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My protector,
(although I don't think I need protecting)
My rock,
My soul,
is you.

P.S. I love your kiss ;)
Mar 2014 · 226
We Take The Good and Bad
My brow is hardened
from the evil in this world
but nothing can wipe
the smile off of my face
from the good.
Mar 2014 · 232
Great Things
We were born
to do great things.
Mar 2014 · 2.0k
A Poem Letter to Russia
Dear Russians,
would you mind not taking Crimea?
This is not the Cold War
nor the time of Imperialism,
so I suggest that you go back
and think empathetically about
the Ukrainians pushing to be
part of the European Union.
You must try to walk a mile in their shoes, understand?
There is no more Soviet Union
or the Iron Curtain,
so you really shouldn't be meddling
in Ukraine's affairs.
Let the revolutions play out and
what will be, will be.

Wistful Wanderer
Mar 2014 · 263
Smile Back
I love going places where
people actually look you in the eyes and
smile back.
Mar 2014 · 252
Leave a Mark
Leave a mark on my soul
if you dare.
If you leave a scar,
it's like getting gum
out of your hair.
Mar 2014 · 771
Children Play
Children play.
They don't care about
race, religion or ethnicity.
They just play.
I looked at a playground today and had this revelation.
"Did you see that girl over there?
She, like, totally had that boy on a leash."

Now tell me, brainy poets of Hello Poetry,
if this quote appears to be spoken by an intelligent person.
With the addition of the word "like,"
we transform our normal sentences
into a garbage heap of plastic Barbie doll
Even the emphasis changes from "totally" to "like!"

Also, that little brainfart before the adjective needs to stop happening!
We are already a culture developing that
grand pause that is present in great pieces of music.
The problem is, that grand pause is in

So next time you say "like" in a sentence,
*make sure it's a simile.
Mar 2014 · 820
Defined Love (12 word)
The very definition of the word love
begins with the word
Mar 2014 · 442
Sounds of Insomnia
How can I sleep when
sounds are digging my grave
and pounding, pounding, pounding
me beneath the Earth's surface?

Distractions, annoyances,
humming, drumming,
rat-a-tat-tat and this and that
are driving me to insanity.

You sounds are like New York City.
Invisible flames engulf my body.
*I can't escape the pain.
Mar 2014 · 1.0k
Complement Me (10 Word)
When you crack like thunder,
I flash like lightning, love.
Mar 2014 · 310
Our Love
You push through the crowd
and stand right in front of me
your palms up and your eyes
glistening with tears. Even after
all these years, our love
has grown until it has reached
it's breaking point.

Our love broke the Richter scale and
shattered my life to pieces.

My life, without *you.
Mar 2014 · 579
Afloat (12 word)
Are we all barely afloat?
If so, is someone in that boat?
We all wonder who are the people sitting pretty while others barely make a living. I see myself bobbing with a sea of others chained to the seaweed representing society's grip on us all.
Mar 2014 · 430
The First Dance
Maybe it's the way we danced the tango,
our arms gripped tight around each others'
torsos twirling and strutting down the
Maybe it's the way the fragrant rose in your mouth intoxicated and clouded my vision and thoughts.
Maybe it's the way you grinned when my legs dabbled beneath yours or maybe
it's the way you smooched me after that first performance.
"Querida mía," he crooned.
I still remember when he stroked my hair and implored,
*"Please be my partner forever."
Mar 2014 · 502
Turning Point
I think this is a
turning point in my life.
I can either control my food
or let my food control me.
I know what I should choose but
my parents won't support me.
For the past week, I have cut my intake of wheat. I ate it tonight and lost control of what I was eating. My parents don't believe me, but I'd much rather trust my gut.
Mar 2014 · 279
To My True Love
If we have crossed paths before
I hope you be inclined
to meet somewhere again someday
with our history outlined.
Mar 2014 · 274
As a Poet
Why yes,
I do have the audacity
to say controversial things.
Mar 2014 · 452
The grinding floors
and pounding doors
cannot keep me anymore.

