is our reality?
Bulging waistlines and burger joints?
Sweatshops and religious fights?
Our poisoned food system and corporate profits?
Our jailrate is as high as Mao and Stalin.
These revolving doors and corruptions cannot blind us anymore.
We, the people, deserve to know.
People who hate, depreciate.
The fact is, who can we trust?
Certainly not our bankers,
but what about the Chief Executive Officers,
full of evil and greed?
What about Rana Plaza and Tazreen?
Burning bodies to ash.
And they can get away with
burning bodies?
There was the Holocaust
and then...
there was now.
I saw this girl's poem and automatically related to it. Thank you Ellen for letting me use this poem...although I wish you didn't go. :(
Mar 2014 · 399
We Fight 'em!
What do we do when chemical companies like Monsanto try to poison our food?
We fight 'em!
What do we do when our government supports the exportation of millions of jobs to foreign countries?     We fight 'em!
What do we do when the FDA approves unfit and under-tested medicine for our use?
We fight 'em!
What do we do when we find out that the NSA has been spying on us for many years?
We fight until they are stopped!

Right now is the perfect time for revolution. The bourgeoisie will create the spark and will lead the poor out of the cave of ignorance.
But we can't do this alone.
If you want a better life for you and your posterity
Mar 2014 · 3.6k
A Gentleman
Like a big slice of chocolate cake,
I would love a cultured gentleman
with a delightful accent.
Mar 2014 · 765
Ironically, I have a sweetspot for sugar!
Baked goods, ice cream, you name it,
I'll eat it.

I wonder how
I'll change my destructive ways.
Mar 2014 · 282
Work Transaction
I reached to turn on the lamp
and found you instead.
How surprising that you came!
I thought that you had a conference.
The back of his hand brushed my cheek.
Taken aback by the chill, I noticed his
hazy silhouette when he got into bed.
He started kissing me all over when I screamed,
He answered...

*"Your boss."
I felt like doing a creepy poem.
Mar 2014 · 663
Slamming Doors
Never have I felt so low.
Never have I felt so full of woe.
Panicking, convulsing on the floor.
My mother, full of anguish, slams the door.

Has my life been reduced to this?

*Slammed doors?
Mar 2014 · 214
Made My Day
And in that peculiar way,
you have made my entire day.
Mar 2014 · 242
Take It
Take my sadness
take my joy.
Then take each
and every toy.

Take my clothes,
take my socks.
Take my woes,
the keys and locks.

Take everything
except my heart
for it is in a world apart.
Mar 2014 · 248
Food Confusion
I wish I knew
which foods are truly
good for me.
Right now, I'm reading the book Wheat Belly. Thus far, I have learnt that chemical companies have pretty much oblitherated our food supply. I'm scared. This is NOT a recipe for a healthy generation.
Mar 2014 · 230
I am surrounded by things but how do I feel?

Mar 2014 · 640
Crony Capitalism
Crony capitalism is not capitalism at all.
Rather, it's the justification of the act of stealing
even more money
from the poor and middle classes
and giving it to the people
**that least deserve it.
Mar 2014 · 161
For Love
I live a thousand miles away
from where I am right now.
The world is on my brain and
I can't get it off.
Somewhere in this world
I find my one true love.
I am searching, grasping at
every attempt
to find him.

I wander for love.
I wonder for love.
I'd do anything in my power
for love.
Mar 2014 · 933
The Knight
I have the castle, but where's the knight?
Clothed in white, he was supposed to save me
and sweep me off my feet!
Did his GPS lead him awry
or did he get attacked by an undercover spy?
Oh haste, my love! Haste, my knight in bright white!
I have waited too many fortknights for you.
Mar 2014 · 507
Like a scientist in his lab
and an artist at his easel,
singing feels so natural to me.
Shaped phrases and the building crescendos
swirl into a cacophony of sound
that gives me euphoria.
The blending and bending of harmonious voices
call out to me saying,
"This is passion."
I will never stray from this passion of mine.
Never *ever.
Mar 2014 · 340
Be There
In a traumatizing hail storm,
stand out on the street corner
waiting for me to arrive.

In the operating room,
suffer with me as our
first child is brought
into this world.

In essence,
stand by my side.
You don't need to say anything.

*Just be there.
Mar 2014 · 500
Can I organize you?
Pack you in boxes and
keep you in my basement
for a long time?
Mar 2014 · 267
I can't resist you.
You are the cookie
in the window of a sweet shop.
No matter how much money
you cost, I am buying
everything you offer.
Mar 2014 · 211
My Love
My love!*
Save me from the tyranny of days
and the stalkers in the night
for only you know the ways
to defeat the demons in my sight.
I am safe and secure.
Bound by God's love,
I am sure
that you and I will last
until we both have passed.
Mar 2014 · 669
You are the light behind my eyes
and the flicker of my smile.
I would love to be a lazy pile
with you, watching movies
to our heart's content.
Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks
you name it.
I'd watch any of them with you.
Mar 2014 · 555
Call Me the Sky
Call me the rain, but never the puddle.
Call me the floor, but never the doormat.
Call me the dog, but never the tail
but you can call me the sky because
it has never been
stepped in,
or pulled.
I refuse to distort myself
for other people and their desires.
When you finally accept your individuality,
reach for the sky.
Mar 2014 · 217
Every Moment
Every moment
the taste, the sound
with your feet upon the ground
carries a feeling no matter how
big or small, to delight or appall.
In your heart you must choose.
Will you keep or will you lose
every moment?
I have come to a conclusion.

