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13h · 24
when tomorrow comes and yesterday has gone
another day ahead for life to carry on
everyday is different than the one before
another day ahead ready to explore

time to see whats waiting what it has in store
will it hold things different than the day before
life it still goes on changing day to day
we just never know what will come our way

then when tomorrow comes we do it all once more
to see if it is different than than the day before
i like to watch the kestrel hover in the sky
looking for his prey as it goes passing bye
maybe for a mouse or a rabbit to
anything at all that comes in to his view

hovering on the wind as regal as can be
flying in the wild flying wild and free
with his hunting skill  and his mighty swoop
picking up his **** with a mighty scoop

a lovely bird of prey thats so nice to see
with his hunting skill flying wild and free
1d · 27
lifes roads
life has many roads that we travel on
theres a different road for each and everyone
each and every bend  as a different turn
as you travel on your journey about life you will learn

dreams they can come if you believe in you
you make it happen if you want them to
treat life with respect in everything you do
all your dreams and wishes one day will come true
everyone needs friends thats always there for you
when in times of trouble  someone to turn to
who can hold you tight when you began to cry
hold you in there arms till the tears all dry

they will sit and listen help to pull you through
right there by your side always there for you
we all need a friend wether night or day
that very special someone never far away
4d · 31
washing day
weather it keeps changing sun is in and out
you really just cant trust it.  puts your mind in doubt
when you put the washing out.  hang it on the line
hang it out dry the weather it is fine

then there is a change clouds are overcast
leave the washing hanging till the clouds go past
hope the sun comes out.  the rain it stays away.
so your clothes will dry on your washing day
5d · 32
real love
when a love is real when a love is true
then the one your with is the one for you
deep inside you know when a love is strong
your heart will tell you both with each other you belong

love it will grow stronger in each and everyway
it will last a lifetime and never die away
happy ever after love will always be
in the hearts of two for eternity
6d · 41
your happy place
when your mind is troubled find your happy place
where you feel secure and have your own space
a place you can escape to leave troubles all behind
find your happy place there inside your mind

that place is always there when your feeling low
to give you your security there for you to go
where you can escape to where safety you will find
your favourite happy place there inside your mind
6d · 31
way of life
there are many things in life that we get to know
from the day were born and we start grow
learn the way of life and what we have to do
the wisdom that you need that will get you through

all the ups and downs that will come your way
take it in your stride take it day by day
you must have belief in everything you do
learn the way of life thats waiting there for you
when the sun comes out it makes you want to smile
brings you happiness if only for while
gone now has the rain to let the sunshine through
shining up above shining down on you

clouds have all turned clear no longer over cast
gone now has the gloom the sun is here at last
shining overhead in the sky so blue
if only for a while bringing happiness to you
Jul 18 · 29
is it really there
when we pass away to heaven we  will fly
the place that we all talk of high up in the sky
is it really there we dont really know
we only get to know if and when we go

they say that there are angels watching over you
its something we believe but is it really true
do we reunite with loved ones like the people say
ones we love so much already passed away

oneday we will see if heavens really true
if its full of angels in the sky so blue
in our resting place like the people say
we will know for sure when we pass away
Jul 18 · 38
country living
i live in the country live with natures way
surrounded by its beauty every single day
you can see the fields for many miles around
each and every where nature can be found

flowers growing wild  standing tall and free
showing of there blooms for all the world to see
there a lots of rabbits having lots of fun
as they play away in the summer sun

lots and lots of birds sitting in the trees
happy and content  cooling in the breeze
you can see the badgers roaming round at night
underneath the moon such a lovely sight

all the joys of nature every day i see
living in the country is where i long to be
Jul 16 · 45
listen to the the rhythm of the falling rain
with its pitter patter rolling down the pane
just like little teardrops falling from your eye
these are just same falling from the sky

when the sun comes out the tears all dry away
sadness of the teardrops becomes a happy day
makes you smile again not a tear in sight
just a lovely day happy and so bright
Jul 16 · 40
natures wonder
nature is a wonder with so much to see
from the stars up in the sky  to the rolling sea
all the birds and bees all the flowers to
lots and lots of creatures there for you to view

rabbits and the badgers and of course the hare
all  a part of nature all of these are there
trees that stand so tall reaching for the sky
there for us to view every you and i

