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Jan 9 · 41
spring is on the way
soon it will be spring when flowers start to grow
adding lots of colors that give life its glow
snowdrops and the bluebells daffodils galore
popping through the ground spring is here once more

trees they get there leaves on branches that are bare
replacing them once more now theres new leaves there
birds with there morning song singing it to you
welcoming the spring in the morning dew

a season of the year that we all like to see
full of natures wonders we can view for free
mother natures children putting on there show
a beauty to behold that gives your heart a glow
Jan 8 · 47
they say for every smile a teardrop it will dry
everytime you smile one less tear to cry
smiles they make you happy when your feeling down
raise again your spirit take away the frown

and when the sadness starts just look back and see
things that made you happy in your memory
that will make you smile take away the pain
if only for a while feel happiness again
Jan 8 · 67
new year
which way will this year go is it good or bad
maybe its the best year that you ever had
we just have take it live it day by day
what ever comes along what ever comes our way

hope it will be better than the one before
filled with lots of happines no sadness anymore
maybe dreams and wishes this year will come true
all you ever wanted is  waiting there you

we  have to wait and see.  which way the year goes
what it has in store no one ever knows
we just have to cope what ever it is sending
hope the year ahead as an happy ending
Jan 8 · 54
watching kestrels
i like to watch the kestrel flying way up high
hovering over fields in the bright blue sky
looking for his prey on the ground below
with a mighty swoop the kestrel he will go

spreading out is talons picking  up his prey
with elegance and grace he takes his prey away
such a lovely bird with such a hunting skill
just to watch the kestrel gives me such a thrill
Jan 7 · 114
loves bond
love it is a bond that is shared by two
there to last forever in the heart of you
it will never die or ever fade away
getting even stronger each and everyday

there to last a lifetime as long as you may live
in your heart forever always there to give
a very special gift sent from up above
given to your heart to fill your heart with love

something you can share and forever true
for eternity love is there for you
it will never die or ever fade away
love it last forever and in your heart will stay
Jan 7 · 130
take away today.  let tomorrow take its place
hope it will be better   one that you can face
one that makes you happy brings a smile once more
then you can say goodbye to the day before

hope it is the start of  of things that lie ahead
sadness it has gone theres happiness instead
make each day tomorrow do what you want it to
good times lie ahead waiting there for you
Jan 7 · 55
when a heart has sorrow it needs time to heal
to take away your sadness change the way you feel
it may take some time that is up to you
you can make the change when your ready to

feelings and  emotions filling with despair
time will help you heal and your heart repair
all the world you knew now empty and so bare
a part of it is missing now no longer there

it happens to us all when sorrow shows it face
we all need the time to heal the empty space
life it still goes on.   waiting there for you
time is on your side there to pull you through
Jan 6 · 56
theres nothing quite nature it makes the world go around
lots of things to see places to be found
all around the world each and everywhere
the miracles of nature you will find them there

all the many creatures of each and ever size
from beetles and centepede lots of butterflies
lot and lots of flowers with colours by the score
bluebells and the daffodils and a whole lot more

there are many things there for us to see
natures many wonders  we can view for free
mother natures children putting on there show
the miracles of life that give your heart a glow
Jan 3 · 78
theres a stairway to heaven one that we all climb
where we rest in peace when it is our time
when we meet our loved ones thats already there
in heaven up above high up in the air

united once again as a family
in heaven up above  just like it used to be
safe for evermore. no sorrow or no pain
united as a family together once agan

at peace for evermore in a land of love
where the angels stay in heaven up above
no more sorrow will there be that as come cease
from now on you are safe and can rest in peace
Jan 2 · 61
another year
another year gone bye  a new one here once more
we  have to wait and see  what its has in store
put the past behind that has been and gone
time to start again from the past move on

make a brand new start  in the year a new
everything you dream of is waiting there for you
you can make it happen make your dreams come true
put your faith and hope in everything you do

