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wichitarick Mar 2017
  Re.......leasing me ,letting go, been holding back for a long long while

Not what has past or what has been built to last but why not now find a reason and let go again

Spending to much time staying far away from things deemed vile or softly coddling others to avoid a  rile

Pleasing me, might just take a moment to allow my self a smile,even if it is to the naysayers chagrin

Wink at me, while I blink at thee ,a little fun while awaiting the time to randomly run off & explore a new mile

Don't misunderstand what it means ,not all that it seems, maybe just taking a few moments out to finally win  

When resolution is left suspended in solution,maybe your still hiding, really isn't your style  

Walking through the mind still leaves an open gate, tiring from the wait, wanting to just take a new spin

A simple jaunt  that once reached the equator might now be a serious trial

Why hold back,no longer leader of the pack,looking to the stars maybe just to far
out of view, just something new, not quite so foreign

So a spin of the compass ,no binding that ties us , Up & out like a bird in the warm wind ,explore a sunset & another moonglow in the twilight . R.C.
Thoughts while listening to a song ,oh what a road trip could do for a soul:) I appreciate you reading a any in put is welcomed. thanks. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2017
Don't need an explanation they always know you like they knew you before

After your journey that has been so long, aren't just shadows at the end of the hall

Often travel in pairs nudging with the extra edge to actually takes those dares

They may be leaning your way or you holding up theirs ,picking up the pieces helping to restore

From an early age we help set the stage ,learning the give & take ,watching out for who really cares

Tested internally, somehow growing more energy to give,learning how to open a new door

Guidance is given while simultaneously taken in, unknown importance playing like a bannister on the long stairs

Bashful helped to be bold while maybe too bold put on hold, to often cushioning the space from our heads to the floor

Practice makes perfect,willing to settle for always rehearsing,helping to block the future demons from their lairs

Lean on me or them ,her or him ,kidding with kindness,giving with mindless love, inward or outward devotion is always from the soul  

Merely matching mates is nice to have the balance at any rate ,the weight isn't as great when split into pairs

So extend a hand give a lift help another to manage that next riff,life will be better when true friendship is the next Goal! ...R.C.
A bit of fun maybe from hearing so many songs about friendship?
Left more as prose or just my thoughts in one succession . Thanks for  your reading and all input is appreciated . Rick
  Mar 2017 wichitarick
She’s more fun when she is drunk
At least…until she’s not
Because she’s puking in the toilet
And regretting her last shot

She’s more confident when she’s drunk
Gorgeous and ready to score
Until she looks in a mirror
And feels even uglier than before

She likes herself more when she is drunk
Until that feeling goes away
When she is so far beyond gone
That her self-hatred comes out to play

She’s happier when she’s drunk
All her issues leave her brain
But they all come crashing back at once
And cause her so much pain

She likes the world more when drunk
It’s filled with so much good
Until one little thing sets her off
And she hates it all more than she should

She likes life more when she’s drunk
Her mind for once feels still
Terrified of losing that feeling
She soon wants to end things with a pill

But she can stop any time she wants
Or so she’d have you believe
Because alcohol makes her seem so happy
That is, until all her friends leave
Edit: (3/10/17) Oh my goodness! I haven't logged on in a couple of days and boy did I miss a lot!
I am doing my best to respond to all your messages and comments now! Sorry for the wait!
Thank you all so much for such an overwhelming amount of love and support <3 You guys are amazing
For those of you who struggle with addiction of any kind, hang in there, and I hope you all find the help and support you need <3
Best wishes to you all. And thank you again <3

