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Feb 2022 · 50
singing badger
there was little badger he just love to sing
joy and happiness badger he would bring
singing to the people putting on a show
people they all loved him he gave there heart aglow

singing different places every here and there
bringing lots of joy to people everywhere
children they would dance to the badger sound
happy as can be dancing all around

badger is still singing to this very day
singing to the crowds melting hearts away
everybody loves him every place he goes
there little singing star that everbody knows
Feb 2022 · 57
spring verse
spring is round the corner.  time when flowers grow
sunhine it comes out to give your heart a glow
daffodils and crocus and the snowdrops too
pushing through the soil for there springtime view

birds begin to sing in the early morn
with there morning song singing in the dawn
rabbits in the fields uderneath the sun
running all around now spring as begun

butterflies return to give your heart a glow
there with all there colors  putting on there show
a lovely time of year with lots of things see
warms your heart and soul sets your spirit free
Feb 2022 · 66
happy valentine
happy valentine darling i love you
and my love for you will stay forever true
i love you even more every single day
and my love for you will never go away

you are all i live for your my world to me
with you forever more i just want to be
your the one i love my angel from above
on this special day i send you all my love

Feb 2022 · 51
fantasy land
i had a funny dream of a land so far away
to land of fantasy happy bright and gay
there were lots of fairies flying every where
with a magic wand lots of them were there

then i saw a turtle in a bright green suit
playing out a tune on a golden flute
animals were dancing to the tortoise sound
having lots of fun dancing all around

there were lots fireflies shining out there light
flying all around lighting up the night
lots and lots of flowers with a funny face
with colors by the score in this magic place

then when i woke my dream had gone away
i remember what i saw to this very day
hope i will dream again to the land i saw
and this land of fantasy i will see once more
Feb 2022 · 105
garden fantasy
theres gnomes in my garden coloful and bright
they roam around the garden very late at night
when the worlds asleep they come out to play
having so much fun till the break of day

playing on the swings swinging two and fro
undercover of the night so no one else will know
dancing on the lawn beneath the moon so bright
happy as can be they dance away the night

then when the night is over. there ornaments once more
standing the garden where they were before
waiting for the night then in the garden creep
having lots of fun while the world is fast asleep
Feb 2022 · 91
when the sun come out it brings a smile to me
takes away the gloom and the misery
high up in the sky sending down its ray
shining everywhere to brighten up the day

warming up the ground with its springtime glow
heating up the soil to help the flowers grow
ready for there blooms  beautiful and bright
with there many colors bringing such delight

makes you feel so happy away takes away the gloom
you begin to smile again as the flowers bloom
a lovely piece of nature for all the world to see
when the sun comes out it brings a smile to me
Feb 2022 · 65
special love
love is very special it makes two hearts unite
makes your life so happy.makes your future bright
growing even stronger each and everyday
there inside your heart your love will aways stay

till the end time you will always  be
in love for evermore and eternally
happy ever after you will always stay
with love so true that will never fade away
Feb 2022 · 68
dove love
i saw two little doves kissing in a tree
very much in love that was plain to see
cuddled up together touching cheek to cheek
kissing one another kissing beak to beak

i sat there and watched them high up in the tree
then they turned around and blew a kiss to me
they were very happy having much fun
very much in love beneath the summer sun

when they finished kissing they flew up in the sky
i watched them fly away it almost made me cry
i wont forget the doves that i saw that day
in my mind for ever there memory will stay
Feb 2022 · 73
love can hurt
so times love can hurt leave a broken heart
make mess of you tear your world apart
all you ever wanted  all that you longed for
love you always knew not there anymore

tears begin to fall rolling down your face
now the world you knew  is just an empty place
all you have are memories there inside your mind
memories you cherished now are left behind

you must let it go let yourself move on
put the past behind that has been and gone
find somebody else with a love thats true
that will last for ever for your whole life through
Feb 2022 · 75
olympic hare
harry was  a hare an athelete was he
a contestant in games he just long to be
sliding down the slopes he just love to ski
travelled of to  Beijing far across the sea

skiing for his country along with all the rest
to win a big gold medal he would do is best
harry sat there waiting till they called his name
to ski in the olympics was is only aim

now is time had come for him to have go
sliding in the slalom sliding through the snow
harry see set off as fast as fast can be
in and out of poles for all the world to see

harry broke the record for the fastest pace
won a big gold medal he had won the race
his dream it had come true happy now was he
now the fasted hare that made history.
Feb 2022 · 71
believe in you
if you have belief and you believe in you
this all you need to make your dreams come true
follow what your heart says.  what you think is best.
use your faith and hope life will do the rest