the miracle of life that we can view for free
all around the world natures there to see
Jul 15 · 41
good and bad days
somedays they are bad somedays they are good
sometimes they dont go just the way they should
every day is different than the one before
you just never know what it has in store

all that you can do is just go with the flo
take what ever comes as through the day you go
then when tomorrow comes it could be good or bad
maybe it  could be.    the best day you ever had
Jul 14 · 28
theres a memorial that i built to remember you
to remember the time when there was us two
sitting in your swing chair going to and fro
with your smiling face that gave my heart a glow

putting out the plants in there flower bed
beneath the summer sun shining over head
spending time together beneath the sky so blue
sitting there for hours how the time just flew

then the angels came took you away from me
with the one i love  no longer would i be
the memorial i built in your memory
is there in my garden  each day i will see
Jul 14 · 39
life it must go no matter what we do
wether good or bad keep on marching through
we must fight our troubles when they come along
face what lies ahead stand up and be strong

life is there to live for each and everyone
no matter what it brings life it must go on
do the best we can to make life go our way
take it as it comes take it day by day
Jul 13 · 36
garden fun
i love it the garden on summers day
tending to the flowers passing time away
taking out the weeds tidying around
growing so much better now they have more ground

trimming up the hedges keep them nice and neat
getting out the mower to give the grass a treat
passing on the time beneath the summer sun
gardening away having lots of fun
Jul 13 · 46
dogs have feelings
all dogs they have feelings  for you there always there
always there for you to give you love and care
its a special love that they give for free
always in there heart there love will always be

they will comfort you when ever things go wrong
lay down by your side help to keep you strong
there friendship it is real and never goes away
they will always love you until there dying day
Jul 12 · 32
no violence
if there was no violence how better it would be
lives they would  be saved no more killing spree
we could live in peace no danger anywhere
violence in the world no longer would be there

no more wars to fight no blood getting spilled
putins war would end no children getting killed
all the senseless killing would  forever cease
violence would be gone we could live in peace
Jul 11 · 38
roanhead shore
i remember roanhead when i was just lad
all the summer days the best ive ever had
picnic on the beach with friends and family
all  the special times that meant so much to me

fishing in the tide catch a fish  or two
these are all the things that i loved to do
building lots of castles with my bucket and a *****
these memories  i treaure that will never fade

soon all this go when the buildings start
the beauty of roanhead will be ripped apart
natterjacks in danger a species that is rare
along with all the flowers they really just dont care

it is such a shame to build along the shore
the roanhead that we knew  will be there no more
when you get creamated and the smoke begins to rise
its your soul departing heading for the skies
to heaven up above so very far away
to it resting  place from now on it will stay

no more pain to suffer from now on only peace
troubles and the turmoil now at  last will cease
in heaven up above with a life thats free
your final resting place for eternity
Jul 10 · 116
cruel and kind
life it can be cruel life it can be kind
it can lead you on play round with your mind
change from day to day change from good to bad
one day you are happy next day you are sad

you just never know what your life will do
never know the day when life will turn on you
its the way of life for each and everyone
no matter what it does we have to carry on
Jul 9 · 26
we all make mistakes in life me ive made a few
they have all been made nothing you can do
all your sorrys said   the past has been and gone
put right your mistakes with life just move on

nothing you can do mistakes have all been made
as the time goes by mistakes they all will fade
start again once more you have a life to live
and all your mistakes people will forgive
Jul 8 · 42
pet love
if you want a friend thats forever true
adopt yourself a pet .  a friend there waits for you
together you can bond each other get to know
and the love between you everyday will grow

a friendship that is real always there for you
a love that can be shared and forever true
it will never die or ever fade away
if you have a pet there friendships there to stay
Jul 7 · 32
take a look at life
take a look at life take a look at you
you decide in life what you want to do
make life work for you treat it with respect
then your life will give just what you expect

take it as it comes take it day by day
it is up to you to make life go your way
then all you ever wanted will open up the doors
all the things you wanted.   you can make them yours
Jul 7 · 26
when life becomes a burden and your heart is torn
wishing there inside yourself that you were never born
everything around you seems far away
sunny skies you knew   now have all turned to gray

