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Apr 2 · 66
life can be hard
life it can be hard in many different ways
has many different times and many different days
like a roller coaster up and down it goes
what it has in store no one really knows

we just carry on live it day by day
never really knowing what will come our way
if can lift you up it can drag you down
take away your smile leave you with a frown

we have to carry on just go with the flow
take it nice and easy on with life we go
what will be will be  what ever comes our way
life it carries on just live it day by day
Apr 2 · 195
nothing like a dog
nothing like a dog if you want a friend thats true
they are always there to love and comfort you
when your feeling down lay down by side
right there next you till all your tears have dried

giving love to you that will never die
getting even stronger as the years go bye
best friend in world with a love thats true
always by your side  always there for you
Apr 1 · 66
forever friend
if you have a true friend them you have it all
someone there to back you up if you begin to fall
right there by your side they are there for you
help to keep you strong help to pull you through

they will comfort you when your feeling down
give you love and care take away the frown
someone you can rely on always there for you
a friend for ever more and forever true.
Mar 30 · 71
easter fun
easter time is here time for lots of fun
lots of happy children easter has begun
eating chocolate eggs children like the best
lots of easter chicks hatching from there nest

sun is shining bright on an easter day
lots of smiling children as they begin to play
time for happiness at this time year
time to celebrate easter time  is here
Mar 28 · 56
sorry is an easy word its letters only five
it is used a lot sorry seems to thrive
if you want forgiveness  its not hard to say
just those five letters is not to far away

used so many times when were in the  wrong
the meaning if the word is very very strong
always there to use not to hard to say
it can mean a lot  not  to far away
Mar 28 · 45
even when your gone
love is always there even when your gone
in the hearts of loved ones there love for you goes on
not a day goes by when they dont think of you
in your home in heaven in the sky so blue

looking at the times they all shared with you
sharing all the memories things you used to do
always in there hearts you will always stay
the love they have for you will never fade away

someday you will see them when the angels come for you
take you to your loved one  in the sky so blue
united once again in heaven up above
once again together giving them your love
Mar 27 · 58
no more war
wouldnt it be nice  if all wars come to cease
no more senseless killing just a world of peace
people mad for power would no longer be
every country in the world would at last be free

children running round to play again once more
no longer have to hide face the site of war
just a world of happiness each and every place
no matter what the color no matter what the race

a world for everyone that is battle free
no more senseless killing would there ever be
it will never happen but only if it could
we could live in peace just the way we should
Mar 27 · 74
depression war
when you get depression its nice at all
its a place of a sadness where your mind will crawl
takes away the smile that you always wore
depression wants to play with its mind game war

takes away your happiness that you always knew
playing silly mind games there inside of you
time for you to fight dont let depression in
fight its mind game war fight it till you win

then you can smile again with a mind thats free
then you can raise your flag.  for depression victory.
Mar 26 · 60
tomorrow never comes so the saying goes
what tomorrow brings no one ever  knows
will it be a bad day break your heart in two
or will it be good day  in everything you do

what will be will be what ever comes your way
when tomorrow comes its just another day
take it as it is just go with the flow
what tomorrow brings you will get to know
Mar 26 · 45
lifes journey
from the day your born its time for you to live
time to search the world and what it has to give
what it holds for you as you begin to grow
what the future holds as on with life you go

the wonders of the world are waiting there for you
waiting to explore as you go walking through
lots of roads to travel with a twist at every turn
an adventure of a lifetime  about life you will learn
Mar 25 · 50
wishful thinking
seems like only yesterday when you were here with me
it was wishful thinking wishing it could be
when i close my eyes i reach out for you
to hold you in my arms like i used to do

i know its been awhile since you past away
im always thinking of you every single day
we will meet again  my wish it will come true
united once again together me and you

safe for evermore in heaven up above
once again together once again in love
Mar 25 · 60
when a  loved one dies theres nothing we can do
the soul it flies away in the sky so blue
to its resting place waiting there for you
when your time as come your soul it flies there to

once again together united in the sky
side by side together you can gently fly
doing all the things that you did before
together reunited  side by side once more
Mar 25 · 50
hard to mend
when a heart is broken its so hard to mend
time is your side and is your best friend
it will help you heal take away the pain
has the days go by mend your heart again

