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Nov 2021 · 56
climate change
climate on the change icebergs on the melt
all around the world the change is being felt
the world is not the same as it used to be
climate it is changing as we all can see.

floods are getting worse stronger than before
flooding overland over sea and shore
things are not the same everything is strange
the world must get together and make it rearrange
Nov 2021 · 69
spring daffodils
heads of golden yellow stem so green and bright
standing up so tall standing so upright.

glowing in the sun in the early dawn
sat there on display in the early morn.

even in the boxes of the window sill
this lovely springtime flower the golden daffodil.

such a sight  to see such a lovely thing
just to see the daffodils in the early spring
Nov 2021 · 183
little crow
there was a little crow black as black can be
he was in my garden sat upon my tree
he had yellow beak  as yellow as the sun
digging up the worms having lots of fun.
he was very friendly and walked right up to me
then a little hop and sat up on my knee
with his big blue eyes he stared me in the face
his feathers they were lovely and not one out of place.

he sat there a while and shared sometime with me
then he flew away.  flying high and free.
Nov 2021 · 58
kind labrador
there was a little labrador he was very kind
he was very thoughtful and love to help the blind
help them cross the road he would be there guide
help them cross in safety  to the otherside.

picking up the post coming through the door
moving objects in the way clearing up the floor
walking by there side while they were in the park
when ever there was danger he would give a bark

he loved helping people especially the blind
always there when needed and always very kind.
Oct 2021 · 65
christmas joy
soon there will be snow santa on his sliegh
lots of happy children playing christmas day
having lots of fun with there hearts a glow
happy as can be playing in the snow

building lots of snowmen in the snow so white
standing all around lighting up the night
lots of christmas of parties for friends and family
everybody happy full of christmas glee

a lovely time of year when the worlds at rest
that very special time that we love the best
Oct 2021 · 386
bluebird song
i heard a bluebird singing  such a lovely tune
beneath the stars so bright and the silver moon
a lovely melody with such a lovely beat
it filled my heart with love and swept me of my feet

every note in time every note in tune
with his gentle voice i began to swoon
it made me feel serene and so very calm
a lovely song of love filled with so much charm

then he flew away in to the midnight sky
flapped his wings so gently as he said goodbye
Oct 2021 · 68
cat wish
i wish i was a cat with a life so free
with someone who would care and be there for me
no troubles or no worry just freedom all the way
free food on the table every single day

getting lots of cuddles while sat upon a knee
someone who is there giving love to me
i would be content as happy as can be
getting lots of love with a life so free
Oct 2021 · 192
hillbilly weekend
when weekend comes around the hillbillies play
high up the mountains they dance the night away
playing country music  with its hillbilly beat
puts music in there soul dancing in there feet

dancing altogether to a hillbilly song
underneath the stars dancing all night long
dancing heel to heel dancing toe to toe
dancing in line dancing in a row

uderneath the moon and the stars so bright
dancing altogether till the early morning light
to there favourite beat as they dance around
dance the night away to the hillbilly sound
Oct 2021 · 40
castles in the air
castles in the air dragons flying by
fairies with there wands floating in the sky
bluebirds singing songs in the trees above
sitting there so sweetly singing songs of love

lots and lots of flowers scattered all around
blooming there so brightly covering the ground
multi colored butterflies and pretty little bees
busy as can be in the gentle breeze

the sun it as a smile to brighten up the day
in this land of fantsy so very far away
Oct 2021 · 45
space cat
there was a little cat of the furry sort
and he used to dream he was an astronaut
climbing in his rocket heading to the stars
landing down on jupiter then flying on to mars

he could float in space and float around all day
all along the universe  and across the milky way
he had a little suit and and big space hat
he was a proper astronaut a proper spaceman cat

when his dream was over he woke in his bed
the thoughts of being an astronaut still running through his head
Oct 2021 · 38
white owl
theres a big white owl he sits up on a fence
surrounded by the woodland so very thick and dense
with his eyes so big and a head that spins around
sitting there so quietly he dosent make a sound

he can see for miles when he begins to fly
flying there so gracefully as he hovers in the sky
waiting for his chance to move in for the ****
hovering so gently in the night so still.
Oct 2021 · 68
christmas time
christmas is the time when the world seems bright
all around the world the people all unite
full of celebration with parties by the score
its time for happiness christmas time once more

lots of happy children as they play away
opening there presents on christmas day
time for peace on earth  for the whole world through
for each and everyone every me and you

everybody happy full of christmas glee
time for peace on earth the  way that it be
the season of the year when we all unite
filled with happiness and the world feels right
Oct 2021 · 62
christmas song
sing a song  for christmas full of christmas things
lights and christmas  trees all that christmas brings
sing it to the children let them dance along
make everybody happy with a christmas song

