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Sep 2023 · 57
lonlieness is bad its not good at all
all your time is spent looking at a wall
no one there to talk to only people on tv
there the only people that you ever see

then when bedtime comes making matters worse
you dont sleep at all for the lonely curse
nothing you can do nobody there insight
all you face is sadness and another lonely night
Sep 2023 · 53
children make a family give your life a glow
fill you full of happiness as they begin to grow
they will love you always forever and a day
with a bond so strong that will never break away

when your feeling down they are the for you
with there love so strong and forever true
hold you in there arms when you begin to cry
there to comfort you till the teardrops dry

its a part of living has a family
forever in there hearts there love will always be
Sep 2023 · 47
happy place
when you  feeling down think of a memory
visit a  happy place where you  used to be
think of days at school all the things you did
things that you enjoyed when you were just a kid

think of all the good times all the fun you had
times you spent with friends that made you feel so glad
then your sadness it will go  you can smile again once more
be happy once again like you were before
Sep 2023 · 64
Love can leave you lonely when it all goes wrong

One thing you have to do.  stand up and be strong

Visulise the future what it holds for you

Excitement once again as you start anew
Sep 2023 · 51
moving on
when your moving on the way is hard to find
your thinking of the things that you leave behind
mind is in a whirl going round and round
the thought of moving on to a newer ground

moving to new pastures to start again to new
hoping what you want is waiting there for you
start again once more in different place
then the world once more is there for you to face
Sep 2023 · 379
happy birthday
happy birthday Millie you are one today
the day when you were born is now a year away
time for your first party cake and candle too
on this special day that belongs to you

open up your presents time for  you to play
time for lots of fun on this your special day
happy birthday Millie on birthday number one
its so hard to believe how fast the year has gone

Sep 2023 · 80
cancer killer
cancer is a killer it really dosent care
its all around the world  each and everywhere
no matter what age no matter what the race
it just loves to **** in each and every place

you just never know just what it will do
you just hope and pray it dosent come to you
it has no remorse just killing on its  mind
it dosent give a dam   of those left behind

we just have to wait for a cure  to be found
stop this cancer killer spreading all around
do the best we can give what we can give
then people who have cancer will have a chance to live
Sep 2023 · 57
birthdays come birthdays go
as years go bye it lets you know
skin it wrinkles hair go goes grey
your twighlight years or on the way

glasses needed eyesight gone
getting worse as years move on
all we have is memory how it was used to be
when we were young and life was free

that is life and natures way
we age each minute of every day
thinking of things we used to do
when we were youing and foolish to
Sep 2023 · 78
teardrop birthday
i wish you happy birthday with teardrops in my eye
i sit and ask my self why did you have to die
the angels came and took you to there home above
i wont forget the day they took away my love

today it is your birthday i send my love to you
to your home in heaven in the sky so blue
wishing i was there on this your special day
in heaven up above where the angels stay

im always thinking of you each and everyday
we will meet again when the angels come my way
once again together flying way up high
flying side by side in the big blue sky
Sep 2023 · 73
september sun
the sun as had a change of heart  its nice again once more
temperatures are rising  as they begin to soar
time to have some barbies and some picnics to
soaking up the sun shining down on you

sitting on the beach with friends and family
playing with a beach ball  swimming in the sea
having lots of fun on such a lovely day
soaking up the sun as it shines away
Sep 2023 · 61
heavenly birthday
70 today the day belongs to you
in heaven up above in the sky so blue
missing you so much nothing i can do
wish i could get my wings then i could fly to you

right there by your side so we could celebrate
on this special day of your birthday date
i know you are there.  waiting there for me
once again together united we will  be


Sep 2023 · 103
happy birthday jess
happy birthday jess time to celebrate
make it really special on your birthday date
fill it  full of  fun the day belongs to you
hope you will be happy for the whole day through

i wish you all the best in every you do
soon you will have a son and be a mummy to
someone always there as long as you may live
always there for you with lots of love to give