depression moving in as you begin to crack
life is at its crossroads no way off turning back
find someone to talk to help you with your plight
they will sit and listen help to put things right

take away the hurt lifes bestowed on you
bury all your past start again a new
turn it all around hold your head up high
the burden that you feel will all pass on bay
Jul 6 · 44
a lovely place
Roa Island is a lovely place with lots of scenery
if ever your are near there take a look and see
theres a lifeboat station and a castle to
boats and wind surfers lots of things to view

take along a camera for you memory
remembering your visit to Roa Island by the sea
show of all your photos to friends and family
publish them on facebook so everyone can see
Jul 6 · 33
sun happiness
the sun it makes a difference to a persons day
it can make you happy when its bright and gay
makes you want smile take your blues away
shining over you sending down its ray

sitting in the garden soaking up the sun
with friends and family having family fun
have a garden party with a drink or two
on such a lovely day as the sun comes shining through
Jul 5 · 24
are there ghosts
Ghosts have been around since time first began
wether they are children woman are a man
are they imagination are they really there
or are they just made up to give us all a scare

some people they believe.  its a loved one gone
through the realms of heaven there spirit  carries on
we dont really know perhaps we never will
wether they there and are with us still
Jul 5 · 38
five swallows
five swallows they were nesting cuddled up real tight
sleeping all together  to keep them warm at night
waiting for the morn to take a look around
sitting on a deers horns a new place they have found

parents come to feed them during the day
till the time as come for them to fly away
growing in to adults and have nestlings to
remembering the day from.  when from there nest they flew
Jul 5 · 31
beauty of the tide
i like to watch the sea rolling to the shore
gentle as can be coming home once  more
covering the sand as quiet a can be
everthing so tranquil warms the heart in me

white horses on the crest riding wild and free
a lovely piece of nature i just love to see
coming home once more  for a little stay
turns again once more then gently flows away
Jul 4 · 38
Roa island
Roa island is  a place where i long to be
just a little island with lots of things to see
even has  a castle full of history
of the days gone by how it used to be

a little ferry boat  that can take you there
where you can see the history of the castle everywhere
theres s a life boat station such a site to see
run by volunteers who give there time for free

lots and lots of scenery there for you to view
take along a camera snap a pic or two
such a lovely place where i long to be
a special little island surrounded by the sea
Jul 3 · 50
best friend max
you were my best friend  always there with me
everywhere i went you would always be
going out for walks on a sunny day
throwing you a ball as you played away

best friend in the world that i ever knew
with your doggy love  that was for ever true
you started getting old health began to slow
developing a tumour that began to grow and grow

now your in doggy heaven no more pain to bare
forever in my heart  you are always there
best friend in the world that i ever knew
max for evermore  i really will miss you
there is a video for max on youtube
take a look
Jul 3 · 38
taken far too early through a tragedy
just a teen at school this should never be
though your so far away your still here with me
and my memories of you each day i will see

i know you are safe where the angels stay
watching over me from so far away
we will meet again together you and me
grandad and  granddaughter like it used to be

love you  Bethany ***
Jul 2 · 48
a place i go
theres a place i go where i long to be
to see a castle there in the middle of the sea
theres a ferry that takes you to the castle ground
where you can cross the water and have a look around

it is full of history with stories to behold
and the way it was when the stories told
built my the monks many years ago
for a place of safety where the monks could go

the island today is owned by barrow in furness
given to the people by the duke Buccleuch
handed over to them year of 1922
its still there today with its history
the ferry is still running and takes you there to see
Jul 2 · 50
up and down days
days are up and down with its sun and rain
changes  in an instant sometimes just a pain
one minute it is nice such a lovely day
then it turns around clouds they turn to grey

you just never know what it intends to do
will the clouds stay grey or sun come shining through
up and down it goes every hour of the day
we just never know what weathers here to stay
Jul 1 · 39
days ways
days have up. days have down
days  you smile.   days you frown
they just keep on changing every single day
never knowing what  the day will bring your way

we just have to cope what ever comes a long
deal with it what ever.  stand up and be strong
its a part of life that just have to be
its the same for all every you and me
Jul 1 · 28
why do we have to worry when ever things go wrong
give up and  start  to panic instead of being strong
all your thoughts turn negative fear for the worse
instead turning positive  take away the curse

