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Mar 9 · 42
bottled troubles
dont bottle up your troubles get them of your chest
find someone to talk to before they start to nest
dont sit there in silence let your troubles brew
there is always someone.  to tell your troubles to

they will sit and listen they will understand
doing all they can be your helping hand
all it takes is you to get the help you need
find someone to talk who is a friend indeed
troubles will subside if you get them of your chest
if only for a while they will come to rest
Mar 9 · 55
when you fall in love
when you fall in love your heart will tell you so
you will feel so happy as it begins to flow
flowing round and round getting stronger everyday
these are things that happen when love comes your way

such a lovely feeling when love comes to you
happiness forever for your whole life through
you will feel its power  as long you may live
always in your heart with lots of love to give
Mar 9 · 47
morning song
i love to hear the birds singing in the morn
singing like a choir singing in the dawn
singing all together in perfect harmony
every note in tune every note in key

such a lovely song that melts your heart away
what a lovely way to welcome in the day
such lovely feeling that it brings to me
makes you alive sets your spirit free

mother natures children singing just for you
welcoming the day in the morning dew
Mar 8 · 57
losing a loved one
when a  loved one dies it breaks your heart in two
you sit there in tears wishing it was you
all you feel is lonlieness empty and so bare
when the one you love is no longer there

missing all the love that you always knew
a love that was so real a love that was so true
taken by the angels to a better place
no more pain or sorrow will they have to face

waiting for the time when your angel to
flying to your loved one in the sky so blue
doing all the things that you used to do
free for evermore with the love you always knew
Mar 8 · 43
special people
friends are very special when all hope has gone
always there for you help you carry on
they will comfort you when you begin to cry
wipe away your tears till they all run day

friends will sit and listen  to whats on your mind
very special people of the special kind
right there by your side they will aways stay
help to pull you through help troubles go away
Mar 7 · 43
heaven must be big
heaven must be big we all have a place
when ever someone dies they always have a space
there must be loads of room everybody goes
where heaven really is no one really knows

oneday we all will know when we say goodbye
with our big white wings to heaven we will fly
to heaven up above high up in the sky
where everybody goes if and when we die
Mar 7 · 50
look at life
take a look at life and what it holds for you
think of all the wishes  that it can make come true
you can make it happen if you want it  to
doing all the things that you want to do

never give up trying  giving up on hope
all it takes is time and the will to cope
then everthing in life will be there for you
all your dreams and wishes waiting to come true
its been four years mum since you passed away
to a better place where the angels stay
high up in the sky way up high above
i know you are safe now in there land of love

miss you everyday at last now you are free
no more pain or suffering will there ever be
we will meet agan then i can be with you
side by side together when im an angel two  

Mar 6 · 50
a cat tale
i saw a little kitten climbing up a tree
shaking like a leaf very scared was he
made it to the top couldnt turn around
couldnt find his way back down  to the ground

now the cat was meowing  it was really loud
people down below began to form a crowd
i climbed up my ladder took him to the floor
now the little kitten was safe again once more
Mar 6 · 51
words they all have meaning there for you to choose
it is up to you. what words you want to use
words they give expression say what you want them to
what you want to say that is up to you

there are many words that mean different things
many different meanings every word will bring
every word will say what you want it to
which words you want to use it is up to you
Mar 5 · 44
special dogs
guide dogs they are trained for the job they do
give there dedication for there whole life through
looking after people who no longer have there sight
they become there eyes and there guiding light

your very special friend always by your side
keeps you safe from harm when you go outside
help you cross the road when the time is right
anytime at all wether day or night

they are very clever and forever kind
spend there whole life through caring for the blind
Mar 5 · 152
everyone has love
everyone has love that is there to give
all around the world helps the world to live
each and every country each and every race
in each and every heart love it has a place

when love comes to you your heart wll let you know
each and everyday the stronger it will grow
it will last a lifetime long as you may live
there for evermore free for you to give
Mar 4 · 57
life is up to you
we come from the safety of  our mothers womb
to face the world outside with all its doom and gloom
take it day by day at each and every stage
like a story book  we must read each page

there are many roads with bends at every turn
about the roads of life we all have to learn
you just never know what life holds for you
take what ever comes as you go walking through