all this can happen if you believe in you

Dec 2023 · 66
faithful friend
if you have a dog then you have a friend
always there for you until very end
stay forever faithful when your feeling down
he can make you smile again take away your frown

always  by your side he will always stay
with a friendship true that never fades away
there to comort you and keep you company
a friend for evermore he will always be

a friendship that is real a friendship that is true
and his love  forever he will give to you
best friend in the world you will ever know
a friendship for a lifetime that will never ever go
Dec 2023 · 66
wordsworth masterpiece
wordsworth wrote a poem of a golden daffodil
and the poem he wrote to this day read still
while out walking with sister her name was dorothy
the poem that he wrote    now a part of history

written in  the lakes  by the name of  glencoyne bay
he saw a host of daffodils they began to sway
in the springtine breeze they began to dance away
and now the poem is read to this very day

while out walking with sister in the year of 1802
a host of golden daffodils came in to his view
they took his heart away.  inspired the poem he wrote
and all around the world. people they still quote
this poem is written on fact
Dec 2023 · 67
love is in your heart
when love is in your heart and that love is true
for now and evermore that love will stay with you
bring you happiness for ever and a day
it will last a lifetime and never fade away

through the good and bad love will pull you through
love is always there within the heart of you
a very special gift sent from up above
there inside your heart to fill your heart with love

there inside of you  as long as you may live
a very special thing that is there to give
it will last a life time each and every day
with you forever more your love will always stay
Dec 2023 · 71
hope that all the bad times  will pass from 23
make the year ahead as happy as can be
sorrow that we felt from the year before
hope its  gone for good  that there is no more

let time do the healing for loved ones passed away
take it step step take take it day by day
do the best you can forget the year thats gone
change all it around let life carry on

Dec 2023 · 61
i miss you
darling i miss heart is broke in two
nothing is the same now i dont have you
all the years of happiness that you gave to me
i will hold forever in my memory

now your safe in heaven with the angels up  above
no suffering will you bare just lots of angel love
i will always miss you. till the day i die
when i get  my wings to heaven i will fly

together once again sharing love with you
that very special love that we always knew
Dec 2023 · 77
are there angels
are there really angels like the people say
do they give us wings so we can fly away
is there really heaven where we all go to
way up high above in the sky so blue

do we all unite meet again someday
is this really true or something people say
we will never know until the day we die
if there are really angels and heaven in the sky
Dec 2023 · 62
angel flight
i saw two angels flying on a christmas  night
lighting up the sky with there wings so  white
flying side by side flying wild and free
flying overhead flying over me

i sat there and watched them as they went flying by
as gentle as can be in the  mooonlit sky
everything felt peaceful  gentle and so calm
it made me feel so safe free from any harm

when my time has come and im an angel to
i will fly with them in the sky so blue
flying side by side with my wings so white
lighting up the sky on a christmas night
Dec 2023 · 63
new year round the corner nearly twenty four
hope it will better than the one before
many hearts were broken of friends and family
of there loved ones lost such a tragedy

we can only hope for a new year change
heal the broken hearts and life rearrange
we will have the memories they will never leave
that we can look back on to help us as we grieve

try to start again take it day by day
till slowly bit by bit   till the sorrow fades away
see what lies ahead what life has in store
change your life around in 2024
Dec 2023 · 109
its not very nice when lonelieness creeps in
how do you make it go where do you begin
how can you replace the love you always knew
when the angels came and took your love from you

now your world is grey empty and so bare
when all you ever wanted is no longer there
everything around you is just an empty space
and the world outside you can no longer face

you must  use your faith with your will and hope
these  are things that matter they will help you cope
time will help the healing. time is on your side
help to fix the lonlieness and the love denied
Dec 2023 · 49
special angel
mary is an angel someone that i know
everybodies friend that gave there hearts a glow
with a lovely smile that  took your heart away
in my mind for ever that smile will always stay

today it is her birthday in heaven up above
celebrating with the angels with lots of angel love
watching over family husband Gerald to
from home in heaven in the sky so blue

