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Nov 2023 · 82
santa forgot
a little boy was crying on a christmas day
santa he forgot him left his presents on his sliegh
went  back to his grotto high up in the sky
suddenly remembered the boy he had passed bye

sants he was sad set of again once more
to the little boy santa he did soar
took the boy his presents now the boy could play
now he had presents for his christmas day

santa he was happy the little boy was to
flew of on his sliegh in the sky so blue
Nov 2023 · 73
another war
children getting killed in yet another  war
motherrs fathers family killing by the score
they are just civilians that are in the way
innocent human beings lives just took away

a senseless waste of life with killing every where
getting killed for nothing just for being there
countries fight each other on the battle ground
soldiers and civilians bodies all around  

the world was meant to live in  with a life thats free
not to hate each other **** humanity
why dont they stop the wars lets all live as one
put all wars to an end let life carry on
Nov 2023 · 97
christmas snow
christmas snow is falling on a christmas night
covering the roof tops pure and so white
with its christmas feeling warms the heart in me
makes the world feel right makes the world free

children building snow men playing in the snow
sliding on there sliegh with there with there hearts aglow
lots of christmas presents stacked beneath the tree
childrens smiling faces full of christmas glee

waiting for there presents in the early morn
happy as can be as they begin to yawn
having lots of  fun as they begin to play
playing with there presents on a christmas day
Nov 2023 · 105
country daddy
daddy was a country  boy. loved a country song
making people happy as they sang along
joy and happiness daddy he would he would bring
he loved  christmas time it was his favourite thing

pick up his guitar.  play it country style
songs that he wrote  that always made me smile
people gathered round as as he began to play
to his christmas songs dance the night away

dancing altogether to my daddies song
i would sit and watch as they danced along
he would play all night that was  daddies thing
happiness at christmas daddy he would bring
Nov 2023 · 68
waste of time
theres a man i know his  Business dmg
does removel waste and came to visit me
said that he would leave it call another day
he came back again then again he went away

maybe  cant be bothered maybe he is odd
or if the jobs to big and just a lazy sod
said he would call on monday will have to wait and see
if the work he does gets done evenytually
Nov 2023 · 184
i love christmas
i love it when its christmas snow falling all around
lighting up the roof tops covering the ground
children building snowmen full of christmas joy
bringing happiness to every girl and boy

stacking up the presents beneath the christmas tree
switching on the lights brings a smile to me
pulling christmas crackers on a christmas day
children with there presents as they play away

a special time of year when troubles come to cease
time for happiness when the worlds at peace
i love it when it christmas when we all unite
making christmas merry happy and so bright
Nov 2023 · 59
lets have merry christmas
lets have a jolly christmas merry and so bright
turn the music on lets dance away the night
light the christmas tree let the sliegh bells ring
get the party started  lets make christmas swing

dancing all night long to the songs you know
steal a christmas kiss beneath the mistltoe
dance the night away with friends and family
with all the joy of christmas full of christmas glee

lets have a jolly christmas merry and so bright
turn the music on lets dance away the night
light the christmas tree let the sliegh bells ring
get the party started  lets make christmas swing
Oct 2023 · 70
lonely heart
when a heart is lonely.  mind is in despair
need someone to talk to nobody is there
love that you once knew no so far away
sunny skies above now have turned to grey

you can turn it round meet somebody new
happiness again will return to you
put the past behind then make a brand new start
say goodbye to lonlieness mend yout broken heart
Oct 2023 · 124
poppy emblem
a poppy is flower for rememberance day
for the brave that died that gave there lives away
with a heart of courage and there bravery
fighting in a war to set there country free

fighting for us all for each and everyone
so we could be safe and with life go on
fighting day and night on the battle ground
wounded and the dead dropping all around

they still carried on they had a job to do
saving all the lives of every me and you
now we must remember on remeberence day
the bravery of the soldiers.  that gave there lives away.
Oct 2023 · 81
remember them
dont forget your poppy on rememberance day
remember all the soldiers who gave there lives away
using all there courage on the battle ground
in the heat of a war raging all around

