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Jul 2022 · 92
angel friends
angels are from heaven friends are from there to
like the angels fly they will fly to you
when ever they are needed they are always there
they will comfort you give you love and care

like the angels up above they are special to
no matter who you are they are there for you
they are special friends  like the angels up above
waiting there for you to give you all there love
Jul 2022 · 71
we all need someone
we all need a friend someone who is true
someone to rely on that is there for you
someone you can talk to.  who will understand
always there for you to  give a helping hand

they will sit and listen help to guide you through
wether night or day they are there for you
when ever they are needed .they are always there
there to comfort you with there love and care
Jul 2022 · 325
angel way
to me you are an angel from heaven up above
always there for me with your angel love
when ever you are needed you are always there
with your loving way and your angel care

your my angel friend thats always there for me
i will love you always for eternity
i know you are there  any time of day
with your angel love in your angel way
Jul 2022 · 134
cancer bully
cancer is a bully it dont frighten me
i will fight and fight till once again im free
it will never take me. to where the angels stay
i will fight its battle till it flies away

no matter what it takes to win the cancer war
i wont stop my fight till im free once more
ive to much to live for  the fight goes on and on
i will win my battle then cancer will be gone
Jul 2022 · 273
friends like you
friends like you are hard to find
you are one of the special kind
always by my side when ever things go wrong
with your special way  that helps to keep me strong

always there for me anytime of day
my best friend for ever you will always stay
a very special someone that means so much to me
friends for evermore we will always be
Jul 2022 · 271
someone special
when a friend is real when a friend is true
no matter what it takes they are there for you
someone very special when they are in need
that very special someone who is a friend indeed

there  when things go wrong and you begin to cry
love and comfort you till the teardrops dry
a very special person always there for you
with a friendship that is real and forever true

always there for  you to do the best they can
so a great big thank you.   to my  best friend maryanne.
Jul 2022 · 91
birthday time
when we have a birthday another year gone bye
another year older how the years they fly
time for celebration with friends and family
another  special day for your memory

filled with lots of fun and some birthday glee
make your birthday happy the way that it should be

Jul 2022 · 93
birthday celebration
a birthday it is  something that we celebrate
there to let you know you were born this date
time for lots of fun and a beer to
on this special day that belongs to you

from the day your born this date is gave to you
to celebrate each birthday for you whole life through
Jul 2022 · 114
21 today
i wrote this verse for you completely unrehearsed
today it is your birthday its your 21st
a very special day that belongs to you
one you will remember for your whole life through

celebrate in style dance the night way
the day belongs to you 21 today
Jul 2022 · 203
a birthday verse
today it is your birthday the day belongs to you
i wish you happiness for the whole day through
time to celebrate another birthday has begun
fill your day with  joy filled with lots of fun  

you will always be my best friend and my chum
so happy birthday daughter from your loving mum
Jun 2022 · 114
battle rage
battle is still raging not an end insight
ukraine is still in battle against the russian might
bombs dropping all around.  building blown to bits.
putin killing people with his ****** blitz

people. leaving homes as they quickly flee
running scared and frightened from the enemy
freedom they once new now so far away
houses they once knew now just blown away

we must help ukraine to stop the killing war
let the people live again.  live in peace once more
give them back there freedom take away there pain
let them start a new build there lives again
May 2022 · 174
still there
when you lose a loved one there still there with you
each and everyday in everything you do
there inside you heart they will always be
there for evermore in your memory

watching over you from heaven up above
each and everyday sending down there ,love
then when you get wings to heaven you can fly
once again united with your loved one in the sky

May 2022 · 177
home again
living in the tunnels of the steel works underground
living just like moles bombs dropping all all around
locked away from daylight no light do we see
living in a maze of wars cruelty.

