That's what we are taught to have.
That's what we are taught to believe.
we believe that we are nothing.
Photoshopped models in magazines mock us while we huddle in the corner of our bedrooms with tear-stained eyes because
we feel like the ground doesn't support us anymore.
We are nothing.
Because we don't have multiple bed-partners, we are nothing.
Because we don't dress like we are going to a nightclub, we are nothing.
Because we recognize that people aren't objects we can pick up at a grocery store,
we are nothing.
Well, society,
you got it all wrong.
We celebrate our modesty and morality.
We celebrate the treatment of people as who they are.
We celebrate our reliance on each other for more than just ****** favors.
In fact, we celebrate most
the people who go against the grain of the wood of society.
Ouch, is that a splinter?