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Nov 2021 · 77
bluebell song
i saw a host of bluebells they began to ring
standing up so proudly in the early spring.

ringing out there tune a lovely melody
everyone in unison growing wild and free.

with there bright blue flowers gleaming in the sun
playing out there tune to tell us springs begun.

it made me feel so happy as they played along
ringing out for me there lovely springtime song
Nov 2021 · 73
dolphin watch
i like to watch the dolphins swimming in the sea
living in the ocean with a life thats free.

jumping up and down swimming in the sun
making life seem happy having lots of fun.

standing on there tails standing way up high
skimming on the water as they go passing by.

bringing lots of happiness for all the world to see
this creature thats so beautiful brings a smile to me
Nov 2021 · 63
people they write poetry of many different kinds
writing down in words what ever comes to mind
it helps them ease there thoughts and helps them calm the soul
writing down there feelings with words so very whole

giving there expressions in a detailed way
giving so much meaning to what they want to say
they say it from the heart and set there feelings free
the thoughts within there mind they can plainly see
Nov 2021 · 58
night magic
when the moon is full and the stars are shining bright
lighting up the land lighting up the night
clouds are in formation spread across the sky
everyone in unison as they go floating by

the tide comes rolling in gently to the shore
across the sand it rolls coming home once more
shooting stars above flying oh so high
silently they fall as they go passing by

such a lovely picture that fills you with delight
a lovely piece of nature that brings magic to the night.
Nov 2021 · 489
budgie rage
i bought a little budgie and put him a cage
i guess he didnt like it he began to  rage
so i bought a mirror to keep him company
hoping this would help him to be temper free.

then i bought a ladder put it in there too
now he could have some exercise like the budgies do
bought a little bell so he could make it ding
tap it with his beak so the bell would ring.

now he looked so happy i went of to bed
then when i arose the poor bird was dead
i bought all the things a budgie he might need
the only thing i never got was the budgie seed
Nov 2021 · 68
xmas verse
christnas time is here theres silence in the night
gently falls the snow flakes pure and so white
tree tops they all glisten lighting up the sky
with the moon above shining way up high

you can hear the sliegh bells santa on his way
children with there smiles on a christmas day
playing in the snow with snow men by the score
happy as can be christmas time once more
Nov 2021 · 81
stranded love
love can leave you stranded like a ship without a shore
like a desert island alone again once more
love can leave you lonely and miles from anywhere
the shoulder that you cried on his no longer there

love take your heart away to a far off place
it can leave your mind floating off in space
it can leave you floating in a sea of blue
these are just some thing that love  can do to you
Nov 2021 · 106
i sat a watched a moonbeam shining oh so bright
shining in the sky  lighting up the night
it shone across the valley and and the mountains high
shining there so brightly high up in the sky

its beam it shone for miles and all across the land
all across the sea lighting up the sand
shinging all alone just a single light
shining there so brightly such a lovely site.
Nov 2021 · 58
tumble weed
tumbleweeds they roll and tumble on the plain
rolling round and round and rolling back again

rolling in the wind drifting in the sand
tumbling wild and free across the barron land

rolling very freely rolling in the breeze
all across the desert and passed the cactus trees
Nov 2021 · 69
natures way
i wake up in the morning and open up my eyes
i can see the daylight as the sun begins to rise
i can here the birds singing in the trees
singing there sweet song in the gentle breeze

i can here the cockerel crowing very loud
sitting on the fence looking very proud
then i rise from bed to welcome in the day
and say a geat big thankyou to mother natures way
Nov 2021 · 184
angel dream
i saw a little angel in my sleep one night
sat there in my dream in a dress so very white

with a little halo reflecting in the light
shining all around her so very very bright

she had flowing hair as lovely as can be
it made me feel so safe knowing she was watching me
Nov 2021 · 74
bluebird song
i heard a bluebird singing  such a lovely tune
beneath the stars so bright and the silver moon
a lovely melody with such a lovely beat
it filled my heart with love and swept me of my feet

every note in time every note in tune
with his gentle voice i began to swoon
it made me feel serene and so very calm
a lovely song of love filled with so much charm

then he flew away in to the midnight sky
flapped his wings so gently as he said goodbye
Nov 2021 · 62
centipede mishap
there was a little centipede he had a big mishap
he had lost a leg the poor little chap
everywhere he went he always had a bump
he was one leg short he only had a stump

he saw his friend the beetle who knew what to do
i will make a new leg then you will feel brand new
beetle made a leg from a twig upon the ground
now he had a wooden leg and could get around

with his leg now fixed no longer had a stump
he was back to normal and walked without a bump
Nov 2021 · 234
happy hamster
there was a little hamster he just love to spin
with his little wheel that he just climbed in
spinning round in circles pushing with his feet
he was very lovely and very very sweet.