no water or no food or electricity
just a life of hell full of misery
soldiers they fight on they will not be beat
they will not surrender they will not retreat

there with all there courage and there bravery
fighting till the end to set there country free
then the world will know the people of ukraine
the courage and there bravery.  that gave them home again
May 2022 · 135
everyone loves summer
everyone loves summer time to holiday
to land of sun many miles away
parties on the beach with friends and family
having lots of fun far across the sea

that time of the year that makes life feel so free
happy bright and gay way that it should be
where troubles dissapear if only for a while
a special time of year that always brings a smile
May 2022 · 133
nature art
i like it in the country on a summers day
filled with  lots of scenery for many miles away
the mountains and the hills you can walk along
listen to the meadow lark sing his morning song

rabbits in the fields running wild and free
having lots of fun happy  as can be
lots of lovely flowers with there flower show
showing of there colors that give your heart aglow

the beauty that is is nature there for all to see
natures work of art that we can view for free
May 2022 · 167
world without war
wouldnt it be nice in a world without a war
no more people dying no fighting any more
just  a world of love where we could live as one
living all in harmony all fighting would be gone

just a land of peace with a life thats free
in a world of love way that it should be
where we could live as one in each and every place
all across the universe in each and every place
May 2022 · 108
when your feeling happy it gives your heart a lift
and the blues you had now begin to shift
you begin to smile again.  like you did before
happiness you had.  as returned once more

all it takes is happiness to make you feel brand new
hang on to your happiness when it comes to you
it can make you smile when your feeling blue
just a little happiness will help to pull you through
May 2022 · 110
love is everywhere
love is everywhere love is all around
all around the world love it can be be found
two hearts they entwine as love begins to grow
stronger everyday as it begins to flow

a lovely piece of nature that comes to one and all
growing stronger everyday as in love we fall
there to last a lifetime within the heart of you
to bring you happiness for your whole life through
Apr 2022 · 233
when the sunshine is shining it wakes the soul in me
makes me feel alive sets my spirit free
shining high above in the sky so blue
bringing happiness as it comes shining through

makes you feel so happy makes you feel brand new
high up in the sky shining down on you
makes you want to dance makes you want to sing
just to see the sunshine is such a lovely thing
Apr 2022 · 87
ive always been a dreamer i dream of lots of things
dragons blowing flames unicorns with wings
lots of colored butterflies with colors by the score
colors of the rainbow and a whole lot more

lots of lots of flowers growing everywhere
every where you go flowers they are there
there are little rabbits running wild and free
playing in the meadow as happy as can be

ive always been a dreamer all theses things i see
when i close my eyes they are there with me
such a lovely place where i would love to stay
high up in the sky beyond the milky way
Apr 2022 · 103
each other
when you have each other and a love thats true
then you have happiness for your whole life through
each and everyday love is there to share
there inside your heart love is always there

happy ever after you will always be
in love for evermore for eternity
it will never die or ever fade away
there inside your heart love is there to stay
Apr 2022 · 99
world love
if there was only love how happy we would be
no more war or violence would we ever see
just a world united with lots of love to share
all around the world each and every where

in a land thats free where we could live as one
in a land of love where violence there is none
just a happy world the way that it should be
in a land of love with a lifes that free
Apr 2022 · 141
Darcys birthday
happy birthday Darcy  this time you are two
how the year past by how it really flew
best daughter in the world you will always be
for the rest of life your birthdays i will see

your my everything.  your my world to me
always there for you i will always be
happy birthday Darcy  may your dreams come true
on this special day that belongs to you
Apr 2022 · 170
like to watch the butterflies on a summers day
floating all around colors on  display
the colors of the rainbow plus a whole lot more
lots of different colors ive never seen before

flying altogether like  a carpet in the sky
i try to count the colors as they floating by
flying all in unison  flying wild and free
just watch the butterflies wakes the soul in me
Apr 2022 · 105
when love comes
when love comes to  you it takes you by  surprise
to a different place that opens up your eyes
it fills your heart with happinees body heart and soul
makes you feel complete makes you feel so whole

all you ever wanted is waiting  there  for you
a love that is so real  a love forever true
there for you to give  there for you to share
there inside your heart love is always there
Apr 2022 · 142
real love
when you fall in love its such a lovely thing
happiness for ever this your love will bring
make your life feel whole.   make life your complete
you will feel it in your heart  with each and every beat.