fighting in the trenches in the wind and rain
risking  life and limb to set us free again
many soldiers fought so we could live once more
set our country free and put an end to war

remember all the brave on remeberance day
how they went war and gave there lives away
salute them all with pride. wear your poppy to.
how they give there life to give a life to you
Oct 2023 · 76
lonely christmas
christmas will be lonely when it comes this year
i wont have my loved one the one i love so dear
there will be no presents beneath the christmas tree
espescially the ones that she bought for me

i will hang the mistletoe send a kiss and love
first class angel post to heaven up above
play your favourite song that you sang to me
that i will hold for ever in my memory

wishing you were here like it used to be
opening the presents underneath the tree
especially the ones that i looked forward to
the very special ones that i got from you

christmas will be lonely when it comes this year
i wont have my loved one the one i love so dear
there will be no presents beneath the christmas tree
espescially the ones that she bought for me
Oct 2023 · 65
goodbye bobby charlton
lets say goodbye to bobby a football star was he
a very gentle man as gentle as can be
legend of a player and football history
with super football skill for the world to see

played for man united got to them to the top
trophy after trophy the  just didnt stop
known around the world to each and every one
gone but not forgotten his name goes marching on

a legend of a man he will always stay
what he did for football will never go away
lets say goodbye to bobby send him all our love
on the football field in heaven up above

tribute to a legend and gentlemen
Oct 2023 · 106
happy place
when you lose your happiness life seems to fade away
sunny skies you knew now have turned to grey
makes you feel so empty broken up inside
happiness you had now has been denied

you feel so alone empty and so bare
happy times you had no no longer there
you can turn it round if you want it to
think about the good times that you always knew

keep them in your mind when your feeling blue
happiness you had will return to you
you can smile once more with a smile up on your face
your mind it will return to your happy place
Oct 2023 · 268
for a while
when the sun is shining it makes you want to smile
brings a little happiness if only for awhile
shining all around warming up the ground
sending down its rays spreading all around

then when the weather changes and begins to grey
clouds there overcast rain its on its way
takes away the sunshine that made you want smile
that made you feel so happy if only for awhile
Oct 2023 · 81
genuis alan
theres a man called millyard always on tv  
a genuis and  clever intelligent is he
he loves motorcycles builds  them by the score
brings  them back to life makes the run once more

i watch him all the time doing different things
very entertaining lots of joy he brings
i watch him with his friends  henry and skid to
find it fix it flog it and the things they do

such a clever man a genuis is he
that i love to watch when he is on tv

tribute to Alan millyard
Oct 2023 · 72
angels story
an angel came to see me sat upon my bed
i wont forget the words that the angel said
when you die your free and to us you fly
high up in the sky to heaven in the sky

with a life thats free in your resting place
no more pain or sorrow will you ever face
in a land of love with angels all around
in heaven up above where only love is found

at peace for ever more for eternity
loved for ever more you will always be
i remember to this day what they angel said
when she came to see me and sat upon my bed
Oct 2023 · 55
still with you
when you love some one and they pass away
there still in your heart every single day
the love you have inside will never ever leave
there to comfort you as you begin to grieve

every where you go there watching over you
from heaven up above in the sky so blue
sending down there love as you go passing bye
from there home above in heaven way up high

waiting there for you to get your wings and fly
when your time has come for you home up in the sky
once again together and for ever free
in love for ever more for eternity
Oct 2023 · 171
christmas time
soon it will be Christmas hope there lots of snow
to bring that Christmas feeling  give your heart aglow
lighting up the roof tops lighting up the night
making Christmas merry.  happy and so  bright.

