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Feb 3 · 53
words can say so much if want them to
what your words will say that is up to you
say them from the heart make your words all real
write them with emotion show the way you feel

make them all be true mean every word say
what you want to say is just a word away
then people will believe you and you have the proof
that every word you say is nothing but the truth
Feb 2 · 47
everyone gets lonely it  happens to us all
thats when we need a friend someone we can call
someone there for you to tells your troubles to
there to sit and listen there to comfort you

sitting all alone just wont help at all
it will make it worse  pick up the phone and call
friends are waiting there anytime of day
listen to your troubles what you have to say

get it of your chest dont let your troubles brew
dont let your depression take an hold on you
friends are there to help and listen to your plea
they are everthing that a friend should be
Feb 2 · 63
angel friends
they say there is a place when life come to its end
in heaven up above with angels as your friend
watching over you in there land of peace
no more pain to bare from now on it will cease

from now on you are safe with angels guarding you
way up high above in the sky so blue
safe for evermore you will always be
in a land of love with a life thats free

oneday all your loved ones will be there with you
right there by your side when there an angel to
united all together in the sky so blue
sharing love once more that you always knew
Feb 1 · 58
we all age with time something we all do
even at 70 still think your twenty two
hair it turns to grey eyes they lose there sight
but we just ignore it say everythings alright

we just keep on going  do the best we can
age it comes to everyone women or a man
its a part of life something we all do
we all do our best till the angels come for you
Feb 1 · 59
cursing parrot
my friend she had a parrot and gave the bird to me
said that he could talk and would keep me company
i took him home with me in his parrot cage
guess he didnt like it he began to rage

he began to  swear till the air went blue
some words he was using were some i never knew
i was so embaressed i started turning red
i didnt know he swore my friend she never said

maybe that was why she gave the bird to me
from the cursing bird at last she would be free
Jan 31 · 71
heavenly birthday dad
happy birthday dad in your home above
we are missing you and send you all our love
your always in our hearts every single day
always thinking of you though your so far away

this day is very special it belongs to you
in your home in heaven in the sky so blue
enjoy your heavenly party let the harps all play
share it with the angels on this your special day
Jan 31 · 66
dog comfort
dogs can be a comfort when your feeling  blue
always by your side always there for you
they no when your down when there something wrong
lay down by your side help to keep you strong

take away your sadness till it all as gone
make you smile again help you carry on
faithful till the end.  a frienship that is true
the best friend you can have always there for you
Jan 30 · 54
lark song
a lark came in my garden song a song to me
a lovely lullaby every note in key
it took my breath away as he began to croon
with his lovely song with  such a lovely tune

i sat there and listened to his melody
it made me feel so happy made me feel so free
when is song was over in to the air he flew
high up in the air in the sky so blue

i wont forget his song he sang to me that day
or his lovely tune that took my breath away
in my mind for ever i will hear his tune
that took my heart away when he began to croon
Jan 30 · 65
heavenly birthday
theres a man i know his birthday is to day
in heaven up above where the angels stay
a very special person that everybody knew
happy birthday chris we all are missing you

a father and a grandad and a husband  to
now is safe for ever in the sky so blue
no more pain or suffering will you have to bare
just a life thats free with angels every where

we will meet again when we are angels to
once again you united once again with you
happy birthday chris on this special day
in heaven up above where the angels stay
Jan 29 · 59
we all have a song
we all have a song in our memory
locked inside your mind it will always be
its one that means a lot more than all the rest
there are many more but only one thats best

it could be a song  played on your wedding day
there with you for ever your song will always stay
maybe it is country maybe rock n roll
or a song with feeling that gets in to your soul

everybody has one locked inside there mind
many different genres many different kinds
its something that we do. something that we store
there inside your mind for now and evermore
Jan 29 · 57
we all need someone
everybody needs somebody whenever things go wrong
a shoulder there to cry on  help you to be strong
that very special someone who knows just what to say
someone who will listen by your side will stay

dont sit sad any lonely thats not thing to do
it will make it worse just sit there and brew
all it takes is someone you tell your troubles  to
that will understand what your going through

we all need someone in which we can confide
someone you can talk to right there by your side
they will comfort you in your hour of need
that very special someone a special friend in deed
Jan 28 · 118
things in life
there  are things in life that we all go through
many different things we all have to do
sometimes there is sorrow when we have to cry
sometime there is grief when a loved one has to die

there is happiness when love comes your way
walking down the isle on your wedding day
bringing up your children raise a family
all the things in life that theres supposed to be

watch them as they grow and they have children to
these are things in life we all have to do
thats the way of life the way its meant to be
for all the human race for every you and me
Jan 28 · 64
climate change
the climate it is changing get worse each day
the planet we once knew no  so far away
heat waves causing fire over land and sea
gone now has the planet that once used to be

