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wichitarick Jan 2017
Resting as a simple harmonious repetitive cycle ,a way to become one again

Drawn to the down ,panels of flannel timed to switch to  another channel

Drinking in warmth,white noises now the norm, from frantic to washing away the pain

Pounding pump moving life's liquid, parts working in sequence doing all they can handle

Internal horrors no longer forbidden ,paranoid paralysis in restless reality drained awakening even harder to explain

Our many mortal moments rushing in now formed memories ,all the best taken with one rest,each night a new gamble

Life is about receiving so we're able to to do the giving ,knowing we can not stay forever,it's impossible to obtain

Oh brother should one bother to go to sleep at all,will the submission gain a new admission to the beyond ,through which  gate will I ramble

A lock & key hidden inside of me ,with the departing will the others finally see it was bigger & I simply bowed under the strain

Not chosen, but a much simpler path to meet ones wrath Harshness of writhing in agony hidden screams for the funeral preamble

So as I lay my head to rest should one worry if they may soon be someone else's Guest ,comfort with the knowledge that it wasn't all in vain. R.C.
Just thoughts,but also part of reality ,,feel blessed that a seed has never been planted to let those thoughts over take me.  I appreciate your reading even though I may not comment as much as I could I am reading others work here & appreciate & any input ,thanks. Rick
  Jan 2017 wichitarick
rained-on parade
You can't hold the short arm of the clock
and call it yesterday.
This is what I've learned this year. I think we've all grown up in ways we don't want to admit.

And in the end we're always more lost than ever found. But isn't that what life is all about? Finding your way back to yourself.

Happy new year everyone.
I hope joy gets your address right this time.
wichitarick Jan 2017
Breaking out with nothing more than meager minds & meandering souls

Still not even a glimpse of that elusive blue sky for which other neighbors are willing to die

How bad the history to toss it in the wind & follow the passing wind for a new life taking on unknown roles

Leaving mongrels for fabulous futures overly protective she nurtures ,what will her resolve signify ?

Pressing passions peeking out ,climbing onto a new board will the beauty be worth the unpaid tolls?

Integral,meshed strength from mind,body & soul are the naysayers merely jealous of this because they have a short supply?

How can people have no country when they are standing on firm ground then who becomes the master to confirm or deny

Mass exodus from natures over abundance or her maximum denial ,in the distance are new goals

People proud of their past yet forgetting from where they came who are they to say I am just some guy?

Living with a new label "stranger in a strange land" now with life's biggest gamble

whether coming east,west,north or south all simply seeking new homes.R.C.
Could have tried harder,but simple thoughts after helping some folks ,literally arriving to the middle of the U.S. from parts unknown Africa with the shirt on their back,but with more strength than to many others I have met in recent times,imagine learning to wear a coat for the first time at 40 yrs. old? :) But it also still begs the question,are they gaining something or losing something as they become "Americanized" ? I appreciate any in put "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
  Dec 2016 wichitarick
Bob B
Santa breathed in the cool night air,
Thinking back on the days of old,
Before the polar ice cap started
Melting. When weather was REALLY cold!

"I barely need my heavy jacket,"
Santa said to himself in dismay.
"With all this ice so mushy and slushy,
How will the reindeer pull my sleigh?"

A polar bear came trudging by,
Emaciated and sour in mood.
Shrinking along with the habitat
Was the bear's supply of food.

"Santa," asked the polar bear,
"Do you know what's happening here?
Something very sinister is
Adversely affecting the cryosphere.

"The temperature's rising on land and sea.
I have to say, this isn't nice.
I don't mean to be punny here,
But we are walking on very thin ice."

"Seabirds, too, are leaving," said Santa.
"And so are ice-dependent seals.
Pressure on the ecosystem,
Is making it hard for them to find meals."

Feeling pessimistic, the bear
Wandered off, shaking his head.
Santa muttered, "**** fossil fuels!"
And sloshed his way into his shed.

The once-jolly man started to work
On a project in which he seemed engrossed.
Soon he emerged, carrying
A "For Sale" sign stuck to a post,

Which he placed on his property.
He sighed, "Talk about regrets.
Why the heck didn't I give
More kids chemistry sets?"

- by Bob B (12-20-16)
  Dec 2016 wichitarick
Ben Jones
Billy loved his parsnip
He'd tend it day and night
To keep it safe from prying eyes
He stashed it out of sight
But one eventful morning
He awoke to such alarm
His parsnip had gone from puny
To the size of a baby's arm

Such growth was nigh unheard of
In a vegetable or fruit
So he bore it proud before him
Grasped expertly by the root
When he showed his doting mother
She was mightily impressed
So screamed a lot then swooned a bit
While clutching at her chest

The people at the bus stop
Shared his mother's admiration
But advised him that his tuber
Needed urgent relocation
So he took it in a taxi
Wrapped up in folded gauze
To the Guinness book of records
And he pushed apart the doors

His parsnip held protruding
With a confident advance
Like a knight atop his charger
With a huge organic lance
But security had seen him
They quickly knocked him flat
A policeman saw his parsnip
And he hid it with his hat

Billy served his sentence
For unsavory displaying
He changed his name to Danny
There's no record where he's staying
The moral of this sorry tale
Is far too dull to write
So learn your ****** vegetables
And know their names on sight

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