going round and round as fast as fast can be
looking through his cage looking straight at me
i watched him for a while till the wheel had stopped
he was getting tired so in his bed he hopped.

then fell fast asleep with his head still in a spin
in his little cage that was made of tin.
Nov 2021 · 60
let us live in harmony and live a life so free
fill the world with love the way that it should be.

let us all unite from each and every place
fill the world with harmony for each and every race.

let us live together and unite as one
hand in hand in harmony we will carry on
Nov 2021 · 58
from the day were born thats when we start to live
face the big wide world and all it as to give
all its ups and downs sadness and despair
we must learn to cope with everything thats there.

a journey we must travel one that we must take
as our life begins this journey we must make
we will have decisions each and every day
thats the way it is life is made that way.

we must learn to share we must learn to give
from the day were born thats when we start to live.
Nov 2021 · 60
everyone has demons some that we dont know
they get into your head and in your mind they go
waiting in the shadows hidden out of place
till there comes a time when your demons you must face.

some of them are strong from which you cannot hide
you must use your will and the soul you have inside
this will help you fight and keep your mind so strong
send your demons to the devil to hell where they belong
Nov 2021 · 63
labrador kindness
there was a little labrador he was very kind
he was very thoughtful and love to help the blind
help them cross the road he would be there guide
help them cross in safety  to the otherside.

picking up the post coming through the door
moving objects in the way clearing up the floor
walking by there side while they were in the park
when ever there was danger he would give a bark

he loved helping people especially the blind
always there when needed and always very kind.
Nov 2021 · 87
tennessee christmas
when christmas comes a calling in memphis Tennessee
wakes me up in side sets my spirit free
snow flakes they are falling pure and so white
lighting up the roof tops on a christmas night

children building snowmen with there hearts a glow
having lots of fun playing in the snow
everything so peaceful tranquil as can be
time for peace on earth in memphis tennessee

waking up at daybreak in the early morn
open up there presents as they begin to yawn
lots of smiling faces full of christmas glee
christmas time is here in memphis tennessee
Nov 2021 · 78
like a song
love is like a song it can make you dance
it will make you sing and fill you with romance.

make your  heart beat faster than it did before
give your love the harmony like a music score.

fill you up with feelings like a melody
put a smile upon your face for all the world to see.

give you lots of rhythm as it plays along
keeps your love together keeps your love so strong
Nov 2021 · 209
magpie bandit
there  was a little magpie a little thief was he
he came in to my garden and landed on my tree
waiting for his chance for something he could rob
then on to my table the magpie he did bob.

he took my silver spoon for stirring up my tea
held it in his beak then magpie he did flee
magpie he returned looking for some more
so he could steel again and in the sky would soar.

this went on a while so i put my things away
now i have never seen him to this very day
Nov 2021 · 62
help me santa
been working on this project now for a month or two
ive cursed and ive sweared till the air was blue
its  a crawler tractor im trying to restore
cant find the parts i need to make run once more

forty year old parts are left behind
ive searched every where there so hard to find
wrote a note to santa to what he could do
maybe he can help find a part or two

put them on his sliegh deliver them to me
fill my heart with joy instead of misery
and my rusty crawler will be happy to
he can run again start again a new

so please mr santa see what you can do
i wish you all the best. happy new year to
Nov 2021 · 61
world cup happiness
now the time has come football it is here
time to pick your team the want you to cheer
teams from every continent will be there to play
with lots of painted faces happy and so gay

people in the stands having lots of fun
cheering very loudly when there team has won
it brings the world together people they unite
just a game of football can make the world so bright
Nov 2021 · 71
the sun can make you happy when it comes shining through
high up in the air in the sky so blue
sending out his light to brighten up the day
making you feel happy making life so gay

you can feel the heat as it begins to glow
flowers with there colors putting on a show
making life so bright in the sky above
the beauty of the sun is something that i love
Nov 2021 · 80
natures beauty
natures full of beauty scattered all around
all across the universe nature can be found
there are lots of flowers other plants there to
so many different kinds there are quite a few
lots of little birds with colors by the score
kestrel and the owls and whole lot more

lots of little creatures the rabbit and the hare
hedgehogs and the squirrels so many others there
mother natures children to bring us such delight
that makes us feel so happy and the world so bright

a picture that we see each and every day
painted with such beauty mother natures way
Nov 2021 · 76
heart strings
they say a heart has'strings like a puppet at a show
is it really true will we ever know
which  one do  pull  when we want control
which one for the heart which one for the soul.