Aug 2023 · 89
queen of stops
theres a lioness called mary they call her queen of stops
as for saving  goals she is just the tops
she is such  a goalie with her football skill
just to watch her play gives you such a thrill

leaping side to side across the football net
she will save the goal on that you can bet
best goalie in the world someone we  all love
mary queen of stops with a golden glove
Aug 2023 · 91
love is very special something that we share
all around the world love is everywhere
no matter  what your color no matter what the race
within the heart of everyone love it has a place

something very special that comes to me and you
something that is real to last your whole life through
it happens to us all such a wonderous thing
happiness for ever this your love will bring
Aug 2023 · 56
sarina is a master of the football game
in the football world they all know her name
a very special coach that gives the game a thrill
she knows what to do with her football  skill

trains the lionesses in her special way
so they are at there best when its time to play
a very special person with a football gift
with a very special talent that gives the world a lift
Aug 2023 · 80
thankyou lionesses you  simply are the best
to get in to the final you had to beat the rest
tho you didnt win you made history
now women playing football there will always be

inspired a generation to make there dreams come true
follow  in your foot steps be the same as you
were all proud of you and the legends that you are
for the youger generation your there guiding star

Aug 2023 · 103
sometimes the world is cruel sometimes it his kind
you just never know what the world it has in mind
it can lift you up it can break you down
take away the smile you had turn it to frown

it goes up and down changing day by day
you never really know what will come your way
wether good or bad there is faith and hope
we must use belief then with life we cope
Aug 2023 · 52
when you have a family you have friends for life
always there for you in troubles and in strife
brothers and your sisters with there bond so strong
right there by your side when ever things go wrong

they will give there love it is aways there
always there for you. show you that they care
a very special bond thats there eternally
this is what you get from a family
Aug 2023 · 67
not forotten
gone but not forgotten and you will never be
inside my heart for ever you will stay with me
i will hold the memories that i shared with you
that we will share again when im an angel to

we can fly together in the sky so blue
in heaven up above together me and you
sharing love once more like we used to do
that very special love that we always knew
Aug 2023 · 77
sad day
today it is a sad day.  lionesses lost there roar
spain they played much better wouldnt let them score
world cup has eluded them it wasnt meant to be
tho has runners up still made history

they have made us proud and will back once more
next world cup they play will be better than before
put ladies football on the map.  for all the world to see
now football for the ladies there will always be

so thank the lionesses  and all that they achieve
dreams they can come true if you just believe
Aug 2023 · 77
heaven is a place where everybody knows
its our resting place where every body goes
a place beyond the stars way up in the sky
where angels wait for us if and when we die

at peace for evermore  we will always be
no more pain or sorrow at last we will be free
in the land of angels where the angels stay
in heaven up above a million miles away
Aug 2023 · 109
come on you girls
the girls are gonna do it i know that they will try
to the spanish team they can say good bye
they will do there best to make there dreams come true
bring the world cup home like they long to do  

back on english soil where once it used to be
this time its the girls makng history
lets wish them all the best hope that they can win
another piece of history. will once again begin
Aug 2023 · 100
special day
to a very special person  this day belongs to you
time to celebrate with a drink or two
sit down and relax with friends and family
make the day a happy one way that it should be

i wish you all the best may all your dreams come true
this day is very special just the same as you
get the party started let the music play
celebrate in style on this your special day  

Aug 2023 · 96
lionesses made  it.  Australia they got beat
world cup it is waiting right there at there feet
only one team left spain is in the way
then they can lift the cup at the end of play

make the country proud make the people roar
bring the cup back home.  since 66 once more
a piece of history lionesses they will make
one match left to win. then world cup they can take.
Aug 2023 · 80
where the angels live
heaven is a place where the angels live
waiting there for us with lots of love to give
to keep us safe for ever in the sky so blue
so we can live again start our life a new

no more pain to suffer  thats all come to cease
from now on only love in a world of peace
looking down loved ones from heaven up above
from the gates of heaven sending them your love

we will meet again and start  our life a new
in heaven up above in the sky so blue
flying side by side at peace for evermore
united once again like we were before
Aug 2023 · 66
happy anniversary
happy anniversary to des and rosemary
hope theres many more that you both will see
a very special day for you to celebrate
the day that you got married on this special date

i wish you all the best to the both of you
go out for a meal  have a drink or two
have a lovely time on this special day
hope that many more will be on there way

may godbless you both and your family
have a lovely and happy anniversary
love JIMBO xxxxx
Aug 2023 · 63
why did you have to why did you have to leave
the angels came for you knowing i would grieve
sometimes life is cruel it has to be that way
when its time to go wishing we could stay

we just never know when our time will end
loved ones that we leave with a heart to mend
thats the way it goes. we  all have to die
when we get our wings to heaven we will  fly
Aug 2023 · 245
resting place
when your numbers up  an angel you will be
and your final resting place you will get to see
high up in the sky way up high above
in a world of peace filled with so much love