learn to think ahead  take it day by day
have positive reaction make troubles go away
stand up and be strong the only way to be
take away the worry set your troubles free
Jun 30 · 36
dark and dull
when the clouds  are dark dull and overcast
covering the sun as they going past
blocking out the sun taking light away
bringing in the gloom darkening the day

waiting for the sun to come out again once more
sunshine once again like there was before
dark clouds passed on bye sun begins to shine
time to smile again now the weathers fine
Jun 29 · 36
hope and faith
when your faith has gone there is always hope
that is there for you  there to help you cope
find your faith again believe in you once more
return your faith again to where it was before

start to live again in the world you knew
everything you want in life waiting there for you
use your faith and hope  that will guide you through
then everything you dream of will one day come true
Jun 28 · 50
when love is found
theres nothing quite love to turn your life around
life it will be so different  when your love is found
it will make you happy melt your heart away
growing even stronger every single day

in love for evermore for your whole life through
with a love thats real and for ever true
you will be so happy sharing love each day
that will last forever and never fade away
Jun 27 · 49
poetic side
mypoetic side  there inside of me
helps me write a poem from my memory
writing down the words as they come to mind
all the different words of every different kind

writing them all down which words are the best
then the feelings in your heart will help  to do the rest
when the poems complete let the people see
touching peoples hearts with your poetry
Jun 27 · 34
hurtful love
love can be so hurtful  break your heart in two
turn you inside out make a fool of you
all that you believed in that was just a lie
made a fool of you walked out and said goodbye

nothing you can do when love gets that way
no words you can find nothing you can say
all that you can do is simply just move on
time will heal the pain till all the pain has gone

then you can love again with somebody new
this time get it right find a love thats true
that is there for you for ever and a day
last eternally and never go away
Jun 26 · 42
lifes mysteries
life is full of mystery adventures all around
all around the world these things can be found
big adventure play ground  a mystery or two
and the way to solve them that is up to you

it can be exciting full of differnt things
you just never know what mystery it will bring
each and every corner that you turn around
adventures and mysteries are there to be found
Jun 25 · 33
home is where your happy.  place you love the best
where you feel secure  in your little nest
something that is yours and belongs to you
there for you to live for your whole life through

place you feel secure and you feel so free
place to raise your children give them security
all the times you shared with friends and family
in your home sweet home they will always be
Jun 24 · 37
yes please and thankyou these are words we know
they were taught to us when we began to grow
these are part of manners words we have to say
always there to use they dont go away

handed down to us many years ago
through the generations words that we all know
manners they cost nothing and are there to share
all around the world manners they are there
Jun 23 · 48
special day
i wont forget the day when barrow filled with pride
when all the biker boys came here for a ride
they came in there thousands from many miles away
in remermberance of dave myers who in barrow used to stay

he became  a legend on the hairy biker show
with his best si around the world would go
cooking everywhere across the land and see
best friends forever more dave and si would be

with there sense of humour while cooking up a meal
they put fun in cooking gave it a different feel
dave he passed away is illness took its toll
from his best friend si it took away his soul

si he  carried on and made a special day
for his best friend dave in barrow used to stay
arranged a biker ride all for charity
they came in there thousands did it all for free

raising lots of money all for charity
and for the town of barrow they made history
so lets thank all the bikers  from many miles away
and everyone concerned that made this special day
Jun 22 · 44
another day
we wake up in the morning to a brand new day
we just never know what will come our way
wether  good or bad we go with the flow
we have to wait and see  which way our day will go

never ever knowing what life has in store
will it be the same as the day before
we just carry what will be will be
what tomorrow brings we have to wait and see
Jun 21 · 39
natures way
when the day is over and night begins to show
clouds begin to darken the sun as  lost its glow
moon above  is shining with its light so bright  
stars twinkle up above like diamonds in the night  

everything so tranquil as peaceful as can be  
warms the heart inside makes you feel so free  
all a part of nature that makes the world go round
everywhere you go nature can be found
Jun 20 · 136
sun fun
when the sun comes out it brightens the day
shining in the sky many miles away
such a lovely  feeling as it comes shining through
makes you feel so happy wakes the soul in you

sitting in the garden with a glass or two
with friends and family have a barbecue
make the best you can of a sunny day
before the rain comes down takes you fun away
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