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Mar 2022 · 62
music power
when your feeling down put the music on
play your favourite tunes till your blues have gone
play something that is happy that will make you glad
music it has power to help you when your sad

it can change your mood make the sadness go
makes you smile again as it begins to flow
make you want to dance make you want to sing
so when your feeling down music is the thing
Mar 2022 · 109
i saw two little love birds in my apple tree
very much in love they both seemed to be
cuddled up together sitting cheek to cheek
then they had a kiss.  kissing beak to beak

it made me feel so happy filled my heart with glee
i sat there and watched them wishing it was me
it was very touching it almost me me cry
i could feel a teardrop rolling down my eye

when they finished kissing. into the air they flew
flying side by side in the sky so blue
i wont forget the lovebirds in my apple tree
very much in love that brought a tear to me
Mar 2022 · 232
world love
fill the world with love let the fighting cease
take away the war let us live in peace
let us all unite in each and every place
all around the world each and every race

hand in hand together all across the sea
fill the world with love the way that it should be
let us live as one let us all unite
make the world a happy place make the future bright
Mar 2022 · 88
war crime way
putins getting mad he has lost his head
cant beat the ukraine army.  killing civillians instead
blowing up the buildings where the people stay
hitting them with missiles in his war crime way

men women and the children dying everyday
trying to win his war with his wicked way
talks have come to nothing agreements there are none
ukraine they wont surrender they keep fighting on

putin got it wrong with his failed attack
ukraine will fight and fight to get there country back
fighting for there country and there family
fighting in war that should never be
Feb 2022 · 85
my prayer
i sent a prayer to god for the people of ukraine
to let them live in peace take away there pain
give them back there country and there freedom to
take away the war let them start a new

take away the planes and artillery
send putin back to russia where he ought to be
find another leader who is not a tyrant to
that wont start a war like putin tried to do

this is what i prayed for the people of ukraine
hope will be answered then can live in peace again
Feb 2022 · 68
guide dog
goldie was a labrador she was very kind
she longed to be a guide dog so she could help the blind
went to training school  goldie did her best
she was very clever and past every test

now she could help the blind be there guiding light
help them cross the road when the time was right
stopping at the lights till they went to red
knowing it was safe for her to go ahead

guide them round the store on there shopping day
take them down the aisle guide them on there way
all she ever wanted was just help the blind
when she was just a pup  thats all she had in mind

now she is a guide dog just like she longed to do
all she ever wanted to make her dreams come true
Feb 2022 · 74
sunshine day
when the  sun comes out and its a lovely day
its makes you smile again takes your blues away
flowers in the garden with there colors bright
makes you feel so happy bringing such delight

children having fun as they begin to play
happy as can be on such a lovely day
sitting in the garden with a barbecue
with lots of food to eat and a drink or two

when the  sun comes out and its a lovely day
its makes you smile again takes your blues away
Feb 2022 · 75
putin panic
putin in a panic things are going wrong
ukraine is fighting back proving far to strong
ordinary people none of which are trained
putins plan of war.  now extemely strained

thought would be easy that was his mistake
ukraine is fighting back there country he cant take
they will keep on fighting till the very end
till they get democacy to bring to on end

putins war will fail.  ukraine they wont lie down
wipe the smile from putins face turn it to a frown
then the russian people who didnt want the war
will get rid of putin no war anymore
Feb 2022 · 267
think about ukraine
think about the people living in ukraine
another day of hell  they face once again.
a country torn apart people getting killed
thanks to putins war blood is getting spilled

buildings getting bombed falling all around
ukraine it lives in fear hiding underground
listening to the planes as they begin to soar
flying overhead dropping bombs once more

killing all the people on there bombing course
men women and the children showing no remorse
nothing we can do only say a prayer
for the people in ukraine  showing that we care

hope it will be answered fighting it will cease
then the people of ukraine can live again in peace
Feb 2022 · 68
love each other
if you love each other and your love is true
you have everything all your dreams come true
a love to share together for eternity
in love forever more the way that love should be

