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Mar 2022 · 65
united again
when go to heaven the angels we will see
with loved ones we have lost once again will be
flying side by side in heaven up above
up there with angels in there land of love

with a life thats free no sorrow or no pain
united with our loved one together once again
sharing all the love that we always knew
flying side by side in the sky so blue
Mar 2022 · 171
spring season
spring it is a season when plants begin to grow
pushing through the soil to find the light they go
coming from the darkness of the underground
reaching for the sun spreading all around

daffodils and bluebells and the snowdrops to
there are many more these are just a few
trees begin to bud for there leaves to grow
all a part of nature that gives your heart aglow

birds begin sing there lovely springtime song
happy as can be as they sing along
these are all the things that we see in spring
a season of the year thats such lovely thing
Mar 2022 · 87
born with love
were all born with love from the very start
a very special thing there inside your heart
when you fall in love your heart will let you know
you will feel loves power as it begins to flow

something that give something that you share
for each and everyone love is always there
its a part of nature that is made for two
to bring you happiness for your whole life through
Mar 2022 · 70
another day of war
another day of war for the people on ukraine
another day of fear suffering and pain
fleeing for there shelter in the underground
listening to  the bombs falling all around.

no power of no food nothing they can eat
putins cruel way to make ukraine retreat
it will never happen ukraine they wont be beat
they will keep on fighting and putin will defeat

fighting with there courage and there bravery
till the country that they love can once again be free
then putin can go home when is war is lost
for his wartime crimes in prison can be tossed
Mar 2022 · 62
heard the news today
heard the news today of suffering and pain
of people getting killed all across ukraine
they can hear the bombs dropping from the sky
hearts so full of terror as planes go flying bye.

hiding underground as bombs begin to fall
in the shadows of the darkness they begin to crawl
hoping to survive to see another day
wishing war would end and just go away

rebuild there lives again that they always knew
live in peace again like they used to do
home again once more like it was before
in the country that they love.  free again once more
Mar 2022 · 92
world peace
let the world have peace  free from any war
just a world of freedom no violence anymore
we can live as one  without a killing spree
no killing anymore will there ever be

no matter who we are.  color or the race.
fill the world with love each and every place
across the universe we can all unite
with nothing but a future that is always bright

just a world of peace with lots of love to share
all around the world for people everywhere
just a world of happiness for each and everyone
united altogether where the world can live as one
Mar 2022 · 70
stop the war
cant they stop the bombing on the people of ukraine
each and everyday time and time again
blowing up there  homes blowing up the schools
putin dosent care to him there are no rules

running everywhere for a place to hide
trying to escape from putins genocide
children live in fear to the bombing sound
hiding in the darkness of the underground

cant they find away to make the killing cease
make putin understand all they want is peace
lock him up for good throw away the key
then the people of ukraine can once again be free
Mar 2022 · 77
sunshine day
we all love the sunshine on a springtime day
high up in the sky as it shines away
brings you happiness if only for awhile
makes the world feel bright makes you want to smile

all the spring time flowers putting on there show
with lots and lots of colors that give your heart aglow
underneath the sun showing there display
bringing such delight on a springtime day
Mar 2022 · 79
peace plan
putins war is failing that is plain to see
why cant he make a peace plan where both sides will agree
ukraine have done there best for a compromise
everything they ask for putin he denies

killing carries on though peace plans are in place
the fact that putins losing he simply as to face
he cant tell the truth no matter how he tries
everything he says is just a pack of lies

he cant use democracy admit that he is beat
his battle it is failing time for his retreat
time to sign his peace plan where both sides can agree
then the people of ukraine can once again be free
Mar 2022 · 138
a poppy is an emblem for those in died in war
to remember all the soldiers what they all stood for
fighting for there freedom with pride and dignity
with there lives at risk to set there country free

fighting in the trenches fighting on the ground
fighting for there lives till there peace is found
set the people free so they can live once more
to remember all the soldiers is what the poppies for
Mar 2022 · 61
many flowers
there are many flowers that make the world feel bright
with there many colors bringing such delight
reds and golds and green and whole lot more
showing there display with colors by the score

like a work of art for all the world to view
bringing happiness to every me and you
a lovely piece of nature happy and so bright
filled with lots of joy that makes the world feel right
Mar 2022 · 57
united hearts
when two hearts unite loves begins to grow
all around your body love begins to flow
such a lovely feeling you will feel inside
when you fall in love from it you cant hide