I have retired from this
apartment named ironically "Bliss."
You, my fair neighbors,
all shall be missed.
Mar 2014 · 520
The Russian Writer's Rhyme
I find it funny how
Tolstoy rhymes with toy
and Delstoyevsky rhymes with **tea.
Mar 2014 · 298
She thought she knew
everything they didn't.
Mar 2014 · 369
I Don't Care
I don't care if you're too old.
I don't care if we have opposing political views.
I don't care if you're religious and I'm not.
I don't care if you are dyslexic.
I don't care if you can't spell.
I don't care if you don't go to college.
I only care that you have a
beautiful heart.

I love you for that and many other positive things.
Mar 2014 · 283
Love Alert
I've fallen for you and
I can't get up!
Mar 2014 · 464
How Can I Resist?
I am driven to madness
by your charm.
Your face when you respond
to my text messages is priceless.
I miss those hugs where your
glorious smell permeated my body.
I don't feel anything wrong with this except

you don't feel the same.

Those words cut me deeper than
a rusty nail plunging into someone's foot.
Mar 2014 · 602
You Push
What do you do when
the walls are closing in on you?

You push

**as hard as you can.
Mar 2014 · 303
Wanderer Tis I
I only hope that the grass is greener
on the other side of the pond.
I have had this idea to teach choir in Spain. I hope that it's everything that I imagine it to be.
Mar 2014 · 490
Have you ever thought about
tight-rope-walking in a storm?
The wind whistling through your hair
making you constantly check your balance
until you become so paranoid that you fall?
It's the same with life.
When you fall,
you sure as hell better be getting back up again.
Life is a balancing act. Going here, going there, doing this and doing that can be challenging. I reflect on this concept through an analogy.
Mar 2014 · 304
It Would Hurt Me Even More
don't pour salt
on my wounds.
Mar 2014 · 508
No Greed
In our darkest times of need,
the last thing want in our lives is greed.
Mar 2014 · 2.0k
Lonely Man in the Restaurant
I desperately want to sit across from that
lonely man in the restaurant.
Perhaps he, too, would
enjoy my company.
We all have had those encounters with lonely, old men dining alone in a
restaurant. In one way or another, we
desire to keep them company. Nobody
deserves to be alone, especially eating a meal.
Mar 2014 · 821
My Passion
Crawling through my mind,
I came upon a light.
It flickered like a candle
but it could never be snuffed.
This is my passion.
It's fire burns deep within me.
Next time you see me,
I dare you to look into my eyes.
When will you finally agree that
people are more important than profit?
If there are no people to feed,
then how can you expect to keep your
multi-national billion dollar corporation

**You Can't!
Mar 2014 · 575
Speak Up
No duct tape, rope or burlap sack
will ever silence you.
Go out there and say what you feel
because people will appreciate you.
Those that gag you gag themselves
with your lost breaths.
We have the amendment of free speech
so why not use it?
Our society is so worried about swear words that they are not getting the
big picture.
What we need is change and the only way that will happen is if we
*speak up.
Mar 2014 · 916
I misjudged someone.
I took their appearance as hindrance
to their appeal.
It doesn't feel good to look at that face
and think about
what could've been.
Mar 2014 · 964
Too Much, Society?
Stop thinking that you are too much
this or that
too ugly or too fat
because you are worth
much more
than a number.

No jean size, person or society
can dictate how you live your life.
No failure or mistake can ever
define you.

You are only defined by your character.
Mar 2014 · 417
To Travel
I travel great distances
to be only a
step away
from where you are.
Mar 2014 · 880
Poets Love Poets
We love a good introspection.
A lot of thinking-outside-the-box
a dash of sponaneity with a pinch
of romance.
A lot of pondering, wandering
wondering and pandering.
We crave intimacy and to woo we say,

"Look at my poetry."

