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friends are very special when all hope has gone
always there for you help you carry on
they will comfort you when you begin to cry
wipe away your tears till they all run day

friends will sit and listen  to whats on your mind
very special people of the special kind
right there by your side they will aways stay
help to pull you through help troubles go away
heaven must be big we all have a place
when ever someone dies they always have a space
there must be loads of room everybody goes
where heaven really is no one really knows

oneday we all will know when we say goodbye
with our big white wings to heaven we will fly
to heaven up above high up in the sky
where everybody goes if and when we die
take a look at life and what it holds for you
think of all the wishes  that it can make come true
you can make it happen if you want it  to
doing all the things that you want to do

never give up trying  giving up on hope
all it takes is time and the will to cope
then everthing in life will be there for you
all your dreams and wishes waiting to come true
its been four years mum since you passed away
to a better place where the angels stay
high up in the sky way up high above
i know you are safe now in there land of love

miss you everyday at last now you are free
no more pain or suffering will there ever be
we will meet agan then i can be with you
side by side together when im an angel two  

i saw a little kitten climbing up a tree
shaking like a leaf very scared was he
made it to the top couldnt turn around
couldnt find his way back down  to the ground

now the cat was meowing  it was really loud
people down below began to form a crowd
i climbed up my ladder took him to the floor
now the little kitten was safe again once more
words they all have meaning there for you to choose
it is up to you. what words you want to use
words they give expression say what you want them to
what you want to say that is up to you

there are many words that mean different things
many different meanings every word will bring
every word will say what you want it to
which words you want to use it is up to you
guide dogs they are trained for the job they do
give there dedication for there whole life through
looking after people who no longer have there sight
they become there eyes and there guiding light

your very special friend always by your side
keeps you safe from harm when you go outside
help you cross the road when the time is right
anytime at all wether day or night

they are very clever and forever kind
spend there whole life through caring for the blind
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