do we  have to guess what these strings'will do
which of these control the heart inside of you
are they really there like the saying goes
is it really true  or something we suppose
Nov 2021 · 48
if we have respect then we have our pride

happy and content with ourself inside

have respect for life in everthing you do

life will do the same give respect to you.

have respect for others of each and every race

each and everywhere respect  it has its place

something we can give something we can share

show respect for others each and everywhere
Nov 2021 · 140
race it shoudlnt matter we are all the same
we all have a future we all have a name
no matter what the color we have the right to live
life is for us all life is there to give

no matter what the color they are human to
everyone is equal every me and you
no matter who we are or the color of your skin
we can oen up our hearts and let each other in
Nov 2021 · 74
angels there for you
the angels they are there waiting just for you
high up in there heaven in a sky of blue
there to comfort you in there home of love
keep you safe forever in heaven up above

always there beside you each and everyday
give you all there love take the pain away
nothing now but peace there will always be
in heaven up above you always will be free
Nov 2021 · 255
life it is a journey that dosent have an end
a long and winding road with a curve on every bend
a journey we must travel a journey we must take
a road that has decisions  ones that we must make

we must travel forward each and everyday
the paths we have to take are there along the way
it is a rocky climb life has made it so
where our journey ends we never really know
Nov 2021 · 105
my little dog
i have a little dog he gives my heart aglow
he is my best friend and i love him so
loves to chase a ball when playing in the park
brings it back to me then  gives a little bark

always by my side always there with me
makes me feel alive sets my spirit free
then when he gets tired climbs upon my bed
falling fast asleep as i stroke his head
Nov 2021 · 134
christmas on its way
soon it will be christmas snow is on its way
santa he will visit with presents on his sleigh
lots of smiling faces fill of christmas glee
children open presents beneath the christmas tree

children having fun playing in the snow
building lots of snowmen with there hearts a glow
playing on there sleigh in the snow so white
having lots of fun on a christmas night

time for peace on earth with the world at rest
that time of the year that we love the best
Nov 2021 · 64
see the dolphins
have you seen the dolphins swimming in the sea
swimming all together swimming wild and free
with there sonar senses that guide them on there way
to each and every shore each and every bay

with a lovely face that always seem to smile
that makes you feel so happy if only for a while
sets your spirit free reaches to your soul
makes you feel alive makes you feel so whole

such a lovely creature for all the world to see
swimming in the wild swimming wild and free
Nov 2021 · 61
life can be so lonely it can get you down
take away your smile  and turn it to a frown
it can be so cruel and it can be unkind
it can make you mad and play round with your mind

it can make you weary and it can can make you cry
take away your hope and make you want to die
but if you just fight back and hang on to your hope
hang on to your faith then through life you;ll cope.
Nov 2021 · 44
me time
everyone likes me time that little bit of space
where you can drift away to your favourite place

forget about your worries as you begin to rest
to that bit of me time . the time you like the best

then when the time is over youve had your little break
you wait again till next time and me time you can take.
Nov 2021 · 65
love song
love is like a song it can make you dance
it will make you sing and fill you with romance.

make your  heart beat faster than it did before
give your love the harmony like a music score.

fill you up with feelings like a melody
put a smile upon your face for all the world to see.

give you lots of rhythm as it plays along
keeps your love together keeps your love so strong
Nov 2021 · 81
teddy barbecue
there was a teddy bear he had a barbecue
invited all his friends there quite a few.

a little fluffy cat and a chimpanzee
a soldier in a uniform very smart was he.

there was a little owl and parrot to
gathered all together for the barbecue.

teddy did the cooking burgers in a bun
everyone was happy having lots of fun.