it will not be easy to change the way you feel
you must use your will and time to make you heal
it is up to you how much time you need to mend
let time do healing and get there in the end
Mar 24 · 68
in my garden
i sit in the garden write a poem or two
beneath a summer sky in the sky so blue
i like to watch the birds there are quite a few
chaffinch and the blackbirds and the robin to

lots of different flowers with colors by the score
***** and viola and a whole lot more
all the little creatures butterfly and bee
flying round the garden flying wild and free  

a lovely piece of nature there in front of me
right there in my garden there for me to see
lots of things to see filled with so much charm
makes the world so peaceful gentle and so calm
Mar 24 · 49
grieving help
grieving can be hurtful it can pass on bye
and to make it pass you must really try
only you and you alone who can make it heal
let time work with you and change the way feel

all your friends and family the can help you to
and the will you need that must come from you
then your heart can mend hurt it can subside
help the tears to go till they all have dried
Mar 23 · 68
life is there for you
life is there for you it is there to live
you just never know what your life will give
i can give you grief it will make you grieve
it will make you think you just want to leave

it can give you happiness and a future bright
make life full of joy fill you with delight
theres so many things that your life can do
you just never know till it comes to you

its the same for everyone. every you and me.
thats way of life the way it has to be
Mar 23 · 51
broken heart
when a heart is broken help to make it mend
find someone to talk family or a friend
someone who will listen that will understand
they are there to help you and to lend a hand

the more you talk about it  this will help you grieve
and the hurt your feeling slowly will relieve
time is there for you to help your heart to mend
and people that you trust family or a friend

then you can move on from your broken heart
try again once more with a brand new start
Mar 22 · 34
doggie love
i found a little dog he was at deaths door
lying in a doorway lying on the floor
he was very thin fur was falling out
he had been neglected of that there was no doubt

poor dog was shaking scared as scared can be
i put him my car took home with me
made  the dog a meal sausage and some meat
put it in a bowl so the dog could eat

made a little bed put a blanket in
now he had a home where his new life could begin
the little dog his happy  settled down for good
with lots of love and care like a doggy should
Mar 22 · 47
its not very nice when we have to grieve
when you lose a loved who has had to leave
breaks your heart two all you do is cry
ask yourself this question how do i get bye

it is hard do when your left alone
with that lonely feeling of being on your own
your loved one is still there even tho there gone
telling you inside that life must go on

listen to there words this will help you through
and the only the thing that they ask of you
Mar 22 · 67
take a look at life
take a look at life take a look at you
you decide in life what you want to do
decisions they are yours up to you to make
all the things you want in life are there for you to take

aim for all your goals you want to achieve
and inside yourself in you must believe
you can make it happen if you want it to
and all things you want in life they will all come true
Mar 21 · 63
lifes way
life it can be cruel when you dont want it to
throw you in to turmoil break the heart in you
make you feel so lonely empty and so bare
happiness you knew now no longer there

all you ever knew that always made you glad
life has turned around to a life of sad
you just never know what your life will do
one day your world is happy then took away from you

all that we can do is take it day by day
take it  in your stride what ever comes your way
dont let it get you down with life carry on
till lifes cruel ways have all past and gone
Mar 20 · 51
if only
if there was only peace no war would there be
no mores senseless killing the world it  would be free
the world could come together we could live as one
no more blood to spill the hate it would be gone

we could live as equals in each and every race
no more senseless killing would we have to face
just a world of love the way that it should be
where we could live as one in a world thats free
Mar 20 · 57
faithful friend
dogs are always faithful and forever true
anytime at all always there for you
keep you company everywhere you go
bring a smile to you when your feeling low

best friend in the world there could ever be
with a love thats real and forever free
someone to rely on that is always there
right there by your side with lots of love to share
Mar 20 · 39
summer day
i love it when the sun shines on a summers day
high up in the sky from many miles away
brings a happy feeling makes you feel so whole
makes you warm inside body heart and soul

takes away the gloom now the rain a past
time for happiness the sun is here at last
warming up the ground sending down its ray
bringing happiness on such a lovely day
Mar 19 · 49
mothers love
a mothers love is special a mothers love is true
and through all your life it is there for you
it will never die or ever fade away
its a mothers love and is there to stay

she is there for you to give you love and care
anytime of day she is always there
with her love so special and for ever true
its in every mother that is what they do
Mar 18 · 130
heavens gate
they say that theres a gate in the sky so blue
its the gate to heaven that some day we walk  through
its a place of rest where we rest in peace
and forever more troubles all will cease