you will feel so will feel so whole
you will feel loves power.  body heart and soul
there for to share there for you to give
a love to last forever as long as you may live
Feb 2022 · 67
everyone as dreams hope they will come true
you can make it happen if you want to
all you needs belief just believe in you
this all you need all you have to do

use your hope and faith and your patience to
then your dreams and wishes are waiting there for you
you believe in you in everything you do
all you ever dreamed of will finally come true
Feb 2022 · 65
every heart has love
every heart has love its something we all know
brings you happiness gives your heart aglow
makes you feel complete makes you feel brand new
a very special thing there inside of you

it goes around the world each and every place
it is shared by all each and every race
reaches to your heart reaches to your soul
a very special gift that makes you feel so whole

there for you give there for you to share
love is all around it reaches every where
there inside your heart each and everday
that will last for ever and never go away
Feb 2022 · 89
bird beauty
birds are lovely creatures with colors by the score
the colors of the rainbow and a whole lot more
the chaffinch and the blue *** with there colors bright
robin with his red breast bringing such delight

the parrot and canary and of course the dove
the  beauty of the birds is something we all love
there are many more these are just a few
mother natures children free for us to view
Feb 2022 · 73
ukraine pain
lets think about the people there suffering and pain
and the war thats started. for people in ukraine
losing  all there homes friends and family
those who have been killed.  they will never see

living in there fear with a tyrants game
for a place in history with his putin name
sanctions have been made to try and stop his war
rules he wont except chooses to ignore

peoples lives dont matter to him there just a thrill
they are just a target someone he can ****
let us say a prayer for the people in ukraine
stop the  putin war and let them live again
Feb 2022 · 101
kestrel watch
i love to watch the kestrel hover in the sky
waiting for his prey as it comes passing bye
then a mighty swoop faster than a plane
goes in for the **** then of he goes again

stretches out his talons as he grabs his prey
holding it so tightly as he flies away
back in to his nest high up in a tree
now he has his food time to have his tea

such a lovely creature i just love to see
high up in the sky flying wild and free
mother natures child as gentle as can be
just to watch the kestrel it means so much to me
Feb 2022 · 160
putins war
putins war has started killing in ukraine
people getting killed for his power gain
children men and women he really dosent care
just wants to drop his bombs.  killing everybody there

making threats to countries great britain. usa
any other country that get in in his way
says he will start a war like theres never been
war so full of terror no one has ever seen

no democracy  thats not in his heart
all he wants to do his blow the world apart
people lives dont matter.  to him there just a game
to him there just a number no one with a name

just another ****** or maybe even worse
just another tyrant with a power curse
Feb 2022 · 70
a goldfish story
i went to the fair saw a goldfish in a bowl
not much room to move poor little soul
going round and round in his confined space
to him his goldfish bowl  was just a lonely place

i took him home with me with a teardrop in my eye
he looked very sad it almost made me cry
bought a great big tank that had lots of space
now a goldfish bowl he wouldnt have to face

goldfish he was happy with lots of room to swim
is sadness it had gone and brought a smile to him
happy once again in his brand new home
with lots and lots of space now he can freely roam
Feb 2022 · 66
new day
the cockerel likes to crow  in the early morn
he likes to let you another day is born
showing off his plumage in the morning light
all his lovely feathers colorful and bright

birds begin to sing as we begin yawn
with there morning song siinging in the dawn
sun begins to shine sending down his ray
bringing happiness on a brand new day
Feb 2022 · 73
cupids arrow
when cupid aims is arrow he aims to your heart
when it reaches you love begins to start
you will get a feeling you never felt before
you will feel the love as it begins to soar

happiness and joy is waiting there for you
with a love thats real with a love thats true
life will be much better happy bright and gay
all of this will happen when cupid comes your way
Feb 2022 · 76
fantasy dream
i had a funny dream of a land of fantasy
lots of different things i could plainly see
there were lots of unicorns white as white can be
flying all around there in front of me