surrounded by the angels now at last your free
safe for ever more you will always be
suffering and pain all now in the past
in your resting place you are free at last
Aug 2023 · 66
photos they are keep sakes full of memory
looking back in time how it used to be
days when you were young at each and every stage
each story in your life a had different page

days you spent at school playing knock and run
annoying all your neighbours for a bit of fun
going to the disco on a saturday
showing of your moves as you dance the night away

the pictures they are there  to look back and see
there in side your mind in your memory
they will never fade  or ever go away
in pictures and in memory they will always stay
Aug 2023 · 64
when we get our wings to heaven we will fly
to the world below we must say good bye
we will start our new life in heaven up above
no more pain to bare from new on only love

watching from our new home high up in the sky
waving to our loved ones as they go passing bye
waiting for the day when there an angel to
doing all the things that we liked to do  

with a life of freedom for eternity
no more pain or suffering will we ever see
just world of love in a land thats free
and peace for ever more there will always be
Aug 2023 · 51
were happy when were born and as we  start to grow
what life has in store for us we really just dont know
sometimes life will change and make fool of you
it can make you cry break your heart in two

every day is different each and every day
you just hope and pray life will go your way
its the same for everyone each and every race
for each and everyone life it has a place

searching for your dreams to make them all come true
everthing in life is waiting there for you
you can make it happen make life go your way
all you have to do is take life day by day
Jul 2023 · 74
grandaughter  she had troubles locked inside her mind
issues that were bad  of the troubled kind
giving up on everything with the life she led
wishing it was  over wishing she was dead

then it changed around when she had a child
turned her life around stopped her being wild
now she has a life thats worth living for
troubled life she led gone for evermore

completely different person and good mother two
with a loving daughter that  made her life brand new
free from all the torment locked inside her mind
with a life worth living for with troubles far behind

you made us all proud  mel
love you and what you have become
Grandad ***
Jul 2023 · 81
we all have a heart with lots of love to give
to last for evermore as long as you may live
it will never die or never fade away
there inside your heart  will for ever will stay

there to last a life time for now and evermore
there you to treasure  worship and adore
happy ever after with a love thats true
that you will always have within the heart of you
Jul 2023 · 82
born to live
we are born to live we are born to die
we are born to grieve we are born to cry
when an angels needed to heaven we all fly
and to the world below its time to say goodbye

start your life a new no sorrow or no pain
where there is only peace as you start your life again
now you have you freedom in a world of love
safe for evermore in heaven high above
Jul 2023 · 185
a poppy emblem
the poppy is an emblem of the wars gone bye
soldies gave there lives many had to die
its there for rememberance to let them know we care
in our hearts for ever the soldiers will be there

gave there lives for all so we all could live
knowing that there lives some off them would give
give us all our freedom and a land thats free
if it  wasnt for the soldiers this would never be

now we have the poppy for rememberance day
an emblem for the brave who gave there lives away
gone but not forgotten they will always be
fought to give us freedom with there bravery
Jul 2023 · 74
when we go
when people go to heaven in the sky so blue
we all meet again when we go there to
we become an angel free for evermore
flying all together we all gently soar

no more pain to bare just a lifes that free
suffering we had will no longer be
high up in the sky in heaven up above
in a lands thats free nothing only love

where there is only peace for eternity
love for evermore there will always be
no more hurt or pain will we ever see
just a world of love in a land thats free
Jul 2023 · 92
orphan boy
there was  a little boy he never had a home
he was just an orphan all he did was roam
roaming everywhere for a place to stay
everywhere he went he got turned away

sleeping in the wild underneath a tree
no where to call home a homeless boy was he
hoping maybe one he would find a home
where  he could be loved no longer have to roam

then a rich old lady who was a passing
saw the little boy and she began to cry
she took him to her house  gave the boy a treat
cooked a lovely meal so the boy could eat

the  lady took him in and gave the boy a home
someone who would love him no longer have to roam
he had everything he was wishing for
and a orphan boy he would be no more
Jul 2023 · 368
song for you
i wrote this song for you from my heart with love
though  your so far away in heaven  up above
now your life is free  no more pain to bare
i know you are safe and oneday i will be there

to sing  the song i wrote especially for you
from the bottom of my heart every word is true
i know your watching me from heaven in the sky
knowing that one day to heaven i will fly

