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sometime life gets weary you feel so alone
cant get used to emptiness living on your own
lost inside yoursel no where you can go
gone now as the love that you used know

you feel like a hermit locked inside a shell
locked away from life in your lonely cell
all you have are memories you can look upon
these are special things that will help you carry on
dont forget the children when a love goes wrong
they rely on you help to keep them strong
they dont uderstand they didnt start the fight
to a parents love they all the right

kids dont need to hear the shouting and the tears
living in a home to fill there mind with fears
they need  there security   not be scared each  day
and a parents love that is there to stay
love has many ways some are good and bad
some love is a lie  that you wish you never had
it can make a fool of you fill you with regret
and the one you  love wish you had never met

you cant walk away no matter how you try
when you know the best thing is to say goodbye
take a break from love pack up and move on
till the bad love that you  had now at last has gone
when the sun is shining it lifts the heart in you
gone now are the grey skies they have turned to blue
shining all around to brighten up the day
sending down its rays from many miles away

makes you feel so happy as it come shining through
makes you look at life with a different view
life it looks much better makes you want to smile
brings you happiness if only for awhile
today we lost a biker dave myers was his name
known to everyone for his cooking fame
with his best friend si travelling here and there
cooking every country each and every where

they were in demand with there tv show
soon the hairy bikers everyone would know
every body loved them and there cooking ways
known has si and dave brought a cooking craze

then  the cancer came dave he past away
now he is at peace where the angels stay
gone but not forgotten or will he ever be
now they will stay legends for cooking on tv

never stop believing to make your dreams come true
all you ever need is to believe in you
life will go your way if you want it to
everything you wish for is waiting there for you

never think of giving up  dont think of giving in
fight for what you want in life until the day you win
always have belief live life day by day
then everything you wish for is just a dream away
sometimes life is cruel you dont know what to do
you think that your world has given up on you
everything around you empty and so bare
and the world you knew now no longer there

feel like giving up is not the thing to do
you can change it round with the fight in you
all you need is faith together with the hope
use them both together this will help you cope

then the world you knew will be there once more
you can live your life the way you did before
happy once again like you used to be
the cruel world you lived in is just now history
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