its a long long journey that you have to take
the decisions they are yours that you have to make
everything you want in life is waiting there for you
if you treat with respect your dreams will all come true
Mar 4 · 69
dog love
dogs they like a cuddle and attention to
love and affection just the same as you
makes them feel secure that your love is there
that they can trust in  you know you really care

knowing that your frienship will be for ever true
and for evermore will believe in you
they will be your friend and never ever stray
and give there love to you every single day
Mar 3 · 50
just a stray
pets they are for life not just for a day
something you abandon dumped and left to stray
left to roam around with no place to go
just somebodies pet that no one wants to know

it is such a shame but somerthing that is true
you see it all the time theres nothing we can do
they didnt asked to be treat this way
what was once a present  now is just a stray
Mar 3 · 80
spring delight
when spring comes around theres  lots of things to see
lots of coloured butterflies and the bumble bee
daffodils and tulips and the snowdrops to
and of course the bluebell with there bells so blue

the robin on the fence underneath the sun
showing off his red breast having lots of  fun
bobbing up and as he hops along
happy as can be as he sings his robin song

hedgehogs they awaken from there winter sleep
all around the garden once again they creep
apple trees they blossom with there blooms so bright
these are things that happen that brings us such delight
Mar 2 · 46
amazing friend
dogs they are amazing very clever to
they spend all there life  giving love to you
best friend in the world there will ever be
with a love thats real and forever free

they can pick you up when ever you are down
make you smile again take away the frown
handing you there paw to let you know they care
for there whole life through they are always there

a very special friend they will always stay
with a love thats real and never go away
best friend in the world you will ever know
the love they have for you   will never ever go.
Mar 2 · 57
sometimes love can hurt it can make you cry
feel you had enough kiss the world goodbye
that is not the answer or the thing to do
your only hurting others that really care for you

stand up and be strong use you will and hope
and the hurt you feel this will help you cope
time will help you mend help your heart to heal
and as time goes bye change the way you feel

then you can start again leave the past behind  
and when the time is right a new love you will find
you can love again with somebody new
love it will return and comeback to you
Mar 2 · 71
life gets lonely
sometime life gets weary you feel so alone
cant get used to emptiness living on your own
lost inside yoursel no where you can go
gone now as the love that you used know

you feel like a hermit locked inside a shell
locked away from life in your lonely cell
all you have are memories you can look upon
these are special things that will help you carry on
dont forget the children when a love goes wrong
they rely on you help to keep them strong
they dont uderstand they didnt start the fight
to a parents love they all the right

kids dont need to hear the shouting and the tears
living in a home to fill there mind with fears
they need  there security   not be scared each  day
and a parents love that is there to stay
Mar 1 · 66
bad love
love has many ways some are good and bad
some love is a lie  that you wish you never had
it can make a fool of you fill you with regret
and the one you  love wish you had never met

you cant walk away no matter how you try
when you know the best thing is to say goodbye
take a break from love pack up and move on
till the bad love that you  had now at last has gone
Mar 1 · 55
sunshine day
when the sun is shining it lifts the heart in you
gone now are the grey skies they have turned to blue
shining all around to brighten up the day
sending down its rays from many miles away

makes you feel so happy as it come shining through
makes you look at life with a different view
life it looks much better makes you want to smile
brings you happiness if only for awhile
Feb 29 · 85
tribute to dave
today we lost a biker dave myers was his name
known to everyone for his cooking fame
with his best friend si travelling here and there
cooking every country each and every where

they were in demand with there tv show
soon the hairy bikers everyone would know
every body loved them and there cooking ways
known has si and dave brought a cooking craze

then  the cancer came dave he past away
now he is at peace where the angels stay
gone but not forgotten or will he ever be
now they will stay legends for cooking on tv