let the whole world know its that time of year
time for happines lots of christmas cheer
sing about the snow falling to the ground
with its christmas feeling as it spreads around

make every body happy on a christmas day
fill there hearts with joy as they dance away
sing it to the world as  they dance along
make there christmas happy with a christmas song
Oct 2021 · 78
strange change
i looked in to the mirror it was rather strange
the person that i used to see as began to change
hair is turning  grey not like it was before
wrinkles are appearing not smooth anymore

now i look so different than i did before
youth it has now gone not young anymore
but im the same inside that will never change
just the rest of me makes me look so strange
Oct 2021 · 141
cat and mouse
my cat was in the garden when he saw a mouse
he chased up the path it run to my house
chased it round the kitchen all around the floor
the mouse he wanted fun he just wanted more.

he run up the stairs to the very top
mouse he loved the chase and didnt want to stop
cat he  kept on chasing this cheeky little chap
and the little mouse he was going to trap.

but mouse he got away run out through the door
back into the garden free again once more
the poor cat was tired it took his breath away
and vowed to catch the mouse on another day.
Oct 2021 · 60
happy face
a smiling face is happy never ever sad
it will lift you up and make you feel so glad

it will make you grin when your feeling down
make you feel so cheerful when you begin to frown.

life is so much better when a smile is there
something on your face that you must always wear
Oct 2021 · 87
right to live
lives they really matter wether black or white
the right to live on earth we all have the right
no discrimantion should there ever be
we all have the right to live a life thats free

color shouldnt matter humanities the same
no one has the right to shout a racisit name
we all have a heart and we are human too
the right to live for all for the whole world through
Oct 2021 · 62
sad rudolph
rudolph he was sad on a christmas day
wasnt very well coudnt pull his sliegh
his nose it would not glow very bright and red
so he spent his christmas tucked up in his bed

all the other reindeers pulled the christmas sliegh
delivering the presents many miles away
filled with lots of toys for every girl and boy
to fill the childrens hearts with lots of christmas joy

rudolph he got better went back to his sliegh
you could see his nose glow from many miles away
when  christmas comes again rudolph will be there
delivering his presents to children everywhere
Oct 2021 · 58
time for peace
time for peace is near time for christmas joy
lots of christmas presents for every girl and boy
watch there smiling faces as they begin to play
happy as can be on a christmas day

opening there presents underneath the tree
lots of happy hearts full of christmas glee
time for celebration with friends and family
time for peace on earth the way that it should be

that time of the year one that we all know
season to be jolly that gives your a glow
troubles seem to cease if only for a while
that time of year that makes the whole world smile
Oct 2021 · 125
country christmas
lets have a country christmas put baubles on the tree
sing some country songs at the christmas jamboree
banjos and guitars let the fiddles play
dancing all night long till early chrismas day

lets really have a ball to the country beat
chrismas  time is here puts dancing in your feet
everybody happy as they dancing long
celebrating christmas with a country song

a special time of year that makes us all unite
that time of the year when the world feels right
toe tapping hand clapping dance the night away
dancing all night long till early christmas day
Oct 2021 · 62
christmas verse
when the snow is falling on a christmas night
covering the roof tops pure and so white
time for peace on earth for the whole of all mankind
forget about the past leave it all behind

children with there sleigh playing in the snow
all there smiling faces that give a christmas glow
opening there presents underneath the tree
happy and content full of christmas glee

time to get together with friends and family
making christmas happy the way that it should be
time to celebrate for the whole of all mankind
forget about the past leave it all behind
Oct 2021 · 221
celebrate christmas
let the church bells ring let the snow flakes fall
lets celebrate this christmas really have a ball
decorate the tree hang the mistleloe
steel a christmas kiss from everyone you know

listen for the sleigh bells with presents on the sleigh
watch the children smile on a christmas day
carol singers singing standing at the door
christmas time is here christmas time once more

celebrate the season we all love the best
when the worlds at peace troubles come to rest
lets celebrate together let the snowflakes fall
celebrate this christmas lets really have a ball
Oct 2021 · 100
poorly santa
santa he was poorly on a christmas night
something it was wrong he didnt feel quite right
santa called is reindeers to load up santas sliegh
for the reindeers to deliver.  presents christmas day

they travelled through the night  to all the girls and boys
make sure all the children would get there christmas toys
they dropped all the presents down the chimney stack
till there sliegh was empty then they travelled back

santa thanked the reindeers for the job. that they had done
now the children could be happy having christmas fun
playing with there presents on a christmas day
thanks to all reindeers and there christmas sliegh
Oct 2021 · 98
pet canary
i had a pet canary he would sing all day
up down his ladder how he love to play.

he was very happy as happy as can be
when is cage was open he would come to me.