growing even stronger. there inside of you
makes you feel so happy makes you feel brand new
there to last for ever growing stronger everyday
a love to last a lifetime that will never fade away
Mar 2022 · 44
just a kid
i looked back in time when i was just a kid
all the fun i had different things i did
fishing with my dad in a little brook
putting on the bait on a fishing hook

sitting on the bank underneath the sun
passing time away having so much fun
waiting for a fish to have little bite
biting on the hook to fill his appetite

take it home to mum to make a tasty dish
daddy favourite meal he just loved his fish
these thing i remember when i just a kid
all the fun i had different things i did
Mar 2022 · 82
angel love
if you believe in angels they will come for you
you will get your wings when your time is due
take you to there heaven so very far away
high up in the sky where all the angels stay

to your resting place where your troubles cease
start your life again in there land of peace
at last you will be free with the angels up above
there to comfort you with there angel love
Mar 2022 · 241
st patricks day
st patricks day in ireland let the pipers play
time for celebration on this special day
time get together party all night long
dancing to the pipers to an irish song

celebrate st patrick in the irish way
make st patick proud on this special day
dance the night away with friends and family
filled with lots of fun the way its meant to be
Mar 2022 · 91
sunshine day
when the sun is shining and the sky is blue
you feel happiness as it comes shining through
makes you want smile on such a lovely day
fills your heart with joy takes the blues away

all the spring time flowers putting on there show
with there many colors that give your heart aglow
underneath the sun sending down its ray
bringing such delight on  such a lovely day
Mar 2022 · 69
loves nature
love it is a nature something that we share
in each and every heart love  is always there
no matter what the color no matter what the race
for each and every one love it has a place

there for you to give body heart and soul
makes feel so happy makes you feel so whole
makes to hearts entwine for eternity
love it is a nature that we give for free
Mar 2022 · 75
love again
take away the heartache take away the pain
mend your broken heart let it love again
put the past behind that is dead on gone
time will mend your heart help you carry on

learn to love again with somebody new
love it will return once again to you
your heart will love again as did before
your broken heart will mend.  love again once more.
Mar 2022 · 98
angels everywhere
they say there  is a heaven high up in the sky
way up high above where the angels fly
oneday we will go there when were an angel to
flying with angels in the sky so blue

in there land of love with a life thats free
safe forever more with the angels we will be
no more pain or sorrow will we have to bare
just a life of freedom with angels every where
Mar 2022 · 95
love seed
love it is a seed in your heart it will grow
when it comes to you your heart will know
you will feel emotions you never felt before
you feel its power as it begins to soar

there for you to share free for you to give
for your whole life as long as you may live
heart to heart together with a love thats true
growing even stronger there inside of you
Mar 2022 · 57
will they
will they find away to stop the ukraine war
will they find democracy stop the death toll soar
will they find the peace that there looking for
rebuild the land they love live in peace once more

ukraine they will fight on till there countries free
until they find away  to find democracy
no matter what it takes to make fighting cease
they will fight for freedom live again in peace

those who lost there lives will not have died in vain
they have won there war and there battle for ukraine
they will be remembered for the bravery
and the fight they fought to set there country free
Mar 2022 · 106
morning song
when the morning comes its such a lovely thing
i listen to the birds as they begin to sing
singing in the dawn happy bright and gay
bringing in the morn as they sing away

such a lovely song with a lovely melody
singing altogether in perfect harmony
every note in time every note in tune
i sit there and listen as they begin to croon

makes me feel so happy melts my heart away
bringing in the dawn in such a lovely way
Mar 2022 · 76
happy love
love can bring you happiness make your dreams come true
everything you wish for is waiting there for you
it can make you happy body heart and soul
fills your heart with happinesss make you feel so whole

growing even stronger each and every day
there in side your heart love will always stay
everything you wished for. is waiting at your feet
all you ever wanted to make your life complete
Mar 2022 · 187
lifes way
life can be your friend or your enemy
you just never know which way it will be
you just never know what will come your way
changes all around each and every day

thats way of life for each and every one
no matter what the day brings we go marching on
we just never know what the day will be
will it be your friend or your enemy
Mar 2022 · 70
lonely people
people they get lonely lock them self away
lock behind four walls is where they want to stay
away from all the world in there private place
from the world outside that they cannot face

living in the darkness in there troubled mind
happiness they had now so far behind
living in despair no friends or company
just a life on lonliness is all they ever see

nothing we can do nothing we can say
life for lonely people seems so far away
Mar 2022 · 93
united world
let the world unite in perfect harmony
let us live in peace let the world be free
hand in hand together let us live as one
all around the universe let the love go on

take away the war let the fighting cease
let us all unite  in a world of peace
fill the world with love each and every place
lets all love together each and every race