life as many roads that you have to take
and it has decisions that you have to make
follow all the rules take life in your stride
the road to all your dreams. are long and very wide

believe in who you are.  and believe in you
follow all your dreams make them all come true
Feb 2022 · 83
my friend billy
i had dog called billy he meant the world to me
had him from a puppy when i was only three
he was my best friend he was always there
him and i together we went every where

roaming through the hills and the valleys to
playing with his ball  he aways loved to do
he would chase the rabbits beneath the summer sun
running all around having so much fun

as the years passed boy billy sadly died
it tore the heart in me i just cried and cried
i had lost my friend that grew up with me
all those years ago when i was only three

now billy is in heaven watching over me
one i day i will join him together we will be
doing all the things that we used to do
roaming hills and valleys in the sky so blue
Feb 2022 · 211
angel song
i was sitting in my garden very late at night
when i had vision of angel dressed in white
playing on her harp a lovely melody
with a lovely song that she sang to me

with her angel voice every note in tune
took my heart away as she began to croon
with her big halo shining all around
i sat there and listened to her angel sound

when she finished singing the angel flew away
to her home in heaven.  where all the angels stay
now when my time as come i know where i will be
up there with the angel that sang her song to me
Feb 2022 · 63
parrot talk
i bought my self a parrot to keep me company
taught him how to speak so he could talk to me
one word at time so he could get the knack
then when i spoke to him the parrot could talk back

now he talks to me we have a little chat
talk of different things every this and that
now i have friend to keep company
when i talk to him he talks back to me
Feb 2022 · 167
little cowboy
tommy was a little boy he loved the rodeo
watching all the cowboys putting on there show
he boarded on a plane to the usa
far across the sea so very far away

he bought himself ticket to the rodeo
may he could enter  maybe have a go
he bought a stetson hat and a big lasso
wore some leather boots like the cowboys do

then the time had come to start the rodeo
the called tommys name   now he could have a go.
he mounted on his horse with his big lasso
now he was cowboy his dreams had all come true

tommy he did tricks with his big lasso
made a great big loop.  tommy he jumped through
twirled it round his head back down the floor
people they all loved him shouted out for more

tommy he was happy his dreams had all come true
riding  in a rodeo like all the cowboys do
Feb 2022 · 83
loved one
when you lose a loved one  there still there with you
every single day in everything you do
there inside your heart giving you there love
sending it to you  from way up high above

there to guide you through from so far away
always there with you they will always stay
they will stay with you in your memory
there for evermore they will always be
Feb 2022 · 60
cant buy love
if you have happiness you everything
happiness is something money cannot bring
it cant by you love  for your whole life through
happiness and love this a cannot do

love is very special it must come from you
that will last forever stay for ever true
there for you to share with the one you love
a very special gift sent from up above

a very special thing that money cannot by
no matter what you do or how hard you try
Feb 2022 · 70
ladybird dance
while i was in my garden watering the plants
i saw two little  ladybirds they began to dance
dancing on the flowers dancing two and fro
dancing close together putting on show

i sat there and watched them.  having so much fun
dancing cheek to cheek beneath the summer sun
very much in love they both seemed to be
dancing in my garden there in front of me

when they finished dancing side by side they flew
high into the air in the sky so blue
Feb 2022 · 52
country singing rabbit
there was a little rabbit he loved a country song
playing his guitar as he sang along
he wore a stetson hat and some leather boots
he loved country music it was in his roots

enteraining people he just loved to do
singing country songs that everybody knew
they would sing along at the rabbits show
children they loved him it gave there heart a glow

playing different venues each and every town
playing all day long till the sun went down
then he  would fall asleep take a rest and then
waiting for tomorrow so he could sing again
Feb 2022 · 241
everyone has love
everyone has love it is there inside
when it comes to you from it you cant hide
you will get a feeling you never felt before
you will feel loves power a it begins to soar

emotions they will change give your heart a glow
when love comes to you your heart will let you know
you will feel so happy you will feel brand new
all these things will happen when love comes to you
Feb 2022 · 62
when your heart is broken you think it is the end
you think that it wont heal or it will never mend
your world as fell to pieces just an empty place
now inside your heart theres an empty space

happiness you knew is now just despair
gone now has the love that was always there
you feel so alone as you begin to cry
love that you once knew now as walked by

time will make you heal though it will take a while
all the tears will dry and give you back your smile
love it will return to your heart once more
you heart will learn to love again like it did before
Feb 2022 · 107
natures way
nature is a wonder filled with lots of things
joy for everyone mother nature brings
flowers with there colors beautiful and bright
growing eveywhere bringing such delight