Feb 28 · 58
dont stop believing
never stop believing to make your dreams come true
all you ever need is to believe in you
life will go your way if you want it to
everything you wish for is waiting there for you

never think of giving up  dont think of giving in
fight for what you want in life until the day you win
always have belief live life day by day
then everything you wish for is just a dream away
sometimes life is cruel you dont know what to do
you think that your world has given up on you
everything around you empty and so bare
and the world you knew now no longer there

feel like giving up is not the thing to do
you can change it round with the fight in you
all you need is faith together with the hope
use them both together this will help you cope

then the world you knew will be there once more
you can live your life the way you did before
happy once again like you used to be
the cruel world you lived in is just now history
Feb 27 · 52
your best friend
dogs are your best friend and you they get to know
from there puppy age you  can  watch them grow
each and every day there bond with you will bind
and a friend in you  this is what they find

give there trust to you getting stronger everyday
and your friend for ever they will always stay
they will  give you  love till the very end
for your whole life through they will be your friend
Feb 26 · 73
natures gallery
i love it in the spring  when plants start coming through
pushing through the soil in the morning dew
daffodils and snowdrops bringing such delight
underneath the sun reaching for the light

birds begin to sing in the early morn
with there morning song bringing in the dawn
singing all together singing all in key
there lovely song of spring in perfect harmony

a lovely time of year one that we all know
that brings happiness gives your heart a glow
mother natures picture for all the world to see
all  apart of spring in natures gallery
Feb 25 · 61
when the sun is shining it brightens up your day
troubles for a while seem too drift away
brings a little happiness for an hour or two
makes you want to smile as it comes shining through

warming up the heart warming up the soul
makes life feel much better makes life feel so whole
just a little sunshine when it comes shinging through
makes life feel  much better with a different view
Feb 24 · 75
lifes way
we all live our life take it day by day
we all learn to cope whatever comes our way
each and every bend each and every turn
as we walk through life we all live and learn

through the good and bad what ever comes along
the best that we can do is stand up and be strong
do the best we can use our faith and hope
what ever life may bring we can learn to cope
Feb 23 · 132
camper love
took a trip to millom camper trev and me
just to get a breakway by the beach and sea
for a little romance beneath the stars  above
trev and i together for some camper love

take little stroll walking hand in hand
beneath the moon above along the millom sand
with the man i love theres just him and me
in our camper van in millom by the sea
Feb 23 · 68
love in your heart
love is in your heart love is in your soul
makes life feel so happy helps you feel so whole
makes the world go round each and every place
each and evey where each and every race

there to last a lifetime there for you to give
for now and everymore as long as you may live
growing even stronger each and everyday
that will last for ever and never fade away
Feb 20 · 59
natures children
i like to watch the animals running in the wild
each and everone a mother natures child
theres weasels and the rabbits running wild and free
badgers and the squirrels who love to climb a tree

birds that love to sing in the early morn
with there morning song bringing it the dawn
there are many animals these are just a few
mother natures children there for you to view
Feb 20 · 62
everyone needs friends thats always there for you
when in times of trouble there to pull you through
someone who will listen someone who will care
when youi need someone they are always there

that very special person that you know so well
someone there for you and your troubles tell
it happens to us all every now and then
trouble comes to all  we just dont know when
Feb 18 · 61
wouldnt it be nice
wouldnt it be nice if there was no sad
just a world of happines and everybody glad
no tears would there be just a smile upon your face
the world that we live in would be a better place

no more worries anymore would there ever be
just world of happines that is trouble free
it will never happen but if only could
life would be a happy place just the way it should
Feb 18 · 55
pets they are for life not just for a day
they rely on you for a place to stay
a friend that they can trust give them lots of care
someone who will love them and always will be there

they will keep you company give there love to you
with a frienship for a lifetime and for ever true
pets have feelings to   just like humans do
they are there for you for there whole life through

when you have a pet you always have a friend
who will give there love to you till the very end
all they need is someone that will love them to
pets they all have feelings just the same a you
Feb 17 · 55
happy place
when your feeling down find your happy place
somewhere in your mind find that happy space
where you feel secure and you can smile once more
be happy once again like you were before

take away the frown take it from your face
find happiness you knew in your happy place
then you  can feel content  there inside you mind
and your happy place you will always find
Feb 15 · 61
help Ester Ghey
HELP Ester **** help her with her cause
let her help the teens and the media wars
let brianna s death be a legacy
help her stop the things that should never be

people should support her with her  media fight
help her save the teens help her with her plight
let her stop things that should never be
let brianna stay forever.  in our memory

help Ester all we can with her media fight
help her with the teens so they have there right
do it for brianna and her mother to
let us fight together every me and you
Feb 15 · 48
maple cottage
theres a place  called maple cottage that is home to me
my little country cottage with lots of memory
it gave me lots of happy times with my husband chris
now sadly passed away all these times i miss