growing even stronger there inside of you
stay for ever real stay for ever true
it will last a life time for eternity
in love for ever more you will always be
Apr 2022 · 251
little doves
i saw to little doves kissing in a tree
cuddled up together as happy a can be
then they sang a love song  with a lovely melody
high up in the branches singing it me

it took my heart away as they began croon
in perfect harmony every note in tune
when they finished singing into the sky they flew
high up in the air  into the sky so blue
Apr 2022 · 125
life can give you miracles make your dreams come
you can do the things you always wanted to
all it takes is time to make them come your way
take life in your stride take it day by day

treat it with respect in everthing you do
everything in life is waiting there for you
take it bit by bit take it day by day
the miracles of life will surely come you way
Apr 2022 · 146
people they need friends  that are there for you
a friendship that is real a frienship that is true
someone you can turn to.  who can understand
right there by side with there helping hand

someone to rely on whenever things go wrong
always there for you.  help to keep you strong
they will sit and listen to what you have to say
with a friedship that is real that will never go away
Apr 2022 · 143
love each other
put an end to violence put an end war
lets all love each other live in peace once more
in a land of freedom no violence would we see
we could live as one in a land thats free

living all together with lots of love to share
we could live as one each and every where
live in peace together as a family
no more war or violence would there ever be
Apr 2022 · 104
everyone loves dogs
everyone loves dogs to keep you company
best friend in the world there will ever be
faithful to the end they will always stay
with a love thats real that wont fade away.

always there for you with there loving way
morning noon and night anytime of day
they can make you smile when your feeling blue
faithful till the end always there for you

best friend in the world he will always stay
with a love so true that will never go away
Apr 2022 · 98
say a prayer
lets all get together say a little prayer
for the people of ukraine let them know we care
we will never know what there going through
just a little prayer is the least that we can do

hope there plans for peace will finally come true
then they can live again start there life a new
all there bravery will be all worthwhile
then the people of ukraine can begin to smile

live again in peace no more putin war
rebuild there lives again live again once more
Mar 2022 · 254
love recital
i love you with all my heart each and every day
with a love thats real that will never fade away
growing even stronger there inside of me
you and i togther we were meant to be

i will always love you on that you can rely
for ever and a day till the day i die
it will never leave or ever fade away
growing even stronger in each and everyway
Mar 2022 · 118
nearly easter
nearly time for easter not to long to go
a favourite time of year one that we all know
lots of happy children happy bright and gay
celebrating easter as they play away

lots of easter eggs for every girl and boy
there very favorite thing that they all enjoy
lots of easter chicks as yellow as the sun
running all around having so much fun

a lovely time of year with happiness galore
especially for children thats what easter for
Mar 2022 · 95
morning song
i love it the morning when birds begin to sing
just to hear therm singing is such a lovely thing
singing loud and clear in the early morn
singing all in harmony bringing in the dawn

every note in time every note in tune
melts my heart away as they begin croon
makes me feel so happy as they sing away
with there morning song bringing in the day
Mar 2022 · 109
there are many people each a different mind
each and every race  every different kind
they all have a heart and are human too
all there to be loved just the same as you

no matter who we are no matter where we live
hearts are full of love there for you to give
it makes the world go round in each and every place
all across the universe in each and every race
Mar 2022 · 112
loves nature
love it is a nature that we have inside
when it comes to you from it you cant hide
there inside your heart love begins to grow
you will feel loves power as it begins to flow

you will feel complete you will feel so whole
as you fall in love body heart and soul
happy ever after for eternity
in love for evermore you will always be
Mar 2022 · 102
springtime day
when springtime comes around it warms the heart in me
there are lots things for all the world to see
hedgehogs come to life from there winter sleep
all around the garden they begin to creep

bumble bees return with there buzzing sound
happy as can be flying all around
birds begin to sing in the morning dew
with there morning song singing just for you

daffodils they bloom with there yellow head
standing so upright in there flower head
growing in a crowd putting on there show
brightens up the day gives your heart a glow

a lovely time of year that warms the heart in me
makes the world feel bright makes the world feel free
a lovely peace on nature  mother natures way
filled with lots of beauty on springtime day
Mar 2022 · 347
all the same
we are all the same no matter what the race
in the world we live in we all have a place
we all have a heart and have feelings to
we are all the same every me and you