sit upon my shoulder and sing in to my ear
with is lovely song so very loud and clear.

he sat there a while in his feathered coat
singing oh so beautiful and hitting every note
Oct 2021 · 81
celtic mouse
there was a scottish mouse a celtic fan was he
where ever celtic played thats were he would be.

with his football top of colors green and white
and his wooly hat that was so very bright.

he travelled round the country when they played away
then when celtic won it really made his day.

a proper football fan  with football built inside
a dedicated mouse full of celtic pride
Oct 2021 · 44
there was a little centipede he had a big mishap
he had lost a leg the poor little chap
everywhere he went he always had a bump
he was one leg short he only had a stump

he saw his friend the beetle who knew what to do
i will make a new leg then you will feel brand new
beetle made a leg from a twig upon the ground
now he had a wooden leg and could get around

with his leg now fixed no longer had a stump
he was back to normal and walked without a bump
Oct 2021 · 80
theres nothing quite like romance to prove your love is true

give a bunch of flowers a glass of wine or two

have a lovely meal with candles all a glow

just a little romance is all you have to show.

have a little cuddle and a loving kiss

for a perfect evening filled with loving bliss

just a little romance is all you have to do

followed by the words darling i love you.
Oct 2021 · 73
morning call
there was a little rooster he lived on a farm
a friendly little chap with lots and lots of charm.

he would stick his chest out looking also proud
then  he would give a crow so very very loud.

waking up the people at the break of dawn
throwing back the blankets as they begin to yawn.

a new day has arrived thats how the rooster knew
thats why he gives his crow to say hello to you
Oct 2021 · 73
never see
you never see a rainbow unless there has been rain
you never see a heartbreak unless there has been pain.

you never see round corners or see around a bend
you never know how long it takes for a broken heart to mend.

you never know what tomorrow brings you have to wait  and see
you never know what life  will do so what must be must be
Oct 2021 · 92
banjo hare
in the mountains of virginia there live a little hare
he could play a banjo and played it everywhere
he had a country rhythem and little dancing feet
people came from miles around to hear is country beat

he just love to play and give the crowd a show
he would play all day until it was time to go
then he would take a bow and wave the crowd goodbye
then of again he went beneath the sunset sky
Oct 2021 · 101
robin song
there was a little robin a lovely chap was he
sat there in my garden in my willow tree

with a big red breast as bright as bright can be
singing such a lovely song espcially for me

he was very beautiful and made me feel so free
this lovely little robin in my willow tree.
Oct 2021 · 70
i saw little hedgehog curled up in ball
lying there so still beside the garden wall
he looked very peaceful in his little bed
lying there so still i thought that he was dead

then he began to move and opened up his eyes
and stretched his little body to its normal size
then he wandered off as happy as can be
down the garden path so wild and yet so free
Oct 2021 · 72
see the flowers
have you seen the flowers breaking through the dawn
rising from there beds as they begin to yawn

standing up so proudly to face another day
showing of there splendour to make life bright and gay

giving off a scent growing wild and free
growing there so proudly for all of us to see.
Oct 2021 · 69
whats my name
i will set a riddle a sort of little game
and with in this riddle you will find a name
i have a little arrow and little bow
and when my arrow hits your love will start grow

i have little wings and my hair is curled
and i can send my love all around the world
so now you have  clues to my little game
to help you with this riddle so you can find my name
Oct 2021 · 87
two hearts
when you fall in love two hearts they combine
emotions and your feelings together they entwine

your heart begins to beat loud and very strong
beating to a rhythem to its own love song

it makes you feel so happy and makes you want to sing
these are just some things that your love can bring.
Oct 2021 · 83
is it you
is it really you the one im looking for
are you really there waiting just for me
the girl in my dreams girl ive been looking for is it really you
is it you i see reaching out for me is it  that really you

i see you everyday out the corner of my eye
i just stop and stare as you go walking by
your the girl for me one im searching for is it really you
one i always needed to make my dreams come true
now your here with me and its really you
you and i together we will always  be
now your here with me
Oct 2021 · 60
pet shop pup
while i was in a  pet shop looking for a pet
wondering what to buy and which one should i get
then i saw a puppy as lovely as can be
with big bright starry eyes looking back at me

he sat there so quiet as happy as can be
so i bought the puppy and took him home with me
i was very happy with my little pet
my day at the pet shop i never will forget
Oct 2021 · 551
sea of dreams
i was sailing in a sea of dreams while i was in my sleep
across a great big ocean so very blue and deep
i sailed in to a fantasy with lots off different things
lots of colored fish and some of them had wings

there were diamond rocks that sparkled  down below
with with lots of tiny starfish giving of a glow
there were  colored shells laying all around
lying like a blanket neatly on the ground