a lovely place to live as peaceful as can be
in the countryside with lots of scenery
a little peace of heaven  that make lifes seem so free
my little country cottage that is home to me

when the angels call  i know what i will do
i will fly to chris in the sky so blue.
united once again  like we used to be
with maple cottage there in our memory
Feb 15 · 55
its nice to see the grand kids now that  they have grown
to there adult age with children of there own
thinking of the days when were just a kid
having lots of fun with different things we did

playing in the park on the slide and swings
all the memories of these special things
now there all grown up with a family
and i love them so there everything to me
Feb 14 · 50
kindness it cost nothing dosent cost a thing
happines to others this is what you bring
takes away there frown if only for awhile
turns it all around give them back there smile

its something that you have within the heart of you
that you can give to others when there feeling blue
it dosent cost a thing kindess  it is free
there inside us all  every you and me
Feb 13 · 61
valentine verse
there a special day to say will you be mine
for each and everyone they call it valentine
time to say i love you time to celebrate
time to be romantic on this special date

go out for a meal have a drink or two
on this special day that belongs to you
steal a little kiss beneath the moon above
celebrate together with the one you love
Feb 13 · 50
tears roll down you face  when emotions start
helping you control the feelings in your heart
rolling down your face they dont make sound
just a stream of tears falling all  around

helping you realease emotions that you feel
with your broken heart tears will help you deal
and as the time goes by and all the tears have gone
you can start again with life carry on
Feb 12 · 60
guide dog
guide dogs they are special  guide dogs they are kind
spend there whole through caring for the blind
dedicate there time every single day
helping the blind guide them on there way

help them cross them road when the time is right
when a persons blind they become there sight
they are trained that way for the job they do
guiding the blind for there whole life through
Feb 11 · 51
miss you bro
brother i miss you every single day
now your safe in heaven where the angels stay
no more pain to bare now at last your free
in heaven up above watching over me

one day i will join you when the time is right
when i get my wings ready for my flight
i will fly to you to be with you once more
united once again like we were before

doing all the things just like siblings do
once again together  there is me and you

all my love GILLIAN ***
Feb 11 · 85
faithful friend
if you have a dog then you have a friend
faithful for a lifetime till the very end
never let you down always there for you
give you all there love when your feeling blue

they know when your hurting lay down by side
there to comfort you till your tears subside
best friend in the world there will ever be
faithful till the end with a love thats free
Feb 10 · 52
part of life
love is a part of life for each and everyone
all around the world love goes on and on
no matter what the age what ever it maybe
love is there for all love is always free

a bond between two people that is there to share
in everybodies heart love is always there
it will last for ever if your love is true
there to last a lifetime for your whole life through

it will never fade or ever go away
love is there for ever in your heart will stay
Feb 8 · 59
we are all born angels oneday we all fly
where the angels stay high up in the sky
where at last were free to start our life a new
way up high above it the sky so blue

in a land of peace where there is only love
safe for evermore in heaven up above
surrounded by the angels for now and evermore
side by side in heaven.  you can gently soar.
Feb 8 · 60
ferris wheel
life is like a ferris wheel it goes round and round
it can lift you up and it can bring you down
a never ending circle each and every day
in the circle of life we have to find our way

through the good and bad trouble and the strife
these thing we will find as we walk through life
like a ferris wheel going round and round
we just carry on till what we want is found
Feb 7 · 95
i love spring
i love it in the spring when flowers start to  grow
popping through the soil as if to say hello
bluebells and the snowdrops reaching for the sun
there to let you know spring as now begun

robin on the fence sings his springtime song
happy and content as he bobs along
trees they get there leaves on there branches bare
now that spring is here new leaves they are there

such a lovely season one that we all know
mother natures wonders that give your heart a glow
there in all there beauty growing wild and free
putting on there show for all the world to see
Feb 4 · 46
its not a sin to cry its a natural thing to do
it releases your emotions there inside of you
dont hold back the tears let the teardrops flow
its nothing to be shamed of. let your feelings  show

its a part of life when ever things go wrong
tears relieve the the tension help you to be strong
theres are lots of reasons why everbody cries
wether its divorce or when a loved one dies

everyone is different but crying is the same
no matter who we are. no matter what your name.
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