to sing the song i wrote from my heart with love
that i will sing to you in heaven up above
together we will be. as we were before
in heaven up above sharing love once more
Jul 2023 · 65
song i wrote
i wrote this song for you from my heart with love
though  your so far away in heaven  up above
now your life is free  no more pain to bare
i know you are safe. oneday i will be there

to sing the song i wrote especially for you
from the bottom of my heart every word is true
i know your watching me from heaven in the sky
knowing that one day to heaven i will fly

to sing the song i wrote from my heart with love
that i will sing to you in heaven up above
together we will be. as we were before
in heaven up above sharing love once more
Jul 2023 · 78
to the angels
they say that when we die to the angels we will go
with our big white wings whiter than snow
our final resting place to start our life a new
in heaven up above in the sky so blue

no more pain or sorrow will there ever be
from the pain we suffered now at last are free
see again my friends all the ones i knew
that are up in heaven that are angels to

side by side together having fun once more
through the skies  of heaven we can gently soar
looking down on loved ones from heaven up above
to friends and family sending them our love
Jul 2023 · 66
broken heart
how do you mend a heart that is broke in two
its not a broken vase you can fix with glue
you feel hurt inside nothing you can do
feeling that the world has turned its back you

time  will be the healer healing day by day
till it mends your  heart takes the pain away
you can start again with a brand new heart
start again once more with a brand new start
Jul 2023 · 91
postie friend
i have a little friend puts letters through my door
i can hear the letters falling to the floor
likes a little chat likes to talk to me
such a lovely soul a friendly chap is he

i look forward to my post i know who it will be
my little postman friend who likes a  chat with me
Jul 2023 · 76
16 years
16 years of loving jane she gave to me
we could  have had lots more it  wasnt meant to be
cancer came a calling second time around
this time it was different no cure could be found

she  had to fight again just like she did before
did the best she could to fight the cancer war
but the cancer won took her away from me
from the pain she suffered now at last is free

i look out the window to the sky above
blow a great big kiss send her all my love
a very special person she will always be
for ever in my heart be a part of me
Jul 2023 · 435
19th june
on the 19th of june i lost the one i love
the angels came and took her to heaven up above
now all the pain has gone no sorrow will there be
she is with the angels now  with a lifes thats free

looking down on loved ones each and every day
sending down her love from where the angels stay
now her life is happy no more pain to bare
in a world of love with angels everywhere

i cant wait for my turn when the angels come for me
to take me to my loved one where i long to be
once again together in heaven up above
side by side together with the one i love
Jul 2023 · 279
why do people lie why do they hide the truth
do they have to lie just to hide the proof
why dont they tell the truth.  from the very start
knowing that the lies will leave a broken heart

the truth is so much better and will always be
and the lies you tell will be just history
no one will get hurt if you just be bold
life is so much better when the truth is told
Jul 2023 · 92
where ever there are children happiness is found
lots of little faces smiling all around
bringing back the days when we were children to
having lots of fun with things we used to do

holidays abroad spent with mum and dad
all the happy times that made you feel so glad
playing in the park on roundabout and swings
doing all the things that a childhood brings

when your all grown up with a family
it brings back the time of how it used to be
watching as they smile as they begin to play
bringing back your childhood days every single day
Jul 2023 · 75
happy birthday
today it  is your birthday it belongs to you
time to celebrate with a drink or two.
you make me feel so proud in everyything you do
make me feel so happy to have a son like you
Jul 2023 · 58
in the shadows
i was living in the lonliess in the shadows of my mind
world i used know seems so far behind
then you came along  changed it all around
the end to all my loneliness now at last i found

you were everything ive been looking for
to end my lonlieness. live again once more
once again be happy feel the love i knew
i found it all again the day that i met you

everything about  you i love and adore
you turn my life around  made me love once more
a reason to go on end the misery
the day that i met you  life came back to me
Jul 2023 · 89
cancer dont care
cancer has  no morals cancer it dont care
killing anyone when the cancers there
no matter what the age no matter what the race
cancer is a killer in each and every place

spreading round the body each and every cell
causing so much pain makes life a living hell
taking lives away is all it wants to do
from each and everyone every me and you

destroying peoples lives for every family
babies children to whose lives they never see
Jul 2023 · 75
having a baby
when you have a baby your  belly it gets
big as the months go bye your baby does a jig
you can feel it moving kicking two and fro
belly even bigger as it begins to grow

the miracle of life growing there inside
that you can plainly see from you cant hide
when your babies born lying next to you
a baby who love you for your whole life

to Jess and Dave congrats
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