a very special person loved by everyone
and forever more her memory will go on
Dec 2023 · 49
christmas eve
its the eve of christmas time to celebrate
and for christmas day  children just cant wait
lots of smiling faces full of christmas glee
opening there presents stacked beneath the tree

time to think of loved ones time to say a prayer
tell them how you miss them wishing they were there
send them all your love to where the angels stay
to there home in heaven so very far away

its that special time when the world unites
time for christmas trees with lots of christmas lights
time for peace on earth leave the past behind
christmas time is here for the whole of all mankind
Dec 2023 · 69
christmas feelings
christmas it has feelings and emotions to
memories of loved ones no longer there with you
now angels in the sky in heaven up above
watching over you sending down there love

watching there grandchildren having lots of fun
filled with happiness now christmas has begun
wishing they were there to sit and watch them play
opening there presents on a christmas day

its that time of year full of memory
feelings and emotions and what they used to be
of the loved ones lost watching over you
from heaven up above in the sky so blue
Dec 2023 · 54
no sorrow
if there was no sorrow and no one  had to die
no tears would there be no one would have to cry
when christmas come around no one there to miss
just a normal christmas full of christmas bliss

this will never happen but if it only could
christmas would be happy way that christmas should
one big happy family  no one to pass away
united all together  celebrating christmas day

not a tear in sight not a tear to shed
only fun and laughter and happiness instead
this is just a thought that can never be
will it ever happen we will have to wait and see
Dec 2023 · 172
christmas verse
christmas is the time to fill your heart with joy
time for happiness for every girl and boy
lots of christmas presents for friends and family
making christmas happy way that it should be

watching all the children as excited as can be
opening there presents stacked beneath the tree
having lots of fun as they begin to play
playing all together on a christmas day

that time of the year one that we all know
a very special season that gives your heart aglow
time for peace on earth a time for us to share
for the whole of all man kind each and everywhere
Dec 2023 · 50
we all need a friend
everybody needs a friend at this time of year
that very special  someone that is very dear
someone who is there to keep you company
and a friend for ever they will always be

they are there for you when your feeling down
to make you smile again take away your frown
someone to rely on when ever things go wrong
there to comfort you help you to be strong

we all need someone to tell your troubles to
someone who will listen always there for you
that very special someone  who is always there
anytime of day to give you love and care
Dec 2023 · 80
robin melody
the robin is a lovely bird he just loves to sing
joy to the heart the robin he will bring
brings you peace of mind with his melody
makes you feel so warm sets your spirit free

sitting on the fence singing out his song
happy has can be has he bobs along
singing all in tune every note in key
such a lovely song that warms the heart in me

Dec 2023 · 78
farewell rosie
Rosie she has gone to her home up in the sky
all the pain and suffering  now has all pass by
in heaven up above in the sky so blue
mary jane and charles they are up there to

now there all together again has family
now at peace for ever they will always be
celebrating christmas  on a christmas day
in heaven up  above where the angels stay

watching over loved ones from there home above
each and everyday sending down there love
waiting for the day when there an angel to
united once again once again with you
Dec 2023 · 74
lark song
while i was walking in the park on a christmas day
a lark began to sing took my breath away
such a lovely song with a lovely melody
i sat there and listened as he sang to me

every note in tune and in harmony
singing notes so clearly not one out of key
such a lovely song  such a lovely tune
touched my heart inside as he began to croon

i wont forget the song or the christmas day
the lark who sang a song that took my breath away