winds and hurricanes  wreaking havoc by the score
rain is causing flooding each day more and more
farmers losing crops no more food supply
growing very little land is far to dry

everything is changing  in each and every way
changing for the worse every single day
something it needs doing before it far to late
or a planet we cant live in will be our only fate
Jan 28 · 59
butterfly beauty
i like to watch the butterflies and colors that they bare
many different species some of which are rare
flying every where in the summer sun
all around the flowers having so much fun

like a picture on a canvas with colors by the score
reds and golds an green. some ive never seen before
just like little rainbows flying in the sky
showing of there colors  as they go flying bye

mother natures children putting on a show
with there many colors that give your heart a glow
flying all around flying wild and free
a lovely piece of nature for all the world to see
Jan 27 · 145
feeling down
when your feeling down lonely and so sad
look inside your memory and times that made you glad
times that made you happy that made you laugh out loud
and the special moments that made you feel so proud

the sadness it will go you can smile once more
be happy once again like you were before
then when your feeling down feeling oh so blue
think of all the good times that meant so much to you
Jan 26 · 44
millies visit
millie and her mum came to visit me
took me by surprise but so nice to see
millie smiled at me and began to play
with that kind of smile that melts your heart away

doing her high fiving  counting one and two
all the normal things just like children do
she has just turned one as clever as be
made me feel so proud she came to visit me

hope she comes again and visits me once more
millie me and mum can play again once more
Jan 26 · 44
moving on
moving on his hard when the one you love has gone
you sit and ask yourself how do you carry on
why did the angels call take your love away
to heaven up above where the angels stay

leaving you alone with a heart thats broke in two
tearing you apart there inside of you
leaving you to grieve hurting deep inside
all you want to do is runaway and hide

they say that time will heal  help you to move on
mend your broken heart till all the pain has gone
you still have your treasures in your memory
of the one you loved how it used to be
Jan 25 · 47
my best friend
i have a cat called roxy she means the world to me
she is my best friend keeps me company
when the musics on  she sits there all day
listening to the music as it begins to play

a proper john travlota really in the groove
with her wagging tail   putting in the moves
always makes me happy brings a smile to me
best friend in the world there could ever be
Jan 25 · 47
guide dog
guide dogs they are clever and also very kind
in the job they do cariing for the blind
help them cross the road when the time is right
to  people who are blind  they become there sight

as faithful as can be they are there best friend
giving them there care till the very end
caring for the blind like they are trained to do
they become there guide for there whole life through
Jan 23 · 40
children make the world go round each and every day
happy and content as they play away
bringing back the memories of all the things i did
all those years ago when i to was a kid

having lots fun doing different things
childhood memories and all that childhood brings
days on holiday with my mum and dad
playing on the beach oh what fun we had

now when i see the children it reminds me of me
when i was just a kid how it used to be
they make the world go round make life carry on
remind us of our selves when childhood days are gone
Jan 22 · 51
mother natures angry
mother natures angry she is not the norm
everywhere you go nothing but a storm
wind his wrecking buildings bringing down the trees
temperatures are dropping now we have to freeze

must be global warning getting on her case
and the way the world is something she cant face
pollution in the air on the land and sea
destroying the planet this it shouldnt be

maybe if they listened to what natures trying to say
fix the global warming let the planet stay
to the way it was how it used to be
somewhere we could live and pollution free
Jan 21 · 59
when the spring time comes butterflies are found
each and everywhere flying all around
like rainbows in the sky with colors  by the score
reds  blues and greens and whole lot more

flying round the flowers having lots of fun
there to let you know spring has now begun
like a work of art in a gallery
flying everywhere for the world to see

a lovely time of year one that we all know
makes life seem worthwhile gives your heart a glow
mother natures children showing there  display
showing off there colors on a springtime day
Jan 21 · 61
troubled mind
when your mind is troubled dont sit and let it brew
find someone to tell talk your troubles through
they will  sit and listen to what you have to say
find away to help you help your troubles go away

dont just sit there alone hoping they will go
find a friend to talk to someone that you know
someone that you trust  to tell your troubles to
always there when needed always there for you

sitting all alone will only make it worse
find someone to talk to lift your troubled curse
it happens to us all in each and every race
troubles just make life seem a lonely place
Jan 21 · 72
love verse
when heart as love it has everything
happiness to you this your love will bring
there for you to share with the one you kove
a very special gift sent from up above

growing even stronger each and every day
it is there for ever it is there to stay
there to last a life time has long as you may live
always in your heart there for you to give
Jan 20 · 81
live your life
best way to live your life is take it day by day
what ever come along what ever comes your way
take it  nice and easy take it nice and slow
what ever comes along  just go with the flow

