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Jul 2023 · 217
angel verse
they say that when you die your soul it flies away
to heaven up above where the angels stay
now at last your life.  is for ever free
in peace for evermore you will always be

up there with angels in heaven up above
each and everyday giving you there love
no more pain or sorrow will there ever be
at peace for ever more with a life thats free
Jul 2023 · 79
when you lose your mum it breaks your heart in two
the one you loved so dearly no longer there for you
with her big white wings to heaven mother flew
each and everyday she watches over you

now she is at peace in heaven in the sky
all the pain and suffering now has all passed by
in a world of angels with a life thats free
no more pain sorrow will there ever be

each and everyday she sends her love to you
from her home in heaven in the sky so blue
when  your time has come to heaven you will soar
all the love she gave you she will give again once more
Jul 2023 · 83
when Granny passed away it broke the heart in me
the  Granny that  i loved  no longer i would see
the angels came for Granny took her up above
now she is up in heaven sending down her love

every where i go granny she is there
watching over me each and every where
she was always there when ever i was down
she would make me smile take away the frown

always in my heart she will always stay
the memories i have have will never fade away
when my time as come when the angels come for me
then i will be with granny like i always used to be
Jul 2023 · 49
i found everything
i found everything the day that i found you
knew i would be happy  for my whole life through
everthing i dreamed of there in front of me
with you for evermore i hoped that i would be

someone very special   ive been looking for
each and everyday you made love you more
we had lots of fun doing different things
lots of happiness to me.  thats what your love brings

then the bad news came tore the heart in me
with the one i love no longer would i be
angels they came down took my love away
to heaven up above where the angels stay

forever i will love her till the day i die
when the angels come for me. i will gently fly
to heaven up above i will gently soar
to be with her again  in love again once more
Jul 2023 · 61
when we go heaven way up high above
our final resting place with  nothing only love
all the pain you suffered now as gone away
you will live in peace every single day

troubles there are none  they have come to cease
your there with the angels in there world of peace
watching down on loved ones from the sky above
watching over friends and all the ones you love

one day you will see them when they fly to you
they will have there wings and be an angel to
once again united in heaven up above
happy once again with the ones you love
Jul 2023 · 73
when you loose a loved one it breaks your heart in two
gone now as the love that you always knew
everything around you seems an empty place
you feel so alone the world you cannot face

taken by the angels to there home up in the sky
the place where we all go if and when we die
when that time is yours  for  the sky so blue
you will be united with the love you always knew

then you can love again like you used to do
and the love you lost has now come back to you
Jul 2023 · 254
memory of a loved one
in memory of my loved one and a mother to
each and everyday we all think of you
a mother in a million  a mother very rare
when we needed her she was were always there

i loved her very much and i always will
till the end of time till the earth stands still
one day we will join her when our time has come
united with my loved one  and a very special mum
Jun 2023 · 76
when you have a baby it starts your family
happiness for ever there will always be
your future is right there  right in front of you
someone there to love you for there whole life through

listen to there voice as they begin talk
watch them try to stand as they begin to walk
they will make you happy as they begin to grow
each and everyday give your heart a glow

doing lots if thing that families love to do
and there mothers love is always there for you
then when grow up become a mother to
they can  have a family just the same as you
Jun 2023 · 248
loved one
when you lose a loved one it breaks your heart in two
you sit there in bits wishing it was you
your tears begin  to fall crying in despair
now the one you love is no longer there

all you have is memories of the times you had
times you spent together that made you feel so glad
memories to  treasure for eternity
for ever in your heart they will always be

when your time has come and the angels come for you
to take to your loved one in the sky so blue
once again united in heaven up  above
flying side by side with the one you love
Jun 2023 · 86
when families they are close there always there for you
they are there for you in everything you do
when your feeling down they will make smile
take away your sadness if only for awhile

a shoulder you can cry to let the tear drops flow
right there by your side till the teardrops go
a bond that cant be broken  never go away
always there for you any time of day

right there by your side anytime you call
they will hold you up and never let you fall
there to comfort  you in there loving way
there to give there love every single day
Jun 2023 · 86
smile awhile
theres a little girl i know all she does is smile
everywhere she goes smiling all the while
when she looks  at you she melts your heart away
with a great big a smile each and every day