then i saw a leprechaun sat beneath a tree
he had a little flute and played a tune to me
such a lovely tune with a lovely melody
everynote in tune every note in key

there were lot of fireflies lighting up the night
lots of little fairies each one dressed in white
dancing on the flowers dancing the tree
having lots of fun  happy as can be

i wont forget my dream or things i saw
i will dream again and visit there once more
Feb 2022 · 78
loves emotion
love it has emotion and has feelings to
there a part of nature there inside of you
its there in your heart a very wonderous thing
happines for ever this your love will bring

there for you to share with the one you love
a very special gift sent from up above
there to last a lifetime for your whole life through
that will stay for ever within the heart of you
Feb 2022 · 70
my little cat
i have a little cat he means the world to me
he his my best friend keeps me company
always very playful loves to play with wool
always on the go never ever dull

loves to chase the flies on the window sill
its his favourite game gives him such a thrill
then when he gets tired he has a little doze
then when he wakes up of again he goes

he my best friend he keeps me company
best friend in the world there will ever be
Feb 2022 · 60
sea watch
i took a little walk all along the shore
watched tide roll in coming home once more
rolling in to land gentle as can be
rolling on the sand bringing in the sea

lots of seaside flowers with colors by the score
reds and blues and green and whole lot more
it was very peaceful as tranquil as can be
made feel happy made me feel so free

then the tide it turned headed out to sea
to another place where ever it maybe
i will go tomorrow and sit beside the shore
watch the tide roll in coming home once more
Feb 2022 · 85
heaven or hell
they say that there is heaven they say that there is hell
which way do we go can we really tell
is it down below hidden underground
are there little demons flying all around

does the devil take your soul  do you become his knave
does he take control do you become his slave
or do we go to heaven in the sky above
to where the angels stay in there land of love

we will never know until the day we die
is it down below or heaven in the sky
Feb 2022 · 60
highway overload
driving down the highway mind in overload
going in to overdrive ready to explode
memories of you going through my head
missing you so much wishing i was dead

you walked away from me for somebody new
told me we over told me were through
thought we had it all from the very start
were meant to be now were miles apart

driving down the highway heading home to you
ask you to forgive me start again a new
mind is in a whirl with its overload
going in to overdrive ready to explode
Feb 2022 · 122
home to memphis
heading home to memphis on the midnight train
back home to my roots start over once again
place i was raised that meant so much to me
home again once more to memphis tenessee

had enough of heartaches sorrow and the pain
heading home to memphis start over once again
back to all my friends and my family
be happy once again like i used to be

had enough of drifting till the sun goes down
each and every place each and every town
find someone to love raise a family
back home to my roots in memphis tenessee
Feb 2022 · 55
love time rhyme
theres nothing quite like love to bring you happiness
filled with tenderness and a warm caress
makes you feel secure makes you feel so calm
such a lovely feeling filled with so much charm.

something that you share something that you give
to the one you love as long as you may live
makes the world go round in each and every place
all across the universe no matter what the race
Feb 2022 · 76
bluebird flight
when the bluebirds fly it such a sight to see
along the cliffs the dover flying wild and free
flying all in unison like a squadron in the sky
underneath the sun as they go flying bye

showing of there colors very blue and bright
gleaming in the sun bringing such delight
flying all around high above the sea
flying all in unison  as happy as can be
Feb 2022 · 118
joys of spring
i love to watch the rabbits running round in spring
listening to the birds as they begin sing
watching all the flowers with there springtime show
with there many colors giving life a glow

all the joys of spring there in front of you
there in all its glory free for you to view
natures work of art there for you to see
a beauty to behold in natures gallery
Feb 2022 · 70
dog company
theres nothing like a dog to keep you company
a friend for ever more he will always be
faithful as can be he will always stay
giving love to you every single day

he will comfort you when you need a friend
faithful as can be till the very end
your friend for evermore he will always be
always by your side to keep you company
Feb 2022 · 86
sunshine happiness
i love it when the sun shines it always makes me smile
brings a little happiness if only for a while
sending down it rays to brighten up the day
high up in the sky as it shines away