all the many creatures there are quite a few
the badger and the rabbits lots of others to
there are different trees standing way up high
tall as tall can be reaching for the sky

birds begin sing in the early morn
singing all in harmony bring in the dawn
the wonder that is nature with lots of things to give
filled with  so much beauty that helps the world to live
Feb 2022 · 87
rainbow picture
have you seen the rainbow high up in the sky
arched across the sky shining way up high
with its many colors all across its bend
a *** of gold that glitters. where the rainbows ends

high up in the air in the sky so blue
reflecting all its colors there for you to view
like a work of art its canvas is the sky
there for you to view as you go walking by

a lovely piece of nature for all the world to see
for each and everyone that we can view for free
Feb 2022 · 52
spring time rhyme
spring is round the corner not long to go
here again once more to give your heart aglow
flowers start to grow from underneath the ground
bluebell and the daffodils spreading all around

weather it gets warmer temperatures the rise
sun begins to shine in the bright blue skies
birds begin to sing as we begin yawn
with there spring time song.  singing in the dawn

a lovely time of year one that we all know
sets your spirit free gives your heart a glow
filled with lots of color to brighten up the day
a lovely work of art mother natures way
Feb 2022 · 83
funny dream
i had a funny dream of a land of fantasy
it was very beautiful with lots of things to see
lots of colored rainbows each had a *** of gold
like the rainbow legend that we are always told

there were lots of creatures as funny as can be
then i heard a bluebird singing in a tree
a lovely little song in perfect harmony
sat upon the branches singing it to me

flowers all around covering the floor
lots a differet flowers i never saw before
standing up so proud in this land of fun
happy as  can be underneath the sun

i will dream again then once more i will see
this  land so very special full of fantasy

i had a funny dream of a land of fantasy
it was very beautiful with lots of things to see
lots of colored rainbows each had a *** of gold
like the rainbow legend that we are always told

there were lots of creatures as funny as can be
then i heard a bluebird singing in a tree
a lovely little song in perfect harmony
sat upon the branches singing it to me

flowers all around covering the floor
lots a differet flowers i never saw before
standing up so proud in this land of fun
happy as  can be underneath the sun

i will dream again then once more i will see
this  land so very special full of fantasy
Feb 2022 · 67
look at life
take a look at life what it holds for you
think of all the things that you want to do
follow your dreams make them all come true
you can make it happen if you want it to

get your target set.  aim to reach the top
hold on to your bubble never let it pop
follow your heart it will know whats best
believe in what you want.  life will do the rest

take it your stride take it day by day
wishes will come true and life will go your way
everything you dream of is waiting there for you
you can make it happen if you want it to
Feb 2022 · 68
garden party
while i was my garden i heard the bluebells ring
then a robin  he joined in and began to sing
the butterflies where there they began to dance
all along the path even on the plants

dancing to the bluebells ringing out there tune
to the robins song as he began to croon
a proper little party uderneath the sun
happy as can be having so much fun

i wont forget that day and the party that they had
set my spirit free made me feel so glad
the bluebells as they rang ringing all in tune
and the lovely robins song when he began to croon
Feb 2022 · 66
always there
when ever i get lonely my dog he comes to me
lifts is little head then puts it on my knee
then hands me.  his paw puts in my hand
he knows theres something wrong  he can understand

helps to pull me through. with his loving way
makes me smile again takes my blues away
he is my best friend always there for me
when ever things go wrong my dog he can see

right there by my side to give me sympathy
best friend in the world there could ever be
when im feeling down he his always there
always there for me with his love and care
Feb 2022 · 62
secret fantasy
theres a secret garden i dream about each night
so very far away hidden out of sight
a garden full of fantasy colorful and bright
such a lovely place that fills me with delight

there are lots of fireflies lighting up the night
fairies with there wands dressed up all in white
there are lots of butterfies with multi  colored wings
flying all around joy oh what joy it brings

lots of different flowers yellow blue and red
showing of there blooms in there flower bed
such a lovely place full of of fantasy
my little secret garden that in my dreams i see
Feb 2022 · 412
lying love
love can tell you lies it can be untrue
it break you heart make a fool of you
it bring you tears as you begin to weep
as you close your eyes it wont let you sleep

all the love you knew was really just a lie
it made a fool of you.  walked out and said goodbye
with its cheating way that it kept from you
its hidden little secret that you never knew

everything around empty and so bare
love that you believed in now no longer there
if you give it time for the pain to heal
the past will go away change the way you feel