she gets it from her mum now she is smiling to
its changed her life around round the one she knew
she is just amazing  now holds her head up high
and the life she knew now can say goodbye
i sit and watch you suffer wishing its was me
healthy  once again no pain would there be
happy once again no pain any more
and be cancer free like you were before

i would take your suffering take it all away
ask the lord above  if he would let you stay
i would take your pain and your troubles to
then you could live again like you deserve to do
Jun 2023 · 79
in loving memory of beth
Theres a picture of angel in a wooden frame
a very special angel Bethany is her name
the picture tells a story of how it used to be
when she was here on earth standing next to me

it tells of all the fun that we always had
days spent down the beach with family mum and dad
a very special angel full of warmth and love
watching down on me from heaven up above

when my time as come for my home up in the sky
with my big white wings to Bethany i will fly
Jun 2023 · 120
happy birthday beth
today it is your birthday in heaven up above
we wish you happy birthday send you  all our love
miss you everyday  an we always will
till the end time till the time stands still

one day we will join you when we get our wings
we can be together do our Favourite things
united once again with the angels in the sky
flying side by side together you and i

May 2023 · 249
a walk in the woods
i walked through the woods on a summers day
watching all the wild life passing time away
there were many flowers with colors by the score
many different kinds ive never seen before

there were lot of birds singing in the trees
singing all in harmony in the summer breeze
lots of little rabbits playing having fun
playing rabbit games in the summer sun

everything was peaceful it made me feel so free
warmed my heart inside touched the soul in me
mother natures beauty that took my breath away
there in all its glory mother natures way
May 2023 · 136
jessica baby
jessica she is happy she had her scan today
the news it was good a boy is it on its way
daddy he was sad though it  may sound silly
the baby on the scan had a bigger willie
May 2023 · 116
happy birthday bro
happy birhday brother in heaven up above
i miss you very dearly and send you all my love
i know your watching down on me each and everyday
sending me your love from where the angels stay

not a day goes bye  that i dont think of you
i remember all the good times and things we used to do
one day i will join you when the angels come for me
once again united you and i will be
May 2023 · 100
you gained your angel wings  flew into the sky
we never got to wave  or even say goodbye
it happened in an instant without a reason why
the lord he called on you from his heaven in the sky

now you are at peace where the angels stay
watching down on us  each and every day
your still here with us. in everything we do
theres not a day goes by. when we dont think of you

we will meet again when the good lord calls on me
together once again like we used to be
we can fly together in the sky so blue
doing all the things that we loved to do
Apr 2023 · 289
children  bring you happiness  each and everyday
having lots of fun as they begin to play
always make you smile when your feeling down
fill your heart with joy take away your frown

bringing back the memory.  when you were a kid
playing with your friends different things you did
they make the world go round for each and every one
each and every day there happiness goes on
Apr 2023 · 140
sometimes life is cruel puts your mind in doubt
plays round with your feelings turns you inside out
one day you are happy one day you are sad
it can make you smile then it can make you mad

these are all the things that we all go through
it happens to us all every me and you
life it must go on  each and everyday
we must cope with life    what ever comes our way.
Apr 2023 · 265
cant find willie
i cant find my willie it must have fallen off
it seem to dissapear when i had a cough
ive looked in my pants my wille is not there
cough was really loud could be anyway

i will have to make a new one.  from a piece of wood
stay hard for evermore like a willie should
Apr 2023 · 272
the visit
had a little visit from my family
jessica melissa and baby making three
it was nice to see them now that they have grown
melissa all grown up with a baby of her own

jessica is next has one on the way
it was nice to see them really made my day
they make me feel so proud and i love them so
when they visit me dont want to see them go
Apr 2023 · 100
theres nothing quite like children  to make your life worth while
always keep you happy always make you smile
they become become your future for now and evermore
and to become a mum makes life worth living for

happy ever after you will always stay
bad times that you had now so far away
always there for you they will always be
and the best mum in the world they will always see
Apr 2023 · 135
special friend
i just lost a friend who meant the world to me
best friend in the world there could ever be
we had lots of fun passing time away
sitting in the  yard on a sunny day