sitting in the garden with a barbecue
having lots of fun for an hour or two
then the clouds turn grey as the sun goes down
takes away your smile turns it to the frown

its a part of nature way it has to be
what nature as in store we just never see
Feb 2022 · 108
are there angels
they say that there are angels high up in the sky
when we pass away to them we will fly
we will get our wings pure and so white
to heaven up above we will take our flight

high above the stars past the milky way
to there home of love where all the angels stay
free for evermore no sorrow or no pain
in heaven up above to start our life again

then we will see the angels know that they are true
that there is a heaven waiting there for you
happy ever after we will always be
in there land of love at last we will be free
Feb 2022 · 88
everyone has love
everyone has love its there in your heart
it will let you know when love begins to start
you will feel so happy as love begins to grow
stronger everyday as it begins to flow

all you ever dreamed of is wating there for you
all the things you wished are waiting to come true
such a lovely feeling you will feel inside
when love comes to you from it you cant hide

happy ever after you will always be
in love for evermore for eternity
a very special gift sent from up above
thats given to us all  to help the world to love
Feb 2022 · 65
loves wonder
the wonder of love is something we all know
when love comes to you it gives your heart a glow
you will feel the love as it begins to soar
each and everyday growing even more

you will feel so happy as it begins to flow
you will feel loves power as it begins to grow
growing even stronger each and everyday
that will last for ever and never go away
Feb 2022 · 55
robin song
while i was sitting beneath a tree
a robin came and sang to me
bluebells started ringing to robins tune
such a lovely song  my heart began to swoon

with his bright red chest gleaming in the sun
happy as can be having so much fun
every note in tune to the melody
bluebell the were ringing in perfect harmony

i wont forget the robin  that sang to me that day
in my mind for ever his song will always stay
hope he will come back and sit beneath the tree
and sing again once more his robin song to me
Feb 2022 · 56
give a little kindness show people that you care
if  they ever need you always will be there
keep them company when there feeling low
just a little kindness is all you have to show

kindness it cost nothing it is there for free
there inside your heart it will always be
when ever it is needed it is there to share
it lets people know that you really care
Feb 2022 · 81
i had an angel dream
i had a dream of angels with there wings so white
with a great big halo lighting up the night
then they took my hand.  off with me they flew
to there home in heaven in the sky so blue

everything was peaceful quiet as can be
there were lots of doves sitting in a tree
one of them came over. sang a song to me.
a lovely song of love with a lovely melody

the angels sang along in  perfect harmony
singing all together like a symphony
oneday i will join them in the sky so blue
then the dream i had really will come true
Feb 2022 · 85
broken hearts
many hearts are broken when love decides to leave
emotions all run dry as you start to grieve
your world all falls  apart as you feel the pain
teardrops they fall just like falling rain

blue skies that you knew have now turned to grey
sushine in your heart now so far away
you feel so alone empty and so bare
gone now has the love that was always there

you just never just know what your love can do
will it stay or go and walk away from you
Feb 2022 · 88
memories are treasures that we look back upon
a diary of the good times that have been and gone
good times that you had when you were just a kid
all the fun you had different things you did

all the holidays spent with mum and dad
times you loved the best  times that made you glad
opening your presents beneath the christmas tree
there still there with you  in your memory

a diary of the good times.  all the things you did
all those years ago when you were just a kid
memories to treasure for your whole life through
and forever more they will stay with you
Feb 2022 · 62
i believed in you
i got used to loving you thought we had it made
then your love for me it began to fade
never saw it coming i believed in you
then you said goodbye for somebody new

thought we were good together from the very start
never thought that someday we would fall apart
break my heart in two walk away from me
took away the love that there used to be

i believed in you from the very start
never thought that we would ever fall apart
i didnt see it coming you broke my heart in two
something that i thought you would never do
Feb 2022 · 123
just a number
age is just a number so the people say
just another digit just another day
life it still goes on no matter what the age
as your getting older its just another page