then you can love again with a loves thats new
with a loves thats real with a love thats true
Feb 2022 · 71
tide roll
i sat and watched the tide roll in along the dover shore
rolling wild and free coming home once more
rolling very gently coming in to land
calm as calm can be covering the sand

covering the rocks and the cliffs below
covering the shore as it begins to flow
seagulls over head hover in the sky
following the tide as it goes rolling bye

everything so peaceful gentle and so calm
a lovely peace of nature filled so much charm
the rolling of the tide wakes the soul in me
rolling home again rolling wild and free
Feb 2022 · 78
guide dog
harry is a guide dog with a heart of gold
he began his training when he was 6 week old
doing all the things so he could help the blind
to complete his training was all he had in mind

harry past his test happy now was he
he could be a guide dog  like he long to be
help them cross the road like the guide dogs do
right there by there side in a shopping queue

picking up the post coming through the door
moving any objects lying on the floor
this what he dreamed of what he longed to do
now he was a guide dog his dreams had all come true
Feb 2022 · 62
losing you
cant get used to losing you. i have tried and tried
when you walked away i just cried and cried
i got used to loving you thought we were meant to be
then you walked away tore the heart i me

thought we had it all that we  would never part
guess i got it wrong you just broke my heart
all thats left me is just the memory
of the way it was the way it used to be

when i close my eyes all i see is you
love we once shared  love that we once knew.
cant get over you no matter how i try
i cant let you go.  i cant say good bye.

cant get used to losing you. i  have tried and tried
when you walked away i just cried and cried
i got used to loving you.  thought we were meant to be
then you walked away tore the heart in me
Feb 2022 · 61
a robin sang
i went out for a walk and sat beneath a tree
then a little robin sang a song to me
such a lovely song my heart began to swoon
my heart began to melt as he began to croon

every note in tune as clear as can  be
made me feel so happy set my spirit free
i could his see red breast.  gleaming in the sun
sat there on the branches having so much fun

i wont forget the walk that i took that day
or the robins song that took my heart away
i still hear his song when i go to bed
as clear as can be there inside my head
Feb 2022 · 51
adopt a friend
find a dog a home adopt a dog today
somewhere to find love some where he can stay
someone they can trust that is always there
that they can rely on give them love and care

then they start again start again a new
they will be your friend return there love to you
so if you need a friend and some company
right there by side they will always be

so give a dog a chance so he can start a new
adopt a dog today take one home with you
then friend for life a dog will always be
once again be happy once again be free
Feb 2022 · 58
best friend
when you have a dog then you have a friend
faithful as can be.till the very end
always there for you to keep yo company
always by your side he will always be

he will give his love every single day
that is true and real and never go away
always there for you whenever things go wrong
there to comfort you help you to be strong

there with all his friendship with a love thats free
best friend in the world there will ever be
faithful till the end with a love thats true
each and everday he will give to you
Feb 2022 · 72
angel dream
i had a dream of angels flying all around
in heaven up above on there sacred ground
flying all together like a squadron in the sky
i sat there and watched them as they began to fly

everything was quiet everything was calm
i felt oh so safe free from any harm
flying all around me in there land of love
high up in the sky in heaven up above

when my dream was over it made me feel so free
that when i go to heaven angels there will be
flying all around watching over me
Feb 2022 · 53
nearly valentine
soon it will be valentines not to long to go
that time of the year when your love you show
buy a great big card and some flowers to
say them special words darling i love

go out for meal with a glass of wine
to celebrate your love on your valentine
a very special day to show your love is true
to say those special words darling i love you
Feb 2022 · 66
down and out
ive been down and out.  lonely and so blue
never been the same since i dont have you
when i close my eyes its you i always see
laying by my side layng next to me

staring at your picture hanging on the wall
mind begins to wander.  memories i recall
of the day we met i fell in love you
with your long blonde hair and your eyes so blue

you gave love to me i never knew before
then it all went wrong you walked out the door
now im just shadow of who i used to be
ever since that day you wallked out on me

all i have are memories of good times left behind
good times that we shared there inside my mind
im just half the man that i used to be
ever since that day you walked out on me
Feb 2022 · 51
if i made a wish
if i made a wish i know what it would be
that we could fix the world once again be free
no more covid virus all of that would end
all the global warming once again would mend

no more discrimnation  violence or a war
all of this would go live in peace once more
we could live as one.  no matter what the skin.
open up our hearts let each other in