we had lot of laughs with a joke or two
everybodies friend always there for you
she would make you laugh  if you feeling down
make you smile again take away the frown

then the angels came took my friend away
to heaven up above where the angels stay
one day i will see her when im an angel to
having fun once more like we used to do
Mar 2023 · 101
tribute to paul
heard the news today that paul had passed away
forever in our hearts he will always stay
he loved to dress in drag appearing on tv
known as lily savage he brought a smile to me

he had a love for dogs another tv show
a kind and gentle man that gave your heart a glow
giving home to dogs  that once used to stray
he gave them love and care and place to stay

sadly missed for ever he will always be
for ever he will stay in our memory

Mar 2023 · 113
i gave up on life it gave  up on me
i thought that me and life. were never meant to be
then i had daughter it changed my life around
the answer to my life now at last ive found

now i have a future lifes worth living for
a daughter i will treaure for now and evermore
change my life around  be the mother that i should
each and every day my life it will be good
Mar 2023 · 107
if i had a wish
if i had a wish i would start my life again
start again a new no sorrow or no pain
learn from my mistakes  from my life gone by
forget about the past give life one more try

this time  no regrets no more pain or sorrow
each and everyday with a new tomorrow
change my lfe around the way that it should be
become a different person and a newer me
Mar 2023 · 77
get well man
im the get well man watching over you
hope you get well soon.  doing things you like to do.
sitting in the yard on a sunny day
with  frank and jane and jim passing time away

chatting there for hours with a laugh or two
underneath the sun like we always do
so hurry up get better summers on its way
lets sit in the yard again laugh away the day
Mar 2023 · 116
why does life have problems why do they have to be
troubles; strife ; and worries and the tragadies
why cant it just be peaceful each an every day
everybody happy with troubles far away

it would be so nice if it. could only be
we could live together in perfect harmony
just a world of peace for each and everyone
troubles strife and tragedy would be forever gone
Mar 2023 · 76
we all make mistakes me ive made a few
its a part of life thats what people do
no matter who we are mistakes are always there
it happens to us all each and every where

the best thing we can do is let the past by
put right your mistakes give it one more try
start again a new with a different frame of mind
then mistakes you made will be left behind
Mar 2023 · 102
myth or true
they say that when we die to heaven we will go
is it really there do we really know
are they really angels flying every where
is it just a myth or are they really there

one day we will know if and when we die
with our angel wings to heaven we can fly
then we will know for sure the myth is really true
that angels do exist so does heaven to
Mar 2023 · 91
spring verse
spring is nearly here not to long to go
that special time of year when plants begin to grow
daffodil and crocus  bluebells snow drops to
pushing through the soil there for you to view

birds begin to sing in the morning dew
there lovely morning song singing just for you
roses start to bud as they begin grow
that special time of year that gives your heart a glow

mother natures wonder with lots of things to see
for each and everyone every you and me
Mar 2023 · 77
robin song
i heard a robin sing in my apple tree
sing loud and clear singing just for me
with his big red breast gleaming in the sun
happy as can be having lots of fun

a lovely little song he began to croon
a lovely melody with such a lovely tune
every note in tune every one  in key
singing loud and clear singing just for me

when he finished singing into the air in he flew
way up high above in the sky so blue
hope he will return to my apple tree
sing again once more his robin song for me
Mar 2023 · 89
kindness it cost it is there to share
that you give for free to people every where
it comes from the heart there inside of you
and theres always someone you can give it to

its something that is free something you can give
it makes the world go round helps the world to live
all it takes kindness to show someone you care
its there inside of you and is always there
Mar 2023 · 168
if there was only happiness how great the world would be
we could could live in peace in perfect harmony
we could live as one no fighting or a war
violence it would cease no violence any more

it would be so nice if it could be this way
no sadness anymore be happy every day
living all together in peace and harmony
in world of happiness one big family
Mar 2023 · 243
sometimes the world is cruel sometimes it is kind
we just never know what it has in mind
it can lift you up it let you down
it can make you smile then turn it to frown

