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everyone has love that is there to give
all around the world helps the world to live
each and every country each and every race
in each and every heart love it has a place

when love comes to you your heart wll let you know
each and everyday the stronger it will grow
it will last a lifetime long as you may live
there for evermore free for you to give
we come from the safety of  our mothers womb
to face the world outside with all its doom and gloom
take it day by day at each and every stage
like a story book  we must read each page

there are many roads with bends at every turn
about the roads of life we all have to learn
you just never know what life holds for you
take what ever comes as you go walking through

its a long long journey that you have to take
the decisions they are yours that you have to make
everything you want in life is waiting there for you
if you treat with respect your dreams will all come true
dogs they like a cuddle and attention to
love and affection just the same as you
makes them feel secure that your love is there
that they can trust in  you know you really care

knowing that your frienship will be for ever true
and for evermore will believe in you
they will be your friend and never ever stray
and give there love to you every single day
pets they are for life not just for a day
something you abandon dumped and left to stray
left to roam around with no place to go
just somebodies pet that no one wants to know

it is such a shame but somerthing that is true
you see it all the time theres nothing we can do
they didnt asked to be treat this way
what was once a present  now is just a stray
when spring comes around theres  lots of things to see
lots of coloured butterflies and the bumble bee
daffodils and tulips and the snowdrops to
and of course the bluebell with there bells so blue

the robin on the fence underneath the sun
showing off his red breast having lots of  fun
bobbing up and as he hops along
happy as can be as he sings his robin song

hedgehogs they awaken from there winter sleep
all around the garden once again they creep
apple trees they blossom with there blooms so bright
these are things that happen that brings us such delight
dogs they are amazing very clever to
they spend all there life  giving love to you
best friend in the world there will ever be
with a love thats real and forever free

they can pick you up when ever you are down
make you smile again take away the frown
handing you there paw to let you know they care
for there whole life through they are always there

a very special friend they will always stay
with a love thats real and never go away
best friend in the world you will ever know
the love they have for you   will never ever go.
sometimes love can hurt it can make you cry
feel you had enough kiss the world goodbye
that is not the answer or the thing to do
your only hurting others that really care for you

stand up and be strong use you will and hope
and the hurt you feel this will help you cope
time will help you mend help your heart to heal
and as time goes bye change the way you feel

then you can start again leave the past behind  
and when the time is right a new love you will find
you can love again with somebody new
love it will return and comeback to you
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