this wish i would make.  hope it would come true
make the world a better place for every me and you
Feb 2022 · 59
when the sun comes out
when the sun comes out it brightens up the day
makes you smile again takes your blues away
flowers with there colors putting on a show
there in all there splendour to give your heart aglow

clouds go floating by in the sky so blue
peaceful and so calm as the sun comes shining through
makes you feel so happy if only for a while
takes away your blues away. brings you back your smile
Feb 2022 · 68
there nothing quite like romance to show the way you feel
find a nice hotel have some drinks and meal
walk along the shore all along the sand
beneath the moon above holding hand in hands

have a litttle cuddle hold each other tight
underneath the stars lighting up the night
steal a kiss or two to  show the way you feel
that your loves still there and your love is real
Feb 2022 · 64
cabin in the woods
theres a cabin in the woods in memphis teneesee
where i used to go that meant so much to me
visit my ole grandpa in his cabin home
through the woods together he and i would roam

i remember all the things that we used do
go out hunting rabbits in the morning dew
fishing in the river on a sunny day
sitting on the riverbank passing time away

now im all grown up still have the memory
of all the things we did times he spent with me
i wont forget the cabin how it used to be
where i stayed with grandpa in memphis tennesee

in my mind for ever grandpa he will day
times we spent together passing time away
all the fun we had times he spent with me
in his cabin home that means so much to me
Feb 2022 · 76
we all have a heart
we all have a heart that has love inside
when it comes to you from it  you cant hide
you will get a feeling you never felt before
they key to your heart will open up loves door

you will be so happy as love begins to grow
you feel its power as it begins to flow
getting even stronger growing day by day
there inside your heart your love is there to stay

a love to last for ever there inside of you
that will last a lifetime for your whole life through
there for you to share there for you to give
to last eternally as long as you may live
Jan 2022 · 61
animal friend
theres nothing like an animal  to keep you company
a faithful friend for ever they will always be
never let you down never ever stray
always by your side they will always stay

there comfort you when your feeling down
make you smile again take away your frown
they will give you love every single day
and the love they give will never go away

always there for you when you need a friend
faithful as can be till the very end
a friendship that is real a friendship that is true
when ever they are needed they are there for you
Jan 2022 · 86
i have a cat called tommy he just love to play
with his little toys he will play all day
likes to chase his ball all around the house
just like he would do if it was mouse

sits up in the window on the window sill
tries to catch the flies but they wont keep still
he his very loving as gentle as be
jumps on the chair. lays down on my knee

as i begin to stroke him he begins to purr
then falls fast as sleep as i stroke his fur
he is my friend brings a smile to me
best friend in the world there will ever be
Jan 2022 · 65
dover trip
i took a trip to dover sat down by the sea
watching all the birds flying wild and free
they began to sing there lovely bluebird song
like a choir of angels as they flew along

a lovely little song with a lovely melody
singing altogether singing it to me
took my breathaway as they began croon
such a lovely song with such a lovely tune

i wont forget there song or the melody
im my heart for ever it will always be
i will go again to the dover shore
then they can sing there song to me again once more.
Jan 2022 · 56
dont think about suicide
dont think about suicide take it from you head
sit there feeling sorry wishing you were dead
think about your loved ones who care so much for you
what it would do to them.  just what it would do

is it really fair to end your life that way
and for those who care simply walk away
people they are there.with there help for you
tell them how you feel what you intend to do

they will sit and listen to what you have to say
they will you give help to take the thoughts away
think about the loved ones you will leave to cry
they all want you there dont want to see you die
Jan 2022 · 72
bad for me
when you walked out on me a part of me just died
you told me that love me but you only lied
broke my heart in two made a fool of me
all i am to you is just a memory

you walked out the door couldnt wait to get away
didnt want you to go i begged you to stay
your lying and your cheating took a hold on you
threw it all away for somebody new

everybody told me  you were bad for me
but the you inside inside i just did nt see
i just didnt listen to what they had to say
guess they were right the day you walked away      

your cheatin and your lying took a hold on you
you walked out the door for somebody knew
every body told me you were bad for me
but the you inside i just didnt see
Jan 2022 · 50
still love you
when the day is at it close and the night draws in
my mind it starts to wander thoughts of you begin
the day we first met is there in front of me
sharing all the good times that there used to be

all the different things that we used to do
when your love was real when your love was true
before you walked away for somebody new
now all have are memories when there was me and you

wishing you were here in love again with me
sharing all the good times that there used be
im still in love with you your still on my mind
all the we share i cant leave behind

if you change your mind im waiting here for you
we can love again start again a new
share again the love had that we had before
you here in my arms in love again once more
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