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happy mothers day from your daughter sue
in your home in heaven in the sky so blue
i miss you everyday this one especialy
wishing you were here to share this day with me

one i wll see you and be there with you
celebrating mothers day like we used to do

happy mothers day mum  xxxx

a poem written for a special friend
the bluebird is returning to her home again once more
back to the lakes of coniston where she used to soar
breaking  land speed records donald campbell at the helm
the beauty of the bluebird she would over whelm

now she is returning from her watery grave
restored  again once more her memory she will save
people they can see her with her new restore
has donald campbells bluebird returns home again once more

a tribute to donald campbell and family
and the bluebird to
home is where the heart its where you belong
home is something sacred there to keep you strong
your very special place that belongs to you
your home for ever more for your whole life through

to share with all your children friends and family
filled with lots of happiness and security
your very home sweet home for eternity
a place to call your own and will always be
dont bottle up your troubles get them of your chest
find someone to talk to before they start to nest
dont sit there in silence let your troubles brew
there is always someone.  to tell your troubles to

they will sit and listen they will understand
doing all they can be your helping hand
all it takes is you to get the help you need
find someone to talk who is a friend indeed
troubles will subside if you get them of your chest
if only for a while they will come to rest
when you fall in love your heart will tell you so
you will feel so happy as it begins to flow
flowing round and round getting stronger everyday
these are things that happen when love comes your way

such a lovely feeling when love comes to you
happiness forever for your whole life through
you will feel its power  as long you may live
always in your heart with lots of love to give
i love to hear the birds singing in the morn
singing like a choir singing in the dawn
singing all together in perfect harmony
every note in tune every note in key

such a lovely song that melts your heart away
what a lovely way to welcome in the day
such lovely feeling that it brings to me
makes you alive sets your spirit free

mother natures children singing just for you
welcoming the day in the morning dew
when a  loved one dies it breaks your heart in two
you sit there in tears wishing it was you
all you feel is lonlieness empty and so bare
when the one you love is no longer there

missing all the love that you always knew
a love that was so real a love that was so true
taken by the angels to a better place
no more pain or sorrow will they have to face

waiting for the time when your angel to
flying to your loved one in the sky so blue
doing all the things that you used to do
free for evermore with the love you always knew
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