lots of happy children having lots of fun
building lots of snowman now Christmas has begun
carol singers singing standing at the door
singing Christmas songs Christmas time once more

time for happiness let your troubles cease
time to all unite fill the world with peace
Oct 2023 · 81
drunken santa
santa he got drunk while riding on his sleigh
from his destination a million miles away
riding through the snow drunk and couldnt see
no presents for the children this year would there be

all the children waiting listening for his sleigh
waiting for there presents to open christmas day
santa fell asleep and sobered once more
turned his sleigh around and through the sky did soar

delivered all his presents to each and every door
children had there toys and could play again once more
santa he was happy he had saved the day
and never drunk again while riding on his sleigh
Oct 2023 · 225
smile a while
there a little girl i know that fills your heart with glee
every time i see her she always smiles at me
such a lovely smile that melts your heart way
never seems to cry smiling every day

always very happy she just loves to play
smiling all the while it never goes away
every body loves  her she is there best friend
happy all the time with a smile that does not end
Oct 2023 · 81
christmas round the corner santa on his way
stacking up the presents on his christmas sliegh
ready for the children every girl and boy
lots of different things to fill there hearts with joy

travelling everywhere through the rain and snow
children waiting patiently with there hearts aglow
listening for the sliegh bells as they begin to ring
wondering this year.   what presents will santa bring
Oct 2023 · 101
congratulations jess a mother now are you
all your dreams and wishes have finally come true
someone who will love you each and everyday
that will last a lifetime and never go away

now you have a future to look forward to
that you can see each day there in front of you
someone to make you proud as long as you may live
and a loving son with lots of love to give
Oct 2023 · 194
mammas song
when i was just a kid mamma she would play
her favourite christmas song every christmas day
we would sit and listen as  she began to sing
joy to our hearts mammas song would bring

a song that she wrote to sing on christmas  day
that mamma used to sing sang in mammas way
we all sang along around the christmas tree
as  mamma sang her song in perfect harmony

now im all grown up have a family to
i still sing her song like mamma used to do
we all sing along every christmas day
to my mammas song sang in mammas way
Oct 2023 · 68
autumn day
autumn time is here leaves are falling down
lying on the floor gently turning  brown
trees are standing tall  empty and so bare
gone now has leaves that were growing  there

robin on the fence with his morning song
happy as can be as he bobs along
showing of his red breast in the autumn sun
happy and content having lots of fun

a lovely time of year that is mother natures way
and the beauty that she shows us on an autmumn day
a  season we all know  we all like to see
a lovely part of nature that we can watch for free
Oct 2023 · 66
christmas can be sad
christmas is a happy time  for some it can be sad
when a loved ones missing makes you feel so bad
it doesent seem the same like it used to be
when theres someone missing from your family

though the room is full your empty and so bare
you begin to cry wishing they were there
sharing all the fun that you always new
thinking of the times when they were there with you

there still watching over  you from heaven up above
sending christmas wishes with lots of christmas love
waiting for the day when you meet again once more
then christmas time will be.  just like it was before
Oct 2023 · 103
that time of the year
its that time of year when the sliegh bells ring
carol singers at the door with christmas songs to sing
snow is falling  down pure and so white
falling all around lighting up the night

people celebrating with parties by the score
filled with happiness christmas time once more
lots of happy children riding on there sliegh
happy and content as they play away

waiting for there presents there beneath the tree
lots of smiling faces excited as can be
that time of the year when your troubles cease
when the world unites and fills the world with peace
Oct 2023 · 100
when love is true
when a love is true it is there to stay
always in your heart that never goes away
there to last a lifetime for your whole life through
stays for ever faithful and forever true

through the good and bad it never goes astray
stays with you for ever never goes away
a very special  thing that two people share
in everthing you do love is aways there
Oct 2023 · 181
theres brothers and theres sisters aunts and uncles to
all your family members always there for you
anytime of day any time at all
when ever they are needed they are there to call.