Dec 2023 · 50
christmas stray
i saw a little puppy on a christmas day
wandering all around i think he was a stray
probably abandoned thrown out in the snow
with no food to eat and no place to go

he was very thin wasnt very old
roaming all around in the freezing cold
then he spotted me  sat down by my side
i started filling up i very nearly cried

then i took him home let him stay with me
now he is not the same dog that he used to be
rescued just in time before got to late
now is my best friend and the perfect mate
Dec 2023 · 56
morning song
i listen to the birds in the early dawn
with there morning song singing in the morn
singing all in time all in harmony
makes me feel alive wakes the soul in me

mother natures choir bringing in the day
making life worth while as they sing away
such a site to see and to listen to
bringing in the day to welcome me and you
Dec 2023 · 57
lonely christmas
christmas will be lonely your not here with me
just a broken heart is all that there will be
its so had to believe  im here all alone
a life we had together is all ive ever known

now theres only me and memories of you
and the love you gave me that i always knew
cant put my arms around for a christmas kiss
all these little things this year i  will miss

i cant wait until the day when im an angel to
with my big white wings i will fly to you
united once again  together you and me
sharing christmas once again like it used to be
Dec 2023 · 223
robin song
theres a robin in my garden comes every christmas day
sings his christmas song that melts my heart away
every note in tune in perfect harmony
i sit there and listen as he sings his song to me

sitting on the fence in the christmas snow
singing out his song with its christmas glow
singing loud and clear as happy as can be
such a christmas feeling the robin brings to me
Dec 2023 · 58
not long to go
not to long to go till the sliegh bells ring
time for peace on earth that is what they bring
when the world unites in each and every place
no matter who we are each and every race

time for happiness for the whole world through
a season to be jolly for every me and you
lots of happy children with presents by the score
excited as can be christmas time once more

a special time or year for the whole all mankind
forget about the past leave it all behind
another year gone bye a new one on the way
time to start again  on new years day
Dec 2023 · 55
miser man
theres a man i know a miser man is he
supposed to be a landlord that he will never be
he dont do repairs   takes for ever and a day.
anything to do with money  he dosent like to pay

then he gets his cowboys sends them round to you
dont not what there doing any bodge will do
500 pound a month  daylight robbery
he was born a miser no pride or dignity

dont like  to part with money  wont pay for repair
still takes his rent of me. each month he is there
collecting at the door   making it tax free
something not quite right seems like fraud to me

a proper landlord rougue  and a fraudster to
that gets his satisfaction when he is robbing you
oneday he will pay for his robbing crime
when he goes to jail and have to serve his time
Dec 2023 · 64
christmas memories
christmas it brings memories of a love one lost
feelings and the memories are all together tossed
thinking of the the things that you used to do
all the special times  that you always knew

when you stole a kiss beneath the mistletoe
playing with kids in the christmas snow
all these little things that you love the best
before the angels took you to your place of rest

when your time has come for your home up in the sky
with your angel wings to heaven you can fly
united with your loved one.  in love again once more
and through the clouds of heaven together you can soar
Dec 2023 · 58
congratulations you done well
knew you would pass i could tell
now the roads are there for you
go anywhere that you want to

so  now enjoy yourself  no L plates anymore
now you passed your test something you longed for
time for lots of fun and a driving holiday
travel here and there on   on your days away

Dec 2023 · 60
two months
two month old today. now time is moving on
only seems a moment 2 months been and gone
growins really fast growing every day
so hard to believe two months flown away

it makes me feel so proud when he looks at me
my lovely little boy he will always be
cant wait until the day when he begins to walk
listen to his first words as he begins to talk

these are all the things i cant wait to see
watch him as he grows there in front of me

love you jackson ***
Dec 2023 · 386
when you lose a loved one.  time will be your friend
it will heal your sorrow bring it to an end
take away the pain that your going through
as the time goes by will heal the heart  in you

the memories you have will for ever stay
always there with you each and every day
your loved one will be there watching over you
from heaven up above in the sky so blue

it wll take a while for your heart to mend
time is there for you time will be your friend
take it day by day  till all the pain has gone
time is there for you.     help your sorrow to move on.
Nov 2023 · 93
birthday verse
happy birthday sheena the day belongs to you
hope your dreams and wishes on this day come true
fill your day with happiness if only a while
its your special day wear your birthday smile

have a lovely day  like your supposed to do
on the day you were born that belongs to you

happy birthday to a very special person
xxxxx Jimbo
Nov 2023 · 76
merry christmas
merry christmas **** and lovely sheena to
thankyou for the card that i got from you
i know it wont be easy what we have been through
hope next year will change and we can start a new