you just never know what the world will do
what its got in mind what it holds for you
take it as it comes what ever comes your way
take it as you find it live life day by day
Mar 2023 · 100
eveyone is different no two are the same
everyone has  blood each one has a name
every mind is different we think a different way
everyones opinion has different things  to say

its the way it is the way its meant to be
in each others mind different things we see
makes the world go round like its meant to do
we all have different ways  with different points of view.
Mar 2023 · 79
if you love someone body heart and soul
makes your life complete makes you feel so whole
happiness for ever with lots of love to share
each and everyday love is always there

in love forever more you will always stay
with a love thats true and never fade away
till the end of time till eternity
with the one you love you will always be
Mar 2023 · 78
everyone as life and the right to live
every heart as love that is there to give
we all have a future that we have to make
and many roads of life that we have to take

its a long long journey that we all go through
that you have to travel to make your dreams come true
everything you want in life is waiting there for you
you decide your life and what you want to do
Mar 2023 · 89
guide dogs
guide dogs they are clever guide dogs they are kind
spend there whole life through caring for the blind
help them cross the road when the time is right
guide dogs they are clever and very very  bright

picking up the mail coming through the door
clearing any objects lying on the floor
doing all the things that there supposed to do
caring for the blind for there whole life through
Mar 2023 · 89
no rules
life it has no rules you go with the flow
what life holds for you you just never know
what lies round the corner you just never see
take it as it comes what will be will be

it can make you happy it can make you blue
tear your world apart break the heart in you
it goes round and round changes everday
you just never know what will come your way
Mar 2023 · 73
a dog is your friend
dogs they are your friend always there for you
faithhful till the end  and forever true
they will comfort you when your feeling down
make you smile again take your frown

till the very end there friendship it will stay
with a love thats true that will never go away
it will last a lifetime for there whole life through
each and everyday always there for you
Feb 2023 · 69
never knew her
never got to know her heaven knows i tried
never watched her grow this i was denied
just to get know her.  from baby to a  teen
spending times together like it should of  been

she is always there in my memory
hoping  maybe one day she will talk to me
the one i never knew i will get to see
get to know each other like it was meant to be
Feb 2023 · 163
loves nature
love it is a nature it happens to us all
when you find the right in love your heart will fall
fill your heart with happiness fill your world with glee
happy ever after forever you will be

such a lovely feeling you will feel side
as love begins to grow from it you cant hide
all you ever wanted is there in front of you
when you fall in love your dreams will all come true
Feb 2023 · 104
one day
one day the world will end by a man made war
blow the world apart no world anymore
bombing everywhere till all the land as gone
a future we believed in.   now  future we have none

just a battle ground.  killing people by the score.
till everyone has gone no world anymore
and the world we knew and how it used to be
the world that we once knew is now just history
Jan 2023 · 238
grandads chips
i love grandads chips that he makes for me
pizza and the beans that he makes for tea
better than the chip shop made in grandads way
i love grandad chips i could eat them every day
Jan 2023 · 109
real love
when your love is real it will last for life
starts of as a romance ends up man and wife
it will last forever for your whole life through
stay for ever faithful stay for ever true

when you find the right one your heart will let you know
you feel the love inside as it begins to flow
happy ever after you will always stay
with a love thats real and never fade away
Jan 2023 · 105
best friend
mothers are your best friend always there for you
when ever you feel down its them that you turn to
they will sit and listen to what you have to say
love and comfort you take your blues away

always there for you when ever things go wrong
with her loving way.  that helps to keep you strong
best friend in the world and a mother too
anytime of day always there for you
Jan 2023 · 103
brian r.i.p
sorry to hear about your dad
cant  find the words to say
now he is at peace where the angels stay

watching over you from heaven up above
each and every day sending down his love

no more pain or sorrow will he have to bare
at peace for ever with angels everywhere

once again with jenny in heaven up above
side by side together once again in love
Jan 2023 · 83
united again
they say that you die united you will be
in heaven up above  with friends and family
sharing once again all the times you knew
in heaven up above in the sky so blue

all the love you missed is there again once more
each and every day just like it was before
all the tears you cried will once again be dry
at last you rest in peace with the angels way up high
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