just a world of love where we can live as one
hand in hand together let the love go on
no fighting or a war just a land thats free
where we can live as one in perfect harmony
Mar 2022 · 82
growing old
as were getting old and we begin to age
our life begins to change at each and every stage
things we used to do in our younger day
the energy we had has now gone away

we begin to slow as life moves a long
gone now are the days when we were young and strong
we still have the memories of of how it used to be
of our younger days when we were wild and free
Mar 2022 · 210
lost war
putins war is over a fight he just cant win
ukraine is far to strong and will not give in
hearts and minds of people he will never beat
ukraine they will fight on. put putin in defeat

send him back to russia to face his wartime crime
think about his failure while he is doing time
how the plans he made were nothing but a fail
locked up in a jail till he his old and frail
Mar 2022 · 66
nature trail
i love to walk a nature trail theres so much to see
makes life seem so real makes life seem so free
lots of different flowers growing everywhere
some of which we know some of which a rare

all the many birds perched up in trees
singing out there song in the summer breeze
rabbits running round running wild and free
having lots of fun happy as can be

lots of different creatures butterfly and bee
there are many more free for us to see
a lovely piece of nature there for you to view
before your very eyes there in front of you
Mar 2022 · 60
think about the people
think about the people there sufferiing and there pain
as putin tries to take there country in ukraine
men. women and the children all are getting killed
each and everyday there blood is getting spilled

putin dosent care.  he has no remorse
all he wants to do his get his plans on course
take away there country from beneath there feet
no matter what it takes he wants them to retreat

ukraine they fight the battle with there bravery
courage and there pride and there dignity
they will fight  and fight they go marching on
till the very end till putins war  has as gone

once again be free from the tyrants war
return again to freedom live in peace once more
Mar 2022 · 63
butterfly beauty
i like to watch the butterflies with colors by the score
red and gold and green and a whole lot more
flying round the garden as gentle as can be
mother natures children flying wild and free

showing of there colors underneath the sun
like a work of art having so much fun
makes me feel so happy fills my heart with glee
flying round my garden there for me to see
Mar 2022 · 93
loves wonder
love it is a wonder that helps the world to live
there inside our heart there for us to give
make two hearts entwine  makes them live as one
all around the world love goes on and on

it brings you happiness and devotion to
each and everyyday there inside of you
everything you longed for.  love this as to give
that is there forever as long as you may live
Mar 2022 · 92
another day
another day of war another day of pain
another day of sorrow for people of ukraine
people all in panic as they try to flee
running from a war that should never be

sanctions are imposed putin carries on
he just dosent care. he wants the people gone
ukraine are fight back with pride and dignity
with there heart and soul and there bravery

they will never stop they keep marching on
ukraine will fight and fight till putins war has gone
then people of ukraine will once again be free
in the land they love no longer have to flee
Mar 2022 · 200
morning song
i listen to the birds with there morning song
it warms the heart in me as i sing along
singing loud and clear bringing in the morn
happy as can be welcoming the dawn

singing all together to there morning tune
i sit there and listen as they begin to croon
singing all in unison as they sing away
singing loud and clear on a brand new day
Mar 2022 · 63
happines is good takes away the sad
fills your heart with joy makes you feel so glad
makes you want to smile makes you want to sing
when you have happiness. you have everything

takes the blues away. when your feeling down
turns in to happiness takes away the frown
makes you smile again fills your heart with glee
makes the world a happy place the way that life should be
Mar 2022 · 54
once there was peace
ukraine they once had peace now not anymore
through a russian madman who turned in to war
killing ukraine people taking lives away
men women and there children dying everyday

homes are getting bombed now they have to flee
have to leave there country where they once were free
men they  stay behind to fight the russian foe
fighting for there land that they wont let go

using all there courage and there bravery
fighting for there right to once again be free
they will keep on fighting till the very end
a message to the madman.  ukraine it will send

let the madman know they are there to stay
and the land they love he wont take away
Mar 2022 · 60
dover shore
i strolled along the sand on the dover shore
watching as the tide came in coming home once
looking at the cliffs way up high above
listened to the bluebirds sing there song of love

it took my heart away  as they began to croon
all of them in unison every one in tune
such a lovely song with a lovely melody
made me feel so happy made me feel so free

i will go again to the dover shore
listen to bluebirds sing again once more
there lovely bluebird song. with a lovely melody
and the cliffs of dover once again will see
Mar 2022 · 58
words can say so much if want them to
just which words you choose that it is up to you
say them from the heart let your feelings show
if your words are true then  everyone will know