all your sons and daughters there to help you through
with there love and care there to comfort you
doing all the things that loving families do
with all the love you need that is real and true
Oct 2023 · 115
pink balloon
i held a pink balloon then i let it go
high up in the sky it began to blow
flying wild and free in the sky so blue
on its way to heaven on its way to you

to say how much i love you  and i miss you so
when my time as come like a balloon i will blow
flying way up high flying wild and free
in heaven up above together we will  be
Oct 2023 · 82
football roots
ever since they were babies they had football roots
wearing football outfits along with football boots
dreaming maybe one day join a football team
winning lots of trophies. complete there football dream

filling up the staduims hear the fans all roar
for the lionesses as they win again once more
leave a legacy just what you can achieve
follow your dreams and in them you believe

role models you will be for all the world to see
making womens football a part of history
Oct 2023 · 88
nearly xmas
not to long to go christmas time once more
soon it will be here knocking on your door
time to do some shopping at each and every store
stacking up the presents like the year before

watching all the children on a christmas day
lots  of smiling faces as the play away
stealing lots of kisses from the one you love
underneath the mistletoe hanging up above

having lots of fun with friends and family
making christmas merry like it supposed to be

Oct 2023 · 45
is there heaven
is there really heaven do we really know
when we pass away to heaven do we go
is it just a myth something we believe
s story that is told that will help us grieve

are there really angels flying everywhere
will we get to see them if heavens really there
we may never know until the day we die
if heavens really there in the big blue sky

we will have to wait maybe get to know
if heavens really there and that is  where we go
Oct 2023 · 66
angel granny
i dug myself a trench to put some ashes in
made 8 foot long so they would all fit in
i put them in really quickly like filling in a hole
now granny she is bigger and such a happy soul

5 foot when she started she couldnt reach the shelf
now she got much bigger no longer just an elf
dosent need a ladder she is ladder free
tallest angel up in heaven she will always be
Oct 2023 · 75
ashes and embers
ashes are just embers of the one you love
scattered in the wind so they can fly above
high up in the sky they will gently blow
to heaven up above where the angels go

in a place of peace now forever free
no more pain to suffer will there ever be
only love and care will you ever know
in your final resting place where the angels go
Sep 2023 · 58
when you die away far from the home you knew
your soul it will  know  and home will take you to
to the place you know.  where  you used to stay.
all those years a go before you moved away

home again once more to friends and family
place that you call home where you longed to be
the place you know so well where you were before
now your soul is free home again once more
Sep 2023 · 47
mums birthday
happy birthday mum 93 today
in heaven up above so very far away
i say a prayer each night send  my love to you
to heaven up above in the sky so blue

every where i go  i know you are there
each and every place each and every where
when i get my wings.  i will fly to you
celebrate our birthdays together me and you

Sep 2023 · 67
life is strange
life is very strange it changes day by day
you just never what will come your way
will be a good day then just turn to bad
break your heart in to leave you feeling sad

will there be surprises that make you dance and sing
you just never know what your life will bring
it the same for all we just never know
take it day  by day as on with life we go
Sep 2023 · 51
heard the news
heard the news today your loved one passed away
i am deeply sorry cant find the words to say
i know what its like i ve just been there to
in know what its like there inside of you

her suffering as gone no more pain to bare
safe for evermore with angels everywhere
waiting there for you when your angel to
flying side bye side in the sky so blue

united  once again the both of you will be
sharing love once more and for ever free
flying side by side in heaven up above
and for ever free once again in love

Sep 2023 · 68
sorrow is sad thing it makes you weep  and cry
when the one you love has now passed on  bye
to heaven up above so very far away
at peace for ever more now at last will stay

suffering and pain now for ever gone
memories you have to help you carry on
there inside your mind they will always be
each and every day your loved one you will see

every where you go she is watching over you
from her home in heaven in the sky so blue
one day your time will come united you will be
in love again once more flying wild and free
Sep 2023 · 58
move on
when in times of trouble you wish that you could die
feel life has deserted you it  just walked on bye
feeling so down hearted you dont what to do
feel that in the world there nothing left for you

everything around you is just an empty space
feel you had enough the world you cannot face
you can turn it round and live again once more
start your life  again to what it was before