we still have the memories how it used to be
when we  were very happy one big family
they will never die or ever fade away
in our hearts for ever they will always stay  

merry christmas to you all

Jimbo xxxx
Nov 2023 · 77
christmas verse
thankyou for the christmas card that i received today
wishing that this year was many miles away
it has been heartbreaking for each and everyone
the ones we we loved so dearly sadly now have gone

christmas wont be merry sadness took its place
this time it is something we dont want to face
we must carry on and do our very best
say a prayer for loved ones now in peace they rest
Nov 2023 · 110
trucking freedom
theres nothing quite like trucking for freedom on the road
travelling town to town dropping of your load
listen to the radio to your favourite song
free as a bird as you drive along

pedal to the metal hear the engine roar
head on  to  the depot  reload again once more
back  again once more on the road you go
to the lfe you love the only life you know
Nov 2023 · 112
my friend
i play with my willie he is a friend of mine
we have ups and downs apart from that were fine
likes to play at soldiers standing so upright
loves it on patrol standing up all night

when the daylight comes at the break of day
he closes his one eye and sleeps the day away
Nov 2023 · 123
not to long
not to long to go till happiness begins
that time of the year when everybody wins
christmas time once more when we all unite
no matter what the race weather black or white

everybodies equal christmas we all share
time for peace on earth each and every where
lots of happy children playing in the snow
with there smiling faces that give your heart aglow

time for celebration with presents by the score
children so excited christmas time once more
time for happiness no matter the race
christmas is for everyone in each and everyplace
Nov 2023 · 96
three little children
theres three little children that mean the world to me
millie she is one as cute as cute can be
after that theres layla a smile is all you see
then of course there jackson making up the three

three georgeous little children that give my heart a glow
at there baby age so i can watch them grow
it makes me feel so proud when they visit me
knowing that is grandad they have come to see
Nov 2023 · 164
daddies song
daddy  had a christmas song he used to sing to me
he would pick me up sit me on his knee
family they would gather around the christmas tree
they would sing along to daddies melody

always made us happy when he began to sing
christmas to your heart daddy he would bring
words they told a story reached into your soul
made you feel happy made you feel so whole

i wont for get his song that he sang to me
that made christmas happy like its meant to be
someday when im older and christmas comes along
i will do what daddy did sing his christmas song

words they told a story how its meant to be
i wont forget the song my daddy sang to me
Nov 2023 · 73
what is
What is Life if we have to die
What is Death why do we cry
What is Family if they dont care
What is Friends  why are they there
What is Happiness  when life is sad
What is Sadness when you were glad
What is Love  if we dont share
What is Hate why do we scare
when christmas comes around the carol singers sing
in perfect harmony oh what joy they bring
snow begins to fall lighting up the night
lighting up the roof tops pure and so white

children having fun playing in the snow
there favourite time of year that gives there heart a glow
families gather round on a christmas day
happy as can be has they watch the children play

a lovely time of year with happiness and joy
lots of christmas presents for every girl and boy
time for peace on earth when we all unite
that happy time of year that makes the world feel right
Nov 2023 · 78
remember them all
rememberence day upon  us nearly here once more
time to wear your poppy for those killed in war
sacrificing lives with there bravery
fighting for us all with pride and dignity

so they could set us free let us live once more
give us back the freedom that we had before
fighting in the trenches in the cold and rain
giving up there lives to set us free again

if it wasnt for the soldiers we just wouldnt be
fought with all there might so we could be free
now its time to thank them each and everyone
who gave up there lives so we could carry on
Nov 2023 · 67
lonely christmas
think about the homeless when christmas comes around
sleeping where they can no home to be found
in the wind and rain and the falling know
sleeping in a door way no where they can go

no presents they can open from friends or family
all they have is lonlieness and christmas misery
sometimes life is cruel in every different day
christmas for the homeless seems so far away

spare a thought at christmas show them that you care
to the homeless and the lonely each and everywhere

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