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Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
Today I smile, I smile oh yeah!
For happiness be my choice!
Yeah I own that right!
It be ours to have
Oh yeah
Choose to smile!
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
With you at heart this I write!
Tho no words be sufficient to express my love!
For the soul you bear so fair, so true!
Oh my love for you of this I swear, be of magnitudes no increments could be of measure!
Oh Just knowing you a blessing so great!
I thank God I found you!
My Soul Mate!
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
So today my first visit to Dr Steven Eppel ( a physiatrist )
As I have identified issues I have with trust.
And hence have managed to swallow that ego and take on my flaws!
Oh yes we all have them and it’s how we choose to better ourselves or not in identifying, admitting and taking a corrective course that really matters!

I have come a long way with great heartaches and many a mental anguish!
He has helped me identify a great accomplishment I have achieved already that I feel with maturity I have learnt Humility for only in humility can we acknowledge our flaws !
Humility sounds so diminutive in its description, yet holds so much value in character!
I identify with scriptural teachings, of God teaching us humility,
Now I understand its depth far more.
Through humility I have put pride aside and accepted help!
Through humility I allow growth!
Through humility I will find healing!
Accepting growth that with time allows trust to be forged to bring far stronger unions than we have allowed before!
Healing brings new freedom to the soul!

If anything is to be learnt from this.
Firstly never be to proud to learn, to see your flaws and accept help, there need be no shame at all, however I for one admire those striving to better themselves!
Warren-Johnson Jul 2018
Only through identifying and admitting our weaknesses can we identify our weaknesses!
Never let pride be a weakness for being to proud to seek help or admit to a weakness you will not prosper there!
Rather relish pride of accomplishment over where you were once weak!
If help be needed, seek!
If apologies be sought, do so!
As with thanks!
We can always better ourselves!
Finding strength!
We can always be more!
Warren-Johnson Jun 2018
So proud to be part of a driving force to help!
We managed to provide for a little soul named Precious, and to that she truly is!
Thank you all for your help! There were rewards there, I can never convey in words!
But you made it possible! And we continue to try! Make their little world a place with hope!
Yes they come from the saddest of places knowing only despair,
But no longer for at this home the children run and laugh at play!
A sound melodious when thinking from whence they come!
Oh thank you, yes oh thank you!
Warren-Johnson Jun 2018
Received with love!
Hearts a glowing!
Joyous smiles so true!
Filling a need!
These kids
They don’t know greed!
Fulfilling what any child should have!
To think how often we take so much for granted!
From a heart so pure, a wish was born!
Yes child of nine!
Saw the need for children in a orphanage, to be kept warm!
And so it began!
We deliver veered a week later,
For her plight was heard!
You saw her heart, true and pure!
Devout to her cause!
I am blessed to learn from this young soul!
Oh how so many can take a lesson here!
This would love!
Yes as it should be!
If we treated our peers, neighbors and the next person with a love like this!
Oh what could this world be?
No war!
No greed filled crimes!
No sinister inhumane acts!
Maybe a far fetched dream!
But I’d rather be as this child!
Maybe one in a few million!

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

Bringing joy to others might cost us a little time.
Maybe a little effort too!
But its rewards you’d never surpass,with any cash value or any other earthly goods!

No matter how small!
Your intentions will show true!
Make a difference in someone’s life!
Be only your time!
A book read to the aged!
A mere hug to the weary!

Go ahead I dare you!

Warren-Johnson May 2018
How often it’s said “trust is earned”
Oh but it holds far more
For at times it should just be!
For the persons worth!
For how they hold your heart!
For how else did you earn them as part of your life?
Yet through acidic traits and scars of those so traitorous that we allowed in!
There will be doubt in the purest that deservedly own a special place in our hearts!
Yes trust shouldn’t just be earned for those I speak of, it’s in no uncertain terms!
By default deserved!
How we allow these scars left by our past experiences by ignoble people, to tarnish what should just be!
So to My so true, without reserve if ever unappreciated in moments of blindness,
You are a True Treasure!
More than thanks be due!
But for the great person you are! you back me anyhow!
Wow a sheer blessing you are!
My love be yours with no refrain!
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