it was really lovely and as lovely as can be
in my sea of dreams so very wild and free
Oct 2021 · 73
two little caterpillars sat upon a leaf
one was on the top the other underneath
they walked along the leaf one on either side
with there tiny legs  both of them would slide

they would chew away until the leaf had gone
then find another leaf and simply carry on
they would chew and chew every single day
turn into a butterfly and gently fly away.
Oct 2021 · 94
just a memory
saw you with your new guy as you were passing by
tears they filled my eyes almost made me cry
i still felt the feelings that i had for you
before you walked away for somebody knew

i lay awake each night with the memory
of the love we shared what you meant to me
your still here with me deep inside my mind
and the love we had that you left behind

all have is lonlieness a heart you broke into
took away the love that i had for you
time we shared together now a memory
you just walked away tore the heart in me

i lay awake each night with the memory
of the love we shared what you meant to me
your still here with me deep inside my mind
and the love we had that you left behind
Oct 2021 · 132
bluegrass beat
raised up in the mountains when i was just a boy
loved to play the banjo it was my favourite toy
played along with grandpa and my grandma too
playing bluegrass music was all they ever knew

grandma she played fiddle. grandpa played guitars
we all played together underneath the stars
folks they gathered round when we began to play
dancing all together they danced the night away

to the bluegrass beat and a bluegrass song
a little bit of moonshine dancing all night long
dancing all together till the break of day
to the blue grass beat they danced the night away
Oct 2021 · 98
a cleaners job
jill she was  a cleaner she just love to clean
until she got a job on which she wasnt keen
it was really bad just not clean at all
grease was on the cooker spiders on the wall

you had to wipe your feet just go outside
the grease upon her feet made jill want to slide
it didnt put her of she had a job to do
so she got really busy cleaned the whole house through

it took lots of time two hours may be more
washing all the walls cleaning all the floor
got it nice and tidy very clean and neat
didnt have to go outside just to wipe your feet
Oct 2021 · 537
country music
i love country music love a country song
playing my guitar as i sing along
watcing all the folks as they gather round
dancing all together to the country sound

slapping and clapping to a country song
underneath the stars dancing all night long
dance the night away to the country beat
to the country sound puts dancing in there feet

arm in arm together beneath the moon so bright
to a country song they dance away the night
dancing in a line to the  country beat
to a country song puts dancing in there feet

slapping and a clapping they dance the night away
dancing all night long till the break of day
arm in arm together beneath the moon so bright
to a country song they dance away the night
Oct 2021 · 44
lonely nights
when the day is over and night begins to fall
moon begins to shine casting shadows on the wall
i sit in my lonlieness thoughts of me and you
times we spent together and the love i knew

i close my eyes to sleep your still there with me
you and i together like it used to be
laying in my arms holding me real tight
now all i have are memories and another lonely night

missing you so much wishing you were here with me
you laying by my side like it used to be
holding me real close like you did before
you and i togther in love again once more
Oct 2021 · 74
drunken night
i went for a drink to have myself a beer
after quite a few my mind my it just went queer
then my legs went funny and they didnt want to go
everything i tried they didnt want to know  

then the room was spinning like a spinning top
then it just kept going and didnt want to stop
i made my way for home so i could rest my head
staggered up the stairs then fell in to bed.
Oct 2021 · 94
move a mountain
love can move a moutain
and melt your heart away
it can make you happy every single day
it will last for ever never fade away

love is such a feeling that gives your heart a glow
when you have this feeling deep inside youll know
it can do so much and make the world go round
it can last forever once your love is found.
Oct 2021 · 76
fairy dance
theres fairy in my garden she just loves to dance
dances on the branches and dances on the plants
she wears a golden dress and diamonds in her hair
she just loves to dance and dances every where

dances in the moonlight and dances in the sun
all around the garden having lots of fun
i like to sit and watch as she begins to prance
round and round the garden i sit and watch her dance
Oct 2021 · 94
fly squat
there was a little fly
flying round the light
flying round the bulb
that was so big and bright

buzzing round for hours
as fast as fast can be
flying all alone a busy chap was he
walking on the ceiling walking on the floor
i hit him with a paper now he flies no more
Oct 2021 · 57
loves gift
love is precious loves a gift
and your soul your love can lift
its a feeling deep inside
something that you just cant hide

it is there and there to stay
and to share in every way
its something nice its something rare
something that we all must share

a precious gift from up above
a special gift thats filled with love.
Oct 2021 · 53
as you find it
take life as you find it each and every day
brighten up your clouds when ever they turn gray
add a little sunshine whenever you feel blue
where a smile when you feel down this will help you through

take it as you find it take it in your stride
the doors to happiness you can open wide
take it nice and easy take it day by day
take it as you find its the only way.
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