no more pain to bare will there ever be
just a land of angels with a life thats free
looking down on loved ones from heaven in the sky
giving them a wave as they go passing bye
Mar 18 · 60
if you believe
if you believe you will achieve what you want to do
everything you want in life is waiting there for you
dont give up on dreams make your dreams come true
dont give up on hope that will help you through

always have belief and believe in you
you can make it happen if you want it to
follow all the roads that you have to take
the future it is yous there for you to make
Mar 18 · 46
when your feeling lonely it gets a hold on you
memories all comeback of things you used to do
wish you could get them back do it all once more
a life without the loneliness that you had before

with all the happy times that meant so much to you
all the love you shared that was real and true
how it always was how it used to be
before the angels came took you away from me
Mar 18 · 44
everyone needs love
everyone needs love adults children to
its a part of life within the heart of you
something that you give something that is free
its a special thing that gives security

all around the  world love is everywhere
no matter where you are love is always there
something we all need adults children to
that you give to someone from the heart of you
Mar 17 · 47
stand up to life
dont let life get you down when ever things go wrong
all you have to do is stand up and be strong
dont let it take you over just put up a fight
this all you need to make everything alright

you can turn it round make life good once more
be happy once again just like you were before
all it takes is you all your faith and hope
if life gets you down. with life you will cope
Mar 16 · 50
when we die
they say that when we die.  to a better place we go
safer  than the one that was down below
high up in the sky in the clouds so bright
there are lots of angels with there wings so white

to a place of peace thats where you will be
no more pain or suffering now your life is free
high in the sky where there is only love
safe for evermore in heaven up sbove
Mar 16 · 49
siblings have a bond one that they all share
and for each other they are always there
it cannot be broken its a special thing
and for reach other security it will  bring

when ever things go wrong together they will fight
till the problems solved till they put it right
the love that siblings share is a special thing
protectuon for each other is what siblings bring
Mar 16 · 38
everyone has feelings they are there to show
they are there for you to let emotions flow
there are many reasons when emotions start
there to show your feelings coming from your heart

they will help you cry help relieve your pain
let the teardrops fall take away the strain
its all apart of life of life that we all go through
to let emotions show there inside of you
Mar 15 · 49
springtime verse
spring it is a season when plants begin to grow
pushing through the soil to find the light they go
coming from the darkness of the underground
reaching for the sun spreading all around

daffodils and bluebells and the snowdrops to
there are many more these are just a few
trees begin to bud for there leaves to grow
all a part of nature that gives your heart aglow

birds begin sing there lovely springtime song
happy as can be as they sing along
these are all the things that we see in spring
a season of the year thats such a lovely thing
Mar 15 · 43
country nature
i love the countryside theres so much to see
all the country flowers growing wild and free
there lots of creatures roaming everwhere
rabbits and the badgers and the lovely hare

you can see the squirrels climbing in the trees
having lots of fun climbing with such ease
butterflies they flutter with colors by the  score
reds and gold and green and a whole lot more

hedgehogs on the forage for a bite to eat
looking for a snack for a tasty treat
the wonders of nature scattered all around
in the countryside all these things are found
Mar 15 · 47
loves way
love can live.  love can die
make you happy make you cry
turn your life from good to bad
leave you lonely make you mad

you dont what love will do
or when your love will turn on you
it can change from day to day
will it go or will it stay

if your love is really true
love will always be with you
it will never  fade away
with you forever it will stay
Mar 14 · 56
everybody cries
everybody cries its a natural thing
when ever there is hurt tears it will bring
its the bodies way to let emotion show
sends the mind a message to let the teardrops flow

tears are for everyone they are meant to be
there inside of everyone to set emotions free
there are many reasons why we have to cry
they are there to fall it helps your tears run dry
Mar 14 · 53
cardinal messenger
the cardinal is a lovely bird with his plummage red
he looks rather odd with a crest up on his head
they say he is a messenger from the lord  above
represents  the departed  of someone you really love

trying to contact you or so the story goes
wether it is true no on really knows
if he flies in to your window death is on the way
is this a myth or something people say

we may never know if the stories true
where or when the cardinal will come to visit you
is this just a story from many years ago
or is it really true will we ever know
Mar 14 · 54
we all need someone
when were feeling down we all need a friend
someone there for you with an ear to lend
tell them what is wrong just whats on your mind
and a way to help you a friend will help you find