you just carry on as you did before
age is just a number that you can ignore
you keep marching on with what life youve got
age is just number dosent mean a lot

it happens to us all as the years go bye
the harder that it gets the harder we must try
till the numbers stop.  we still have life to live
we are still alive with lots of life to give
Feb 2022 · 72
angel mirror
i looked in to the mirror it took me far away
to heaven up above where all the angels stay
playing on there harps a lovely melody
with there angel voice they sang a song to me

singing all together to there angel tune
made me feel so free as they began to croon
every note in tune in perfect harmony
made me feel so safe made me feel so free

when my time as come if and when i die
with my big white wings to heaven i will fly
singing with the angels in the sky so blue
i will sing along now im an angel to
Feb 2022 · 70
my friend rocco
i have a dog called rocco he means the world to me
always by my side to keep me company
he makes me feel alive sets my spirit free
and my friend forever he will always be

everywhere i go rocco comes with me
right there by my side as faithful as can be
when im feeling down by my side will lay
makes me smile again takes my blues away

best friend in the world he will always be
when ever things go he is there for me
giving me his love and his tender care
always by my side rocco he his there
Feb 2022 · 62
bluebird song
i took a trip to dover sat down by the sea
then a little bluebird came and sang to me
such a lovely song with such a lovely tune
my heart began to melt when he began to croon

everynote in tune with a lovely melody
sat there by my side singing it to me
when he finished singing into the air he flew
up in the air in sky so blue

i wont forget that day the bluebird sang to me
a treasure in my memory it will always be
i will go again to the dover shore
then he can his song to me again once more
Feb 2022 · 45
global change
the world is changing for the worse
global warming covid curse
russia planning to invade ukraine
killing people once again

politicians breaking rules
making people look like fools
lockdown rules they have broke
making covid just a joke

violence now is getting rife
killing people with a knife
the world is changing every day
the world we knew now so far away
Feb 2022 · 82
music power
music makes the world go round each and every day
makes the world a happy place as it begins to play
no matter what the song or the melody
the whole world it will listen what ever it may be

makes you wanna dance makes you want sing
happiness and joy music it will bring
all around the world for each and everyone
music has the power to make the world go on
Feb 2022 · 93
lifes roads
life as many roads for each of us to take
the decision it yours up to you to make
there are many bends that go round and round
that you must travel on till what you want is found

if you take the right road your dreams will all come true
everthing you wished for is waiting there for you
its the roads of life something we all to take
the deciions it is yours up to you to make
Feb 2022 · 98
fairy dance
i saw a fairy dancing beneath the moon so bright
dancing in my garden on a summers night
she sang a lullaby such a lovely song
waved her magic wand as she danced along

dancing on the flowers all along the plants
singing me her song.  as she did her fairy dance
she danced all night long till the break of day
waved goodbye to me as she flew away

i wont forget that night i saw the fairy dance
all the flowers all along the plants
and her lullaby such a lovely song
that she sang to me as she danced along
Feb 2022 · 87
valentine love
i love you in the morning i love you when its night
i love you all the time your my guiding light
the way are with me in your loving way
i will love you always every single day

today it is your valentine i wrote this verse for you
put it down words to prove my love is true
every word is real every word is meant
and love to you always that is my intent

happy valentine may your dreams come true
on this special day that belongs to you
Feb 2022 · 97
donnie dophin
little donnie dolphin very sad was he
got caught up in storm and washed out to sea
he had lost his parents and his family
the storm had took him miles away lonely now was he

got washed up on an island on far off shore
thinking of way to get him home once more
donnie he was injured  he couldnt keep afloat
gathered up some driftwood built himself a boat

waited for the tide returning to the shore
he jumped aboard his boat headed home once more
used his sonar senses to guide him on his way
sailing through the night sailing through the day

after quite some her heard a dolphin sound
there were lots of dolphins swimming all around
dolphin had found home happy now was he
united with his parents and his family.
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