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Oct 2021 · 69
goat prison
i am just a goat in my prison home
once my life was free i could freely roam
now im all locked up ive done nothing wrong
locked behind a fence very high and strong

same thing everyday is something i must face
walking round and round in this prison place
sentenced here for life samething everyday
here in goat prison is where i have to stay

freedom as all gone theres nothing left for me
locked behind a fence left in misery
all i do is dream of how it used to be
when i could roam around and my life was free
Oct 2021 · 89
sea of dreams
i was sailing in a sea of dreams while i was in my sleep
across a great big ocean so very blue and deep
i sailed in to a fantasy with lots off diferent things
lots of colored fish and some of them had wings

there were diamond rocks that sparkled  down below
with with lots of tiny starfish giving of a glow
there were  colored shells laying all around
lying like a blanket neatly on the ground

it was really lovely and as lovely as can be
in my sea of dreams so very wild and free
Oct 2021 · 62
wear a smile
make your life seem worthwhile
everyday just wear a smile
never let it get you down
and turn your smile in to a frown

wear your smile for all to see
that your happy and your smile is free
make life happy and never blue
and then your life will take care of you
Oct 2021 · 36
everybody love
love it makes the world go round this is plain to see
love is there for everyone just like you and me
love it travels round its in every place
no matter what the country no matter what the race

love it as a feeling it melts your heart away
love is there inside you and there your love will stay
love is there for sharing for each and everyone  
love is very special and love will carry on

no matter where you are no matter what you do
love is there for ever there for me and you.
Oct 2021 · 58
sleigh bells
let the sleigh bells ring let the church bells chime
ringing loud and clear now its christmas time
children feeling happy hearts so full of joy
santa with his presents for every girl and boy

carol singers singing there favourite christmas song
people gather round as they sing along
children with there presents on a christmas day
full of happines as they begin to play

time to get together put the past behind
time for peace on earth for the whole all mankind
so let the sleigh bells ring let the churchbells chime
lets fill the world peace at this christmas time
Oct 2021 · 38
coming home
coming home for christmas so i can be with you
christmas time together like we always do
opening the presents beneath the christmas tree
ones i sent to you ones you sent to me

home again once more home again with you
christmas time together like we always do
you lying in my arms by the firelight
cuddled up real close on a christmas night

so glad i am home again  the place where i should be
together you and i.  sharing christmas here with me
home again once more home again with you
christmas time together like we always do
Oct 2021 · 58
christmas time
when christmas comes around
the whole world lives in peace
troubles and the heartaches
they all come to cease

brings a happy feeling
as the children play
opening there presents on a
christmas day

watching as the snow falls gentle as can be
falling all around for all the world to see
carol singers singing in perfect harmony
bringing peace on earth makes the world feel free

logs burning on the fire to give it christmas glow
lights upon the tree putting on its show
such a peaceful feeling a special time of year
happiness for everyone now thats christmas time is here
Oct 2021 · 48
passing time
i sat down by a pond one bright and sunny day
i sat there a while passing time away
watching all the ducks as they were floating by
peaceful as can be beneath a summer sky

there were lots of geese as big as big can be
swimming in the read so beautiful and free
i was so relaxed and it made me feel so gay
sitting by the pond just passing time away.
Oct 2021 · 106
wilderness dream
i walked through the wilderness in my dream one night
there i saw a star shining oh so bright
while following the star through a path of sand
i saw a lonley figure who took me bye the hand

he said would take me to a land so free
and that maybe oneday thats where i would be
it was very peaceful with angels all around
so very very quiet you couldnt hear a sound

everything was white whiter than the snow
but i know that oneday this is where ill go
Oct 2021 · 40
where ever there is faith there is always hope
something to hold on too when life begins to *****

always have belief when everything  has gone
believe in hope and faith to help you carry on

give your self the will and faith will see you through
always have the hope the rest is up to you
Oct 2021 · 61
daddy song
when i was just a kid my daddy he raised me
he was everything that a dad should be
when ever i was down daddy always knew
get out his guitar and sing a song or two

he would sing the songs that i like the best
so i would sing along put my mind at rest
make me me smile again take the blues away
give me all his love every single day

always there for me when ever things went wrong
there to comfort me help to keep me strong
now  im all grown up and i will try to be
just like my daddy and the dad he was to me
Oct 2021 · 59
heavens stairway
i walked up heavens stairway high up in the sky
then i stepped inside and saw an angel fly
she had great big wings feathered pure white
and around her head an halo shining bright