they will sit and listen  they will talk to you
do there very best help you to pull through
they will understand.  always will be there
always there for you to give there love and care  

a friend you can rely on always there for you
someone you can tell all your troubles to
they will understand what your going through
with a friendship that is real and forever true
Mar 13 · 69
when love comes
love is very special when it comes to you
makes you feel alive makes you feel brand new
there inside your heart growing stronger every day
that will last a lifetime  and never go away

makes the world go round wether near or far
love it comes to everyone no matter who you are
there inside your heart love is there for all
at sometime in our life in love we all will fall

a very special thing that two people share
within the heart of everyone love is always there
there to last a lifetime as long as you may live
love is in your heart and is free to give
Mar 13 · 63
hard times
sometimes life is hard for each and everyone
hard to find away  when it comes to moving on
wether theres is grief or a love gone wrong
hope is always there that helps you to be strong

all around the world  hardtimes they are there
each and every race each and everywhere
it all part of life that we all go through
you just never know when it comes to you
Mar 12 · 47
a walk in the park
took a little walk just before the dark
just a little stroll around the local park
then i heard a rustle coming from the trees
i just ignored the noise thought it was the breeze

then i heard a wimper but i couldnt see
took a walk on over to see what it could be
there i saw a puppy he was in distress
shaking like a leaf he was such a mess

tears they filled my eyes to see a dog that way
looked like he was dumped.  now he was a stray
took him home with me. kept him for a pet
i wont forget that  night or the puppy that i met

now he has grown up and still stays with me
best  friend in the world there could ever be
now he is with me every where i go
i wont forget the park and the friend i got to know
Mar 12 · 55
best friend
a dog is mans best friend and are womens to
best friend you could have always there for you
right there by your side when ever things go wrong
they will give there love help to keep you strong

make you smile again when ever you feel down
they will comfort you take away the frown
a very special friend always there for you
faithful till the end with a love thats true
Mar 12 · 55
summer holiday
when summer comes around time for happiness
time to holiday take away the stress
fly across the sea somewhere far away
a visit to las vegas in the usa

having lots of fun with friends and family
see the great big statue they call liberty
taking lots of pictures of your holiday
and the fun you had in the usa
Mar 11 · 69
boat freedom
boats can give you freedom make you feel so free
sailing miles away on the deep blue sea
sitting on a yacht a glass of wine or two
underneath the sun beneath the sky so blue

do a little fishing while the weathers fine
catch a fish or two with your rod and line
maybe see the dolphins having lot of fun
swimming altogether in the summer  sun

the freedom  of the sea can reach your heart and soul
make you feel so happy make you feel so whole
sailing on the sea passing time away
having lots of fun on a summers day
Mar 11 · 53
summers night
when the moon is shining on a summers night
i walk along the beach beneath the moon so bright
watch the tide roll in heading for the shore
on the summer breeze coming home once more

all the stars above shining down on me
shining all around lighting up the sea
everthing so peaceful every thing so calm
on a summers night filled with so much charm
Mar 10 · 48
i love my mum
thank you to my mum for giving birth to me
best mum in the world there could ever be
all i could ever wish for  shes a mum come true
on this special day mummy i love you

i will love you always  for ever and a day
and my love for you forever it will stay
i am only one but as the years go by
the love i have  you will never ever die

love you mum ***
Mar 10 · 62
mothers day
happy mothers day from your daughter sue
in your home in heaven in the sky so blue
i miss you everyday this one especialy
wishing you were here to share this day with me

one i wll see you and be there with you
celebrating mothers day like we used to do

happy mothers day mum  xxxx

a poem written for a special friend
Mar 10 · 45
the bluebird returns
the bluebird is returning to her home again once more
back to the lakes of coniston where she used to soar
breaking  land speed records donald campbell at the helm
the beauty of the bluebird she would over whelm

now she is returning from her watery grave
restored  again once more her memory she will save
people they can see her with her new restore
has donald campbells bluebird returns home again once more

a tribute to donald campbell and family
and the bluebird to
Mar 9 · 42
home sweet home
home is where the heart its where you belong
home is something sacred there to keep you strong
your very special place that belongs to you
your home for ever more for your whole life through

to share with all your children friends and family
filled with lots of happiness and security
your very home sweet home for eternity
a place to call your own and will always be
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