they will know you mean it.  that your words are true
coming from inside. deep in the heart of you
choose the words.  you use say them with intent
that the words  you choose they are really meant
Mar 2022 · 53
take away the war
take away the war take away the pain
bring back all the freedom to people of ukraine
let the battles stop let the fighting cease
let them find democracy let them live in peace

let the world unite to help them with there plight
give them back there country no longer have to fight
take away there suffering heartache and the pain
give them back there right to live in peace again

let them find democracy let killing cease
give them back there country let them live in peace
Mar 2022 · 77
my wish
if i made a wish i know what it would be
wish the people of ukraine.  could once again be free
wish they would win there war let the fighting cease
send putin back to russia live again peace

send him to courts to face his wartime crime
lock him in a prison cell for along long time
then he will have to think.  of all those he has killed
men women and the children all the blood he spilled

think about the courage. of  the people of ukraine
how they won the war got there country back again
Mar 2022 · 74
putin promises
corridors were promised that was just a lie
ceasefires never happened more people had to die
putin wants revenge no matter what it takes
for his failing war  and all of his mistakes

thought it would be easy but he got it wrong
the courage of ukraine now is far to strong
fighting for the country with there bravery
the power of the people putin didnt see

they will fight and fight for there victory
turn it all around till the russians flee
and a broken man putin he we will be
ukraine and all its people can once again be free
Mar 2022 · 59
hedgehog spring
i saw an hedgehog rising from his winter bed
ready for the spring that lies there ahead
roaming round the garden with his tiny feet
looking for a worm this was his favourite treat

in and out the plants underneath the sun
happy as can be having so much fun
with his little spikes standing in the air
all around his body sticking everywhere

he had a lovely face cute as cute can be
with his eyes of blue that brought a smile to me
mother natures child roaming wild and free
something i will treasure in my memory
Mar 2022 · 612
spring day
sun is coming out spring is in its way
warming up the ground on a spring time
daffodil and crocus they are popping through
from beneath the ground beneath the sky so blue

you can hear the birds sing there morning song
bringing in the dawn as they sing along
trees begin to bud. as leaves begin to grow
all the signs of spring that give your heart a glow
Mar 2022 · 75
happy world
wouldnt it be nice.  if there was only happiness
just a world of fun that dosent have distress
you could wear a smile every single day
life would be so different happy bright and gay

just a world of peace that would be so free
no distress or worry.  would there ever be
just a world of happiness no fighting or a war
and the world we live in is worth living for
Mar 2022 · 73
free love
love it is for free dosent it cost a thing
there  inside your heart happiness will bring
a very special thing something that you share
deep inside your heart love is always there

love is for us all for your whole life through
something that is real something that is true
happy ever after you will alway stay
in love for evermore every single day
Mar 2022 · 107
another day
everyday is different than the one before
we just never know what is has in store
we take it as it comes what ever comes our way
take it as you find it it just another day

wether good or bad we just never know
we must learn to cope as on with life we go
when tomorow comes yesterday has gone
what ever it may bring we go marching on
Mar 2022 · 69
sunshine day
when the sun begins to shine in the sky so  blue
warming up the day as it comes shining through
flowers all around with there flower show
with there many colors giving life a glow

sitting in the garden passing time away
soaking up the sun on such a lovely day
makes you feel so happy makes you want smile
a little bit of happiness if only for a while
Mar 2022 · 76
robin on my knee
i saw a little robin a friendly chap was he
he was my garden and jumped up on my knee
he began to sing his little robin song
such a lovely tune it made me sing along

every note in key with a lovely melody
sitting on my knee singing it to me
with his bright red chest gleaming in the sun
he was very happy having so much fun

when his song was over he flew into the sky
i gave a little wave as i said goodbye
hope he will comeback and sit upon my knee
sing again once more his robin song to me
Mar 2022 · 97
failed war
wouldnt it be nice if ukraine won the war
get there country back the way it was before
putin would be fuming that is war has failed
locked for his war crimes and for life be jailed

to think about his failure and the people killed
men. women.and the children all the blood he spilled
the mistake that he made. ukraine was far to strong
and the plans he made all of them went wrong

lost life of his troops that he sent to war
fighting for his failure.  who wont see home no more
all there families in suffering and pain
grieving for there loved ones they will never see again.
Mar 2022 · 51
lifes road
life is up down as through life we go
what it has in store we just never know
there are many roads to our destiny
what is round the corner we just never see

we take it bit by bit take it day by day
hoping that through life we will find our way
we just never know what is round the bend
but with faith and hope we will find its end
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