she hovered there above then she took my hand
then she began to show me around her angel land
it was very peaceful and everything was calm
such a lovely place filled with so much charm

everything was beautiful and made me feel so free
is this is really heaven its where i want to be.
Oct 2021 · 44
yellow bird
i saw a yellow bird as friendly as can be
hi up in the branches of a big oak tree
he was very yellow the color of the sun
hopping branch to branch having lots of fun

he whistled me a tune a lovely little song
very very happy as he hopped along
he was so delightful  as lovely as can be
i wont forget his song that he sang to me
Oct 2021 · 47
heart wings
if my heart had wings i would make it fly
and i would take you with me to a castle in the sky
my little world of love just for you and me
where we could live together for eternity
we could live as one with nothing in the way
i would love and cherish you every single day
we could live forever with a love so true
if my heart had wings this i would do for you
Oct 2021 · 52
home to denver
going home to denver mend my broken heart
place where i was raised began life from the start
back home to my folks is where i long to be
now the girl i loved as walked away from me

back home to my roots home again at last
love that i once new put it in the past
mend my broken heart that you broke in two
turn it all around start again a new

find somebody new love again once more
learn to love again  like i did before
to the place i love with friends and family
home sweet home again is where i long to be

the place where i was raised began life from start
forget about the past mend my broken heart
back to all my roots start again once more
learn to love again just like i did before
Oct 2021 · 76
love can make you happy with all the joys of spring
fill your heart with gladness that;s what love can bring

make you feel so happy and fill you up with pride
give your heart a glow and keep you warm inside

makes your world so happy and makes you feel so new
these are just somethings that love can give to you.
Oct 2021 · 94
happy kitten
i have a little kitten as lively as can be
everywhere i go the kitten follows me
he is very active and leaps in to the air
climbs up on the mantle and jumps on to the chair

he is very playful as playful as can be
when he wants a stroke he climbs up on my knee
then cuddles up real close and begins to purr
then gently falls asleep while i stroke his fur
Oct 2021 · 72
life can be depressing and make you want to cry
takes away emotions and makes you want to die
it can take your life and turn it inside out
and inside your mind plants its seed of doubt

it can cause distress and break your heart in two
this thing we call depression  can do all this to you
but you have to fight to keep  the stress at bay
be very brave and strong and make it go away
Oct 2021 · 70
love again
i smile for a while then the teardops fall
then in to mind you begin to crawl
memories of you i begin to see
very much in love like it used to be

times we spent together with a love so strong
that meant so much to me before it all went wrong
told me you were leaving for somebody new
deep inside my heart im still in love with you

wishing you were here once again with me
with the love we shared like it used to be
then i could smile again like i did before
we could love again you and i once more.
Oct 2021 · 82
friendly donkey
there was a little donkey as funny as can be
he wore a big straw hat quite a site to see
he liked to chew on carrots chew it to the core
then he would get another and chew again once more

he loved all the children and always made them smile
making them so happy made his life worthwhile
he would let them stroke him he would stand so still
when the children touched him it gave them such a thrill.
Oct 2021 · 55
rainbow forest
i dreamed of a rainbow forest with lots of rainbows there
rainbows scattered all around rainbows everywhere
spread across the sky and bending over trees
with little pots of gold blowing in the breeze

there were lots of colors of yellow blue and red
shining very brightly hanging overhead
it was very beautiful  a lovely place to see
there in rainbow forest is where i long to be
Oct 2021 · 67
orphan boy
i saw a little orphan boy as sad as sad can be
looking for a home so he could be free
the tears they were rolling down his lonely face
all he ever wanted   was a warm and loving place

we walked along together walking side by side
i wiped away the tears that the boy had cried
i took him to my home and there he stayed with me
now he had place called home and his life was free
Oct 2021 · 70
grandads teeth
my grandad he his funny he has funny teeth
he keeps them in some water they lay there underneath
then he takes them out and gives them a little shake
he tells me they are real but i know they are fake

he puts them in his mouth when ever he goes out
he never gets a toothache of that there is no doubt
but i will keep my own and brush them every day
the thought of wearing false teeth so very far away.
Oct 2021 · 80
dolphin dance
i saw dolphins dancing while i was out at sea
stood up on there tails dancing wild and free
dancing in a circle  going round and round
talking to each other in there dolphin sound