the world is there to share for each and everyone
it keeps the world together makes the world go on
no matter who we are we have the right to live
no mattere what the color we have love to give
Mar 2022 · 93
spring delight
i love it in the spring it brings such delight
makes the world feel happy makes the world feel bright
all the many flowers putting on there show
with there many colors that give your heart a glow

there in all there splendour showing there display
such a lovely scene that melts your heart away
birdbirds begin to sing  there lovely spring time tune
all in harmony as they begin to croon

sun begins to shine to brighten up the day
high up in the sky sending down its ray
bringing happiness  for all the world to see
a season of the year that make the world feel free
Mar 2022 · 105
is there heaven
is there really heaven will we ever know
are there really angels.  with wings as white as snow
there to comfort you if and when you die
do you get your wings and to the angels fly

is it really peaceful like the people say
does your pain and sorrow really go away
one day we will see if heavens really there
lot and lots of angels flying every where

high up the air in the sky so blue
there for us to see if heavens really true
Mar 2022 · 88
world love
if the world had only love how happy we would be
no violence or a war would we ever see
we could live in peace we could live as one
violence and the wars would be forever gone

just a world peace where we all are free
filled with only love like its meant be
united all together in each and every place
sharing love together with each and every race

living all together in perfect harmony
in world of love like it meant to be
everybody happy every body free
united all together one big family
Mar 2022 · 172
mother days love
mothers day is special time to celebrate
give your love to mum on this special date
a very special person always there for you
and in times of trouble there to pull  through

best friend in the world there will ever be
with a loves thats real with a love thats free
a love for ever more that will never go away
so tell her that you love her on this special day
Mar 2022 · 101
love heart
a heart thats full of love is a love thats true
and the one you love you will give it to
its a special thing that makes the world round
in each and every heart true love can be found

there for you to share as long as you may live
and forever more true love you will give
deep inside your heart love will always stay
there for you to share forever and a day
Mar 2022 · 86
robin song
i listened to a robin sing his robin song
on my garden fence as he bobbed along
such a lovely song with everynote in tune
took my heart away as he began to croon

with his big red breast gleaming in the sun
happy as can be having so much fun
made me feel so happy made me feel so gay
i wont forget his song he sang to me that day

i will keep the memory of his robin song
that he sang to me as he bobbed along
hope he will return sing to me once more
melt my heart away like he did before
Mar 2022 · 86
failing war
putins fancy weapons are just a waste of space
the way the russians fight is nothing but disgrace
soldiers they are stuck no headway do they make
the fight against ukraine was putins big mistake

they are fighting back with pride and dignity
the courage of ukraine putin didnt see
ordinary people joining in the fight
defending there land.  from the russian might

they go marching on to be free once more
till they put and end to the failing putin war
send him back to russia with a big red face
with his russian army all left in disgrace
Mar 2022 · 88
mothers day
nearly mothers day dont forget about your mum
always there for you best friend and your chum
when ever you are down and your feeling blue
mum is always there to give her love to you

when ever she is needed she is always there
always by your side with her love and care
let her know you love her on her special day
best mum in the world in each and every way
Mar 2022 · 97
help ukraine
lets all help ukraine help them win there fight
give them back there country give them back there right
let us all unite protest hand in hand
in each and every place all across the land

protest altogether let them know we care
all across the universe each and every where
lets us stand together for the people of ukraine
give them back country let them live again

let the whole world know what we have to say
help to stop the war make it go away
let us all unite across the universe
hand in hand together to stop the putin curse
Mar 2022 · 85
i love spring
i love it in the spring it warms the heart in me
flowers all around growing wild and free
rabbits in the fields playing having fun
happy as can be in the spring time sun

hedgehogs they return from there winter home
all around the garden they begin to roam
birds begin sing in the springtime morn
singing all together bringing in the dawn

a lovely time of year that makes the world feel free
the beauty that is nature for the world to see
Mar 2022 · 82
ukraine courage
think about the people living in ukraine
fighting for there country to be free again
using all there courage to make the russians flee
putin running scared from there bravery

they keep fighting on till the russian armies beat
till putins had enough and he accepts defeat
all his plans are failing in his killing spree
as a part of russia ukraine will never be

they will fight and fight with pride a dignity
fighting for there country and once again be free
send putin back to russia where ought to be
lock him in jail and throw away the key
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