sometimes life is good sometimes it is bad
it can make you happy it can make you sad
these are things in life with which we have to cope
when we use our faith and believe in hope

then life will be kind as you go walking through
everything you want in life is waiting there for you
treat it with respect take it day by day
then life is there for you to guide you on your way
Jan 19 · 64
love goes on
when your body ages wrinkles and goes grey
love it stays the same and never fades away
it is just the same as first day that you met
first day you found love you never will forget

it is there forever it dosent change with age
love is there through life at each and every stage
and as they years go bye stronger your love grows
there inside your heart  on and on it goes
Jan 19 · 55
when your soul has kindness life it is worthwhile
the kindeness that you give will aways bring a smile
something that you give your kindness it is free
deep inside of you it will always be

you can help somebody by showing that you care
if they need someone you are always there
they will sit and listen to what you have to say
kindness to  somebody goes a long long way

it dosent cost a penny kindness it is free
there inside of you where its meant to be
Jan 18 · 58
daughters picture
theres a picture of my daughter there is her and i
when  i to was a baby how the time passed by
it makes me feel so proud now im a mother to
now i can watch her grow for her whole life through

watch her having children raise a family
knowing thats she there always there for me
and the picture that i have each day i will see
and stay for ever more in my memory
Jan 18 · 72
wake me in spring
wake me when its spring let the winter go
when the weather warms and there is no snow
let me see the flowers pushing through the ground
reaching for the sun from the underground

let me hear the robin sing is springtime song
happy and content as he bobs along
let me see the sun sending down his ray
shining down on me on a lovely springtime day
Jan 17 · 63
everyone has hope it is there for you
hope it  is the one thing that we all must do
when everthing goes wrong  and you feel despair
there inside of everyone hope is everywhere

you must use your faith we all have that to
together with your hope  there inside of you
its something that you need when ever things go wrong
faith and hope together will help to make you strong
Jan 17 · 58
nearly spring
nearly time for spring when plants begin to grow
ready for the summer for there flower show
snowdrops and the daffodils and the tulips to
pushing through the soil in the morning dew

birds begin sing bringing in the dawn
singing loud and clear in the springtime morn
sun begin to shine spreading all around
shining over head warming up the ground  

a season of the year we all like to see
nature at it best growing wild and free
adding lots of color with its flower show
a special time of year that gives life a glow
Jan 16 · 55
night fall
when the night time falls stars twinkle in the sky
high up in the universe shining way up high
scattered all around lighting up the night
like diamonds in the sky  beneath the moon so bright

mother natures picture filled so much charm
that twinkle in the night gentle and so calm
everything so  quiet as gentle as can be
just to watch the stars warms the heart in me
we all have a time when life  gets us down
and the smile you wear turns in to frown
things start going wrong you give on hope
start to lose your faith feel that you cant cope

feel the world you knew.  as suddenly passed you by
and the world you loved begins to make you cry
everything around you feels  empty and so bare
and the world you knew now no longer there

use your faith and hope turn it all around
and the world you knew  once more can be found
just believe in life just believe in you
give life one more try start again a new
Jan 15 · 139
when we lose someone we begin to grieve
asking yourself why did they have to leave
grieving is a part it comes with the healing
helps you through your sorrow and the way your feeling

a process that we go through when a loved ones gone
all around the world same for everyone
helps you through your sorrow helps your tears to dry
time will help you heal as it goes passing bye
Jan 15 · 56
pet company
theres nothing like a pet to keep you company
dog cat or a bird what ever it maybe
always there for you your very special friend
a friendship that is true and will never ever end  

they can make you smile when your feeling blue
always by your side always there for you
they will give there love every single day
a friend for evermore they will aways stay

so if your feeling lonely a pets the thing to do
visit a rescue centre somewhere near you
they also need  friend someone who will care
someone who will love them someone always there  

if you need a friend contact any rescue centre
rescue a pet TODAY
Jan 14 · 71
life can be cruel
life it can be cruel take your life away
it dosent have a time dosent have a day
will it be tomorrow or a year or two
you just never know when life ends for you

we just carry on we really just dont know
we live it while we can just go with the flow
when your time  is ready what ever time or day
take it as it comes till life goes away
Jan 14 · 48
dont take life for granted it will turn on you
it will do the things you dont want it to
treat it with respect  take it day and day
then the things in life will  always go your way

take it as you find it never try to rush
take it as comes with just a gentle push
then the things in life are waiting there for you
and the things you dream of.   oneday will come true.
Jan 14 · 60
angels bring you wings
angels bring your wings when its time to fly
when the life you lived now has passed on bye
you  can fly with them to heaven up above
to start again once more in a land of love