We are in an endless cycle.

We wake up and think about food.
We eat sugary cereals for breakfast
so we go to school or work thinking about food.

Afterschool, we watch food and beauty advertisements
that make us feel bad about ourselves,
so what do we do?
Shop for food and clothes to make us
"feel better" and to "fill the void."

After shopping, we get tired and watch television
where we, yet again, shovel even MORE food
into our lifeless pieholes.

We also don't want to cook anything,
so our meals consist of Campbell's soups, frozen pizzas and leftovers of whatever casserole is in the house.

Even after eating dinner, we are tempted to eat more,
so we have DESSERT!

Because of our constantly on-the-go lifestyle, half the time we are not even conscious of what we're eating.

Ironically, yet predictably, we go to sleep thinking about what we will have for breakfast the next day.
Mar 2014 · 558
Strongest are those
who speak their mind in
the midst of adversity.
Mar 2014 · 841
Love like Flowers
Like ivy,
my love for you climbs.

Like roses,
my love for you widens.

Like sunflowers,
my love for you is optimistic,

**always reaching toward the sun.
Mar 2014 · 275
Because My Heart is Empty
Because my heart is empty
my stomach is empty.
I spill the contents of you
on the floor.
No rag will ever clean that up.
Love, romantic love, must wait.
But they didn't tell you about
the emptiness
that buries itself deep in
your flesh, bones, muscles
and tendons.
Mar 2014 · 262
My Romantic Side
Your lips linger on my cheek for just a

until you whispered,

"Please, let us not haste
for this time with each other
is a terrible thing to waste."

His smooth, velvety lips touched mine
and in an instant,
my brain erupted into a chemical storm
which devoured my body, mind and soul.

I cherished that day.
Never have we carped so much diem.
This never happened in reality. I just felt like it would be fun to write a romantic poem.
Mar 2014 · 555
Purely Me
I am a woman.
I was born uniquely me.
Maybe I'm too short, too weird, too smart,
have too large of a hand, **** or heart
Maybe I'm inconsiderate, selfish, or blue,
have plenty of contradictions or I'm not always true
but everything that I am, everything that I do is me.
I am not a toy nor gadget.
My body's not a temple nor Play-Doh.
I am no Barbie. I am no Mrs. Potatohead.
I am me.
A person that loves and is loved back.
**Purely me.
Mar 2014 · 459
Our World
Hide me from this world of woe.
Conceal me from these wars that rock the Earth
with covert drones and noisy machine guns.
Bury me in a tomb where discrimination doesn't consume and prejudice never gets a meal.
And if you try to say everything's alright
I'll stand up and exclaim,
"No. It's not. And we have a long way to go."
Mar 2014 · 998
A Blanket
I am kicked around
dragged on the ground
folded into a crinkly mound,
yet I have the warmest embrace
that's the most profound.
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
We Are What We Eat
We are a slew of
antibiotics, genetically-modified foods, preservatives and dyes.
Our bodies contain everything that doesn't exist in nature.
No wonder why our grades are freefalling along with our pitiful economy.
We blindly invest in the pollution of our food supply and environment by wolfing down Twinkies and Doritos.
I implore you to eat what your grandma considers as food.
Not Pop-Tarts. Fruit Gushers or Swiss Rolls
but **produce.
Mar 2014 · 157
Oh Night!
Oh night!
It is you that's as cold as my skin
and everywhere I go
you seep into me.
Oh night!
You mistake love
for darkness and
climb the rock to understanding.
Oh night!*
Pale, milky night.*
Give in to me so that maybe,
just maybe,
I'll see your stars.
Mar 2014 · 260
Typical Working American
Eyes caked with exhaustion,
crusted with insomnia,
devoid of all curiosity.
Life has stolen them
away from you.
Fight back.
**Claim what's yours.
Mar 2014 · 290
Let Me Go
Let me go.
You gave me the wings to fly so
let me go
explore the world around me
and find something that truly astounds me.
Let me go.
You are no longer in charge of my future.
Let me go.
I will find a place
not in your hovering embrace.
Let me go.
Let me go.
*Let me go.
I just realized that this poem looks like the shape of a tree. How ironic...
Mar 2014 · 444
The Penthouse
I just want you to know that
you hold a place in my heart
like a hotel room.
I gave you the penthouse
because you deserve that much
but if you stray,
then the room becomes dusty,
vacant and chilled.
Frozen by your absence.
Mar 2014 · 6.0k
Spare me the misery of your absence, my dear
so that I do not grow delirious without you.
One day without those tender blue eyes
and I am lost in a fog of my self-pity.
The joyous cadence of your laughter and smile
never cease to enchant me day after day.
But where does your loyalty lie, my dear?
I shall not question your motives, love
for by faith and God you leave my side.
Mar 2014 · 518
Your absence is like
gears grinding together
creating sparks
that dance to the ground.
It is the dissonance
of a chord on repeat
with no resolution
and the subwoofer
in a car on full blast
trying to mess with
the rhythms of my heart.

— The End —