Our minds are wired differently.
We tend to see things not as they are
but what they can be.
We are silently affectionate but rarely
spout off our poems in public.
We love deeply, fall hard and
live out our lives according to our
composition books.
Mar 2014 · 587
A Confession
I get most of my clothes from
hand-me-downs or thrift stores.

So what?

What if I like being unique?
Mar 2014 · 219
A Night (5 word)
Stars need darkness
to *shine.
Mar 2014 · 1.0k
Sobbing Episode
My body heaves and convulses
while tears stream down my face
blurring my vision
like a camera lens in fog.

My mind was sick.
I had just watched the movie
The Pianist about the Holocaust.
The Holocaust was sick.
A man in a wheelchair fell
from a tenth story window,
dumped out by the SS.

My body was sick.
I could not speak.
I could barely cry for that matter.
All I could do was sob.

My spirit was sick.
I hadn't prayed in a whole month
and God and I were floating
farther   and         farther            apart.

My soul was moved.
I heard the real star in The Pianist
Wladyslaw Szpilman play
Chopin's Nocturne in C# Minor.
(that is NOT a hashtag)

That was when I broke down.
This actually happened. I was at home one day from school with nobody around and turned on Chopin's Nocturne in C# Minor. I swear I could hear every death he had witnessed during the Holocaust in that song.
Mar 2014 · 278
People are razor sharp.
They ask and beg
and want and plead
until you are nothing but
shavings of a soul you once had.
Mar 2014 · 421
Sticks and Stones
Sticks penetrate my skin
pushing past my taut muscles
and searing into my bones,
twisting and wharping my veins
along the way.

My friends have the audacity
to throw stones at me,
bruising the ****** holes
where the sticks reached into my soul.

What is left of me?
I'm asking you because I am

What do you see?

A heap.

A pile of bones that look like
a bundle of sticks tied together
with muscles strained and stretched
from the torturous stones.
This poem is quite metaphorical. This is not physical violence. This is verbal
violence. Just as deadly, yet more discreet.
Mar 2014 · 384
You Don't Care
You shut me out
with your words
your actions and
your body language.

You don't appreciate me
or my talents.

You don't want to get to know me.

Worst of all,

You don't care
about me.
Mar 2014 · 516
Quarter Tones
When the dust is kicked up
and everything from the
hidden recesses of my mind
are revealed,
I hear quarter tones.

When my emotions
soar up high into the air and
EXPLODE like firecrackers,
I hear quarter tones.

When my friends look right
through me like a
clear, single-paned window.
I hear quarter tones.

So close are those quarter tones to the true note yet they are never on-pitch.

I am a quarter tone.
Quarter tones are increments of 25 in scales between every note known to man. They are creepy and don't sound good to my ears.
Mar 2014 · 440
Response to It's Just Music
No guy and girl would EVER
want to watch a movie that had
no soundtrack
or go to a concert just to see
the people play their instruments.
Yes, you may claim to have music
as your hobby but many others are
extremely passionate about it too.
Without music, what would have
happened to Bach, Beethoven, Haydn,
Scarlatti, Clementi, Vivaldi, and others?
Saying "it's just music" is like saying
"it's just life."
Life is beautiful, passionate, tragic, comedic, playful, intense and even stressful sometimes.
Think about it.
Life and music go hand in hand.
Instead of saying "it's just music"
I urge you to say
**"let there be music!"
Mar 2014 · 375
The Great Composer
The heart composes music
that nobody can hear
except yourself.
Mar 2014 · 643
Accidental Touch
Whenever our hands
accidentally touch...
I feel electric charges
crawling up my arms
like vines.
Your soft, supple hands
brush mine and
awkward silence commences
as I scan more items to check out.
Your warmth penetrates
my frigid skin and I
no longer feel
devoid of **love.
Mar 2014 · 314
Lack of Love
Why do I lack
love in my heart?
My family loves me.
My best friend loves me.
Maybe I just want your approval.
Perhaps the only thing I need is
your love.  
But before I love you,
I must love *myself.
Mar 2014 · 445
For once in my life,
I finally feel

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