troubles all will end they will come to cease
no more pain to suffer from now on only peace
safe or evermore you will always be
sharing life with angels  now at last your free

loved ones they will join you when there an angel to
united all together once again with you
doing all the things that you used to do
with all the family love   that you always knew.
Jan 14 · 49
love is special
love it is a special thing love it is gift
there inside of you to give your heart a lift
you can feel its power as it begins flow
each and everyday the stronger love will grow

in the heart everyone  love is always there
in each and every race each and everywhere
its a gift of nature that is meant to be
in the heart of you that you give for free
Jan 14 · 45
faithful friend
theres nothing like a dog for a friend thats true
faithful till the end always there for you
they will give you love that will never fade away
a love that is so true forever it will stay

there to comfort you through the good and bad
make you smile again when your feeling sad
lay down by your side if you begin to cry
they will give there love till the tears pass bye

a friend for ever more till the very end
always there for you when you need a friend
a friendship that is real and a love thats true
and forever more always there for you
Jan 14 · 64
a dream away
dreams are always there  waiting there for you
to do the things in life that you long to do
everything you wished for is just dream away
if you believe in you will all come true someday

you can make it happen it is up to you
dreams they can be real if you want them to
everything is there just a wish away
you and only you  can make them come your way
Jan 13 · 66
i know you can hear me
i know you can hear me when i talk you
i can feel you there in the sky so blue
talking back to me from so far away
i can hear so clearly every word you say

sharing conversation together you and i
from heaven up above where the angels fly
cant wait to be with you side by side once more
have a good old chit chat like we did before

talk about the times when you here with me
all the fun we shared how it used to be
have a little catch up what its like for you
is it any different from the life you knew
Jan 13 · 50
a little girl i know
theres a little girl i know means the world to me
smiling all the while a happy child is she
at the crawling age now she can get around
wont be to long now till the walking stage is found

then when she gets older she can visit me
have grandads  chips and pizza when she comes for tea
like  her mother did when she was a once a kid
smiling all the wall like her mother did
Jan 12 · 59
moving on
they see when theres a tragedy we all must move on
not an easy thing when the one you love as gone
your emotions in a whirl you dont know what to do
so hard to accept now theres only you

life it seems so empty  and so lonely to
gone now has the love that you always knew
makes moving on so hard not an easy thing to  do
only time can heal and help to pull you through

then your heart inside can slowly start to mend
time will help you fight till you get there in the end
memories you hold will keep your soul alive
and the love you shared will help you to survive
Jan 12 · 53
angel verse
why did the angels come take you away from me
one thing that i hoped i would never see
cancer it got worse way beyond repair
travelled through your body cancer everywhere

i know you are safe now no suffering or pain
cancer gone for good wont be back again
up there with  the angels flying there with you
in heaven up above in the sky so blue

oneday i will join you  together we can fly
in love again once more together you and i
safe for evermore both of us will be
united once again for eternity
Jan 11 · 54
when the angels come
when the angels come and its time for you to fly
to heaven you will go high up in the sky
your final resting place for eternity
safe for evermore you will always be

no more pain or sorrow will there ever be
you can live in peace and forever free
and the ones you love will someday be with you
flying side by side in the sky so blue
Jan 11 · 58
people they get lonely living in despair
no one there to talk to no one there to care
living like a hermit from the world outside
only place they know only place to hide

wishing they had company if only for a while
someone there to talk to   someone to make them smile
hoping maybe oneday there lonlieness will end
they will find some company finally find a friend

find the happiness they were seaching for
then they carry on live life again once more
Jan 10 · 61
angel sundays
do angels work on sundays or do they stay away
do they let you live for another day
is it there day of rest sit down and just chill
so they dont to have to take  the really very ill.

or are they cleaning up for the day ahead
making room in heaven for another angel bed
one day we will know when were dead and gone
what angels do on sunday and just whats going on
Jan 10 · 57
theres a picture means a lot to me holds a memory
of the way it was how it used to be
before the angels came took you away from me
hanging on the wall each day i can see

sharing all the good times that i always knew
and the love you gave that i got from you
i gaze into the picture it seems to make me smile
it takes away the tears if only for awhile

while that pictures there your still here with me
with all the memories that there used to be
we will meet again share the love we knew
in heaven up above when im there with you
Jan 9 · 51
photo memories
theres memories on photographs that mean so much to me
and forevermore   are there for me to see
good times that  we shared with friends and family
how it always was how it used to be

pets we used to care for while owners went away
chris and i together gave them a place to stay
took pictures of them all another memory
stored there in my album and the heart of me

treasures i will hold for my whole life through
chris and i together. good times we always knew
in my mind forever the memories will stay
that i can look back on until my dying day
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