put troubles far behind you  they have been and gone
that it is the past now you must move on
Sep 2023 · 84
orphan wish
there was a little orphan boy an homeless boy was he
never had a home or a family
sleeping anywere he could lay his head
never had a home where he could sleep in bed

roaming round and round for a place to stay
crawling into barns sleeping in the hay
all he ever wanted was a was a home and family
no longer just an orphan would ever  be

the boy he made a wish hoped he could find a home
settle down for good no longer have to roam
one day on his travels a lady passing bye
felt sorry for the boy and she began to cry

the lady took him home gave the boy a treat
made  a lovely meal so the boy could eat
the little boy was happy his wish it had come true
now he had a home liked he always wanted to
Sep 2023 · 71
words can say so much in a special  way
they can be expressive in the words you say
make you feel emotional in your mind they stay
stay with you forever and never go away

words are always there .  there for you to say
they can say much in there special way
when you say them right they can say so much
there inside your heart words can always touch
Sep 2023 · 76
special friends
I have two special friends Mary Ann and Gill
they were there for me when my partner jane took ill
took her for her chemo and all appointments due
two very special friends that help to get me through

a  friendship that is real   a friendship that is true
when ever they were needed always there for you
i wont for get my friends.  that looked after jane and me
best friends in the world there could ever be

Sep 2023 · 53
children make the world go round in each and every place
no matter what the color no matter what the race
they bring happiness and lots of fun to you
all around the world thats what children do

they make you feel so proud give you heart a glow
such a lovely feeling as you sit and watch them grow
always make you smile with the things they do
you are there role model they look up to you

always there you with there love so true
when ever they are needed they are there for you
Sep 2023 · 50
loved one
when you lose a loved one. breaks your in two
when the one you love is no longer there you
everything around you feels empty and so bare
gone now has your loved one that was always there

you still have the memories you can hold on to
and the one you love is always there with you
there inside your heart for ever she will stay
she is there with you every single day

you know that she is free no suffering or pain
and the time will come when you will meet again
once again together with a love so strong
you are with your loved one  place where you belong.
Sep 2023 · 75
friends are very special always there for you
anytime of day this what they do
when your feeling down they will comfort you
make you smile again take away the blue

they will sit and listen whenever things  go wrong
right there by your side help to keep you strong
they wll dry your tears if you begin to cry
hold you in there arms till the tears run dry

always there for you they will always be
till the end of time for eternity
that what friends are for always there for you
with a friendship that is real and forever true
Sep 2023 · 159
age it dosent matter if a love is true
it is just a number that comes each year to you
feelings dont have age they are always there
in each and everyone each and everywhere

love is always there wether young or old
age is just a number so we have all been told
thats the way of life love is every where
no matter what the age love is always there
Sep 2023 · 39
to our best friend
happy birthday Jane from Gillian and Mum
you were our best friend our buddy and our chum
i remember our days out on the millom run
and the bingo nights that gave us so much fun

sitting in the garden on a sunny day
we sat there for hours and chat the day away
were always thinking of you in every thing we do
we wont forget the friend that we had in you

so have a happy birthday we send you all our love
to your home in heaven with the angels up above
Sep 2023 · 68
live and learn
we have to learn to live we have to learn to cope
believe in yourself and believe in hope
life as many roads that we have to take
which  way do you go  its up to you to make

there are many turns on each and every bend
you just never know whats there at the end
no mattter who we are its the same for everyone
life is there to live life it must go on

its  apart of nature that just has to be
for all the human race.  every you and me
it makes the world round helps the world to live
the world is there for everyone that has so much to give
Sep 2023 · 52
learn to live
as we live we live and learn
that roads in life.  all have a turn
which direction do you take
decisions there for you to make

every corner has a bend where does it lead to in the end
these are things we all go through everyday is something new
we have to learn to live.  learn the way cope
use our faith in life and believe in hope

thats the way it is for each and every one
no matter who we are life it still goes on
the decision it is yours it up to you
you have to live and learn for your whole life through
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