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Kayla Sherry Oct 2019
High school.
You try to fit in.
You make yourself a fool.
You try to make friends.
But it get hard.
What if they don't like me.
What if they pull the "loser"card..
I'm scared and worried.
What if they don't like me.
What if i'm just alone.
Where do i find the key,
The key to make friends,
To make friends,
To make everything.
Freshman year.
Your scared,
You don't know what to do.
Everyone is all big and different.
You hate it.
Sophomore year.
You are getting used to things.
You know the way things be.
You made friends.
You want to fit in with the crowd.
You are getting a little exhausted.
Junior year.
You're used to the way of high school.
You are always exhausted.
Done with school.
You start to worry about your future.
Senior year.
It's your last year.
You're happy it about over,
But also sad.
You wish you did more.
Made more memories because it's about over.
You worry about college and your future.
You are growing up.
You're leaving the place that has been a second home for the past 4 years.
You wish it wasn't over so soon.
Graduation day comes.
You have a tear in your eye.
Finally saying goodbye to this place,
That you loved,
That you never thought you would leave.
You don't wanna face the fact you have to leave and grow up.
High school.
You might hate it now,
But you will miss it when it ends.
Make memories,
Don't listen to others.
Have fun because you only take high school once.
High School.
Hope you guys read this and actually felt something
Kayla Sherry Apr 2018
Best Friends
They are there for you no matter what
They never leave your side
They make you laugh
Make your whole life better
My best friend is amazing
My world
They are not fake and will help you with everything
Love them
Keep them
NEVER let them go
Best Friends
Are not just humans
They are the other half of you
The piece that was always missing
They are not objects
They are artifacts
They are priceless
And if you lose them you cant replace them
Best Friends
Love them
Keep them
Never let them go
Best friends
My best friend inspired me and help me make this. Love ya Brianna<3
Kayla Sherry Mar 2018
Taco truck, taco truck where are you.
I can't see you and I'm feeling so blue.
I look to the side and you aren't there.
I look up, down, and everywhere.
I search all around.
It's no where to be found.
I'm sad, depressed, and hungry.
I want tacos.
I really want tacos.
But wait, whats that I hear?????
Is it?
IT IS!!!
The taco truck is here, and I fear no fear.
I have tacos and I'm not sad anymore.
-Inspired by Brianna
Kayla Sherry Jan 2018
The night skies and the glistening moon shine beneath the stars.
I look through my window, i see the sky setting down along the horizon.
I look at the calm trees and wonder, how did life become this way.
The stars look like little lights all around me.
I wish upon them, hoping that things could change.
Life, me, the world.
I sit in the darkness wondering why.
Why is the moon shining on me.
Why does it want me to see nature at this time.
I can't wait till morning to see nature in its beautiful state.

— The End —