they looked very happy just dancing in the sea
happy and content as happy as can be
every one in unison just putting on a show
just to watch them dance gave my heart a glow.
Oct 2021 · 87
badger beauty
i like too watch the badger roaming through the night
with his furry coat with colors black and white
such a lovely creature so beautiful to see
wandering through the fields so very wild and free

underneath the moon shining oh so bright
just to watch the badger brings me such delight
he  never seems to rush he takes it nice and slow
this creature of the night gives life such a glow
Oct 2021 · 55
when we die
when we die it is the end
and to heaven you ascend
in to heaven in the sky so blue
angels there wait for you

there to give you all there love
to keep you safe in there home above
now at last you are free
loved for ever you will be

all your pain has come to cease
forevermore you live in peace
angels there watching over you
as you start your life a new
Oct 2021 · 267
hillbilly night
high up in the mountains where the hillbilies stay
when nightime comes around they dance the night away
steel guitars and banjos with there country beat
a little bit of moonshine puts dancing in there feet

then theres dear old grandma to add the fidddle to
grandpa  he joins in playing his kazoo
slapping and a clapping as they dance along
dance the night away to a hillbilly song

having lots of fun for the whole night through
dancing all night long like hillbillies do
dancing all together to a hillbilly song
they all dance together dancing  all night long
Oct 2021 · 95
when i just a kid ma bought me a teddy bear
everywhere i went teddy he was there
he would sleep with me when i went to bed
and upon my shoulder he would rest his head

as the years passed by i remember teddy bear
how i  used to hold him take him everywhere
i still have my teddy that ma bought for me
and the love he gave me in my memory

oneday i will marry and raise a family
give teddy to my children that ma gave to me
every time they hold him like i used to do
i will have the memory for my whole life through

as the years passed by i remember teddy bear
how i  used to hold him take him everywhere
i still have my teddy that ma bought for me
and the love he gave me in my memory
Oct 2021 · 46
otter friend
i saw a little otter swimming in a brook
i got a little closer so i could take a look
he was having fun chasing all the fish
for the little otter this was his favorite dish.

he was very friendly and wanted me to play
so i played with him to pass the time away
he was very happy he had company
he had found a friend and that friend was me.

then he swam away in to his otter hole
he was getting tired poor little soul
i waved and said goodbye and let him go to sleep
in his otter home so very long and deep.
Oct 2021 · 69
ladybird dance
two little lady birds were sitting on my plants
i sat there and watched them as they began to dance
going two and fro as happy as can be
dancing close together dancing just for me

they were really happy having so much fun
dancing on the plants underneath the sun
when they finished dancing  they sat there for a while
then they flew away and left me with a smile
Oct 2021 · 62
love fruit
love  can be like lemon
it can be bitter sweet
or it can be an apple
that falls down at your feet

it can be a cherry hanging from a tree
blossoming all around you making life so free
it can be an orange very round and whole
very bright and beautiful it can warm your soul

love is like a fruit and the fruit off life is free
love is all around for all the world to see
Oct 2021 · 83
a soldiers story
a soldier came from heaven he came and sat with me
he told me of the angels and now his life was free
told me of the day when he had to die
told me of his loved ones and how he watched them cry

he told me he was safe and with the lord above
no more blood or battle from now on only love
he was up in heaven where his war would cease
he was with the angels. now he could rest in peace
Oct 2021 · 52
spider glasses
i saw a great big spider sitting in the bath
he wore a pair of glasses this it made me laugh
they had tinted lenses to protect him from the light
to protect his eyes when the light was bright

he looked very odd as funny as can be
a spider wearing glasses you just never see
i guess his eyes were bad but it made me laugh
a spider wearing glasses sat there in my bath.
Oct 2021 · 81
geriatric worm
there was a little worm he was very old
very very wrinkled and always felt the cold
he roamed around the garden as slow as slow can be
his eyes were growing dim and he could hardly see

he wriggled round the garden though it would take all day
the bristles on his legs now had turn to grey
but he carried on even though he had grown old
a very happy chap and very very bold.
Oct 2021 · 63
when you fall in love two hearts they combine
emotions and your feelings together they entwine

your heart begins to beat loud and very strong
beating to a rhythm to its own love song

it makes you feel so happy and makes you want to sing
these are just some things that your love can bring.
Oct 2021 · 317
i love to watch the moon on a moonlit night
shining in the sky shining oh so bright
it always seems romantic looking up above
the beauty of the night seems so full of love