when the party ended they all went away
and thanked the little bear for such a lovely day
Nov 2021 · 71
when the sun comes out and brightens up the day
it brings a happy feeling and takes the blues away
gives your heart a lift fills you with delight
making life feel happy very gay and bright

makes you want to smile brings you happiness
helps you to relax and takes away the stress
makes you want sing makes you want shout
makes your life worth living when the sun is out
Nov 2021 · 43
morn chorus
i love to hear the birds sing there morning song
singing loud and clear as the hop along
a lovely melody so soft and very sweet
i just love to listen as i tap my feet

like a symphony as they sing in tune
an orchestra at dawn as they start to croon
bringing in the morn in such a lovely way
singing all together to welcome in the day.
Nov 2021 · 35
i had a little thought i had it once or twice
if the world had only peace woudnt it be nice
no violence or a war gone for evermore
life would be so nice and worth living for

things would be so safe you wouldnt have to hide
you could walk in freedom in the world outside
there would be no fear just a life of peace
worries and your troubles they would come to cease

just a world of love and a future bright
people in the world we could call unite
this is just a thought of how the world would be
if we could live as one in a life so free
Nov 2021 · 62
there was a little songbird sitting in a tree .
as i was walking by he sang a song for me.

he sang a song of love to such a lovely tune
. it made me feel happy when he began to croon

when he finished singing his song of love so gay.
  it made me feel so happy as he flew away.
Nov 2021 · 64
amazon beauty
the beauty of the amazon is a sight to see
there are many creatures running wild and free
crocodile  and pirahna snakes and monkeys too
it has many more mother natures zoo

lots different plants. trees so very high
standing oh so tall reaching for the sky
lots of colored birds like a rainbow in the sun
chirping to each other having lots of fun.

the beauty of the amazon is a sight to see
fills your heart with joy and makes you feel so free
Nov 2021 · 49
i like to watch the butterflies as they flutter by
all around my garden underneath the sky
just like a little rainbows colors by the score
just to watch the butterflies is something i adore/

flying round the flowers with colors all on show
these lovely little creatures give my heart a glow
flying all together flying wild and free
just to watch the butterflies means so much to me
Nov 2021 · 691
people they build barriers lock their self behind

they just never tell you what is on there mind

keep it to them self hidden out of view

there behind there barrier hiding it from you.

maybe we could help if they just let us know

help them drop their barrier help to let them go

take away the wall that they built so high

tell us what the reason  and tell us what the why
Nov 2021 · 76
turtle adventure
Little Tommy turtle took a jungle trip
deep in to the jungle he decided he would slip.

he was on safari in the jungle wild
Tommy he just loved it he was a natures child.

he liked to watch the elephants walking in a line
but the thing he liked the most was swinging on the vine.

tommy like to swing going too and fro
swinging vine to vine as he was letting go.

he wore big round hat that kept him from the sun
with a khaki suit he was having fun.

the animals they loved  him and came from miles around
to see this funny fellow walking on there ground.
then when the day was over tommy he would sleep
in his little hammock in the jungle deep.
Nov 2021 · 68
dolphin watch
i like to watch the dolphins swimming in the sea
living in the ocean with a life thats free.

jumping up and down swimming in the sun
making life seem happy having lots of fun.

standing on there tails standing way up high
skimming on the water as they go passing by.

bringing lots of happiness for all the world to see
this creature thats so beautiful brings a smile to me
Nov 2021 · 71
empty love
love can leave you empty when your loves denied
take away your feelings and make you lose your pride
mess with your emotions makes you want to die
***** you up inside as you begin to cry.

you feel like giving up and you cant go on
everything is lost now your love has gone
you must use your will and put it into drive
time will heal your wounds and help you to survive
Nov 2021 · 61
weasel watch
i like to watch the weasel a funny chap his he
running through the hedge is where he longs to be.

he  his very slender as nimble as can be
a natural gift of nature running wild and free.

he  his very cute and always makes me smile
running in and out in his weasel style.

such a lovely creature for all the world to see
bringing so much happiness in his life so free
Nov 2021 · 63
sardine stupidity
sardines they are funny very small and thin
living in the dark locked inside a tin
they must be rather stupid  where they want to hide
locked up in a can when the key is left outside

will they ever learn to stay out in the sea
not to hide in tins where they cant break free
Nov 2021 · 44
hang on to hope
hang to your hope when everything as gone
put your trust in faith to help you carry on.

and when your in distress as you feel despair
turn again to hope hope is always there.

when your giving up and feel theres is no end
there is aways hope just around the bend.

all you needs belief and the faith to pull you through
hang to the hope that is there for you.
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