Edit: (3/11/17)
Alrighty, so I just got a very long message that without going too into details accused me of poking fun at alcoholism with this poem. I would just like to be very clear that this poem was in no way inteaded to make fun of the illness that is alcoholism, and if it came off that way to anyone else, I am truely truely sorry. Words can not express that enough for I very much wished the opposite intent. Alcoholism (and addiction in general) is a very serious illness that I take very seriously. I sinceraly hope that anyone who is struggling with it gets the help they need and those of you who are in recovery, I am proud of you. Stay strong and continue to work towards it <3
Once again, my sincere apologies again to anyone who was offended.
Love to you all <3 - Willow-Anne
wichitarick Mar 2017
Took a simple walk today, just a fresh breath maybe a hint of springs first green

Holding back so much ,simple is  to normal, maybe becoming to ingrained

Cool air brushes the hair, wafting across the sleeping roses ,but with spring rains their beauty will be seen

Somehow as I stroll something is calling to go beyond the knoll,maybe that hidden feeling to be unchained

My restless time wanting to roll in a new ambience,left wondering what will be the new scene

Following along,feeling it flow, unsureness  replaced with a new way to flow ,waiting for something to be explained

Looking out ,not back ,no recount, taking trails toward a view that is new & serene

While the willows  breath helps me add footprints on a path,feeling new freedoms can not be restrained

Hidden inside some emotions blind, will the new wind soon intervene

Finally ripples reflect that glassy glow ,sights & sounds coming in, new beauty yet to be tainted

Spring birds flutter ,grass greening like glitter, streams trickling,the scent & sight reflect across the water reminding me mother nature is still Queen. R.C.
A few feelings from a morning walk. Also determined to watch the bustle & color of spring from the river bank rather than a window:) I appreciate your reading and input is appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2017

Carried in the womb moving from room to room ,joined at the hip making a way
where ever she cares to take you

Limber legs laying not yet running or playing ,up right rising finally standing

Counting one,two that foot in front of the other not now but soon to have a clue

Walking at last, the elders aghast,still falling but fidgety so no stalling

Lessons learned picking up the pace, soon leaving the slipper & into a shoe

One room is a big world before that first stride,the outside will soon be calling

Formally forming forward movement is now a constant ,more motion to provide a better view

Earned a new view but left our emotions askew,sights & sounds all around ,discovering  freedom is enthralling

Started slowly then outwardly growing ,stepping out now has clout,what will we find that is new

Limber legs as part of the liaison, lumbering along learning new rhythms ,skipping soon to be running

An inch to a mile ,that step from the porch down the walk to a trail ,new journeys will soon be up to you. R.C.
Little fun, had a thought when I couldn't walk for a few days:( so took it all in stride:) & started this. I appreciate you reading and any thoughts are helpful. thanks. Rick
wichitarick Feb 2017

Looking for that lift up or a sample of real let down ,something snappy or simply sappy

To each their own what ever gets them in that zone ,giving s that often a real get up up & go

Hearing that sound brings many around, synchronized on the tempos & tones as they become catchy

Mixtures of words from sonnets about bonnets or biker trash screaming out wrath of fire from below

Valuable lessons brought out from musicians sessions laid upon our minds new feelings we accept gladly

Minus the lyrics still giving deeply, sound from symphonies left us reeling shiny Tubas to tiny piccolo's

Fortunes or flowers or all that love empowers ,earths fortunes & fables
often imaginations left to run wildly

Don't touch that dial it's not that vile,driving to the cube ,better than what is playing on the elevator's

So let the sound of reason not bring treason ,make it to your own pleasing sounds resound to make your day go nicely.
Always something fun or fancy with music. Thanks for reading. Rick
  Feb 2017 wichitarick
I've discovered Hell, and the truth is,
It isn't a place you go, it's a sickness.
It resides within your bones
And its scaffolding is made from trauma.
The only fire you'll find is from the white-hot flashbacks
That leave you drenched in sweat that smells like smoke.
No-one lives there except you and your enemies,
And your enemies are fragments of history, unable to be killed.
Your mind is the devil that subjects you to punishment
That you can't help but be convinced that you deserve,
And escape is a notion kept only for tears;
Everything else remains trapped.
Hell is being held within the cage of your own body
And killing yourself trying to break free.
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