surrounded by the stars that twinkle in the sky
with clouds so very clear gently floating bye
a little peace of heaven so calm and very still
the beauty of the night gives me such a thrill
Oct 2021 · 79
from the heart
say it from the heart thats all you have to do
then everything you say people know its true

say it full of meaning say it like its meant
say full of truth that from the heart was sent

say it full  of feelings and let your feelings show
say it like you mean it then everyone will know
Oct 2021 · 66
project stand still
project at a stand still tractor parts are rare
cant get parts i need ive searched every where
ive tried usa they wont do the post
though they have the parts.  that i need te most

just cant give up my project.  after all ive done
i will find the parts somewhere that it needs to run
maybe ask on youtube and the radio
and the parts i need someone they will know

then i can start again and make the tractor run
drive it once again have some tractor fun
finish of my project till my jobs complete
listen to the engine running smooth and sweet
Oct 2021 · 80
living on an island
living on an island is where i long to be
living there with nature feeling oh so free
sitting by the sea soaking up the sun
surrounded by the freedom  having lots of fun

walking in the sand as i gently stroll
looking at the waves as they begin to roll
living on an island is where i long to be
an island of my own with no one there but me.
Oct 2021 · 79
two hearts
when you fall in love two hearts they combine
emotions and your feelings together they entwine

your heart begins to beat loud and very strong
beating to a rhythem to its own love song

it makes you feel so happy and makes you want to sing
these are just some things that your love can bring.
Oct 2021 · 51
happy sun
the sun can make you happy when it comes shining through
high up in the air in the sky so blue
sending out his light to brighten up the day
making you feel happy making life so gay

you can feel the heat as it begins to glow
flowers with there colors putting on a show
making life so bright in the sky above
the beauty of the sun is something that i love
Oct 2021 · 76
fantasy land
in a land of fantasy where little dragons play
where the sun is shining and clouds are never grey
there are lots of unicorns as lovely as can be
flying in the sky in this land so free

there were lots of creatures playing having fun
with lots and lots of colours shining in the sun
there were lots of fairies with dresses made of lace
all of this i saw in this magic place
Oct 2021 · 66
changing world
the world is always changing not like it was before
all there is is violence and soldiers sent to war

the planet it is different not like it used to be
with global warming changing the land the sky and sea

there nothing we can do so we can make it change
its not like it used to be now everything is strange.
Oct 2021 · 146
look at all the children watch them as they play
making life look real happy bright and gay

watch them as they smile as happy as can be
giving life a meaning making life so free

see them play together bringing such delight
filled with lots of happiness making life so bright
Oct 2021 · 71
friendly monkey
i saw a little monkey in a big palm tree
sat there picking coconuts and bringing them to me
he put them in pile and put them nice and neat
then he got some more and laid them at my feet

he was very friendly and he just love to play
passing on the time in his monkey way
having lots of fun as happy as can be
this funny little fellow filled my heart with glee.
Oct 2021 · 67
happy world
i wish the world was happy and never ever sad
where everything was good and never ever bad

it would be so peaceful loving and so kind
to have a world so friendly with trouble left behind

it would be like heaven way up high above
a happy place to live in filled with so much love
Oct 2021 · 64
when your heart is broken tears roll down your face
the world that you once knew is now a lonely place
emotions they are shattered there all torn apart
like the shattered pieces of your broken heart.

gone now has the love that you relied upon
your left on your own now your the lonely one
you must use your strength and will to carry on
time will heal the hurt till all the pain has gone.

then you move along make a brand new start
love it will return once more to your heart.
Oct 2021 · 69
wake up
i wake up in the morning first  thing that i see
is the one i love laying next to me
feeling so secure knowing she is there
i lay there a while as i stroke her hair

then we face the day to what is has store
will it  be the same as the day before
but our love wont change no matter what the day
the love the we both share is always there to stay
Oct 2021 · 78
love is nature
love it is a nature that we have inside
it can make the world go round and from it you cant hide
always there within you a feeling we all know
fills you up with gladness and gives your heart a glow

love is there to share and some thing you can give
a feeling there inside us that helps the world to live
love it comes to all to each and every race
making life worth living in each and every place
Oct 2021 · 341
like it
i like to watch the rain i like to watch the snow
i like to watch the sun as he begins to glow
i like it when its autumn when leaves begin to fall
i like it when its christmas the best time of them all

i like to watch the children when they begin to play
opening there presents on a christmas day
i like to watch all this its such a sight to see
it makes life worth living and makes life feel so free
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